Exhaust pipe The exhaust pipe is mainly used to exhaust heat inside the water. During the process of solar energy absorbing heat and heating in the vacuum tube, the internal temperature and pressure continue to increase. Currently, traditional water heaters work. The market can't handle the pressure, so they have to vent the internal heat. If the exhaust hole is not opened, the water tank may be bulged and broken, and may be deflated when using water.
Protect the inner tank of the water tank. The solar exhaust hole is a hole that needs to be installed in the vacuum tube solar water heater. Since the solar water heater is not a pressurized water tank, when the solar water heater is filled with water, there is pressure and the pressure is released from the vent hole on the side superior to protect the internal tankr from the water tank. swelling. Solar energy is a renewable energy source. It refers to the energy of thermal radiation from the sun and its main manifestation is often called solar rays. Nowadays, it is typically used to generate electricity or provide energy for water heaters.