How about Shandong Tonghao Solar Energy Engineering Co., Ltd.?

Introduction How about Shandong Tonghao Solar Energy Engineering Co., Ltd.? Shandong Tonghao Solar Energy Engineering Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (individual business of natural persons) registered on 2009-03-17.

How about Shandong Tonghao Solar Energy Engineering Co., Ltd.?

Shandong Tonghao Solar Energy Engineering Co., Ltd. is a limited liability company (individual business of individuals) registered on March 17, 2009. Its registered address is located 50 meters south of Qiancanggou Village, Nanshahe Town, Tengzhou City.

The social credit code/unified registration number of Shandong Tonghao Solar Engineering Co., Ltd. is 91370481685938033U. The legal entity is Meng Xiangjing. The company is currently in a revoked state.

The business scope of Shandong Tonghao Solar Engineering Co., Ltd. is: production and sales, development, design, installation and import and export business. (The above projects that are prohibited by laws and regulations are not allowed to operate, and those that require authorization must be operated with a license) (Projects that require approval in accordance with law cannot be operatedmay carry out commercial activities only after the approval of the relevant departments).

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Names inherit a person’s emotions, intentions, and ambitions; names contain the essence, energy and spirit of a person. A person's name is not only a simple human symbol, but also has a certain impact on a person's emotions, intelligence, marriage and love, failure, health and others aspects. When naming a child, provided you master some essential elements and. methods, it is best to find them yourself, because only you know your children best and only you know what your expectations are. Additionally, there are some naming restrictions. For example, you cannot use a name already used by a member of your family,but strangers don't know which word your family has ever used. : "The name is chosen by the parents. "The skin and hair are given by the parents, so as sons of man we should be grateful.", although we don't usually say that now, in As parents, it makes more sense for us to choose our own names for our children:

Principles to consider when naming children:

1. .The spiritual power of phonology: When the name is spoken, it will produce a magnetic sound field. A good name is pleasant to the ear. Many artists or writers will choose one. another name or font size, such as: Zhang Daqian (formerly known as Zhang Yuan) A good name is not only impressive, but also something you can relate to. . Avoid homophonic sounds: if parents wantwise to choose a name for their baby, they should be careful if there are any indecent homophonic sounds in the name to avoid confusion in the future. Such as: Wu Limao, Zeng Haoxiao, Yu Ling (Rain), Wei Cong (Feeding the Worms). It's best to say the name a few times to see if it sounds right.

3. Pay attention to the meaning of words: If parents want to choose a name for their children, they must first understand the meaning of words, because some words are not common, or the radicals second. for them are modified, but the meaning is not good, so the last Fortunately, before choosing a name, consult the Kangxi Dictionary to determine the meaning.

4. Bazi: Some people choose the baby's name by referring to the baby's horoscope, that is, using the horoscope to understand the baby's innate destiny, such as whether yin and yang are coordinated and the five elements are equal, then usese the name to reconcile, improve the baby's fortune.To name your baby, you can follow the eight-character horoscope, then refer to the pattern and traits, and finally find the appropriate meaning. For example, the horoscope knows that the baby has a strong-willed and undisciplined personality. It is suggested that the child's personality can be changed using principles, virtues, cultivation and maintenance.

5. Zodiac sign: When choosing a name, many parents often choose words based on the zodiac sign. For example, during the Year of the Dragon, boys are often named Dragon. Or even certain characters suit certain signs of the zodiac, such as: Snakes like to stay in small holes. Babies born in the year of the Snake can choose the characters: Zhe, Qi, Shan, Wei, etc.

6. Simple Names: Generally speaking, simple names are easy to remember and sound good. Howeverant, simple names lack foundation and additional characters. Unless you're lucky, they won't fit. they can use another word or The number is used as an auxiliary, such as: Sun Wen, whose courtesy name is Zhongshan Li Bai, whose courtesy name is Taibai.

7. The eighty-one agility of moves: the eighty-one agility of the five grids (sky grid, earth grid, personality, external grid and general grid) can be calculated respectively, and the interdependence and mutual restraint of the five elements can be observed. The total pattern is 24, 25, 29, 31, 32, 33, 35 (this number of moves is very good, but there are many overlapping waves in life) 37, 39, 41, 45, 47, 48 (this number of traits is not bad) Most people with such a number of traits can overcome difficulties and create patterns.)

