How many days does it take to cycle from Baise, Guangxi to Haidian, Beijing?

Introduction How many days does it take to cycle from Baise, Guangxi to Haidian, Beijing? Cycling from Baise, Guangxi to Haidian, Beijing, the total distance is approximately 2518.1 kilometers, calculated as 100 kilometers per day.

How many days does it take to cycle from Baise, Guangxi to Haidian, Beijing?

Biking from Baise, Guangxi to Haidian, Beijing, the total distance is approximately 2,518.1 kilometers. Calculated based on 100 kilometers per day, this will take at least 25 days. it will take a month. For long distances, you should bring repair tools, waterproof gear, lighting gear, food, and stoves! ?Good luck!

Itinerary: the total distance is approximately 2,518.1 kilometers

Starting point: Baise town

1 Route map in Baise town Baise

1) From the starting point, start heading southeast and follow Xiangyang Road for 220 meters. After passing Lianhua Appliance City on the left for about 120 meters, turn left onto Zhongshan 1st Road.

2) Continue. Zhongshan 1st Road for 870 meters and cross Zhongshan Bridge. Head towards Chengdong Avenue/Train Station/Tianlin/Nanning and continue straight into Chengdong Avenue.

3) Continue alongfrom Chengdong Avenue for 4.2 kilometers and continue straight. in Chengcheng Avenue

4) Continue for 6.6 kilometers on Chengcheng Avenue and continue straight into G323

5) Continue along G323 for 19, 3 kilometers and turn left

6 ) Travel 2.7 kilometers and turn right

2. Travel 7.9 kilometers and turn left to enter G323

3 Continue along G323 for 27.3 kilometers and go straight through Yanxia Tunnel

4. Follow the Yanxia tunnel for 400 meters and go straight on G323


5. Continue along the G323 for 39.0 kilometers. After passing Baping on the right for approx. After 140 meters, enter Xinjian Road

6. Continue on Xinjian Road for 5.2 km and continue straight onto G323

7. Continue on G323 for 41.0 km and turn slightly right

7. p>

8. Continue for 35.7 kilometers and allgo straight on into G323

9. Continue along the G323 for 43.8 kilometers and turn slightly left. Enter the right turn

13. Drive 1.2 kilometers, turn right

14. Drive 1.5 kilometers, turn left

15.Drive 6.7 kilometers, turn left


16. Travel 2.6 kilometers, turn right ahead

17. Travel 260 meters, turn right ahead

18, drive 8.7 kilometers, turn right ahead

19. .Drive 440 meters, turn left onto X851

20. Continue along X851 for 2.4 kilometers, turn right into Xidu Road

21. Continue along Xidu Road for 1.6 kilometers, turn right in. Dandong Road

22. Continue along Dandong Road for 480 meters, go straight and enter G210

23. Continue along the G210 for 360 meters, turn around and enter the G210

<. p> 24. Continue on G210 for 38.7 kilometers andgo straight into G210

25. Travel 1.4km along G210 and go straight into Lanhai Expressway

26. Travel 21.5km along Lanhai Expressway and go straight into Xinhe Myeongdong Tunnel

27. Drive 150 meters along Xinhe Mingdong Tunnel and go straight into Lanhai Expressway

Drive 14.7 kilometers along Lanhai Expressway and go straight into Taotaomingdong

29. Continue along Dataoming Cave for 300 meters and continue straight into Lanhai Expressway

30. Continue along Lanhai Expressway for 44.4 km. After crossing Shenhe Bridge for about 1.9 km, continue straight into Xiaoxiao Slope Highway

31. Travel 190 meters along Xiaopo Tunnel and go straight into Lanhai Expressway.

32. Travel 9.0 kilometers along Lanhai Expressway and go straight into Jingzhai Tunnel.


33. Walk 170 meters along theJingzhai tunnel and go straight into Lanhai Expressway.

34 Travel 67.3 kilometers along Lanhai Expressway, direction Kaili/Huaihua/Tongren, turn slightly right on the road. ramp

