How many miles are there from Lijiang, Yunnan to Linzhi, Tibet?

Introduction How many miles are there from Lijiang, Yunnan to Linzhi, Tibet? Driving directions: The total distance is approximately 1,390.4 kilometers. Starting point: Lijiang city 1. Route plan in Lijiang city 1) Start from the starting point and head due north.

How many miles are there from Lijiang, Yunnan to Linzhi, Tibet?

Itinerary: approximately 1,390.4 kilometers

Starting point: Lijiang City

1 Driving plan in Lijiang City

1) From the start. point to Start due north, drive 10 meters, turn left to enter Yuxue Avenue

2) Travel 1.2 kilometers along Yuxue Avenue, towards Changshui Road/Lashi/ Shigu/Diqing Prefecture, turn left to enter Changshui Road 3) Continue along Changshui Road for 510 meters and turn right into Xi'an Road 4) Continue along Xi'an Road for 1.6 kilometers and pass Niupai Solar Energy (Lijiang Store) on the right. After about 160 meters, turn left.

5) Travel 730 meters and go straight< /p>

6) Travel 360 meters, take the 2nd exit, towards Dali/Lashi/Shangri-La highway /Toward Dali, turn left and enter Dali highway

2. Continue on Dali Highway for 30 meters and go straightin the Dali Highway

3. for 24.8 kilometers. Towards Baihanchang/Shangri-La/Laojunshan Liming Scenic Area, turn slightly right onto ramp

4. Follow the ramp for 970 meters and continue straight on Dali Highway

5. Continue along Dali Highway

Travel 4.5 kilometers on Li Highway and continue straight on ramp

6. Travel 50 meters along the ramp and continue straight on the G214<. /p>

7. Continue along the G214 for 13.0 kilometers and continue straight on the West View Line

8. Travel 110 meters along the West Scenic Line, turn slightly left and enter G214


9. Travel 880 meters along the G214, go straight and enter the West Scenic Line.

10. Follow the road for 5.7 kilometers on the West View Line, turn slightly left and enter G214

11. Continue along the G214 for 1.1 kilometers,continue straight and enter the West View Line

12. Continue along the West View Line for 720 meters. Turn right to enter the West Scenic Line

<. p>13. Continue along the West Scenic Line for 19.1 kilometers and continue straight onto G214

14. Continue along G214 for 3.4 kilometers and continue straight into the West Scenic Line

15. Follow the West Scenic Line for 26.7 kilometers and go straight into the Odi Tunnel


16. Continue along the Odi Tunnel for 490 meters and go straight into the West Scenic Line

17. Travel 67.2 kilometers along the West View Line, turn slightly right to enter the G214

18. Travel 180 meters along the G214, turn left before

19. Go 90 meters, turn right. to enter Wangchi Road

20. Continue along Wangchi Road for 4.9 kilometers, towards Deqin/Balagezong Scenic Area/Napahai·Yila Grassland Scenic Area, and continue straight on the West Scenic Line

21. Continue along the West View Line for 1.7 kilometers, turn around and enter the West View Line

22. Continue along the West View Line for 8.2 kilometers towards Deqin, turn slightly right and enter G214

23. Continue along the G214 for 2.6 kilometers, turn right and enter the West Scenic Line.

24. Continue along the West Scenic Line for 8.0 kilometers., turn slightly left and enter the G214< /p>

25. Travel 7.8 kilometers along the G214 and continue straight into the West Scenic Line

26 for 390 meters along the West Scenic Line towards Balagezong Scenic Area. in the direction, turn slightly left to enter G214

27. Continue along G214 for 12.6 kilometers and continue straight into Kenggu Tunnel

28. Continuealong Kenggu Tunnel for 660 meters and continue straight. in G214


29. Travel 4.0 kilometers along G214 and go straight into Shengdi Tunnel

30. Travel 5.8 kilometers along the Shengdi Tunnel and go straight into the Seredin Tunnel. p>

31. Follow the Colored Drive for 980 meters through the Reading Tunnel and turn left to enter the G214

32. Continue along the G214 for 3.6 kilometers and continue straight through the Buka Tunnel

. 33. Continue along the Buka tunnel for 630 meters and continue straight. Enter G214

34. Continue along the G214 for 3.5 kilometers and continue straight onto West View Line

35. View Line for 770 meters and turn slightly right to enter G214

< p>36. Continue along the G214 for 1.3 kilometers and continue straight onto West View Line