Three talents and five grids: The five grids are calculatedfrom the traits of the name and the name. the corresponding traits can be calculated from the five grids. You can then understand the five grids and the relationship between the five elements and good and bad luck. When choosing a name, the most important thing is whether the five elements coordinate. , and the second is whether the shots are good. The three talents refer to the combination of heaven, personality and earth. When choosing a name, you can refer to the meanings and traits of the Kangxi Dictionary, as some characters need to be calculated by their radicals to get the correct traits.

Second, the basics:

1. Take the father's last name and add a fixed word (some genealogy regulations must use this) and add a word with a specific meaning < p>2. Take the child's parents' last name and add a word with meaning.specific cation to form a three-character name;

3. Take the child's father's last name and add a word with a specific meaning; to form a single noun. (It is easy to cause duplicate names

4. The child's parents' last name and two words with specific meanings form a four-character name);

3. “Words of specific meaning” may be:

1. The season in which the child was born, such as “spring” for those born in spring, and “qiu”. " for those born in autumn.

2. The day the child was born, such as "National Day", "Jianguo" and "Jianhua" for those born on the National Day; < /p>< p>3. The morning the child was born, like those born in the morning Use “Xiaoguang” and “Morning Light”

4 The place where the child was born: like "Jingsheng", "Jinsheng", "Shanghaisheng" and "Chongqingsheng";

5. Expectationsparents towards their children: “Jian, Ying, Wei” for boys, “Hui, Juan, Shu” for girls, etc.

Fourth, special attention should be paid to:

1. Try not to use common words that most people use.In order to avoid duplication of names;

2. Try not to use Shengpi characters that are easy for most people to pronounce to avoid being difficult to recognize;

3. use characters with many strokes and incorrect glyphs. To avoid writing difficulties;

4 Try using praising tones that sound good instead of derogatory tones

5. several tones as much as possible, that is to say three tones. Avoid the same tone for each character, so that it sounds loud and with ups and downs when spoken

6. , either by dividing the glyphs or by using the pronunciations of the surnames, but be carefulx overlapping sounds.

Fifth, specific suggestions:

1. Buy a relevant book and learn some knowledge about the mathematical theory of naming and the mutual restriction of the five elements in dates of birth.

2. If you really can't find the perfect word based on your imagination, you might as well look it up in a dictionary.

3. Now, when naming a child, it is best to use a four-character name, that is, the parents' last name plus two characters:

For example, for a boy , use "Master" "Takefu", girls use "Huizi", "Junzi", etc. Four-character names are not easy to repeat, are unique, have many advantages, and will gradually become popular.

4. Generally speaking, names used for boys should contain the spirit of yang and steel: like "ying" and "qiang”; the words used for girls' names should contain the meaning of virtue: like "hui" and "juan". And sometimes, if men and women are used in reverse, the children will be better in every way when they grow up.

In short, the general principles of naming are: pleasant to hear, easy to remember, simple to draw, elegant and profound.

Here are many cute names for boys and girls, maybe one of them will suit your child:

Some examples of cute girl names:

Yes Jing (Elegant and calm)

Mengjie (a dreamy, caring and pure girl)

Menglu (like a dreamy girl, Lu, homophone of Lu, the word Lu means day) The beauty of the soul combined with the moon. Wisdom and not exaggerated)

Huiqian (virtuous, Qian is just a pretty name)

Manni (life is romantic, Ni is a name for girls, this has no sense) )

Yu Yan (嫣: beautiful and brightx)

Sangyu (from “Preface to Tengwang Pavilion” by Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty): “Although the North Sea is on credit, it can be conquered if it rises; east corner has disappeared, Sangyu Yu Feiwan")

Qianxue (that is to say Qianxue, the charming princess born in the snow)

Xiangyi (pleasant fragrance)

Lingyun (In ancient times, there was a girl named Xue Lingyun. She was as beautiful as Diao Chan. She was spotted by the emperor at the time. Cao Pi and I wanted to call her to the palace to be his favorite concubine. I hope your daughter will always be as beautiful as her, with skillful hands.