35. Travel 430 meters along the ramp and continue straight on Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

36. Travel 69.6 kilometers along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway, cross Nanyogou Bridge and continue. straight ahead Enter Yanzhai Tunnel

37. Travel 300 meters along the Yanzhai Tunnel and continue straight to Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

38. Travel 580 meters along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway and cross. Yanzhai Bridge. Go straight and enter the Songjiaya 2

39 tunnel. Travel 610 meters along the Songjiaya 2 Tunnel and continue straight onto Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

40. along the Shanghai-Kunming highway. Cross Songjiaya Bridge and continue straight into S Tunnelongjiaya 1

41. Continue along Songjiaya 1 Tunnel, pass Songjiaya Bridge for approximately 280 meters and continue straight into Shanghai. -Kunming Highway

42. Drive 650 meters along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway and go straight into the Duimenpo 2

43 tunnel. Drive 250 meters along the Duimenpo 2 Tunnel and go straight into the Duimenpo 2 Tunnel. Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

44. Travel 370 meters along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway and continue straight into the Duimenpo 1

45 tunnel. Travel 200 meters along the Duimenpo 1 tunnel and continue. straight on Shanghai-Kunming Highway

46. Continue along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway for 13.8 kilometers, cross the Xinzhai Bridge and continue straight into the Xinzhai Tunnel

47. Xinzhai Tunnel for 320 meters and continue straight into Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

48. Continue along Shanghai-Kunming Expressway for 14.9kilometers, cross the Zhanjia 2 Bridge and continue straight into the Zhanjia 2 Tunnel.

49. Drive along the Zhanjia 2 Tunnel for 380 meters and continue straight on the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway.

50. Travel 150 meters along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway and continue straight. the Zhanjia tunnel 1

51. Travel 670 meters along Zhanjia 1 Tunnel and continue straight onto Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

52. Along the way, travel 5.0 kilometers on the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway. , cross Gan'er 2 Bridge and continue straightEnter Tunzhou Tunnel

53. Travel 180 meters along the Tunzhou Tunnel and continue straight to Shanghai-Kunming Expressway

54. Travel 8.7 kilometers along the Shanghai-Kunming Expressway and cross it. Zhaitou Bridge 2, go directly to Zhaixing Tunnel

55. Travel 380 meters along Zhaixing Tunnel, continue straight into Shanghai-Kunmin Expresswayg

56. Travel 58.6 kilometers along the Shanghai River. -Kunming Expressway, to Yuping/Xindian Exit/G320, turn slightly right onto the ramp

Drive 1.1 kilometers along the ramp, turn right

Drive 1 .7 kilometers, pass. Royalstar Kitchen and Bathroom Appliances on the right. Go straight and enter Chengnan Avenue

59. Continue along Chengnan Avenue for 650 meters and continue straight into Chengnan Avenue

60. for 60 meters and take the first exit towards the bus station. From the direction of the station, continue straight on Zhongshan Road

61. Continue along Zhongshan Road for 250 meters and continue straight onto G320

62. Continue on G320 for 13.4 kilometers and continue straight onto G320

< p>63. Continue on G320 for 70 meters, take the second exit, direction Tongren City, and continue straight on S201

64. Continue along S201 for 52.2 kilometers and continue straight into Fanjingshan Avenue

65. Continue along Fanjingshan Avenue for 2.9 kilometers, pass the tidal mudflat on the right for about 110 meters, and turn left

66. Continue 380 meters, cross the Musha River Bridge, and turn right to enter Jinjin Lin Avenue

67. Continue along Jinlin Avenue for 830 meters and go straight into Jinjiang. South Road

68. Continue along Jinjiang South Road for 840 meters and continue straight into Jinjiang South Road

69. Continue along Jinjiang South Road for 30 meters. At the first exit, continue. straight on Jinjiang South Road

70. Continue on Jinjiang South Road for 380 meters, pass Jinjiang International on the left for about 170 meters and turn right


71. .Drive 480 meters, pass Guoguang Applianturn left for about 250 meters, then continue straight into Qingshui Avenue

72. Continue along Qingshui Avenue for 2.0 kilometers, pass Huangqiao Holiday Inn on the right and continue straight. in Qingshui Avenue