37. for 13.9 kilometers and turn left atns X041

38. Continue along X041 for 34.6 kilometers, turn left to enter Guxue Tunnel

39. Continue along the Guxue Tunnel for 230 meters and continue. straight into X041

40. Continue along X041 for 28.2 kilometers and go straight into Hexi Lower Street


41. Continue along Hexixia Street for 1.4 kilometers, pass Xingda Electric. on the right for about 100 meters, then turn right into Hedongxia Street

42. Continue along Hedongxia Street for 80 meters, turn left towards the back and enter Hedong Shang Street

43. Continue along Hedong Shang Street for 18.4 kilometers, turn forward left

Drive 1.8 kilometers, turn forward right

Drive 28 .7 kilometers, turn right<. /p>

46. Drive 49.6 kilometers, turn left

47 Drive 2.0 kilometers, turn left

48, ​​drive 24.5 kilometersmeters, turn right into Zhuci. Highway

Drive 67.8 kilometers along Zhuci Expressway, turn left

Drive 370.5 kilometers, turn around and enter Hu-Nie Line< /p>

51. along the Shanghai-Nie Line for 21.2 kilometers, cross the Nujiang Bridge and continue straight into the Nujiang Tunnel

52. Continue along Nujiang Tunnel for 10 meters, then cross Nujiang Bridge for approximately 80 meters. , Go straight and enter the Shanghai-Nie

53 line. Travel 254.1 kilometers along the Shanghai-Nie Line and continue straight into Zhamu East Road

54. Travel 880 meters along Zhamudong Road. and continue straight on Zhamu Zhong Street

55. Continue along Zhamuzhong Street for 810 meters and go straight into Zhamu West Street

56. Continue along Zhamu West Street for 190 meters and pass the street. West Sichuan Power Station rightEAbout 210 meters after Bottle Electrical Appliance Sales Department, go straight and enter the Shanghai-Nie

57 line. Follow the Shanghai-Nie line for 89.4 kilometers and continue straight to G318

<. p>58. Continue along G318 for 1.8 kilometers and continue straight into Feishiya Tunnel

59. Travel 560 meters along the Feishiya Tunnel and continue straight onto G318

60. G318 and continue straight on the Shanghai-Nie line

61. Travel 980 meters along the Shanghai-Nie line and continue straight on G318

62. Travel 710 meters along the G318 and continue. straight into the Xiaohuzui tunnel

63. Continue along the Xiaohuzui Tunnel for 480 meters through the tunnel and continue straight into the Hu-Nie

64 line. Continue for 1.9 kilometers along the Shanghai-. Nie Line and continue straight on G318

65. Continue along the G318 for 1,000 meters and continue straight into Palong Tunnel No. 1

66. Continue along tunnel #1 for 2.6. kilometers and continue straight through the tunnel

67. Follow the tunnel for 1.2 kilometers and continue straight on the G318

68. Continue along the G318 for 200 meters and go straight into the Shanghai-Nie

69 Line. Follow the Shanghai-Nie Line for 26.3 kilometers and enter G318

70. Follow the G318 for 320 meters and continue straight on the Shanghai-Nie line. Line

71. Travel 87.3 kilometers along the Shanghai-Nie Line, turn right and enter G318

72. Travel 80 meters along the G318, at the first exit turn left and enter Linla. Road

73. Driving plan in Linzhi area

1) Continue along Linla Road for 2.6 kilometers and continue straight into Linla Road

2) Continue along Linla Road . Continue 30 metersres and continue straight onto Linla Road

3) Continue along Linla Road for 6.9 kilometers, turn slightly right onto the ramp

4) Continue along the ramp for 590 meters and turn right, enter Nanyue Avenue

5) Continue along Nanyue Avenue for 2.5 kilometers, turn left into Baji West Road

< p>6) Continue along Baji West Road for 1.7 kilometers and continue straight into the southern section of Binhe Avenue

