After a day of exposure to the sun, the temperature of the solar water heater tube is very high. Filling the water tank at midday can sometimes cause the vacuum tube to burst (except on cloudy days). When using solar energy in summer, especially after taking a shower in the evening, it is best not to turn on the water immediately. You should wait for the pipe temperature to cool down the next morning before turning on the water. If the weather is nice, you can fill it with water. If it's cloudy, just fill it with half the water. If it rains, it is best not to fill the water temporarily, in order to ensure the water temperature.
Can solar energy be used to fetch water at midday?
Introduction Can solar energy be used to fetch water at midday? After a day of exposure to the sun, the temperature of the tube of a solar water heater is very high. Filling the water heater at midday can sometimes cause the vacuum tube to burst (except on cloudy days