Photovoltaic solar panels generally do not have fixed specifications and are mostly customized by manufacturers.
Generally, silicon crystal materials and packaging shapes are required.
Today, the glass package of large monocrystalline silicon modules is basically 150W/M2
The photovoltaic solar power generation system uses the photovoltaic effect of semiconductor materials of solar cells to directly convert solar radiation energy into A new type of electric power generation system, which has two modes: independent operation and grid-connected operation.
Independently operating photovoltaic power generation systems require batteries as energy storage devices. They are mainly used in remote areas without a power grid and in areas with high population.n dispersed. The cost of the whole system is very high in public areas. power grids, photovoltaic power generation systems It can be connected to the power grid and run in parallel, eliminating the need for batteries, which not only can significantly reduce the cost, but also provides higher power generation efficiency high and better environmental performance.
Detailed information:
Photovoltaic power generation systems are divided into systems independent photovoltaic and networked. -system of connected photovoltaic systems.
Independent photovoltaic power plants include village power supply systems in remote areas, domestic solar power systems, power supplies for communication signals, cathodic protection, solar street lights andother photovoltaic energy production systems with batteries that can operate independently.
A grid-connected photovoltaic power generation system is a photovoltaic power generation system that is connected to the grid and supplies electricity to the grid. It can be divided into grid-connected power generation systems with and without batteries. The grid-connected power generation system with battery storage is dispatchable and can be integrated or removed from the grid as required. It also has the function of backup power and can provide backup power when the network is out of power for any reason. .
Grid-connected photovoltaic power generation systems with batteries are often installed in residential buildings; grid-connected power generation systems without batteries do not have any functionalityDispatch and backup power ons and are typically installed on larger systems.
The photovoltaic panel module is a power generation device that collects heat when exposed to sunlight and converts the light energy into direct current. It is a thin solid photovoltaic cell composed almost entirely of semiconductor materials (such as a silicon composition). .
As there are no moving parts, it can operate for a long time without causing wear. Simple photovoltaic cells can power watches and computers, while more complex photovoltaic systems can light homes and power the grid. Photovoltaic panel modules can take different shapes and the modules can be connected to generate more electricity.
Photovoltaic panel components are used on roofsand surfaces of buildings, and are even part of windows, skylights or protective devices. These photovoltaic installations are often called building-mounted photovoltaic systems.
Reference documents:
Baidu Encyclopedia-Solar Photovoltaics