How far is it from Heishan County, Jinzhou to Napo County, Baise City, Guangxi?

Introduction How far is Heishan County, Jinzhou from Napo County, Baise City, Guangxi?

How far is it from Heishan County, Jinzhou to Napo County, Baise City, Guangxi?

Stand-alone route 1:

Route: approximately 3,260.3 kilometers

Starting point: Heishan Xinlitun Bus Terminal

1. due west from the starting point, travel 27.0 kilometers along the S314, towards Beining, turn slightly left onto the S205

2. Travel 1.4 kilometers along S205, direction Fuxin/Yingkou/S21, turn left

<. p> p>

3. Continue 440 meters towards Panjin/Yingkou, turn slightly right to enter Haitangshan Interchange

4. Continue 330 meters along Haitangshan Interchange and continue straight to Fupan Expressway.

5. Travel 81.5 km along Fupan Expressway, direction Jinzhou/Beijing/G1, turn slightly right onto ramp

6. Travel 880 meters along the ramp and continue straight into Beijing-Harbin Road. Highway


7. Continue along the Beijing-Harbin Expressway for 371.7 kilometers, sayingdirection Tangjin/Tanggang/Tianjin/Jingtang Port, turn slightly right onto ramp

8. . Continue along the ramp for 0.8 miles and go straight. Enter Tangjin Expressway

9. Travel 68.1 km along Tangjin Expressway and continue straight into Changshen Expressway 10. Take the highway and continue straight into Binshi Highway

11. Continue along Binshi Expressway for 20.4 kilometers, direction Cangzhou/S6, turn slightly right to enter Wangguantun Interchange.

12. Continue along Wangguantun Interchange. Continue for 970 meters and continue straight on Jincang Highway

13. Travel 11.5 kilometers along Jinchang Expressway and continue straight on ramp

14. Travel 1.2 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight. the Beijing-Shanghai Highway

15. Continue along the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway for 51.1 kilometers straightFrom Cangzhou West/Shijiazhuang, turn slightly right onto ramp

16. Continue for 2.1 kilometers and go straight on Huangshi Highway

17. Drive along Huangshi Expressway for 103.8 km, turn slightly right onto ramp

18. Follow the ramp for 1.6 kilometers and continue. straight on Daguang Highway

19. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 419.8 kilometers towards Xuchang/Nanyang/direction S83, turn slightly right and take the ramp

Drive 1.0 kilometers along the ramp. and continue straight on Lannan Highway

21. Travel 19.5 kilometers along Lannan Highway, turn around and enter Lannan Highway

22, travel 59.3 kilometers along Lannan Highway and continue straight into Yongdeng Expressway. /p>

23. Drive 26.7 kilometers along Yongdeng Expressway, direction Pingdingshan/Nanyang/S83, turn slightly lefton Lannan Highway

24. Continue along Lannan Expressway for 48.6 kilometers, heading towards Luohe/Wugang/. G36/S49, turn slightly right onto the ramp

25. Continue for 540 meters on the ramp and continue straight onto Ningluo Highway

26. Continue along Ningluo Expressway for 3.8 kilometers. towards Tongbai/Suizhou/Wugang/S49 and turn slightly right onto ramp

27. Travel 880 meters on the road and continue straight on Jiaotong Expressway

28. Travel 92.6 kilometers along Jiaotong Expressway, towards Biyangdong/Tongbai/S49, turn slightly right onto the ramp

29. Travel 2.0 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight on Xinyang Highway

30. Travel 388.6 kilometers along Xinyang Expressway and turn slightly right to enter Yuelin Expressway

31. After 23.2 kilometers on the highway, turn slightly righton the ramp

32. Follow the ramp for 900 meters, cross the bridge, turn right and enter Yueyang Avenue

33. Yueyang Avenue for 8.2 kilometers, direction Changsha, turn slightly right and take ramp

34. Travel 680 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway

35. . Follow the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway for 283.2 kilometers towards Hengyang South/Yongzhou/Nanning/G72, turn slightly right and take ramp

36. Travel 480 meters along the ramp and continue straight. on Quannan Highway

37. Continue along Quannan Expressway for 322.6 km, direction Airport/Yangshuo/Liuzhou/Guiyang, turn slight right onto ramp

38. for 490 meters and continue straight on Guilin Ring Expressway

39. Follow the Guilin Ring Expressway for 26.7 kilometers on the Ring Expressway towards Liuzhou/Nanning, turn slightlyTake a right onto the Quannan Expressway

