How far is Ma'anshan Conch from Shuiyang, Xuancheng?

Introduction How far is Ma'anshan Conch from Xuancheng Shuiyang? How much does a taxi cost Directions: The total distance is about 86.5 kilometers Starting point: Ma'anshan Town 1. Route map in Ma'anshan Town 1) Go. directly from the starting point

How far is Ma'anshan Conch from Shuiyang, Xuancheng?

Itinerary: about 86.5 kilometers in total

Starting point: Ma'anshan Town

1 Route map in Ma'anshan Town< /p>

1) From the starting point to go due east, drive 320 meters along Caimong Road, turn right into Hudong Middle Road

2) Continue along Hudong Middle Road for 1.9 kilometers and continue straight into Hudongnan Road 3) Continue 2.2 kilometers along Hudongnan Road, direction Mawu Expressway/Nanjing, turn left onto Caishihe Road

4) Continue along Caishihe Road for 2.8 kilometers, turn slightly right onto the ramp< /p >

2. Continue along the ramp for 1.7 kilometers and continue straight onto Ningwu Expressway

3. Continue along Ningwu Expressway for 33.4 kilometers towards Xuancheng/Hangzhou/G50 and turn slightly right to enter Wuhu Hub

4. Continue along Wuhu Hub for 1.2 kilometerstres, turn right and enter Wuhe Highway

5. Xuancheng Interior Driving Plan

1) Drive. along Wuhe Expressway, travel 620 meters and continue straight on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

2) Travel 10.7 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway towards Shuiyang/ Gaochun/S28, turn slightly right and enter Liulang Hub

3) Continue along Liulang Hub for 500 meters, cross Maqiao for about 960 meters, and continue straight on Wuyan Expressway .

4) Continue along Wuyan Expressway for 14.7 kilometers to the Shuiyang/Wuxi exit. , turn slightly to the right. Take the ramp

5) Travel 680 meters along the ramp and continue straight

6) Continue 410 meters towards Yanchi, turn right and enter X012

< p>7) Continue along X012 for 10.6 kilometers, pass Sanle Solar Energy on the left for approximately 90 meters, turnright

8) Continue 520 meters, turn left

9) Continue 380 meters, turn right

10) Continue 60 meters to the end (on the left side of the road)

End point: Shuiyang Town

< h3>Driving from Xuancheng to Jiujiang Rui Where to take the highway

Itinerary: approximately 166.1 kilometers

Starting point: Feidong County

1. in Hefei City

1) Start from the starting point due east, continue along Renmin Road for 160 meters, turn right into Liangyuan Road

2) Continue along from Liangyuan Road for 110 meters, and pass Qirui Building on the right for approx. After 100 meters, turn left into Dong'an Street

3) Continue along Dong'an Street for 370 meters, turn left into Longquan Street

4 ) Continue along Longquan Road for 1.3 kilometers, towards Hening Expressway, continue straight and enter S331

5) Continue for 1.4 kilometerses along S331 towards Hening Expressway, turn left

>6) Continue 570 meters towards Nanjing/Wuhu/ Towards Longxi Hub, turn slightly right and take the ramp< /p>

7) Continue along the ramp for 270 meters and go straight on Jingtai Expressway


8) Drive along Jingtai ExpresswayAfter 2, 1 km, direction Wuhu/Bengbu/Xuzhou/Hangzhou, turn slightly right to enter Jingtai Expressway

2. Continue along Jingtai Expressway for 1.6 km and go straight to Wuhe Expressway. > 3. Travel 116.3 kilometers along Wuhe Expressway and continue straight on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

4. Travel 10.6 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway towards Shuiyang/Gaochun/S28 and turn slightly right to enter the expressway. Liulang Hub


5. Driving plan in Xuancheng Town

1) Walk along theLiulang hub, pass through Maqiao for about 1.5 kilometers and continue straight to Wuyan Expressway. 2) Continue along Wuyan Expressway. Travel 14.7 kilometers on Yan Highway. At the Shuiyang/Wuxi exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp.

3) Travel 680 meters along the ramp and. go straight

4) Continue 410 meters towards Yanchi direction, turn right and enter X012

5) Continue along X012 for 10.6 kilometers, pass Sangle Solar Energy on the left for approximately 90 meters, turn right

6) Go 520 meters, turn left

7) Go 380 meters, turn right

8) Travel 50 meters, reach the end (on the left side of the road)

End: Shuiyang Town

How many kilometers separate Chizhou from Xuancheng

< p>

Drive along Zhaoting North Continue for 2.7 kilometers, continue straight on Huanshan East Road, continue along Huanshan EastRoad for 3.3 kilometers, turn right, follow the ramp for 1.0 kilometers and continue straight on Xuantong Highway.