7) Travel 640 meters along the southern section of Binhe Avenue to the end point

End point: Linzhi County

< h3>How to choose a WeChat name for better luck? Lucky WeChat Name

Route: About 242.5 kilometers

Starting point: Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport

1. Shijiazhuang City Driving Map

1) Start from the starting point towards northeast, drive 10 meters, turn left

2)Drive 270 meters, turn left

3) Drive 90 meters, turn right, turn

4) Drive 20 meters and go straight

5) Drive 650 meters and continue straight

p>6) Drive 1.7 kilometers and continue straight on the ramp

< p>2 Follow the ramp for 620 meters and turn right.Turn on Xinyuan Highway

3. Travel 71.0 kilometers along Xinyuan Expressway and continue straight on Beijing-Hong Kong-Macao Expressway

4. Travel 107.2 kilometers along the Beijing-Hong Expressway. Kong-Macao Highway towards Jinan/Changzhi/Handan/Zhengzhou, turn slightly right and take ramp

5. Continue along the ramp for 3.7 kilometers and continue straight on Qinglan Expressway. 6. Continue along Qinglan Expressway for 14.9 kilometers and pass Qinglan. Cross the railway bridge, direction Guantao/Jinan/Handan East/Renmin Road, turn slightly right ontothe ramp

7. Continue along the ramp for 1.7. kilometers and continue straight on Qinglan Expressway

8. Continue along Qinglan Expressway for 24.0 kilometers, at the Guangping/Quzhou exit, turn slightly right into Luying Overpass

9. Luying overpass for 890 meters and enter S234

< p>10. Driving plan in Handan Town

1) Continue along S234 for 4.5 kilometers and continue straight into S234

2) Continue on S234 for 190 meters and take the second exit towards Guangzhou. Towards Ping/Weixian, go straight and enter S234

3) Continue on S234 for 6.4 kilometers, turn right

4) Continue 490 meters, turn left

5) Continue 860 meters, pass Guangpu Solar Energy (Guangping County Specialty Store) on the right for about 50 meters, then continue straight into JianxinNorth Street< /p>

6) Continue along Jianxin North Street for 1,000 meters, pass a store on the right. After about 70 meters from the People's Department Store, go straight and enter Jianxin South Street.

7) Continue Jianxin South Street for 870 meters, turn right into Guang'an West Road

< p>8) Continue along Guang'an West Road for 1.1 kilometers and reach the end point (on the right side of the road)

End point: Guangping County People's Court

Route 2: Non-high-speed line

The whole route is about 249.3 kilometers


Via: Beijing-Shenzhen Line, Line Ronglan

Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport

From Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport to G107, drive 4.5 kilometers

Turn left, enter G107 and travel 13.7 kilometers

Please go straight, enter North Street Station and travel 2.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Shengli North Street and travel 12.7 kilometers

Turn left, enter Ping'an North Street and travel 1.7 kilometers

Please go straight , enter Ping'an South Street and travel 3.4 kilometers

Enter the roundabout, enter Huitong Road and travel 1.7 kilometers


Turn left, enter Beijing-Shenzhen line and travel 104.2 kilometers

Turn right, enter Xingzhou Avenue and travel 1.4 kilometers

Turn left, enter Xingda Road and travel 3.0 kilometers

Turn left, enter Tuanjie West Street, and travel 450 meters

Turn right, enter Xinhua North Road, and travel 1.6 kilometers

Please go straight ahead and enter Xinhua South Road, travel 6.1 kilometers

Please go straight ahead, enter Beijing-Shenzhen line and travel 11.8 kilometers.

Please go straight, enter Jingguang Road and travel 7,2 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Beijing-Shenzhen line, travel 5.4 kilometers

Please go straight, enter Hanxing Road, travel 4.8 kilometers< /p>

Please go straight, enter Beijing-Shenzhen Line and travel 8.7 kilometers

Turn left, go from Beijing-Shenzhen Line to Zhonghua North Street and continue 1 .0 kilometers

Turn right, enter Zhonghua North Street and travel 1.7 kilometers

Keep right and go straight, enter Zhonghua North Viaduct and travel 180 meters


Keep left and continue straight, enter the northern ring road and travel 4.4 kilometers

Enter the roundabout, enter the eastern ring road and travel 5.8 kilometers

Please go straight, enter the Southern Ring Road and travel 940 meters

Turn right and enter the Ronglan Line, travel 21.9 kilometers

Turn right, enter daFrom Jiuding Street, travel 910 meters

Turn left, enter Guang'an Road, travel 4.2 kilometers

Go straight and enter Feiguan Line, travel 11, 6 kilometers

Enter the roundabout, enter Renmin West Road and drive 700 meters

Turn right, enter Qinglian Street and drive 1.0 km

< p> Turn right, enter Guang'an West Road and drive 30 meters

Guangping County People's Court

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When it comes to choosing a lucky WeChat name, everyone knows that some people ask for lucky WeChat names. Additionally, some people want to ask for lucky WeChat names. Do you know what's happening? In fact, there are WeChat nicknames that are good for luck and wealth. Let's take a look at WeChat names for luck. Hope this can help everyone!