40. Travel 217.0 kilometers along Quannan Expressway towards Wuxuan/Guiping, turn slightly right onto the ramp


41 Travel 660 meters along the ramp and continue all the way straight on Canglong Expressway

42. Travel 114.3 kilometers along Canglong Expressway and turn slightly left to enter Maping Expressway.

43. Continue along the Maping Highway for 82.8 kilometers, turning slightly left on the ramp

44. Continue along the ramp for 920 meters and continue straight on Guangkun Highway

45. Continue along Guangkun Expressway for 89.8 kilometers, towards Debao/Jingxi/G69, turn slightly right and take the ramp.

46. Travel 880 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Yinbai Expressway.

47. Follow Yinbai Expressway for 100.2 kilometers towards Chongzuo/Qinzhou/Funing/Kunming, turn slightly right onto the road. ramp

48. Continue along the ramp for 1.3 kilometers and continue straight on Hena Highway

49. Travel 72.0 kilometers along the Hena Highway, turn slightly right and enter the Napo

48 interchange. p>

50. Driving plan in Baise town

1) Continue along the Napo interchange for 710 meters and go straight

2) Travel 1.4 kilometers, continue straight and enter X818.

3) Continue along the X818 for 2.7 kilometers, turn slightly right and enter the S320

4) Continue along the S320 for 1.7 kilometers , turn left and reverse into Avenue Mubien

< p>5) Continue along Avenue Mubien for 700 meters, pass Sun Rain Solar on the right for approximately 280 meters, turn left


6) Continue 150 meters to reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: rudderNapo County People's Route

Standalone Route 2:

Itinerary: The total distance is approximately 3,226.9 kilometers.

Starting point: Heishan County Government

1. Driving plan in Jinzhou City

1) Start from the starting point due west, drive 110 meters and turn. right

2) Continue 160 meters and turn right onto S307

3) Continue along S307 for 1.6 kilometers and go straight onto Jiefang South Road< /p>

4) Continue along Jiefang South Road for 1.9 kilometers and go straight into Jiefang South Street< /p>

5) Continue along Jiefang South Street for 860 meters, pass Qisheng Home Appliance Store on the right for about 70 meters, then turn right into S307.

6) Continue along S307 for 150 meters, turn left onto Zhongda Middle Road.

7) Continue along Zhongda Middle Road for 750 meters and continuestraight into Zhongda Road.

p>2. Continue along Zhongda Road for 300 meters and pass Red Army Auto Electric on the right for about 280 meters. After that, go straight and enter the Beijing-Harbin Line

3. Travel 28.2 kilometers. on the Beijing-Harbin line towards Fuxin/Yingkou/S21, turn right

4. Continue 620 meters towards Panjin/Towards Yingkou, turn slightly right and enter Beizhen Interchange

5. . Continue along Beizhen Interchange for 370 meters and continue straight on Fupan

6 Expressway. Continue on Fupan Expressway for 42.3 kilometers towards Jinzhou/Beijing/G1, turn slightly right and take the ramp

<. p>7. Continue along the ramp for 880 meters and continue straight on Beijing-Harbin Expressway

8. Continue along the Beijing-Harbin Expressway for 371.7 kilometers, towards Tangjin/Tanggang/Tianjin/Ji Portngtang, turn slightly right and take the ramp

9. Continue along the ramp for 1.3 kilometers and continue straight onto Tangjin Expressway

10. Follow Tangjin Expressway for 68.1 kilometers and continue. go directly to Changshen Expressway

11. Travel 97.2 kilometers along Changshen Expressway and continue straight to Binshi Expressway

12. Travel 20.4 kilometers along Binshi Expressway towards Cangzhou. /S6, turn slightly right and enter Wangguantun Interchange

13. Continue along Wangguantun Interchange for 970 meters and continue straight to Jincang Expressway

14. Continue on Jinchang Expressway for 11.5 kilometers. straight on the ramp

15. Travel 1.2 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight on Beijing-Shanghai Expressway

16. Travel 51.1 kilometers along the Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, heading to CAngzhou West. /Shijiazhuang, slightly right, turn onto the ramp

17. Travel 2.1 kilometers along the ramp, continue straight on Huangshi Expressway

18, travel 103.8 kilometers along Huangshi Expressway. turn slightly right and onto the ramp