Itinerary: Total distance is about 447.1 km

Starting point: Xuancheng

1 Route map to Xuancheng

< p>1) From the starting point Start due east, follow Aofeng Middle Road for 180 meters, turn around and enter Aofeng Middle Road

2) Continue along Aofeng Middle Road for 400 meters and continue straight into Aofeng West Road 3) Continue along Aofeng West Road for 580 meters, turn slightly right into Meixi Road 4) Continue along Meixi Road for 1.1 kilometers and continue straight into Zhaoting North Road

5) Continue along Zhaoting North Road for 2.7 kilometers and continue straight into Huanshan East Road.

6) Continue along Huanshan East Road for 3.3 kilometers and turn right onto the ramp.

2. Continue along theramp for 1.0 kilometer. Go straight and enter Xuantong Expressway

3. Travel 66.3 kilometers along Xuantong Expressway, turn slightly right and enter Zhongming Junction. 4. Travel 1.5 kilometers along Zhongming Intersection and continue straight on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

5. Drive 118.2 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, cross the Jiuhua River Bridge, direction Anqing/Wuhan, turn. slightly right and take the ramp

6. Continue along the ramp for 870 meters. Go straight to Andong Highway

7. Continue for 410 meters along Andong Highway, then go straight. Huyu Highway

8. Travel 44.3 kilometers along Huyu Expressway towards Tongcheng/Qianshan/ From Wuhan/Hefei direction, turn slightly right and enter Gezidun Hub

9. along the Gezidun hubContinuez 1.4 km and continue straight on He'an Highway

10. Continue along He'an Highway for 1.3 km and continue straight on Huyu Highway

11. Continue on Huyu Highway for 129.7 km. kilometers towards Jiujiang/Huangmei/G70/G105, turn slightly right to enter Huangmei

12 interchange. Continue along Huangmei Interchange for 1.5 kilometers, go straight and enter Fuyin Expressway

13. Continue along Fuyin Expressway for 42.4 kilometers, exit Jiujiang County/Gangkang Street, turn slightly right and enter Sujialong Bridge

14. Continue along Sujialong Bridge for 610 meters and continue straight into Changhong West Avenue. >

15. Driving plan in Jiujiang City

1) Continue along Changhong West Avenue for 250 meters, towards Gangkang Street, turn right into Shayan Road< /p>

2) Continue along Shayan Route for 2.6 km, turn slightly left onto Shayan North Road

3) Continue along Shayan North Road for 1.3 km, turn left onto Jiurui Avenue

4) Continue along Jiurui Avenue for 3.0 km. kilometers, go straight and enter S304

5) Continue on S304 for 18.1 kilometers and continue straight into Tongcheng Avenue

6) Continue along Tongcheng Avenue for 2.9 kilometers and turn left to enter Xunyang. West Road

7) Continue along Xunyang West Road for 790 meters, pass Sun Rain Solar Energy (Kangping Community West) on the right for about 110 meters, then turn left onto Shifu West Road


p>8) Follow the town hall. Continue 130 meters on West Road, turn right and enter Shifu West Road.

9) Continue along Shifu West Road for 20 meters and reach the end point.

End point : Ruichang, Jiujiang

What is the numbere phone number of Xuancheng Jinshan Vienna Chenbao sales center?

Question 1: How many kilometers are there between Xuancheng and Chizhou? Driving route: about 154.0 kilometers in total

Starting point: Xuancheng

1. Xuancheng internal driving plan

1) Depart from the point of departure due east, continue along Aofeng Middle Road for 190 meters, turn around and enter Aofeng Middle Road

2) Continue along Aofeng Middle Road for 400 meters and go straight in Aofeng West Road

3) Continue along Aofeng West Road for 570 meters, turn slightly right and enter Meixi Road

4) Continue along Meixi Road for 1 .6 kilometers and enter Baocheng Road

5) Continue along Baocheng Road for 4.1 kilometers, towards Guangde/Wuhu, turn slightly right onto the ramp

6 ) Continue along the ramp for 2.0 kilometers, and go straight on the highwayte Shanghai-Chongqing