Comment name WeChat for better luck

1. How to name WeChat for better luck: Lucky WeChat Name


2. How to choose a name WeChat for Better Luck: WeChat Names for Good Luck

(01), WeChat Names for Change of Luck by Yong Bing.

(02), Qingying

(03), the name Qingya WeChat brings good luck in Feng Shui.

(04), Yongli's WeChat name brings good luck.

(05), the WeChat name of a successful woman with her husband and wealth.

(06), Panchu

(07), great WeChat name, good luck and good health.

(08), Le Shu

(09), What name WeChat is the most prosperous in Yiping.

(10), See through

(11), Shisha

(12), WeChat names that bring luck.

(13), Yawei

(14), Ms. Yifei is lucky in 2021Wangcai WeChat.

(15 years old), Restless

(16 years old), Tingning has a good luck nickname on WeChat.

(17), Fei Yi

(18), Du Bianwang's WeChat name for children's studies.

(19), Huanyan

(20), Yuxiao is the most auspicious and prosperous WeChat name.

(21), Wansha

(22), Weitu

3. How to name WeChat for better luck: good luck and wealth WeChat Nickname

1. What is the WeChat name of a very popular person in Kyushu to bring wealth?

2. Zhubao Sanduo's WeChat name is very lucky.

3. The most prosperous WeChat nickname for people belonging to the Monkey zodiac is to have many winning friends.

4. Perfect internet names that bring luck in life.

5. What is a pleasant and auspicious name for the inspirational teacher to use on WeChat?

6. A rising star symbolizes a better and better WeChat name.

7. The order of the elderly

8. A man's life is for wealth

WeChat nickname for thosewho have luck and wealth

9. Don't bully young people who don't have a wife

10. Looking for Qingsen

11. Geely's WeChat name to accompany you to Yupao Transportation.

12. Preaching, Hongyi

13. The WeChat name of the Tiger, wealth and good luck.

14. The Most Successful WeChat Name for 2021.

15. Ride a Snail and Chase a Plane

16. Good Luck

17. Luck comes

18. Is there smooth navigation? Give yourself a lucky WeChat name.

19. Good luck

20. Everything is going well

21. Qitian Hongfu's WeChat name.

22. Wen Le

23. Kitaduo

24. The WeChat name of the lucky bird brings good luck to the son.

25. The source of love

26. Sauvignon Blanc wedding sweets

27. Heehee means a good WeChat name and brings good luck.

28. Yuanyuanyuan

29. Honey Guest

30. Everything is professionalfather

31. Good luck

32. Three lives of destiny

33. Haohe Xipu

34. Love marriage

35. Virtue and hope

< p> 36. Keep working hard

37. The future is endless

38. Double happiness

39. Splendid future

40. Innocence without shoes

41. Start of summer, rain

42. Crazy style

43. I will stop smoking and drinking but not you

44. Buried in tears

45. Pseudo-cold

46. Don't settle for that

47. Don't you don't forget

48. A few years of fame

49. Famous people all over the world

4. How to choose a WeChat name for good luck: What are the WeChat names that indicate luck?

1. Thousands of auspicious things gather together, fresh water and wind come, and wealth comes.

2. Everything goes well, the spring brings blessings and the virtue is precious.

3. Airpurple comes from the east, the rising sun brings luck.

4. Good times come, happiness knocks at the door and luck arrives.

5. Prosperity is spreading all over the world, lots of luck and wealth is coming from all directions.

6. A bright future, luck and a rainbow of energy.

5. How to name WeChat for luck: A lucky WeChat name?

6. How to Choose a WeChat Name for Good Luck: Which WeChat Name Can Bring Good Luck?

What WeChat name can bring good luck is one that looks particularly cheerful and sunny, like the sun goddess.