19. Travel 1.6 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight on Daguang Highway

20. Travel 419.8 kilometers along the Daguang Expressway towards Xuchang/Nanyang/. S83 and turn slightly right onto the ramp

< p>21. Travel 0.6 miles along the ramp and continue straight.Lannan Expressway

22. Continue along Lannan Expressway for 12 miles, turn around and enter Lannan Expressway

23. Continue along Lannan Expressway for 59.3 kilometers and continue straight into Yongdeng Expressway

22. p>

24. Travel 26.7 kilometers along Yongdeng Expressway towards Pingdingshan/Nanyang/S83, turn slightly left onto Lannan Expressway

25 Travel 48.6 kilometers along Lannan Expressway, towards Luohe/towards. Wugang/G36/S49, turn slightly right and take ramp

26. Continue along the ramp for 540 meters and continue straight into Ningluo Expressway

27. Continue along Ningluo Expressway for 3.8. kilometers, direction Tongbai/Suizhou/Wugang/S49, turn slightly right and take ramp

28. Follow the ramp for 880 meters and continue straight into Jiaotong Expressway

Follow. Jiaotong Expressway Travel 92.6 kilometers on Tong Expressway, direction Biyang East/Tongbai/S49, turn slightly right onto ramp

30. Follow the ramp for 2.0 kilometers and continue straight on Xinyang Expressway. >

31. Travel 388.6 kilometers along Xinyang Expressway, turn slightly right to enter Yuelin Expressway

32 PaRun 23.2 kilometers along Yuelin Expressway, turn slightly right onto ramp

33. . Follow the ramp for 900 meters, cross the bridge and turn right to enter Yueyang Avenue

34. Continue along Yueyang Avenue for 8.2 kilometers towards Changsha, turn slightly right and onto the ramp.

35 .Drive 680 meters along the ramp and continue straight on the Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway

36 Drive 283.2 kilometers along the Beijing-Hong Kong Expressway -Macau towards Hengyang South/Yongzhou/. Nanning/G72 and turn slightly right onto the ramp

37. Travel 1,500 feet along the ramp and continue straight on Quannan Highway

38. Travel 322.6 kilometers along the Quannan Highway towards. Airport/Yangshuo/Liuzhou/Guiyang and turn slightly right onto the ramp

Drive 490 meters along the ramp and continue straight into the ex lanepress from Guilin Ring Road

Drive 26.7 kilometers. on Guilin Ring Expressway towards Liuzhou/Nanning, turn slightly right and enter Quannan Expressway

Drive 217.0 kilometers along Quannan Expressway, towards Wuxuan/Guiping , turn slightly right on the ramp

< p>42. Drive 660 meters along the ramp and continue straight into Canglong Expressway

Drive 114.3 kilometers along Canglong Expressway, turn slightly left onto Maping Expressway

44. Travel 82.8 kilometers along the Maping Expressway, turn slightly left onto ramp

45. Travel 920 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Guangkun Expressway

46. Travel 89.8 kilometers along Guangkun Highway. towards Debao/Jingxi/G69 and turn slightly right onto the ramp

Drive 880 meters along the ramp and continue straight onto Yinbai Expressway

DriveDrive 100.2 kilometers along Yinbai Expressway towards Debao/Jingxi/G69. Chongzuo/Qinzhou/Funing/Kunming and turn slightly right. Ramp

49.Go 1.3 km on the highway and continue straight on Hena Highway

50. Continue along the Hena Highway for 72.0 kilometers and turn slightly right to enter the Napo

51 interchange. the Napo interchange for 710 meters, go straight

52. Driving plan in Baise town

1) Drive 1.4 kilometers, go straight and enter X818

2) Drive along X818 for 2.7 kilometers, turn slightly right onto the S320

3) Continue along the S320 for 1.7 kilometers and turn left to enter Avenue Mubien

4) Continue along from Avenue Mubien for 700 meters and pass Sun Rain Solar on the right. After about 280 meters turn left

5) Continue 150 meters to the end (on the right side of the road)

End: Napo County People's Government

Option 1:

Route: approximately 131.9 kilometers

< p>Starting point: Panjin Station

1. Driving plan in Panjin City

1) Start from the starting point due north, drive 80 meters and turn left

2) Drive 10 meters, turn right and enter in Shuangxing North Road

3) Continue along Shuangxing North Road for 170 meters, turn left into Chaoyang Street