7) Travel 6.7 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, direction S32/Xuancheng North/Nanling/Tongling, turn slightly right into Wuxuan Hub

2. Continue along Wuxuan Hub for 2.0 kilometers and continue straight on Xuantong Expressway

3. Travel 57.9 kilometers along Xuantong Expressway towards from G50/Tongling East/Wuhu/Towards Chizhou, turn slightly right and enter Zhongming Junction

4. Continue along Zhongming Junction for 1.5 kilometers and go straight to Huyu Expressway

5. Continue along Huyu Expressway for 69.4 kilometers. at the Chizhou City/Xinghua Village exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp

6. Continue along the ramp for 920 meters and at the second exit, turn right onto Qishan Avenue


7. Driving plan in Chizhou

1) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 4.4 kilosmeters and continue straight on Qishan Avenue

2) Continue along Qishan Avenue and pass Far East International on the right. After about 260 meters from the square, take the second exit and continue straight into Donghu South Road.

3) Continue along Donghu South Road for 460 meters, pass Yuqu Plaza on the right for about 100 meters and continue straight. into Donghu Middle Road


4) Continue along Donghu Middle Road for 1.2 kilometers and turn left into Baiya Middle Road

5) Continue along from Baiya Middle Road for 300 meters to the end (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chizhou City

Question 2: How far is Chizhou from Xuancheng? How many kilometers: Distance 197 kilometers Driving route: The whole journey is about 152.4 kilometers

Starting point: Chizhou City

1. Driving plan in the city by Chizhou

1) Start from the starting point heading east, follow Baiya Middle Road for 280 meters and turn right into Donghu Middle Road

2) Continue along Donghu Middle Road for 1.2 kilometers and continue straight into Donghu. South Road

3) Continue along Donghu South Road for 450 meters and enter Donghu South Road

4) Continue along Donghu South Road for 200 meters, to the 3rd exit, direction Shicheng Avenue. /Qishan Avenue, turn left and enter Qishan Avenue

5) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 4.5 kilometers and go straight into Qishan Avenue

< p> 6) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 140 meters. At the 3rd exit, head towards G50 and turn left onto the ramp

2. Follow the ramp for 1.1 kilometers and continue straight on the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

3. Continue on route 69.4. kilometers along the Shanghai-HighwayChongqing, turn slightly right into Zhongming Intersection

4. Travel 990 meters along Zhongming Intersection and continue straight into Xuantong Expressway

5 .Drive 58.9 kilometers along Xuantong Expressway, turn slightly right and enter Wuxuan Hub

6. Continue along Wuxuan Hub for 1.1 kilometers and go straight in Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

7. Driving plan of Xuancheng Town in the city

1) Follow Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway for 6.3 kilometers. At the Xuancheng West/Nanling/Jingxian exit, turn slightly right and take the ramp. >2) Continue along the ramp for 1.2 kilometers, go straight into Baocheng Road

3) Continue along Baocheng Road for 4.3 kilometers, turn right and enter Meixi Road


4) Continue along Meixi Road for 1.6 kilometers, turn slightly left and enter Aofeng West Road

5) Continue along Aofeng West Road Drive for 560 meters and continue straight into Aofeng Middle Road

6) Continue along Aofeng Middle Road for 250 meters and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Xuancheng Town

Question 3: How many kilometers are there between Anwei Xuancheng and Anwei Chizhou Driving route: The total distance is approximately 155.6 kilometers

Starting point? : Xuancheng Town

1. Driving plan in Xuancheng Town

1) Start from the starting point due east, follow Aofeng Middle Road for 190 meters, turn around and enter. Aofeng Middle Road

2) Continue along Aofeng Middle Road for 400 meters, go straight and enter Aofeng West Road

3) Continue along Aofeng West Road for 570 meters, turn slightly right. and enter Meixi Road

4) Continue along Meixi Road for 1.6 kilometers, enter BaochengRoad

5) Continue along Baocheng Road for 4.1 kilometers, towards Guangde/Wuhu, turn slightly right onto the ramp

6) Continue along the ramp for 2.0 kilometers, continue straight and enter Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

7) Travel 6.7 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, towards S32. /Xuancheng North/Nanling/Tongling, turn slightly right and enter Wuxuan Hub

2. Drive along Wuxuan Hub for 2.0 kilometers and continue straight on Xuantong Expressway

3. Drive along Xuantong Expressway for 57.9 kilometers towards G50/Tongling East/Wuhu/Chizhou and turn slightly right to enter Zhongming Hub