73. Continue 130 meters along Qingshui Avenue, go straight into S201

74. Continue along S201 for 9.8 kilometers, turn slightly left onto Chuandong South Road.

75. Continue along Chuandong South Road for 250 meters, pass Chuandong Village on the left for about 290 meters, and continue straight on Chuandong North Road for 370 meters. and continue straight on the S201

77. Continue on the S201 for 10.5 kilometers, continue straight and enter the S201

78. Continue on the S201 for 110 meters, at the 3rd exit, towards Songtao/. Fenghuang, turn left and enter Ningda Road

79. Continue along Ningda Road for 30 meters and enter S201

80. Continue along the S201 for 2.0 kilometers and turn left onto the ramp


81. Travel 810 meters along the ramp and go straight into Hangrui Expressway< /p>

82. Travel 33.6 kilometers along Hangrui Highway towards Jishou/G65/G56, turn slightly left and enter Hangrui Highway

83. Travel 830 meters along Hangrui Highway and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

84. Travel 34.4 kilometers along Hangrui Expressway towards Changde/G56 and turn slightly right to enter Hangrui Expressway. p>85. Drive 620 meters along Hangrui Highway and go straight into Hangrui Highway

Drive 1.7km along Hangrui Highway and cross Qifang Bridge, go straight into Hangrui Highway Tunnel Castor Creek

87. Continue along the Castor Creek Tunnel for 550 meters and conkeep straight on Hangrui Highway

88. Continue along Hangrui Highway for 3.0 kilometers. p>

89. Continue 790 meters along Ana Tunnel and go straight into Hangrui Highway

90. Continue along Hangrui Highway for 2.4 kilometers and turn right. After about 1.3 kilometers from Yanpai Village, go directly to Paizhaiping Tunnel

91. Drive along the Paizhaiping Tunnel for 520 meters and continue straight onto Hangrui

92 Expressway. Follow Hangrui Highway for 360 meters along the road. and continue straight into Jigongnao Tunnel

93. Continue along Jigongnao Tunnel for 780 meters and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

94. Follow Hangrui Highway for 1.3 kilometers and continue. directly into the Dulongtian

95 tunnel. Continue along Dulongtian Tunnel for 1.2 kilometers and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

96. VScontinue for 800 meters along the Hangrui Highway, cross the Niuda River. on the right and go straight into the Xishu'ao Tunnel

97. Continue along Xishu'ao Tunnel for 710 meters and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

98. Travel 1.1 km on Hangrui Highway and continue straight into Tongmuwan Tunnel

99. Travel 1,000 meters along Tongmuwan Tunnel and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

100. Highway Continue for 210 meters and go straight through Xiaopiliu

101 tunnel. Continue along Xiaopiliu Tunnel for 860 meters and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

102. Follow Hangrui Highway for 860 meters. After 5.6 km, continue straight through the Queerxi

103 tunnel. Continue along Queerxi Tunnel for 1.4km and continue straight into Hangrui

104 Expressway. Follow Hangrui Highway for 2.0 km. kilometers. Pass Luoguping on the right and continue straight into Huomachong

105 tunnel. Travel 650 meters along Huomachong Tunnel and continue straight into Hangrui

106 Expressway. Travel 4.9 kilometers on the highway, pass Guanyin Shape on the right, and continue straight into Yanmenjie

107 Tunnel. Continue along Yanmenjie Tunnel for 3.8 kilometers and continue straight into Hangrui Expressway. >

108 .Drive on Hangrui Highway 240 meters, go straight into the Qishan-shaped tunnel

109. Travel 47.4 kilometers along the Qishan-shaped tunnel, continue straight into Cherry Bay Tunnel

110. Travel 760 meters. After Cherry Bay Tunnel, continue straight onto Hangzhou Rui

111 Expressway. Continue along Hangrui Highway for 2.3 kilometers, pass Songjia Village on the right and continue straight into Douziping Tunnel