7. How to choose a WeChat name for greater luck: which WeChat names bring wealth

A complete list of WeChat names that can bring wealth:

Gradually progress and finally come true Great cause, everything is renewed, literary and artistic style, Qi flows throughthe rainbow, uniquely endowed, everything goes well, good luck and good luck

Remove the old and bring in the new, attract wealth and treasures, finally achieve great cause, bow, fame appears in all directions, the direction of the dream is called pause. The tiger's slimming ambition lies in me and learning.

strong. , continue writing for young people, put on flat shoes to walk on a good podium, defend yourself

I love you, it doesn't bother you. , I am not an ordinary person, the wind blows on the pines, ambiguity is bitterness, the song on the clouds

The lucky cat has lost its bell, several heartaches arise turn into ashes, the pursuit of dreams, the weather is terrible, Qingshan Fu, pity Take the person in front of you and cherish them forever

Thousands of evening stars, hibiscus and river, sighing over the meaningflowers in the sky, ℡ If the heart is led by a dream, the trees are dark, as are the corners. Black cat

Singing under the fence at night, he and the wedding dress are just a dream, the heart is so full

The lucky WeChat name:

Don't wait for time to disrespect Dream, don't forget your original intention, fly against the wind, my destiny depends on me, every step of the way is a kind of achievement

< p > Don't let the dream be just a dream, the dream blooms like a flower, the dream begins, let's not be crazy anymoreI'm old, hello tomorrow

The dawn of hope, it's not the alarm clock that wakes you up but your dream, the sun in the cracks, dreams and ambitions, the future is written

Damn, it's better to count on yourself than on the world. Fight for yourself and fight for the future. If you have a dream, dare to pursue it. If you don't work hard, you will go broke. your life if you arelazy

Risk your life to fight for my future and work hard to replenish myself A dream, rushing in the face of cold eyes and ridicule, every tear is a diamond

Hold you a sky, a dream that will never fall, a dream is destined to be a lonely journey, if the heart is there, the dream Right there

Standing on the tip of the feet, you can get closer to the sun, give wings to dreams and work hard, just to meet you and have dreams.

Children without an umbrella have to run hard. If you have a dream, you must defend it. If you're on the right path, it will be worth it no matter how far you go. Travel with your dreams.

Don't give up. The sky will rise and your heart will be warm. Who will show you your cowardice? Let your dreams fly. If you are beaten when you go out to go out, you must stand upright.

The sky of dreams is extremely blue, only a trrelentless avail, my future is. not a dream, I risk my life for the future, I don't believe in destiny, I only believe in the hard work of my hands

The above is the content related to WeChat names with good luck. This is WeChat name sharing with good luck. After reading how to choose a WeChat name for better luck, I hope it will be useful to everyone!

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·Shenzhen Zhuofeng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Volt Technology Co., Ltd.

·Hangzhou Lingri Technology Co. , Ltd.

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·Shenzhen Angji Electronics Co. , Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Yongsheng Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Little Warrior Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Tuojian Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Haoket Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Yikunlun Industrial Co., Ltd. ·

·Yuan Battery (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Maibang Energy Co., Ltd. Sales Department

·Hongneng Technology Co., Ltd.·< /p>

Yuan High-tech (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Junchang Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Biate Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Shengxi Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shaanxi Zilong Chemical Co., Ltd.

· Shenzhen Yilin Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

·Oke Energy (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.·

Suzhou Dinate Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Today Er Technology Co. , Ltd.·

Shenzhen Weixinke Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Hebi Noah Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Liaoyuan Tongkun New Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Guangzhou Qiangneng Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Rockhart Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Huamao International Trading Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Zhongfu Packaging Equipment Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Shishifa Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Xinchuanghui Technology Co., Ltd.

< p>·Shenzhen Chuangming Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Suneng Interactive Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Hongde Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Gongfu Long Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Chineng Technology Co., Ltd.

·Zhejiang Huatian Power Supply Co. ., Ltd.Shenzhen Branch

· Guizhou Aerospace Power Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch

·Jinghua Power Supply (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.·

·Shenzhen Nokton Electronics Trading Company

·Interman Battery (Shenzhen) Co ., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Haoran Battery Co., Ltd.·

Canon Energy Technology Co. ., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Chengxintong Power Supply Co ., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Tianshitong Electronics Co., Ltd.··

Shenzhen Pengdiyuan Electronics Co. ., Ltd.·

· Shenzhen Biate Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Huitong Tianxia Co., Ltd.·

·Shenzhen Deli Battery Co. ., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Xialing Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Haoba Battery Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Foster Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Gaosinai Battery Co., Ltd.