4 5. Travel 69.4 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway and exit. in Chizhou City/Xinghua Village, turn slightly right onto the ramp

6. Travel 920 meters along the ramp, at the second exit, turn right into Qishan Avenue

7. Map driving in Chizhou


1) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 610 meters, turn left into Changjiang South Road

2) Continue along Changjiang South Road for 3.7 kilometers, turn right into Shicheng Avenue

3) Continue along Shicheng Avenue for 910 meters, turn left into Qishan Avenue

4) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 670 meters, continue straight into Qishan Avenue

5) Continue along Qishan Avenue, after passing Far East International Plaza on the right for about 260 meters, take the second exit and continue straight into Donghu South Road

6) Continue along Donghu South Road for 460 meters, pass Yuqu Plaza on the right for about 100 meters, continue straight onDonghu Middle Road

7) Drive along Donghu Middle Road for 1.2 kilometers, turn left into Baiya Middle Road

8) Drive 300 meters along Baiya Middle Road to the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chizhou city

Question 4: How far is Chizhou and Jingxian? Driving route: The total distance is about 135.7 kilometers

Starting point: Chizhou city

1. Driving plan in Chizhou city

< p> 1) Start from the starting point towards the east and follow the road for 300 meters on Baiya Middle Road, turn right into Donghu Middle Road

2) Continue along Donghu Middle Road for 1.2 kilometers, continue straight into Donghu South Road

3) Continue along Donghu South Road for 330 meters and cross to the right. After about 170 meters from Gree air heater on the side, continue straight into Donghu South Road.

4) Continue along Donghu South Road for 160 meters, take the third exit, towards Shicheng Avenue/Qishan Avenue, turn left and enter Qishan Avenue.

5) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 4.2 kilometers. After passing Hongjia on the right for about 300 meters. meters, turn slightly right into Qishan Avenue

6) Along Qishan Avenue, continue for 160 meters onto Shan Avenue. At the 3rd exit, head towards G50 and turn left onto the ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 210 meters, pass Yinshui Wangjia on the right for about 860 meters and continue all the way straight onto Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

3. Travel 63.3 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway to Tongling East. /Nanling exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp

4. Walk along the ramp for 900 meters After passing Xinlun on the left for about 200 meters, go tos Zhongming and turn right onto S320

5. Continue on S320 for 31.3 kilometers and continue straight onto S320

6. Continue on S320 for 430 meters , at the second exit, direction Xuancheng, turn left onto G318

7. Follow G318 for 4.5 kilometers toward Jingxian/Huangshan, turn right and take the ramp


8. Follow the ramp for 420 meters and go straight onto the G205

9. Continue along the G205 for 26.5 kilometers and turn right

10. Driving plan in Jingxian County

1) Drive 70 meters and turn right

2) Drive 70 meters and turn left

3) Drive 30 meters and arrive at the end (on the right side of the road)

End point: Jingxian

Question 5: How many kilometers there between Xuancheng and Chizhou without taking the highway? Driving route: Total distance is approximately 154.1 kilometers

Starting point: Xuancheng

1. Driving plan in Xuancheng town

1) Go east from the starting point, continue along 'Aofeng Middle Road for 180 meters, then turn around and enter Aofeng Middle Road

2) Continue on Aofeng Middle Road for 400 meters, go straight into Aofeng West Road

3) Continue along Aofeng West Road for 580 meters, turn slightly right into Meixi Road

4) Continue along Meixi Road for 1.1 kilometers, go straight. in Zhaoting North Road

5) Continue along Zhaoting North Road for 2.7 kilometers, continue straight into Huanshan East Road

6) Continue along Huanshan East Road for 3.3 kilometers, turn right onto the

2. Travel 1.0 kilometers along the ramp and go straight into Xuantong Expressway

3. Travel 66, 3 kilometers along Xuantong Highway and turn slightly right tor enter Zhongming hub

4. Continue along Zhongming center for 1.6 kilometers and go straight on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

5. Continue the along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway for 69.3 kilometers and at the intersection of Chizhou City/Xinghua Exiting the village, turn slightly right onto the ramp

6. Travel 590 meters along the ramp and go straight

7. Chizhou City Driving Map

1) Drive 80 meters and go straight

2) Drive 220 meters , take the 2nd exit, turn right into Qishan Avenue

3) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 4.1 kilometers, enter Qishan Avenue


4) Follow Qishan Avenue Drive for 300 meters and pass Far East International Plaza on the right for about 210 meters. Take the second exit and continue straight onto Donghu South Road.

