Why is the sea essay blue

Introduction Why is the sea blue? It turns out that sunlight is made up of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue and violet. According to scientists' measurements, blue light and violet light have shorter wavelengths.

Why is the sea essay blue

It turns out that sunlight is made up of red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, indigo and violet. According to scientists' measurements, blue light and violet light have shorter wavelengths, equivalent to "small waves"; could not overcome these obstacles, they were "scattered" everywhere, covering the entire sky - the sky, and in this way they were "scattered" in blue. The scientist who discovered this “diffusion” phenomenon is called Rayleigh. He discovered it 130 years ago and he is also a Nobel Prize winner. Using the phenomenon of "diffusion", you can explain the following celestial phenomena: For example, the sky above your head is blue. When the sun shines on the sea, because the sea is bottomless and has a lot of weight, it will produce a strong attraction, absorbing many colorful lights in the sun, but only cyan and blue cannot be absorbed. They float on the sea. we saythought the water was blue. The endless ocean shines with countless stars, shining with strange light like blue gemstones. The crystal clear sea water is like an endless mirror, reflecting the clear blue sky and cool water vapor. With the refreshing breeze, it is sent into my body. a warm embrace, refreshing my heart and my spleen, making me want. The East China Sea has a blue charm, bright and colorful, and with the azure sky reflected in the water, it becomes even more beautiful seeing its blue color there. There seemed to be countless strips of blue light, intertwined with each other, and the water and the sky merged into one. It was really hard to tell which was heaven and which was earth. The sky and the earth were clear and clear. the water and the sky were the same color. I felt like I had entered heaven. Why is the sea blue? This thick blue blanket isslightly turbulent, as if competing for the colors of the blue sky, her pulse beats violently, and she emits light blue light, making people feel that their eyes are full of light blue shadows, as if they have walked into the blue sky. The world of glass is drunk on blue wine. Although this clear, green, deep and calm ocean is not as majestic and majestic as stormy waves or the galloping momentum of a wild horse, it still does not reduce. his majesty and his majesty. She is covered in thick blue, so young, so energetic, like a vibrant girl with youthful glory. This refreshing blue world is really cute. is always pure and impeccable; she also has a resolute and courageous character, dares to fight the storm, prefers to break her charming blue figure into white flowers and foam, and never attacks those who show weakness.

This blue. the sea, under the light of the sun, rises in a light blue mist, withc a vast blue light and a floating golden light. This blue is so fresh and deep that it contains a strange power.

This intoxicating blue makes me feel really relaxed and! happy.

Is the ocean blue because it reflects the color of the sky?

Most people think the ocean is blue because it reflects the sky. However, this is a misconception and although it changes the color of the ocean, it is not the main reason. looks blue.

The ocean is blue because the water absorbs colors in the red part of the spectrum. Orange and ** are also absorbed by the ocean, but blue, with shorter wavelengths, is not. . Like a light filter, it leaves the color in the blue part of the spectrum that we see and has nothing to do with the color of the sky. The ocean develops its own blue appearance as light penetrates the ocean's surface and scatters within. The light bouncesthen on the surface so we can see it. The ocean may also appear green, red, or other colors when light reflects off sediment and particles floating in the water. However, most of the ocean is completely dark. Almost no light penetrates deeper than 200 meters, and no light penetrates deeper than 1,000 meters.

The further you look, the bluer the water becomes. Water molecules first absorb infrared, red and ultraviolet rays, then absorb **, green and violet rays. Blue light is the least absorbed, giving it the greatest depth of penetration in the ocean. If you look at unretouched underwater photos, not taken with a flash or other artificial light sources, all fish look blue! Pure water appears colorless, but if it is deep and large enough, it turns bluee ! !

Shorter wavelengths of light are also more likely to be scattered or redirected in different directions, including out of the water and toward our eyes, which which makes the water bluer. This can only happen if the water is so pure that the purity of sea water can change its color. Particles like sand or silt increase the scattering of light, thereby changing the color of the water.

The decomposition of plants and algae also complicates the situation because they add green and other colors to the ocean, like plankton absorbing red and blue in the visible part of the spectrum, and reflect green. and green.

This is why some oceans appear lighter than others and come in a variety of colors, from bright turquoise and white-green to ultramarine and from navy blue to gray and brown dishwater. If the water contains a lot of plancton and visibility is low, the ocean will appear green or grey-blue.

The reason the sky is blue is also because of the scattering of light. Rayleigh scattering means that shorter wavelengths are scattered much more than longer wavelengths. The Earth's atmosphere is filled with particles so small that we cannot see them. When the sun's rays enter the atmosphere, they encounter these particles and molecules. This encounter causes a change in the direction of propagation of the sun's rays. This light is made up of different wavelengths, each corresponding to a specific color. The scattering of a specific color wavelength depends on the size of the molecules it encounters, a selective scattering process also known as Rayleigh scattering. Air is the perfect dispersant of blue and violet, which is why we see blue ciel.

Therefore, the shorter blue light will be radiated by the gas particles throughout the sky. So when the weather is niceThe sky is blue when the weather is nice. In the morning or evening, you may notice that instead of being blue, the sky is orange-gold, and sometimes even red as the sun sets below the horizon.

You see, when the sun rises or sets, it is always furthest from where you are. This is due to the Earth's diurnal rotation cycle. Red has the longest wavelength, so the sun is too far from where you are, and only the colors red, orange, and yellow will appear in your eyes. The ocean appears blue because red, orange, and green (long-wavelength light) are more easily absorbed by water than blue (short-wavelength light). So when white light from the sun enters the ocean, most of what comes back is blue.

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