112. Continue alongg of the Douziping tunnel for 610 meters. Go straight into Hangrui Highway

113. Travel 7.7 kilometers along Hangrui Expressway and continue straight into Qingshangang Tunnel

114. Continue for 1.3 km along Qingshangang Tunnel and continue straight into Hangrui

115 Expressway. Continue along Hangrui Expressway for 5.4 km, pass Shujiaba on the right for about 2.0 km, and continue straight into Qinglongjian Tunnel

116. Continue along Qinglongjian Tunnel for 350 meters and go straight into Hangrui

117 Expressway. Continue 40 meters along Hangrui Expressway and go straight into Zhuliangxi Tunnel. >118. Drive 280 meters along Zhuliangxi Tunnel and go directly to Hangrui Expressway Tunnel

Drive 5.3 kilometers along Hangrui Expressway and go directly to Qingshuichong Tunnel

< p>120. Travel 210 meters along the tunnel Qingshuichong and continue straight into Hangrui Highway

121. Travel 3.6 kilometers along Hangrui Highway, pass Huangsha Creek on the right, and continue straight into Niuerya Tunnel

< p>122. Drive 640 meters along Niuerya Tunnel and continue straight into Hangrui Expressway

Drive 1.1 km along Hangrui Expressway and continue straight into Dianhuiping Tunnel

124. .Drive 240 meters along Dianhuiping Tunnel and continue straight into Hangrui

125 Expressway. Continue along Hangrui Expressway for 4.6km, cross Yixi No.5 Bridge and continue straight into Dengjiawan Tunnel

126. Drive along Dengjiawan Tunnel for 200 meters, go straight into Hangrui Expressway

Drive 510 meters along Hangrui Expressway, go straight into Meizitan Tunnel

128. Travel 530 meters along the Meizitan Tunnel, go straight into theHangzhou Rui Expressway

Drive 5.4 kilometers along Hangzhou Rui Expressway and go directly to Guojiaxi

130 Tunnel. Travel 250 meters along Guojiaxi Tunnel and continue straight on Hangrui Highway

131. Travel 88.0 kilometers along the Hangrui Highway. After passing Chenjiazui on the right for about 1.5 kilometers, head towards Hangzhou/Zhangjiajie/Changde South. /Direction Airport and turn slightly right on the ramp

132. Continue 250 meters along the ramp, towards Changde South/Airport/G319, turn slightly right onto ramp

133. 960 meters along the ramp, continue straight

134. Continue 270 meters, turn right onto the G319

135. Continue along G319 for 720 meters and go straight into Taohuayuan Road

136. Travel 8.4 kilometers along Taohuayuan Road, turn slightly right and enter Dingcheng Road.

Drive 930 meters along Dingcheng Road, enter Dingcheng Road

138. Continue along Dingcheng Road. Dingcheng Road for 170 meters. At the second exit, turn left and enter Dongting Avenue

139. Continue along Dongting Avenue for 1.3 kilometers and go straight to Yuanshui Bridge

140. Yuanshui Bridge for 2.3 kilometers, turn slightly right and enter Ziyuan Road

141. Continue along Ziyuan Road for 1.8 kilometers and continue straight into Ziyuan Road

142. After 170 meters along Yuan Road, take the second exit, head towards Ziling Road/Jinshi/Anxiang, and continue straight into Ziyuan Road

143. Continue on Ziyuan Road for 950 meters, continue straight on S306< /p. >

144. Travel 6.7 kilometers along the S306, turn right

145. Drive 1.3 kilometers, go straight on the ramp

Drive 770 meters along the ramp,Go straight. in East Chang Highway

147. Continue along Dongchang Expressway for 43.0 kilometers. At the exit, turn slightly right into the Linli

148 service area. Continue along the Linli service area for 860 meters. and continue straight. Enter Dongchang Highway

149. Drive 16.0 kilometers along the Dongchang Expressway and continue straight on the ramp

Drive 1.8 kilometers along the ramp and continue straight on the S302

151. Continue on S302 for 4.0 kilometers and enter Lizhou Road

152. Continue along Lizhou Road for 130 meters and turn right onto Lipu Road

153. Lipu Road 1.9 kilometers, continue straight to G207

154. Drive 21.4 kilometers along the G207, continue straight to the Jingdong Connection Line

Drive 7.5 kilometers along the Jingdong Connection Line, continue straight. G207


156. Continue 100 meters along G207 and continue straight into Erguang Highway

157. Continue 20 meters along Erguang Highway and continue straight into Erguang Highway

158. Travel 56.4 kilometers along the Erguang Expressway, cross the Zhonggan Canal Bridge and continue straight on the Xiangjing Expressway.