5) Continue. Donghu South Road for 320 meters and passesz the Nuo Opera Village on the right. After about 240 meters from the square, go straight and enter Donghu Middle Road.

6) Continue on Donghu Middle Road for 1.2 kilometers, turn left. in Baiya Middle Road

7) Continue along Baiya Middle Road for 300 meters and arrive at the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Chizhou City

Question 6: The route taken by the bus from Chizhou to Xuancheng and the road route of the city name: The total distance is about 152.5 kilometers

Starting point: Chizhou city

1. Driving plan in Chizhou city

1) Start from the starting point in an east direction and follow Baiya Drive for 280 meters on Middle Road and turn right into Donghu Middle Road

2) Continue along Donghu Middle Road for 1.2 kilometers and go straight into Donghu South Road

3) Continue along Donghu South Road for 450 meters and enter Donghu South Road

> 4) Continue along Donghu South Road for 200 meters, take the 3rd exit, direction Shicheng Avenue/Qishan Avenue, turn left and enter in Qishan Avenue.

5) Along Qishan Avenue, travel 4.5 kilometers and continue straight into Qishan. Avenue

6) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 140 meters. At the 3rd exit, towards G50, turn left onto the ramp.

2. Follow the road for 1.1 kilometers on the ramp and continue. directly on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

3. Continue on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway 69.4 kilometers, turn slightly right to enter Zhongming Junction

4. Travel 990 meters along Zhongming Junction and continue straight to Xuantong Expressway

5. Travel 58.9 kilometers along Xuantong Expressway, slightly towards Turn right into Wuxuan Hub

6. Continue along Wuxuan Hub pendant 1.1 kilometers and continue straight into Huyu Expressway

7. Driving plan to Xuancheng

1) Drive 6.3 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway. At the Xuancheng West/Nanling/Jingxian exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp

2) Follow the ramp for 1.2 kilometers and continue straight into Baocheng Road

3) Continue along Baocheng Road for 4.4 kilometers, turn right and enter Meixi Road

4) Continue along Meixi Road for 1.6 kilometers, turn slightly left into Aofeng West Road

p>< p > 5) Continue along Aofeng West Road for 560 meters and continue straight into Aofeng Middle Road.

6) Continue along Aofeng Middle Road for 250 meters until you reach the end (on the right side of the road)

End point: Xuancheng Town

Question 7: How many kilometers are there -it between Dongzhi County and western Xuancheng Route 1: The total distance isabout 242.9 kilometers

Starting point: Dongzhi County ***

1. Chizhou City Driving Plan

1) Start from the starting point due west, go 70 meters and turn left

2) Go 40 meters and turn right

3) Go 90 meters and turn left

4) Go 120 meters and turn right onto De Road


5) Continue 620 meters from Zhide Road and go straight onto G206

6) Continue along G206 for 350 meters and turn left into Hexi Road

7) Continue along Hexi Road for 1.2 kilometers towards Jingdezhen, continue straight to the line Yanshan

8) Continue 1.8 kilometers along the Yanshan Line towards Anjing Expressway/Anqing/Jingdezhen, turn right

9) Continue 390 meters towards 'Anqing/Hefei/Chizhou/Wuhu, turn slightly right and take the ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 380 mtres and continue straight on Andong Expressway

3. Continue along Andong Expressway for 48.5 kilometers, towards Dadukou/Wuhu/Shanghai/Chizhou, turn slightly right onto the ramp

4. Continue along the ramp for 990 meters and go straight onto Shanghai Expressway-Chongqing Expressway

5. Follow the expressway Shanghai-Chongqing highway for 118.3 kilometers, turn slightly right and enter Zhongming Junction

6. Travel 990 meters along Zhongming Junction and continue straight. to Xuantong Expressway

7. Travel 58.9 kilometers along Xuantong Expressway. Turn slightly right and enter Wuxuan Hub.

8. Continue along Wuxuan Hub for 1.1 kilometers and go straight into Huyu.Expressway

9 Driving plan in Xuancheng

1) Travel 6.3 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, exit Xuancheng West/.Nanling/Jingxian, turn slightly right onto the ramp 2) Continue along the ramp for 1.6 kilometers, go straight into Baocheng Road 3) Continue along Baocheng Road for 410 meters, turn around and enter Baocheng Road 4) Continue for 70 meters on Baocheng Road and turn slightly right onto the ramp.

