To be able to remove it, it is necessary to specially manufacture a large-scale return spacecraft, as well as equipment for recovery operations outside the space capsule and off-vehicle operations of astronauts. First, remove the battery panels afterwards. when leaving the cabin, then use recovery equipment to install them on the way back. In the cabin, secure it, then re-enter atmosphere and remove it.
But why waste money and effort to bring them back? In the long-term space environment, the power generation efficiency of battery panels has decreased compared to new ones, they are equivalent to waste and need to be reprocessed in the furnace.
There is no difference between solar panels currently installed on satellites or space stations and those installed on the ground on mountain tops, in deserts and onthe roofs. Additionally, China's solar panel production capacity has been exceeded. , the battery panels produced are no longer usable. Isn't it ridiculous to let abandoned satellite panels burn up in the atmosphere and then go to great lengths to remove and dispose of them again?