After pressing the “Setting” button for a few seconds, the number “1” will appear in the temperature display area. This is a scheduled water supply, which means that water will be automatically supplied after 1 hour. Adjust the knob and the number will change from 1 to 24, you can simply calculate the time you need to fill the water. For example, it is 6 o'clock now, and if you want the water to be filled automatically at. At 10 o'clock, just press the number "4" and the water will be automatically replenished at 10 o'clock every day in the future.
The steps of setting up the water supply automatic solar meter are as follows:
1. Press and hold the "setting button", the number "1" will appear in the temperature display area, which means it will turn on automatically. on the water after 1 hour. The water is automatically madrnie at regular intervals.
2. After setting the automatic water supply for a few hours, you can adjust the water levels such as 50%, 80% and 100%. The water level box will flash to indicate successful adjustment. . You can set the water level to the level you want it to fill automatically.
3. Unplug the power and plug it back in to restore original factory settings. The original factory setting is to fill the water at irregular intervals, and when the water level is lower than 25%, it will automatically fill the water to 100%.