5) Continue 730 meters along the ramp to the end point.

End point: Xuancheng West Toll Station

Route 2: Total distance is about 217.6 kilometers

Starting point: from the east to the county ***

1. Route map in Chizhou city

1) Go straight from the starting point Start west, drive 70 meters, turn left

2) Continue 40 meters, turn left

3) Continue 340 meters, turn right into Meilin Road

4) Continue along Meilin Road for 130 meters, turn around and enters Meilin Road

5) Continue along Meilin Road for 130 meters. 1.9 kilometers, turn right and enter the Yanshan Line

6) Follow the Yanshan Line for 6.9 kilometers, turn right into the S325

2. Follow the S325 for 550 meters, turn left to enter X014.

3. Continue on X014 for 49.5 kilometers, turn left onto the Shanghai-Nie line

4. Travel 1.5 kilometers along the Shanghai-Nie line, turn right

p> 5. Travel 1.7 kilometers towards Wuhu/Shanghai, turn slightly right and take the ramp

6. Travel 270 meters along the ramp and continue straight on the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

7. Travel 85.0 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, at the Tongling East/Nanling exit, turn slightly right and on the ramp

8. Travel 840 meters along the ramp and continue straight

9. Continue 250 meters towardsZhongming, turn right onto S320

10. Continue along S320 for 31.6 kilometers and continue straight on Shanghai-Nie Line

11. Travel 23, 0 kilometers along the Shanghai-Nie line and continue straight onto Hanting Road

12. Travel 480 meters along Hanting Road and enter the Shanghai-Nie line

13 . Driving plan in Xuancheng

1) Drive 2.7 kilometers along the Shanghai-Nie Line and continue straight into Tianhu Avenue

2) Drive 2.2. kilometers along Tianhu Avenue and continue straight into the Hu-Nie Line

3) Continue along the Shanghai-Nie Line for 5.0 kilometers and continue straight onto Baocheng Road


4) Continue along Baocheng Road for 2.9 kilometers and turn slightly right onto the ramp

< p> 5) Travel 730 meters along the ramp to the end point


End point: Xuancheng West Toll Station

Question 8: How many buses are there from Chizhou to Xuancheng? Hello, there are only 2 guards per day, 77:30 and 1:10 p.m., I hope you can adopt it!

Question 9: How many kilometers is the drive from Xuancheng, Anhui to Jiucheng, Anhui: the total distance is about 356.6 kilometers.

Starting point: Xuancheng

1. Driving plan in Xuancheng Town

1) Go east from the starting point, follow Aofeng Middle Road for 190 meters , then turn around and enter Aofeng Middle. Road

2) Continue along Aofeng Middle Road. Continue 400 meters on the middle road, go straight to Aofeng West Road.

3) Continue 570 meters along Aofeng West Road, turn slightly right and enter Meixi Road

4) Follow Meixi Road, drive 1.6 kilometers and enter Baocheng Road

5) Continue along Baocheng Road for 4.1 kilometers towards Guangde/Wuhu,turn slightly right and take the ramp.

6) Continue along the ramp for 2.0 kilometers, go straight and enter Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway.

7) Travel 6.7 kilometers along from Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, direction S32/Xuancheng North/Nanling/Tongling, turn slightly right and enter Wuxuan Hub

2. Travel 2.0 kilometers along the Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway Wuxuan and continue straight into Xuantong Expressway

3. Travel 57.9 kilometers along Xuantong Expressway, direction G50/Tongling East/Wuhu/Chizhou, turn slightly right into Zhongming Junction

4. Continue along Zhongming Junction for 1.5 kilometers and continue straight into Huyu Expressway

5. Continue along Huyu Expressway for 118.1 kilometers towards Anqing/Wuhan, turn slightly right to enter Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway

6. Travel 870 meters along the 'autoroute Shanghai-Chongqing and continue straight into Ji-Guang. Highway

7. Travel 45.6 km along Ji-Guang Highway, pass Gezidun Hub, head towards Qianshan/Wuhan, turn slightly right and enter Jiguang Highway

8. Continue along Ji-Guang Highway. Jiguang Expressway for 540 meters, pass Gezidun Hub and continue straight on Jiguang Expressway