Qianxue (that is, Qianxue, the charming one. princess born in snow)

Yuzhen (as beautiful as jade, as beautiful as pearls))

Ruxue (Ru, homophonic; full name means as pure and kind as snow)

Zhengmei (an upright person, able to withstand various blows)

Meilin (bshe, kind, lively)

Huanxin (happy, living a very warm life with her family)

Youxuan (excellent, excellent in all aspects) Very excellent; Xuan, beautiful as jade, popular)

Yujia (Yu, pure; Jia, excellent)

Yanan (Ya, homophonic for Ya, elegant; Nan It's just that the name is nice)

Mingmei (understands things, is beautiful, has a beautiful face)

Kexin (a beautiful and nice person. Can live a very warm life with her family)

Huiqian (virtuous, Qian is just a pretty name)

Manni (life is romantic, Ni is a name for girls, meaningless)

Xiangru (fragrant), the fragrance will last forever after death, Ru, it doesn't mean much)

Yuechan (pretty and beautiful than Diao Chan, sweeter than moonlight)

Changxi (like Chang'e, has incomparable beauty) Beautiful appearance, as vibrant and energetic as the morning sun)

Jingxiang (calm, toobeautiful, elegant and chaste than the Xiangfei of the Ming Dynasty)

Mengjie (a dreamy, caring and pure girl)

Ling Wei (the momentum and vitality are overwhelming, Wei , I wish her to become a celebrity in the future)

Meilian (beautiful as a lotus, but also beautiful) Having the noble quality of being able to emerge from the silt without being stained)

Yajing (elegant and calm)

Xueli (beautiful as snow)

Yina (having the grace of a beautiful woman, Na generally refers to a beautiful and graceful girl) < /p>

Yafu (elegant, like a water hibiscus)

Yuting (gentle, intelligent, beautiful)

Yi Fragrance (pleasant fragrance)

< p>Jun Yaojun: beautiful jade: beautiful jade

Meng Yaoyao: beautiful jade

Wanting (meaning "gentle, gentle" "Ting" means "beautiful")

Ruijie (meaning intelligent girl)

Yalin (named “Ya”, meaning “detached and elegant”)


Jingqi (a quiet girl and well behaved)

Yanniyan: In thes ancient times, it refers to a talented, learned and virtuous person. Ni: refers to a girl

Xinruixin: Aroma

Jing Chenchen: the name of the former king

Xue Hui Bingxue is intelligent

Shuying is virtuous and intelligent

Shanshan: the graceful look of a woman while walking

Yue Yiyi: relaxed and happy

Yun Xixi: brilliant

钰彤夰: Meiyutong: red

< p>Jing Wen Jing: the brilliance of jade Wen: colorful clouds, mainly used in people's names

< p>Tian Yuyu: beautiful jade

Jing Qijing: a woman with talents Qi: beautiful jade


Meng Yaoyao: beautiful jade

Jing Chenchen: ancient king

Shiqi (poetic and picturesque; beautiful jade)

Meixuanxuan: a kind of grass that forgets worries

Xueyan (flying geese flying in the snowflakes) ) < /p>

Yuting (brilliant; graceful)

Laughing Yiyi: feeling relaxed and happy

Youxuan (excellent, excellent in everythings aspects; Xuan, like a beautiful jade) Gorgeous, popular)

Yujia (rain, pure; Jia, excellent)

Yanan (Ya, homophone for elegant, elegant; Nan is just a pretty name)

Yuting (gentle, intelligent, beautiful)

Yue Ting Yue: a kind of divine pearl in ancient legends Ting: beautiful

Yunxuanxuan: a kind of forgetful person Grass

Xin Tong bright)

Ling Fei (Fei: The scent of vegetation is very strong)

Yu Xin (Feather satin; Warmth)

Jing Yao (Jing : Pingan Yao: Beautiful Jade)

< p>Jinxuan (Jin: Meiyuxuan: a legendary herb that forgets worries)

Manni (life is romantic, Ni is a name for girls, it makes no sense)

Lingyun (In ancient times, there was a girl named Xue Lingyun. She was as beautiful as Diao Chan. She was spotted by the emperor of era, CaoPi, and wanted to call her to the palace to be his favorite concubine. . Beautiful, dexterous with both hands)

Xinyan (happy and happy, Yan is beautiful)

Yuzhen (as beautiful as jade, as beautiful as pearls)

< p > Ruxue (Ru, homophonic; full name means as pure and kind as snow)

Zhengmei (upright, able to withstand various blows)

Meilin (beautiful, kind , long live )

Huanxin (happy, living very warmly with family)

Youxuan (excellent, excellent in all aspects; Xuan, as beautiful as jade, popular with others) Welcome)

Yujia (rain, purity; Jia, excellence)