4) Continue along Chaoyang Street for 800 meters, pass in front of Tianyuan Department Store on the left street for about 100 meters, turn right and enter Bohai Road

5) Continue along Bohai Road for 590 meters and go straight into Bohai Road

6) Continue along Bohai Road for 230 meters and take the second exit towards Panshan County/G1, continue straight into Liaohe North Road

7) Continue along Liaohe North Road hungnt 3.5 kilometers, continue straight into Zhuanglin Line

8) Continue along Zhuanglin Line for 3.2 km, direction Shenyang/Jinzhou, turn slightly right onto the ramp


2. Travel 1.1 km along the ramp, turn right to enter Beijing-Harbin Expressway

. 3. Travel 62.0 kilometers along Beijing-Harbin Expressway towards Dalian/Dandong/Xinmin/Changchun, turn slightly right onto ramp

4. Continue along the ramp for 1.4 kilometers and continue straight into Liaozhong Ring Road. Highway

5. Driving plan in Anshan City

1) Continue along Liaozhong Ring Road for 41.3 kilometers towards Anshan/Dalian, turn slightly right onto the ramp. p>

2) Continue along the ramp for 1.6 kilometers and go straight on Shenhai Expressway

3) Travel 15.5 kilometers along Shenhai Expressway to on pointend

End point: Anshan exit (Shenhai Expressway exit)

Option 2:

Driving route: the total distance is about 154, 5 kilometers

Starting point: Panjin Station

1. Driving plan in Panjin City

1) Start from the starting point due north, drive 80 meters and turn left

2) Drive 10 meters and turn. right to enter Shuangxing North Road

3)Continue along Shuangxing North Road for 170 meters, turn left onto Chaoyang Street

4)Continue along Chaoyang Street for 800 meters, pass Tianyuan Department Store on the left for about 100 meters, turn right and enter Bohai Road< /p>

5) Continue along Bohai Road for 590 meters and continue straight into Bohai Road< /p>


6) Continue along Bohai Road for 230 meters and take the second exit towards Panshan County/G1 and go straight. in Liaohe North Road

7) Continue along Liaohe North Road for 3.5 kilometers and go straight to the Zhuanglin Line

8) Continue along the Zhuanglin Line For 3.2 kilometers towards Shenyang/Jinzhou, turn slightly right onto ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 1.1 kilometers, turn right and enter Beijing-Harbin Expressway

3. Continue along the Beijing-Harbin Expressway for 37.1 kilometers, at the Taian Lake/Heishan Lianhua exit, turn slightly right onto ramp

4. Continue along the ramp for 420 meters and go straight

5. Continue 350 meters and turn left to enter. S307

6 .Drive on S307 for 3.6 kilometers, direction Anshan, turn left and enter Shengli West Road

7 Continue along Shengli West Road for 280 meters and pass Tsinghua Sunshine Solar. (Taian County Store) on the right for about140 meters. After a few meters, go straight into Shengli West Road

8. Continue along Shengli West Road for 220 meters, take the second exit towards Anshan, turn slightly right and enter Zhenxing Road

9. Continue along Zhenxing Road for 550 meters, pass Siji Muge Solar on the right (northwest of Tai'an County Eye Hospital) for about 170 meters, and continue straight on the second library line.

10. Continue along the Second Library Line for 9.3 kilometers and turn slightly left to enter Jinding Line

11. Travel 7.3 kilometers along the Jinding Line to the crossing point. /p>

12. Travel 9.6 kilometers along the Jinding Line and turn left to enter the West University Line< /p>

13. Travel 4.0 kilometers along the West-Dalian Line, turn right and enter the Jinbai Line.

14. Browsez 3.6 kilometers along the Jinbai Line, turn left and enter the Jinding Line.

15. Continue along the Jinding Line for 1.1 kilometers and turn right into the Shenpan Line. p>

16. Continue along the Shenpan Line for 12.8 kilometers and enter the Shenpan Line

17. Continue for 2.2 kilometers on the Shenpan Line and continue straight into the Liaozhong Ring Expressway

< p>18. Driving plan in Anshan City

1) Drive 34.7 kilometers along Liaozhong Ring Highway towards Anshan/Dalian, turn slightly right on the ramp

2) Continue along the ramp. for 1.6 kilometers and continue straight into Shenhai Expressway

3) Continue along Shenhai Expressway for 15.5 kilometers to the end

End point : Anshan exit (Shenhai Expressway exit)

< /p>

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