It is better not to drink it, because
(1) If the water in the solar water heater is insufficient for a long time in the sun and the water temperature is too low 'around 40 degrees, it is very easy for bacteria to grow. Bacteria grow easily in boiling water. They can be killed, but many toxins excreted by bacteria cannot be broken down by high temperatures;
(2) If there is enough sunlight and water often boils at 90 degrees , it is not good to drink water that has been exposed to high temperatures for a long time. The evaporation of water molecules is too great, leaving behind a lot of impurities. has been boiled for a long time or boiled several times, because it is not good for the intestine;
(3) There are certain substances in the solar water heater. Lots of tartar (actually mineral salts), Drinking too much can also lead to pgallbladder problems.
If you clean the stainless steel liner frequently, change the water carefully every day, and boil the water for drinking on the same day after being heated by the sun, this is also a way to save energy.
The water from the solar water heater cannot be boiled for consumption.
1. When the solar water heater is used for a long time, there will be a lot of scale, impurities, dust and other dirt inside.
2. The water contained in solar energy is harmful to the human body after repeated heating under the irradiation of the sun.
It is recommended to boil tap water or buy bottled mineral water and boil it. It is not recommended to drink pure water for a long time.