Most wholesale prices on Alibaba are quoted by factories. Moreover, the prices vary up and down, and the quality is also different. If you sell retail, you should find a local buyer to buy from. which will make after-sales service much more convenient!
At present, subject to ensuring quality, the market price outside the single warehouse is generally between 110-150 yuan/tube. Because the dealers are different, the prices are also different. It is recommended to refer to several companies. Personally, when purchasing a solar water heater, it is recommended to look at the vacuum tube type, bracket thickness, water tank material and strength of the buyer! Particular attention should be paid to the solidity of the buyer, as this implies after-sales service. Currently, the maintenance rate of single warehouse solar power is incore relatively high, while that of solar energy at three warehouses has fallen significantly!
The current quality and common quality of solar water heaters are:
1. Huangming Solar Power
2. >3. Four Seasons Mu Song Solar
4. Linorite Solar
5. Sun Doctor Solar
6. Sanle Solar Energy
8. Changhong Solar Energy
Recommend "Dr. Sun" solar energy (combining solar energy + electric water heater, saving electricity bills), three warehouse models (no. need water level sensor probes and solenoid valves) ), the utilization rates of heating and hot water are faster in rainy days, and the after-sales rate is also greatly reduced, which can to save time and energy. This model only takes 20-30 hours. heat without sunlight than ordinary single-chamber solar cells, while a single warehouse takes 2-3 hours