Solar power generation, solar water heaters, solar lighting systems, etc.
1. Solar Power Generation: Solar panels can convert sunlight into electrical energy. Solar energy systems can be used in homes, businesses and industries to provide clean, sustainable energy for power supply. Solar power generation systems can not only reduce dependence on traditional energy sources, but also reduce greenhouse gas emissions and are more environmentally friendly.
2. Solar Water Heater: Solar water heater uses solar energy to heat water and provide hot water. Solar water heaters are widely used in homes and commercial places to save energy and reduce energy costs. The use of solar water heaters can reduce the use of methtraditional methods of hot water supply and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
3. Solar Lighting System: Solar lighting system uses solar energy to provide lighting services. The system includes solar lights and solar street lights, which can provide lighting in areas without a traditional electricity supply. Solar lighting systems are energy efficient, environmentally friendly and reliable and are widely used for outdoor lighting, street lighting and lighting needs in rural areas.