·Shenzhen Yucheng Xin Power Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinnengda Battery Co.,Ltd.·

Shenzhen Qiangsheng Battery Co., Ltd.·

< p>Shenzhen Youpeike Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Ruimin Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Junengda Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jiayang Battery Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen PKCELL Battery Co. ., Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinmingtong Solar Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Kaixinda Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Diruilong Technology Co. , Ltd., Guangdong Province

Oke Energy (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Zhengyu Technology Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Weimar Battery Industrial Co., Ltd.·

·Shenzhen Guruilang Technology·

Shenzhen Tianlongwang Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Nexon Power Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Gaosheng Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Bondway Battery Technology Co., Ltd. ·


Shenzhen Yirui Lithium Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Huanyuda Battery Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Bofuneng Battery Co., Ltd.·

< p>Shenzhen Joyoung Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Guangzhou Panyu Huali Battery Co., Ltd. ·

·Shenzhen Kangsheng

Shenzhen Tianjiao Technology Development Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Bokeda Power Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Jiayuan Lithium Cobalt Oxide Battery Silicon Wafer Recycling Company

·Dongyang Haiqiang Electroacoustic Accessories Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Tianjin Electronics Co ., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Weixunda Technology Co., Ltd.Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Kelitai Technology Co., Ltd. ·

·Shenzhen Feilongteng Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Xinpengxiang Electronics Co. ., Ltd.< /p>

·Shenzhen Qingmao Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Joyoung Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Erlanghe Electronics Co., Ltd.·

< p>Shenzhen Pengchu Industrial Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Anyifu Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Minzhi Energy Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Huanyu Da Battery Technology Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Office ·

·Shenzhen Huaye New Technology Industrial Co., Ltd. Hong Kong Branch·

Shenzhen Qingmao Technology Co., Ltd. Office in Taiwan

·Weili Energy Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen office BAK Battery Co., Ltd. in Taiwan·

Shijin International Co., Ltd.·

·Shenzhen City Dongguan Office Yongneng Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinhuixu Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Haopai Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Jinkai Neng Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Baoan Xiongli Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Yuying Weida Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

· Company Jiayang Battery (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Zhuoneng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Fulike Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·

Hangzhou Golden Energy Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office Changzhou New District Fuba Battery Co. ., Ltd. Shenzhen Branch

·Shenzhen Foster Battery Co., Ltd.·Shenzhen Malok Industrial Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen City Aisheng Industrial Co., Ltd. ·< /p>

Interman Battery Co., Ltd. Sales Center in Shenzhen

·Guangdong Guoguang Electronics Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office

·Wuhan Fute Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office·

Shenzhen Baihui Power Supply Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Nengyilang Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Zhongdian Energy Technology Co. , Ltd.

·Shenzhen Lanbang Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Jinnengtong Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Century Star Industrial Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Luodan Industrial Co., Ltd.·

Tianlongwang Energy Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Jieba Battery Co. , Ltd.]

Shenzhen Linghua Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Marketing Center of Huanyu Power Supply Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Huanyu Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Ge Ruipu Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinxingguang Industrial Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Sikai Battery Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Bolineng Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Kaidi Electronics Company Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Haipu Technology Development Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Ziyun Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Haohe Industrial Co ., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Zhansheng Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yuli Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Tailong Technology Co. . , Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jin Dianbao Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Tianlu Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Huanyuchang Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Huifa Technology (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office·

Shenzhen Yudentong Power Supply Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Rongli Industrial Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Yuanyangxuan Industrial Co., Ltd.< /p>

·Shenzhen New Lithium Power Supply Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Multi -Fang Telecom Products Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Chuangxinhuang Industrial Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Gaonengda Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen BAK Battery Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Baolida Industrial Co., Ltd.·

Hong Kong Ling Shenzhen Office of Three Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Lianke Industrial Co., Ltd. ·

Zhaba Micro (Shenzhen) Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Juying Power Technology Co., Ltd. ·

< p>Jinyuan Electronics Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Dake Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Huatianwei Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Aobotun Automation Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Shuowei Technology Co., Ltd.

·Bately Bureau of Shenzhen Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Gangkang Battery Co., Ltd.

Chaoshang Battery Co., Ltd.·

中Source Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

·Daos Trading (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.·

Hunan Sanhuan Power Supply Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office ·

Shenzhen Aobo Te Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Roaming Industrial Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Yingsel Technology Co., Ltd.·

< p>Shenzhen Lidian Battery Co., Ltd.< /p>

·Shenzhen Lekai Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Lehongwei Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Xuwei Battery Co., Ltd.·

Saierlin Industrial Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yinsiqi Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Battery Jinyang Co., Ltd.Division·

Shenzhen Liduowei Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Huiyangda Electronics Co., Ltd.

