It is recommended not to disassemble it. The battery can be replaced without dismantling it.
The glass in solar panels is difficult to replace. They use tempered glass with high light transmission. However, during lamination, the battery and the glass are already glued together. If the glass is removed, the fragile battery part will be easily damaged.
To replace the battery of the solar light, you must first disassemble the housing and remove it following the screws of the light. The removed screws must be carefully placed. The battery can be found after opening the case. The battery and check the specifications, choose a new battery of the same specification and reinstall it, turn on the device and see if the lamp lights up and works normally. If it works normally, simply reinstall the case.
Solar panels can be used through glass, whichwill affect some conversion efficiency. The main market for power generation is crystalline silicon solar cells and thin film solar cells, both of which have their own advantages and disadvantages. Crystalline silicon solar cells have relatively low equipment costs, but the consumption and costs of the cells are high, but the photoelectric conversion efficiency is also high, which makes them suitable for power generation under the outdoor sunlight;
Thin-film solar cells have relatively low equipment costs. It is higher, but the battery consumption and cost are very low, but the photoelectric conversion efficiency is more than half of that of crystalline silicon cells, but the low light effect is very good and can also generate. electricity under ordinary light, asthe solar cells of calculators.
Detailed informationA solar cell is a device that reacts to light and can convert light energy into electricity. There are many types of materials that can produce photovoltaic effects, such as: monocrystalline silicon, polycrystalline silicon, amorphous silicon, gallium arsenide, copper selenium indium, etc. Their principles of energy production are basically the same. Today, crystalline silicon is used as an example to describe the photovoltaic power production process. Crystalline P-type silicon is doped with phosphorus to obtain N-type silicon, forming a P-N junction.
When light irradiates the surface of the solar cell, part of the photons are absorbed by the silicon material; the energy of the photons is transferred to the silicon atoms, causing the electrons to transition and become electronsfree electrons. accumulate on both sides of the P-N junction to form a potential difference, when the external circuit is connected, under the action of this voltage, a current will flow through the external circuit to produce a certain output power. The essence of this process is as follows: the process of converting photon energy into electrical energy.
Baidu Encyclopedia-Solar Panels