159. Travel 5.8 kilometers along the Xiangjing Expressway, pass the Jingzhou Yangtze River Bridge and exit. In Jingzhou, turn right onto the

160 bridge. Walk along the bridge for 460 meters and continue straight onto Taiyue Road

161. Continue on Taiyue Road for 350 meters and turn left into. Jingsha Road


162. Continue along Jingsha Road for 600 meters, pass the Huangming Solar Jiuquqiao chain store on the right for about 200 meters, then continue straight into Anxin

163 Bridge. Continue along Anxin Bridge for 1.1 kilometers, go straightright into the Eastern Ring Road

Drive 3.0 kilometers along the Eastern Ring Road, go straight into the G207

165. . Travel 19.7 kilometers along G207, go straight into Sifang Avenue

166. Continue along Sifang Avenue for 520 meters and continue straight onto G207

167. Continue along G207 for 3.2 kilometers and enter Shun'an Avenue. >168. Continue for 5.7 kilometers on Shun'an Avenue, pass Shilipu on the left for about 150 meters and continue straight on G207

169. Continue on G207 for 28.9 kilometers and enter Jingnan Avenue. >

170. Travel 5.4 kilometers on Jingnan Avenue and continue straight onto G207

171. Continue along the G207 for 2.6 kilometers. After passing the traffic village on the right for about 250 meters, continue straight into Xinglong. Avenue

172. Follow the road for 7.2 kilometersturn onto Xinglong Avenue and continue straight into Baiyun Avenue

173. Continue along Baiyun Avenue for 3.8 kilometers and turn right onto Moon Lake Road.

174. Continue along Moon Lake Road for 3,000 feet and turn left. Turn onto Moon Lake North Road.

175. Continue along Moon Lake North Road for 2.7 kilometers, pass the second Gaodian overpass and continue straight. in Ziling Avenue

176. Drive along Ziling Avenue for 3.5 kilometers, go straight and enter G207

Drive 1.7 kilometers along G207 and enter Yan Expressway

. 178. Drive 1.1 kilometers along Yan Expressway, turn slightly left and enter Ziling Avenue

Drive along Ziling Avenue for 1.8 kilometers and go straight in the Yan

180 highway. Continue on the highway for 1.0 kilometers and continue straight onto the G207

181. Continue along G207 for 10.5 kilometers, enter Yangfeng Avenue

182. Continue along Yangfeng Avenue for 1.6 kilometers, pass Yechong Village on the street. turn right for about 310 meters and enter G207

183. Continue on G207 for 21.6 kilometers, enter Xiangsha Avenue

Drive 1.4 kilometers on Xiangsha Avenue and continue straight on G207

185. Travel 28.2 kilometers along G207 and continue straight onto Yanjing Avenue

186. Continue along Yanjing Avenue for 1.5 kilometers, turn left and enter G207

187. along G207 for 680 meters, cross the second Liyu Bridge and continue straight into Xiangsha Avenue

188. Continue along Xiangsha Avenue for 3.8 kilometers and continue straight onto G207

189. for 33.2 kilometers. After passing the bridge bay on the right for approximately 130meters, continue straight on Shengli Street

190. Continue along Shengli Street for 3.0 kilometers, turn right into Huancheng East Road

191. Continue on Huancheng East Road for 2.7 kilometers, turn left onto Qiaonan East Road

192. Continue for 1.7 kilometers on Qiaonan East Road, turn right onto Daqing West Road

. 193. Continue along Daqing West Road for 750 meters, continue straight into Daqing East Road

194. Continue along Daqing East Road for 2.6 kilometers, go straight into Aviation Road

195..Drive along Aviation Road for 3.0 kilometers, turn left into Checheng South Road