Yanan (Ya, homophonic for Ya, elegant; Nan is just a pretty name)

Mingmei (Understands things, is beautiful, has a beautiful face)

Kexin (lives very warmly with her family)

Huiqian (virtuous, Qian just has a pretty name)

Manni (life is romantic, Ni is a name for girls, it doesn't make sense)

Xiangru (fragrance, the fragrance will last forever after death, Ru, it has no meaning)

Yuechan (more beautiful than Diao Chan, sweeter than the clear of moon)

Changxi (like Chang'e, incomparably beautiful, as energetic and energetic as the morning sun)

Shizuka (Silent and calm, as beautiful, elegant and chaste as Xiang Fei in the Ming Dynasty)

Mengjie (a dreamLike a girl, benevolent and pure)

Ling Wei (powerful and energetic, Wei, I wish her to become a celebrity in the future)

Meilian (beautiful like a lotus, There is also the noble quality of coming out of the mud but not stained)

Yajing (elegant and calm)

Xueli (beautiful as snow)

Yunhan (meaning involvement)

Li Zi (having all the grace and beauty of a princess or a queen)

Menglu (like a dreaming girl, Lu, homophonic of Lu, the word "Lu" is the spiritual beauty of the combination of the sun and the moon).Wisdom and not exaggerated)

Pei Ling (energetic, small and exquisite)

Xinyan (happy and happy, Yan is beautiful)

Manyu (graceful figure) , Tingting Yuli)

Xin Yao (Xin: happy, happy Yao: beautiful jade)

Ling Fei (Fei: the scent of vegetation is very strong)

< p>Jingyao (Jing: Pingan Yao: Beautiful jade)

Jinxuan (Jin: Meiyuxuan: a legendary herb that forgets worries)

Youyi (yi: good mood)

婳祎(婳: describe the calm and beauty of a woman Yi: describe beautiful things)

Tanya (tan: vegetable elegance: formal)

Ruoyi (Yi: flying)

Xiwen (Xi: Guangmingwen: patterned clouds)

Shiyin (poetry: meaning elegance and romance)

Jingxuan (Intelligent and silent)

Jie Zhen (meaning smart girl)

Mu Hui (Hui: the general name of grass Mu: wet like rain)

Qi Han (a girl with the connotation of beautiful jade)

Jia Qi (Qi means jade, Jiaqi means as white and flawless as a beautiful jade!)

Xueli (Beautiful as snow)

Yina (having the charm of a beautiful woman, Na generally refers to a beautiful and graceful girl)

Yafu (elegant, like a hibiscus emerging from water)

Yuting (gentle, intelligent, beautiful)

Yixiang (fragrance pleasant)

Yunhan (i.e. involvement)

Lizi (with the characteristics of a princess or All the behavior and beauty of the queen)