9. Travel 38.1 kilometers along Jiguang Expressway, cross the Diaohe River Bridge and head towards Tianzhu/Yuexi/Lu'an/Fuyang Mountain, and turn slightly right to enter Jiguang Expressway 10. Continue along Ji-Guang Expressway for 1.7 kilometers and continue straight on Ji-Guang Highway

11. Continue along Ji-Guang Expressway for 49.8 kilometers, at Wangjiang exit, turn slightly right onto ramp

12. Continue along the ramp for 1.1 kilometers,turn right onto the S332

13. Driving plan in Anqing City

1) Continue on S332 for 3.5 kilometers and go straight into Leichi Avenue

2) Continue on along Leichi Avenue 7.6 kilometers, turn left

3) Travel 1.3 kilometers, turn right and enter Tongma Seawall

4) Continue along along the Tongma sea wall for 4.3 kilometers, turn right

5) Travel 4.2 kilometers and turn right

6) Travel 2.3 kilometers and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Jiucheng Farmers Market

< p>

Question 10: How many kilometers are there it between Chizhou and Xuancheng Zhaqi? Route: About 148.3 kilometers in total

Starting point: Chizhou city

< p> 1. In Chizhou city Driving plan

1) Depart from the starting point due east, continue along Baiya Middle Road for 300 meters, turn rightin Donghu Middle Road

2) Continue along Donghu Middle Road for 880 meters and cross to the right. After about 290 meters from Sun Rain Solar on the side, go straight and enter Donghu South Road.

3) Continue along Donghu South Road for 180 meters, pass Aotelan Flagship Store Chizhou on the right, about 260 meters, and enter Donghu South Road

4) Continue along Donghu South Road for 200 meters, take the 3rd exit, direction Shicheng Avenue/Qishan Avenue, turn turn left and enter Qishan Avenue

5) Continue along Qishan Avenue for 4.5 kilometers, go straight into Qishan Avenue

6) Continue 330 meters along Qishan Avenue towards Wuhu/Hefei/Jiuhuashan Airport, turn slightly right and onto the ramp.

2. Follow the ramp. Travel 870 meters and continue straight on Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway. 3. Travel 69.5 kilometers alonge Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway and turn slightly right to enter Zhongming. Junction

4. Travel 900 meters along Zhongming Intersection and continue straight into Xuantong Expressway

5. Travel 58.9 kilometers along the Xuantong Expressway, turn slightly right into Wuxuan Hub 6. Travel 1.1 kilometers along Wuxuan Hub and continue directly onto Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway p>

7. Xuancheng Internal Driving Plan

1) Travel 6.3 kilometers along Shanghai-Chongqing Expressway, at Xuancheng West/Nanling/Jingxian exit, turn slightly to right on the ramp

2) Continue along the ramp for 1.2 kilometers and continue straight into Baocheng Road

3) Continue along Baocheng Road for 2.0 kilometers and turn right into Hongyue Avenue

4) Continue along Hongyue Avenue for 360 meters, turn around and enterat Hongyue Avenue

5) Continue on the road 10. meters along Hongyue Avenue to the end point

End point: Xuancheng Zhaji

< p>Jinshan Vienna Chenbaojiwu Sales Center Telephone Number: 4006581350 ext.

This project is located at the intersection of Fengxing Road and Qinglong Road in Ningguo City. It is located on the side of Fengxing Mountain. It has high terrain and a wide view of the entire Xijin River. It has a beautiful environment, famous mountains and rivers and famous houses. The project covers a total area of ​​150 acres, and the first phase of the projectThe project covers an area of ​​42 acres and has a construction area of ​​approximately 38,000 square meters. The building adopts a full frame structure and has good earthquake resistance. The community implements a people-centered planning and design concept to separate people and vehicles.The entire first phase consists of 11 buildings, 3 villas, 8 multi-storey buildings and shops along the street. The residential area extends from 87 to 114 square meters. , and each household is allocated a large area. The price is set at a single price and piped gas and solar power are provided free of charge. The style of this community adopts the European three-section architectural style, combined with the concept of modernity, solemn and elegant.

State of decoration: raw.

Located at the intersection of Qinglong Road and Fengxing Road, Ningguo Town, Ningguo City.

Floor surface ratio: 1.4.

Greening rate: 50%.

Current price: 3,000 yuan/square meter.

Click to view: Complete information about Jinshan Castle in Vienna.

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