195. p>

196. Continue along Checheng South Road for 1.6 kilometers, turn right onto Diamond Avenue

197. Avenue for 800 meters, turn left and enter Mercedes-Benz Avenue

198. Continue along Mercedes-Benz Avenue for 7.2 kilometers and continuego straight on onto the S217

199. Continue on the S217 for 22.1 kilometers. kilometers and cross the Huangqu River Bridge for about 60 meters. Go straight and enter S103

200. Continue on the S103 for 20.6 kilometers. At the 3rd exit, towards Jianjian Road/Hancheng Road, turn left onto S244<. /p>

201. Continue on S244 for 4.3 kilometers, after crossing Sanlihe Bridge for about 50 meters, continue straight on Xinye Avenue

202. Continue on Xinye Avenue for 18.9 kilometers and go straight. the ramp

203. Continue along the ramp for 670 meters and continue straight on Erguang Highway

204. Travel 26.2 kilometers along Erguang Expressway, direction Xuchang/S83/Lankao, turn slightly. left to enter Lannan Highway

205. Continue along Lancao Expressway for 1.1 kilometers on the South Expressway, pass Chenguanying Hub andcontinue straight onto Lannan Highway

206. Continue for 167.6 kilometers along Lannan Expressway, direction Yongcheng/Lankao/S32/S83, and turn slightly right to enter Yongdeng Expressway

207. Travel 800 meters along Yongdeng Expressway and continue straight into Yongdeng Expressway. p>208. Drive 1.3 kilometers along Yongdeng Expressway and exit at Xuchang South, turn slightly right onto the ramp

Drive 1.3 kilometers along the ramp, continue straight

Drive 210. After approximately 1.7 km, turn right onto X010

211. Follow the road for 2.7 miles. After about 50 meters from Xingda Tobacco, Liquor, Grain and Oil Supermarket, turn right onto Xinxing West Road

214. .Drive along Xinxing West Road for 1.5 kilometers, pass China Yifa Electrical Appliances on the right for about 260 meters, then turn left onto Wenfeng Middle Road

215. keep on goingz along Wenfeng Middle Road for 770 meters and continue straight. in Wenfeng Middle Road

216. Continue along Wenfeng Middle Road for 140 meters and take the second exit towards Jianshe Road, turn slightly left and enter Wenfeng Middle Road

217. Middle Road for 2.0 kilometers and enter Wenfeng Middle Road

218. Continue along Wenfeng Middle Road for 170 meters and enter the 2nd exit, direction Tianbao Road, turn slightly left into Wenfeng Middle Road

219. Continue along Wenfeng Middle Road for 3.2 kilometers, direction Zhengzhou, continue straight into Wenfeng Middle Road

220. Continue along Wenfeng Middle Road for 230 meters, at the 3rd exit, turn slightly left into Wenfeng. North Road

221.Continue along Wenfeng North Road for 2.7 kilometers, turn slightly right to enter S220

222. Continue along theS220 for 8.5 kilometers, continue straight and enter the S220

223. Continue along the S220 for 400 meters, and at exit 2, direction Kaifeng, continue straight until the S220

224. Continue on the S220 for 4.1 kilometers, enter the S220

225. Continue on the S220 for 100 meters. At the second exit, direction Kaifeng, continue straight and enter S220

226. Continue on the S220 for 4.4 kilometers and enter the S220

227. Continue on the S220 for 110 meters. . At the second exit, turn slightly right and enter the S220

228. Continue on S220 for 27.8 kilometers, towards Kaifeng, and continue straight on S220

229. Continue on the S220 for 150 meters, at the second exit turn slightly left and enter the S220< /p>

230. Continue on the S220 for 1.1 kilometers. After passing Xinxuzhuang on the left hangsFor about 140 meters, head towards Kaifeng and continue straight on the S220. p>

231. Continue on the S220 for 150 meters, turn left and enter the S220

232. Continue on the S220 for 660 meters, continue straight and enter the S220

. 233. Continue on S220 for 850 meters, take the 3rd exit, direction Kaifeng/S220, turn slightly right to enter S220