Marketing Department of Shenzhen Peking University Xianxing Technology Industry Co., Ltd. Hongtao Battery Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Luoda Electronics Co., Ltd. p>

Shenzhen Tianhou Battery Co., Ltd.

·St. Liyuan Battery Co., Ltd.·

Yaoan Battery Power Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

·Modern Energy Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Olli Pu Battery Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Chihang Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Gao Shengwei

Shenzhen Jinweike Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Yongjin Battery Co., Ltd.henzhen BAK Battery Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Business Department

Shenzhen Shuangba Electric Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Tianlu Battery Co., Ltd. Guangzhou Office Shenzhen Weifeng Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

·Shenzhen Jingxin Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhengyu Energy Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Huaguan Lithium Battery Development Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Bangkai Lithium Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Baolilai Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Langtige Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Liguang Technology Industrial Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Jindun Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen World Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Fengbiaowang Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Xinruilong Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinggang Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen New Realm Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Aidelong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Tianlihe Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Shengyibao Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Weida Optoelectronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Shunyi Industrial Co., Ltd. ·< /p>

Shenzhen Weiteli Power Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Yilineng Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Delangneng Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Aiboer New Energy Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Bangkai Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen BYD Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Yongantong Electronics Co., Ltd.

p>Zhejiang Kane Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Saidik Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Ketegao Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Xingkai Tai Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Hongyi Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Jinweipeng Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen JiaCheng Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jingjia Power Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Xinyoupu Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Qili Battery Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Top Communication Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Shibang Weiye Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yilip Electronics Co. ., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Huayuebao Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Isda Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Zhuofeng Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen City Tongliwei Technology has many companies·

Shenzhen Decatur Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinming Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Haiying Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Chenxingda Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Kehai Microelectronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Chengyuan Technology Co., Ltd.·


Shenzhen Olip Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Decate Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Shengtai Industrial Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Boxuntong Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Meilefu Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Zhiyin Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Shen Battery Distribution Office

Shenzhen Biak Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Ruiyuneng Technology Co. ., Ltd.

Shenzhen Gaomei Technology Co., Ltd.·< /p>

Shenzhen Ruide Electronics Industrial Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Model Communications Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Yuanke Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Zhongte Trade Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jieba Battery Co., Ltd. ·< /p>

Shenzhen Intelligent Industrial Co., Ltd. ·

Sier Technology, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jinli Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Xinyoupu Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Shengyuanhui Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Chaonengtong Electronics Co., Ltd. ·< /p>

Ningbo Huatian Lithium Battery Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Office·

Shenzhen Jishan Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yinghe Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen New Realm Technology Co. , Ltd.·

Shenzhen Henry Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Hongsheng Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jiayang Battery Technology Co. , Ltd.·

Shenzhen Chuanghuiyuan Digital Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Moyi Digital Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Yilin Energy Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Mingyida Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Zhongkaixing Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Xinruirong Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Haoran Battery Co., Ltd.

< p>Shenzhen Ruichi Innovation Technology Co ., Ltd. ·

Weilineng Battery Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Bettery Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen City Huayuebao Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Lihai (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Wei Chuangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. ·< /p>

Shenzhen Ding Shi Energy Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Ketegao Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Wandaneng Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jike Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Puchuangyuan Technology Development Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yijiatong Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yongxinghui Industrial Co., Ltd.· < /p>

Shenzhen Zhiji Co., Ltd.·

Birui Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yatong Technology Electronic Factory·

Shenzhen Pujun Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Nuoyitong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·< /p>

Shenzhen Fengpeng Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Shanmu Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

Tang Julong Electronic Technology Shenzhen Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Huaxiong Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Yantai Lixin Technology Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Sales Center·< /p>

Shenzhen Pengyuanda Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Dongfang Hualian Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yongyuan Xiongfeng Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Haoman Electroacoustic Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Kemai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Nengyilang Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Good Brother Electronics Factory·

Shenzhen Jingyasi Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yingji Industrial Co., Ltd. ·

Huanyutong Electronics Co., Ltd.

·Ruidian Communications·

Shenzhen Haiketai Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Goonengda Battery Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Huabaotong Electronics Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Jinke Energy Development Co., Ltd.< /p>

·Shenzhen Zhongkecheng Technology Co., Ltd.·

Li Jia Power Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.< /p>

·Shenzhen Bolikang Battery Co., Ltd .·

Shenzhen Fujida Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Hailutong Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Ouneng Technology Co., Ltd.