Mengqi, Yiliu, Zhidao, Muqing, Wenlan, Erlan, Yuanxiang, Chuxia, Peihan, Aoshan, Manwen, Leling, Chi Shan, Henyu, Xiwen, Xianghan, Xinrou, Yurong, Hai'an, Yerong, Hanbai, Shuitao , Zuilan, Chuner, Yuqin, Congtong, Aoqing, Yulan, Youling, Bi Tong, Yuanshuang, Lianmeng, Zihan, Miaotong, Manyi, Nanlian, Zicui, Yuhan, Yiyan, Ruxuan, Ruonan, Xunzhen, Xiaoyi, Xiangshan, Muling, Yirui, Xunyan, Yingyi, Xueliu, Gulan, Xiaoshuang, Haiyun, Ningtian, Peishan, Hanyun, Bingxuan, Wan'er, Luzhen, Pan'er, Xiaoshuang, Bifan, Xiahan, Manxiang, Ruoyan, Banmeng, elegant green, ice blue, Linghuai, Ping An, Shu Cui, Cui Feng, Xiang Qiao, Daiyun, Mengman, Youcui, Youqiao, Tinghan, Mengbai, Zuiyi, Fangxuan, Yiyu, Lingxuan, Fanghui , Huaiyi, Xiaolan, Chuncui, Jingbai, Yelei, Bing Xia, Mengsong, Shuxue, Lefeng, Nianwei, Jingyan, Xunchun, Henshan, Conghan, Yixiang, Mibo, Jingman, Fanxuan, Yiyi, Nianlu, Zhilei, Qianlan, Xinbo, Daizhen, Xinlei, Yanyu, Lenghui, Zishan, Qianqin, Hentian, Aofu, Panshan, Huaidie, Binglan, Shannon , Ledan, Cuirou, Gushan, Zhiyao, Binglu, Erzhen, Guxue, Lexuan, Hanhan, Hailian, Aolei, Qinghuai, Donger, Yimeng, Xixue, Wanhai, Zhirou, Xiaqing, Yiyao, Miaohan, Chunzhu, Chimeng, Zilan, Xiaoqiao, Huanbai , Yuanfeng, Bingfeng, Wangrui, Nanchun, Zhirui, Fanlei, Fanrou, Anlei, Tianhe, Hanyu, Shulan, Yaqin, Shuyao, Chunyan, Cong'an, Xiahuaai, Nianqin, Huaiping, Daiman, Huanshan, Gusi, Qiucui, Baiqing, Hailu, Daihe, Hanyu, Shulei, Tingbai, Fangqin, Lingyan, Qiuchun, Xueqing, Leyao, Hanyan, Hanshuang, Pingdie, Yarui, Aozhi, Lingwei, Lvchun, Hanlei, Congmeng, Congrong, Chudan. Tinglan, Tingrong, Yufu, Xiatong, Lingyao, Yicui, Huanling, Lianhan, Zinan, Yishan, Miaozhu, Fangyan, Lianlei, Yinghan, Youlu, Bingping, Xishuang, Lingxiang, Zhilei, Yanhui, Yingmeng, Yuanbai, Daixuan, Zizhen, Qianqing, Linghan, Zian, Hanan, Huairui, Qiuhe, Hanyan, Yishan, Fanmei, Pan Man, Cuitong, Gu Dong, Xinqiao, Leng'an, Qianping, Bingyan, Yayang, Youlu, Nansong, Shiyun, Feifeng, Jiiling, Shuqin, Yourong, Yilan, Xiaohan, Yi Cold, Autumn Smoke, Zhiqiao, Shuixiang, Yingzhi, Zuibo, Huanlian, Yeshan, Zhihui, Xiangtong, Xiaoyu, Younan, Fanmeng, Man, Nianbo, Yingsong, Qinghan, Xiao Tian, ​​Hanlei , Bihan, Yingqiu, Panyan, Yishan, Yihan, Hanxiang, Xiaofan, Daiyi, Menglu, Yingbo, Yourui, Jifan, Lianlei, Yanfeng, Shuirv, Man He, Xiaoshan, Hanshan, Gunan, Muer, Xialan, Youer, Xiaoxuan, Ziqing, Miaoling, Donghan, Manrou, Yudie, Qingyun, Good night, Mihai, Wenhao, Xiao Sophora japonica, Yashan, Wangyun, Cuirong, Hanfan, Xiaolv, Yiling, Dongyun, Hanyu, Wangfeng, Hanhui, Yebai, Leng'an, Lingzhu , Zuiwei, Yuanshan, Huanbo, Panxia, ​​​​Yuanyao, Yingman, Shuiyun, Fangqin, Gubo, Lezhi, Xiaobai, Zhishan, Miaohai, Zishuang, Pingxia, Lingxuan, Gusi, Lianhan, Xiangping, Fansong, Qingsi, Cui'an , Rutian, Lingxue, Qiling, Daiyun, Nanlian, , Pinglv, Panxiang, Findfeng, Xiaoshuang, Xueping, Banxue, Mountain Willow, Guxue, Jingyi, Baiwei, Menghan, Feilu, Rubo, Youqing, Youyi, Xiangling, Dongyi, Wenyan, Miaochun, Haidong, Ban'an, Pingchun, Youbai , Qiuling, Ningfu, Nianyan, Baishan, Congling, Erfu, Yingrong, Nianhan, Cuilv, Cuifu, Jinger, Miaobai, Qianning, Xiaozhen, Tianqiao. Miaoxuan, Xuefeng, Xiahan, Yuanlu,Chiling, Qiqin, Yushuang, Tingfeng, Mihe, Fanzhi, Xiaofan, Yatong, Xiangwei, Gufeng, Cong'an, Qitong, Zhiyu, Yuzhen, Huansi, Daimei, Xiangbo, Qingyi, Yuanling, Haiyao, Feihuai, Tinglu, Menglan, Huanzhu, , Xiaoxia , Anrong, Qingman, Qianer, Xiangchun, , Menghuai , Xiangqin, Nanqin, Luhai, Peier, Xiaoyao, Tingchun, Ningdie, Zixue, Nianshuang, Nianzhen, Man Han, Fanshuang, Feixue, Xuelan, Yashuang, Congrong, Lengxue, Jingqiao, Cuisi, Mitui, Fanbai, Lerong, Yingbo, Danyan, Mengxuan, Shushuang, Luan Tao, Yetian, Haitao, Qingxiang, Henfeng, Anjun, Mirou, Chunan, Qiudie, Qianyi, Anlu, Shirui, Shanyan, Youling, Xianglu, Xiaolan, Baihui, Yushan, Lengzhen, Qiucui, Xialiu, Ruzhi, Yinan, Shuyi, Cuitao, Jiyao, Ruman, Wenliu, Xiangmei, Huantao, Youhan, Chunlu, Zuidie, Yilu, Shi Shan, Tingqin, Xinzhi, Yiqiao, Nianyun, Xiaoling , Jingfeng, Xiarong, Runan, Yousi, Qiubai, Bing'an, Qiubai, Nanfeng, Zuishan, Chutong, Ninghai, Ziwen, Lingqing, Xianghui, Yaqin, Aoan, Aozhi, Chudie, Xuntao, Daiqin, Shishuang, Chunbai, Lvxia, Biling , Shiliu, Xialiu, Caibai, Mumei, Le'an, Dongling, Zian, Wan Ning, Yuxue, Yizhen, Anhe, Jingzhu, Dairou, Danqiu, Qimei, Yibai, Ninghe, Youshan, Yitong, Lingqing, Zhi Tao, Zhihe, Tinghe , Daiyu, Nianzhen, Mengfei, Yechun, Qianqiu, Baiqiu, Guling, Feisong, Chuyao, Xiling, Henyao, Mengyi, Xinyao, Manmei, Biman, Youyao, Yulan, Yeliu, Xiangdie, Panqiao, Zhizhen, Xianghui, Hanfu, Yeyun, Yixuan , Ningyan, Yilian, Yirong, Yuanliu, Annan, Youqing, Erqin, Feiyang, Baifan, Peiping, Xueyao, Xianghui, Caiwen, Lezhen, Hanhe, Mishuang, Baitao, Anhui, Yingman, Panyan, Lesong, Hanshan, Henhan, Wenfeng, Yiliu , Hanhai, Qiuchun, Cuiman, Yimei, Hanliu, Mengxiang, Hailan, Xiaoman, Daishan, Chundong, Henhe, Yidan, Jingfu, Qilan, Meng'an, Zisi, Qianyan, Ningzhen, Xiangxuan, Mengrong, Lengyan, Feibai, Tianzhen, Cuiqin, Jizhen, Qiuhe, Daishan, Chuxue, Yabai, Lianrong, Rufeng, Nanlu, Ziyi, Bing Fan, Haixue, Yurong, Jasper, Cuilan, Yufeng, Pandan, Chixuan, Ningmeng, Congxue, Baifeng, Aoyun, Baimei, Nianlu, Muning, Yarou , Panliu, Banqing, Congshuang, Huairou, Lianqing, Yerong, Daishuang, Yinan, Ruoling, Zhiwen, Jiichun, Nanqing, Henzhi, Menghan, Chucui, Lingbo, Qiaochun, Wenxia, ​​Lingchun, Xihai, Yixuan, Peiqin, Youxuan , Baining, Chulu, Yinghai, Qiyu, Lingxiang, Xunqin, Qiuliu, Erbai, Yingzhen, Hanyan, Hansong, Youshan, , Ziling, Xunning Lezhen, Hanhe, Mi Shuang, Baitao, Anhui, Yingman, Panyan, Lesong, Hanshan, Henhan, Wenfeng, Yiliu