234. Continue on the S220 for 3.7 kilometers, turn left to enter the S219

235. Continue along S219 for 15.6 kilometers and enter Yongding Line


236. Continue along the Yongding Line for 19.8 kilometers and enter the Yongding Line

237. Continue along the Yongding Line for 70 meters. At the first exit, turn right and enter G310

238. Continue on G310 for 7.8 kilometers and continue straight onto G310

239. for 120 meters. HASthe second exit, towards G220/Lankao, continue straight on G310

240. Continue along the G310 for 2.2 kilometers, cross the Huiji River Bridge for about 310 meters and continue straight on the G310.

241. Follow the G310 for 230 meters, cross the Huiji River bridge, take the 3rd exit and continue towards the G220/ In the direction of Lankao, turn slightly left onto the G310

242. Continue along G310 for 10.6 kilometers, towards G45, turn slightly right onto ramp

243. Continue along the ramp for 1.2 kilometers and continue straight. Enter Daguang

244 Expressway. .Drive along Daguang Highway for 343.0 kilometers. At the Hengshui/Xiaozhang/S282 exit, turn slightly right onto the ramp

Drive along the ramp for 1.3 kilometers, continue straight

. 246. Travel 670 meters, turn right and enters S282

247. Follow S28.2. Travel 12.3 kilometers, turn right to enter Jingheng South Street

248. Continue along Jingheng South Street for 1.1 kilometers, turn left to enter Shengli East Street

249. Continue on the road for 370 meters, turn right and enter Ping An Street

250. Continue along Ping An Street for 340 meters, turn left into East Renmin Street

251. Renmin East Road for 260 meters. Turn slightly right onto Heping East Road

252. Continue on Heping East Road for 1.7 kilometers and turn right onto Ronghua Street

253. for 280 meters and cross right through Xinyuan Electric on the side, go straight into North Ronghua Street

254. Continue along North Ronghua Street for 4.5 kilometers, turn slightly right onto Ramp 255. Continue along the ramp for 2.8 kilometers, go straight into Daguang Expressway

256. Continue along Daguang Expressway for 216.3 kilometers, cross Xihuangfa Bridge, and continue straight into Jingkai Expressway

257. Continue on Jingkai Expressway for 15.2 kilometers, cross the Dazhuang Bridge, drive to the South Fifth Ring Road/Xihongmen South Bridge, turn slightly left to enter Beijing-Kaifeng Expressway

Beijing City Driving Map<. /p>

1) Continue along Jingkai Expressway for 380 meters, cross Shuangyuan Bridge and continue straight into Jingkai Expressway

2) Continue along Jingkai Expressway for 16.5 kilometers, cross Majialou Bridge and head towards Liuli Bridge/Towards Muxiyuan, turn slightly right and enter Yuquanying Bridge

3) Walk along Yuquanying Bridge for 1.0 kilometer, cross Yuquanying Bridge and continue straight into the Third Ring Road

< p>4) Follow the Third Ring Road for 11.5 kilometersJust cross Huayuan Bridge, turn slightly left and enter the Third Ring Road

5) Follow the Third Ring Road for 150 meters, exit at Sijiqing Bridge. /West Fourth Ring Road/Xizhimen Bridge/Second Ring Road, and turn slightly to turn left into the auxiliary road of the North West Third Ring Road Auxiliary Road

6) Continue along the Third Ring Road Auxiliary Road West Ring Road of the North Road for 1.7 kilometers, cross Wanshou Bridge and turn left into Changwa Street

7) Along the factory, drive 370 meters along Wa Street, pass Danlong Building Block A on the left for about 70 meters, turn right into Changwa Middle Road

8) Continue along Changwa Middle Road for 750 meters, turn left into Changchunqiao Road


9) Continue along Changchun Qiao Road for 100 meters, pass Building C1 in Wanliuyi Town Center. turn to dstraight for about 300 meters and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Haidian District

Route: about 448 .2 kilometers

Starting point: Longyan Town

1. Driving plan in Longyan Town

1) Start from the starting point due east, drive 260 meters, turn right into Longyan Avenue

2) Continue along Longyan Avenue for 630 meters, turn around and enter Longyan Avenue

3) Continue along Longyan Avenue for 2.0 kilometers, turn slightly right onto Longyan Avenue Longyan. ramp

4) Walk along the ramp for 420 meters and continue straight into Longyan Avenue

5) Along the rampContinue 850 meters onto Longyan Avenue and continue straight into Beihuan West Road.

