(1) Clear glass causes tanning. Ordinary glass has a very low ability to block ultraviolet rays. It only reflects part of the ultraviolet rays, especially transparent glass can only delay tanning. Be aware that even if only a small amount of ultraviolet rays are reflected by glass or mirrors, you will get sunburned over time. However, if you are exposed to sunlight through glass, the intensity of ultraviolet rays will be weakened, and you. will generally not get sunburned.
(2) UV resistant glass will not be tanned. Some lenses are specially made, black or dark blue in color, and have a strong UV protection function. More than 99% of UV rays will be reflected. , blocking the You don't have to worry about getting tanned while wearing this type of glass.
Detailed information:
Pay attention to the following two points when basking in the sun through a window:
< p>1. No more than 20 minutes. Exposure to sunlight promotes the synthesis of vitamin D, which helps the body absorb calcium. So we need to occasionally expose ourselves to the sun to replenish calcium. But be careful not to exceed 20 minutes, especially in summer, otherwise it may harm the skin if it is too long.2. It is best to sunbathe between 8 and 9 a.m. Meanwhile, infrared rays have the upper hand and the intensity of ultraviolet rays is low, so the skin will not be sunburned, and it can promote blood circulation and cause disorders.
Can the solar charging panel be charged through glass?
Generally, the efficiency will be reduced if the solar charging panel is exposed to groundeye through glass. Sun loungers hope to be exposed to a broad spectrum of sunlight, and ordinary glass will block some short-wavelength ultraviolet rays, while visible light and long-wavelength infrared rays have little loss and are still very hot, which will affect the sterilization effect. What is your main objective? Regardless of the spectrum you want, if you want ultraviolet rays, you can use special ultraviolet transmitting glass. If you want to block infrared rays, there are also films that block infrared rays. You can choose the glass according to your needs. today's science and technology, you can adjust the performance of the glass according to your needs.
Can I replenish calcium with solar energy through glass? Why ?
Yes. Solar panels can capture sunlightambient light through glass or transparent materials and convert it into electrical energy for charging. However, different types and thicknesses of glass can have different effects on the efficiency of solar charging panels. For example, ordinary glass can transmit 70% of solar energy, which has some impact on the efficiency of solar charging panels. If the external glass surface is larger, thicker or has higher reflectivity, this will also affect charging efficiency more. Therefore, in order to achieve better charging effect, the solar charging panel can be installed in a place directly exposed to sunlight, thereby eliminating physical obstacles and minimizing the blocking of solar energy by glass and the associated transparent materials.
The sun's ultraviolet rays are divided into ultraviolet A, ultraviolet B and ultraviolet C. Ultraviolet raysC aviolets are almost absorbed by the ozone layer and have little effect on us. has strong penetrating power and can penetrate most transparent glass and plastics.
Ultraviolet B is mainly absorbed by the ozone layer and less than 2% reaches the Earth's surface. Its penetrating power is not strong and will be absorbed by transparent glass. However, ultraviolet B can promote mineral metabolism and vitamin D formation in the body, so basking in the sun through glass will not promote calcium absorption.
The best place to bask in the sun is outside. Even if you need to bask in the sun indoors for various reasons, you should open the windows and let the sun come directly into contact with your skin. “Shorts and short sleeves in summer, showing your face and hands in winter” is the best choice. Additionally, sunglasses canprevent eye damage caused by direct sunlight; Hair hats can also prevent hair from getting sunburned.
Sunlight damage to human skin mainly comes from ultraviolet A and ultraviolet b. Ultraviolet A is a long wave that acts on the deeper layers of the skin and acts slowly, but can cause spot blackening. .
b belongs to the medium wave, which acts on the skin surface and has rapid effects. It can stimulate skin keratinocytes, relax blood vessels and increase blood flow. It will turn red at first, then gradually turn brown. Prolonged exposure can even cause skin cancer.