Some cool sounds Examples of boy namesns:

Chen Yi (a name that makes people feel comfortable and has the same pronunciation as "Shen Yi" and "sincerity")

Haoyu (such a vast mind than the universe) Infinite)

Jin Yu (from the idiom --- holding Jin Huaiyu, a metaphor for having good moral character)

Haoxuan (meaning: brilliant and upright, majestic)

< p>Qingcang (standing on heaven and earth, the true nature of a man) (from "Jiangchengzi `Hunting in Mizhou" by Su Shi, a poet of the dynasty Song, "...holding yellow on the left, holding blue on the right...")

Qingyu (If you don't like any of the above, you can choose this one, the meaning is the same)

Zhiyuan (from Zhuge Liang's "Book of Commandments": "Without indifference, there is no clear ambition, without tranquility, there is no way to go far")

< p>Yelei (open and honest)

Sheng Rui ("Sheng" means brilliant and prosperous; "Rui" means wisdom)

Wenbo (talentliterary, erudite and versatile)

Tianyou (a child born with God's blessing)

Yingjie (beautiful and outstanding)

Zhiyuan (from "The Book of commandments" by Zhuge Liang: "Not indifferent "Without clear ambition, without tranquility, there is no way to go far" )

Junchi (from the idiom: Talented Star Chi)

Yuze (favors are as abundant as rain)

Yelei (bright and honest)

Weiqi (tall, magical)

Shengrui ("Sheng" means brilliant and prosperous, pronounced shèng; "Rui" means wisdom)

Wenbo (literary, erudite and versatile talent)

Tianyou (a child born with the blessing of God)

Wenhao (the word Hao means: vast without limits)

Xiu Jie (Xiu: describes a tall and slender figure, Jie: neat)

Li Xin (Li: Liming Xin: brilliant look)

Yuanhang (Good man, let him take a long journey)

Xu Yao (Xu: ancient times, generallylater called a saint)

Shengjie (Saint: noble Jie: exceptional)

Junnan (Jun: handsome Nan: solid)

Hongtao (Hong: vigorous , prosperous)

Weiqi (wei: great Qi: auspicious)

Rongxuan (Xuan: extraordinary)

Yueze (Ze: vast water source )

Haoyu (the mind is like the universe, vast infinity)

Jinyu (from the idiom - holding Jin Huaiyu, a metaphor for having good moral character) < /p>

Haoxuan (meaning: bright and upright, majestic)

Qingcang (upright, the true nature of a man) (from the Song Dynasty) "Jiangchengzi `Hunting in Mizhou" from contemporary poet Su Shi "...holds the yellow on the left, holds the blue on the right...")

Qingyu (the same meaning as above) < /p>

Zhize ( Ze: Guang The water source of the domain)

Zixuan (Xuan: extraordinary appearance)

Ruiyuan (wise; knowledgeable)

Hongwen (reporter; Wen: writer)

Zhehan (possessing vast knowledge)

Yuze (faveur)

Kai Rui (model: model; Rui: auspicious)

< p>Jianhui (Build brilliant achievements)

Jinpeng (Jin: advance, meaning original, ascendant Peng: a metaphor for a bright future)

Tianlei (Lei: accumulation of stones)

Shaohui (Shao: Inherit Hui: Glory)

Haonan (Hao: Vast)

Zeyang (Wide Ocean)

Xinlei (Xin: wealth)

Pengxuan (xuan: light, pronounced xuān)

Bowen (literary, military, broad and deep)

Hao Qiang (Hao: sky, firmament)

Yue Ze (across the vast water spring) < /p>

Xu Yao (Xu: Xuri Yao: a wise monarch in ancient times, later generally called a saint)

Wei Chen (Chen: the name of the ancient king) < /p>

Zhi Ze (Ze: the water source in a large area)

Bo Chao (Bo: Bo Da Chao: beyond)

Jun Hao (Jun: Jun Zihao: vast)

Zi Qian (Qian: lift high, fly upward) < /p>

Peng Tao (Peng: majestic momentum metaphorthem) )

Yan Bin (yan: burning trash: describing elegance)

Hexuan (crane: Xianyunye Hexuan: extraordinary bearing)

Weize (wei : great Ze: a large water source area)

Yuebin (Bin: describing elegance)

Fenghua (fenghuazhengmao)

Jingqi (Jing : Ping'anqi: Beautiful jade)

Minghui (Hui: brilliant)

Weicheng (Wei: brilliant, Cheng: honest)

Mingxuan (Xuan: allure extraordinary)


Shaohui (Hui: brilliant)

Jianbai ((cypress: pine and cypress, is a symbol of longevity. "Jianbai" means health and longevity)

Yingjie (beautiful and outstanding)

Xiujie (xiu: describing a tall and slender figure)

Zhize (ze: water source in a large area )

Hongwen (reporter, literary: writer)

Jun Xi (Jun: great and powerful; Xi: bright future)