6) Continue along Beihuan West Road for 1.1 kilometers and pass Huangming Solar Energy (Longyan 5S Store) on the right for about 280 meters. in Jiefang Middle Road

7) Continue along Jiefang Middle Road for 1.2 kilometers and continue straight into Jiefang North Road

8) Continue along Jiefang North Road for 4 .8 kilometers and turn right

p>< p>9) Travel 3.5 kilometers and take ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 1.2 kilometers and turn right to enter Putong Expressway

3. Putong Expressway for 49.2 kilometers and pass Heping Bridge No. 1, direction Xinqiao/Yong'an/Sanming/Nanping, turn slightly right and enter Heping Hub

4. Continue along Heping Junction for 1.2 kilometers and go straight. in Yongzhang Expressway

5. Travel 56.4 kilometers along Yongzhang Expressway, cross Lingtou Bridge, direction Yongan/Sanming/Nanping/Liancheng, turn slightly left onto ramp

6. Continue 0.7 miles along the ramp and continue straight onto Quannan Highway

7. Continue along Quannan Expressway for 25.2 kilometers, direction Yongan North/Sanming/Nanping/G25, turn slightly right and enter Jishan Hub Viaduct 8. Continue along Jishan Hub Viaduct for 1.2 kilometers, go directly into Changshen Expressway

9. Continue along Changshen Expressway for 77.9 kilometers, pass Dongxin Viaduct for about 1.3 kilometers. and continue straight on the ramp

10. Follow the ramp for 710 meters, go straight to Changshen Expressway

11. Follow Changshen Expressway for 34.9 kilometers, passing through Yuecun West. Bridge, towards Nanping/Hangzhou, turn slightly right and enter Yuecun Hub

12. Travel 850 meters along Yuecun Hub and continue straight into Changshen Expressway

13. Travel 71.8 kilometers. along Changshen Expressway, cross Dong'ankou Bridge and head towards Pucheng/Shangrao/Quzhou/Jianyang, turn slightly right into Gongyu Hub

14. Continue along Gongyu Hub for 3.0 kilometers and go straight. in Jingtai Expressway

15. Continue along Jingtai Expressway for 64.6 kilometers and pass Maochang Viaduct towards Wuyishan/Shaowu/Nanchang/Shangrao, turn slightly right to enter Xingtian Hub

16. Continue along the center of Xingtian for 1.1 kilometers, turn right and enter Ningshang Expressway

17. Continue along Ningshang Expressway for 30.2 kilometers, at the Wuyishan/Urban/Airport exit, turn slightly right into Wuyishan Urban Interchange< /p>

18. Follow Wuyishan Urban Interchange for 890 meters and continue straight

19. Driving plan in Nanping City

1) Drive 1.5 kilometers towards the city/. Direction Shangrao, turn slightly right

2) Continue 150 meters, turn rightand enter Jinpanting Road

3) Continue along Jinpanting Road for 1.7 kilometers, turn left into S303


4) Continue along S303 for 1 .2 kilometers, turn right into Wuyi Avenue

5 ) Continue along Wuyi AvenueAfter about 4.1 kilometers, after passing the Oriental Building on the left for about 230 meters, continue straight into Wuyi Avenue

6) Continue along Wuyi Avenue for 130 meters, take the 3rd exit, direction Wujiu Middle Road, and turn slightly left, enter Wujiu Road

7) Continue along Wujiu Road for 590 meters, pass Zhongcheng Electric on the right for about 190 meters, then turn right onto Zhongshan Road

8) Continue along Zhongshan Drive for 20 meters on the road, pass Xingchen Electric on the right for about 250 meters and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Wuyis Townhan

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