Dehui Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinweipeng Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Hongshengjie Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Hongyi Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Lei Ouyidian Industrial Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Tuoneng Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Uco Energy (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Haritong Industrial Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen R&F Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yuangao Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Haiying Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Tongliwei Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Nasdak Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Yongxing Communications Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jinbao Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Lilianpu Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Lizhineng Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Jialang Optoelectronics Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Roaming Industrial Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jixinglong Industrial Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Hengtai Weiye Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Shengkes Technology Development Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Hengwang Digital Technology Co. , Ltd.·

Shenzhen Power Times Technology Co., Ltd. .·< /p>

Shenzhen Genke Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinjijia Electronics Industry Co. , Ltd.·

Shenzhen Andefeng Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

< p>Tianlong Energy Technology (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Xinkunpeng Power Supply Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Tongtiandi Battery Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Shilong Lithium Battery Co.,Ltd. ·

Jintan Chaochuang Battery Co. Shenzhen Office

·Shenzhen Kirin Power Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Chuang Ju Hi-Tech Industrial Development Co ., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Luojia Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Kailong Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Bisheng Light Source Technology Development Co., Ltd.

·Aosheng (Shenzhen) Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Xinwangda Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Aoliao Electronics Co ., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Dingtai Industrial Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Nisenyu Electronic Factory·

Shenzhen Like Industry and Trade Co., Ltd. .·

Haiying Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Baojia Energy Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Jingyou Communication Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yingcheng Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Wanxitong Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Xinyujia Communication Electronics Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Liangneng Technology Co., Ltd.< /p>

Shenzhen Meibai Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Meijiexun Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Bosiyuan Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Dibico Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Xinhejun Industrial Co., Ltd.·

Hantong Electronics Factory·

Shenzhen Bangkai Electronics Co., Ltd.·

< p>Shenzhen Weike Power Supply Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Pioneer Electronics Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Hengying Putai Industrial Co., Ltd.·

< p>Shenzhen Yanghui Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Juhe Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Banglai Electronic Technology Development Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Xinyongfeng Technology Co., Ltd.·

Mike Energy Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Yili Energy Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Bentingwei Industrial Development Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Tianyu Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Wanhongda Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Huitong Tianxia Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Huiye Electronics Co., Ltd.·< /p>

Shenzhen Deze Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·

Hong Kong Haizhitong Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinlifeng Electronics Co., Ltd.

·Henderson Electronics (Shenzhen) Co ., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Chenghong Electronics Factory·

Zhen Jixing Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Meini Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Chuangming Battery Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Langbowang Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Benchuang Electronics Co., Ltd. ·

· Songshun Electronics (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Qiaowei Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Benyong Battery Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinlilong Technology Co., Ltd.< /p>

Shenzhen Saibao Battery Technology Development Co., Ltd.

Xinhu New Energy Battery (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Zhongdingsheng Technology Co., Ltd .·

Lei Tian Green Electric Power Source (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.

Aisheng Bailey Energy (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen District Baoan Xixiang Hero Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jinnengtong Electronics Co. , Ltd.

·Shenzhen Tianshi Weiye Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Fengchi Technology Co., Ltd. (Jishan)·

Shenzhen City Fulite Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Chihang Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Longgang Electronic World Jinqiao Battery Business Department·

Shenzhen Shengjier Electronics Co., Ltd.

Yade Electronics Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Showcase·

Litong Communication (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Kangsheng Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Pengdi Electronic Technology Co ., Ltd. ·

Xi'an Serfu Energy Technology Co., Ltd . Shenzhen Office

Shenzhen Hai Changtai Electronics Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Aite Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Chuanghong Energy Technology Co., Ltd . .·

·Shenzhen Biga Primary Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Debang Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Ruichi Power Technology Co. , Ltd. ·

Wuhan Lixing (Torch) Power Supply Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Company

·Shenzhen Hengyiyuan Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Zhenkongfu Battery Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Jude Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·


Shenzhen Jiuqian Energy Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Chaoneng Battery Factory

Shenzhen Duden Technology Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Jinqi Electronics Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Nanqiang Technology Co., Ltd.

·Shenzhen Jieritong Electronics Co., Ltd.·< /p>

Shenzhen Huabic Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Minneng Battery Co., Ltd. ·

Shenzhen Xianjia Technology Co., Ltd.

< p>Shajing Aobo Battery Sales Department of Shenzhen Baoan District·< /p>

Shenzhen Mengjinda Electronic Technology Co., Ltd.·

Shenzhen Songding Industrial Co., Ltd.·Shenzhen< /p>

Zhen Liwang Battery Technology Co., Ltd.

Shenzhen Baoan District Xin'an Bonengda Battery Sales Department·< /p>

Shenzhen Keli Electronics Co., Ltd.

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