Jiayi (Jia: beautiful; Yi: beautiful)

Yucheng (Shine the city)

Yixuan (濿: beautiful; Xuan: magnificent)

Yewei (Ye:brilliance)

Yuan Bo (博: learned)

Pengtao (Peng: a metaphor for majestic momentum)

Yan Bin (Yan: burning Bin: describing elegance)

Hexuan (Crane: Xianyunye Hexuan: extraordinary appearance)

Weize (Wei: Great Ze: water source in a large area)

< p>Jun Hao (Jun: Junzihao: sky, sky)

Yitong (Yi: Guangyaotong: red)

< p>Hongxuan (Hong: Daye: Brilliant)

Bo Tao (Bo: Scholar)

Yuanjie (Jie: Outstanding)

< p>Li Xin (Xin: brilliant appearance)

Yelin (Ye: brilliant)

Jinpeng (Jin: Jinye, original meaning, ascending Peng: a metaphor for a bright future)

Yehua (Ye: Guangyao)

Yuqi (Yu: Shining and Qi: Auspicious)

Zhichen (Zhi: Wisdom Chen: the generation name of the ancient king)

Zhenghao (Hao: heroic)

Haoran (Hao: sky, firmament)

Mingjie (wise, exceptional)

Licheng (sincerity: honesty)

Lixuan (xuan: extraordinary appearance)

Lihui (hui: brilliant)

Junxi (jun: great Powerful; Xi: the future is bright)

< p>Jiayi (Jia: beautiful; Yi: beautiful)

Yucheng (who makes the city shine)

Yixuan (Yi: beautiful; The king's nickname

Zhenghaohao: heroic

Haoranhao : sky, sky

Zhize (ze: the water source in a large area)

Mingjie is wise and outstanding

Hongwen (resumed; text: writer)

Ye Weiye: brilliance

Yuan Bobo: erudition

Pengtaopeng: a metaphor of majestic momentum

Yanbinyan: Burning Bin: describing elegance

Hexuanhe: Xianyunyehexuan: extraordinary outfit

Wei Zewei: Great Ze: the water source in a large area

Jun Haojun : Jun Zihao: sky, sky

Yitongyi: Guangyaotong: red

Hongxuanhong: Dayexuan: brilliant

Bo Taobao: erudition

Yuan Jiejie: ​​outstanding

Li Xinxin: brilliant look

Ye Lin Ye: brilliant

Zhe Han (has extensive knowledge)

Yuze (favor)

Kai Rui (model: model; Rui: auspicious)

Jianhui (building brilliant achievements)

< p> Zhiyuan (from the “ Book of Commandments” by Zhuge Liang: “Without indifference, there is no clear ambition, without tranquility, there is no way to go far”)

Junchi (from the 'expression: Juncai Xingchi) < /p>

Yuze (abundant favors like rain)

Yelei (honest and honest)

National magnate (people are proud of it )

Weiqi (great, miraculous)

Wenbo (literary, erudite and versatile)

Tianyou (a child born with God's blessing)

Wenhao (the word Hao means: Vast and boundless)

Xiujie (Xiu: describes a tall and slender figure)

Li Xin (Li: Liming Xin: appearance brilliant)

Yuanhang (a good man), let him take a long journey)

Xu Yao (Xu: Xuri Yao: a wise monarch in ancient times, later usually called a saint)

Yingjie (beautiful and exceptional)

Shengjie (Sheng: noble Jie: exceptional)

Xinpengxin: Wealth Peng: a metaphor for majestic momentum

Junnan ( June: beautiful Nan: solid)

Hongtao (Hong: strong, prosperous)

Weiqi (Wei: great Qi: auspicious)

Rongxuan (Xuan : extraordinary appearance)

< p>Haoyu (the mind is like the universe, vast and infinite)

Jin Peng Jin: advance, original meaning, ascending Peng: a metaphor of a promising future

Jin Yu (from the idiom - Hold Jin Huaiyu, a metaphor for possessing good moral character)

Haotian Sicong Zhan Peng Xiao Yu Yu Zhi Dazzling and strong cedar Si Yuan Zhi Yuan Simiao

Xiao Xiao Tianyu Haoran Wenxuan Lu Yangzhen Jialeju Xiaobo Wenbo Haoyan

Liguo Jinxinjin Cheng Jiaxi Peng Feizi Mo Siyuan Haoxuan Yutang Congjian

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