What is a bioball?

Introduction What is an organic ball? The organic ball is a baby ocean. After being soaked in water for five or six hours, it can "grow" a hundred times and become soft and elastic when pinched. There are a lot of colors, that

What is a bioball?

The organic ball is the baby of the ocean.

After being soaked in water for five or six hours, it can "grow" a hundred times and become soft and elastic when pinched. Available in many colors, this “toy” called “organic ball” has become particularly popular with children in recent years.

The main ingredients are acrylonitrile and acrylate, both of which have some toxicity and are harmful to children's skin and respiratory tract.

The "Sea Baby" toy is a solid, glue-like object that is shaped like a fish and is brightly colored, some resemble a small ball the size of a seed. soy, and some are. like... Dolphins, some of which resemble five-pointed stars, slowly expand and become larger when placed in water. Sellers claim this toy, also known as a sea elf, is sea algaewhich can grow, give birth to babies and which has high fertility. It can breed in artificial fresh water and improve water quality.


A small package of dried “sea babies” usually costs one or two yuan. After purchasing it and putting it in water, it will grow with bright colors and shapes such as stars, small animals. , flowers, etc.

This type of toy is also sold in some flower shops, and its ability to absorb water is used to grow hydroponic plants. However, this toy is very soft and will break if you pinch it a little, leaving a distinct fragrant smell.

Experts suggest that relevant departments carry out relevant tests on "Ocean Baby" in accordance with toy safety standards. "This kind of toy definitely does not comply with the regulations."


Biological Ball_Baidu Encyclopedia

On the nearest Spanish coast,

A huge sperm whale carcass appeared.

Weighing around 6 tonnes and 10 meters long,

was quietly washed ashore by the waves.

There don't seem to be any obvious scars on his appearance

How did he die?

This attracted the attention of the Spanish government,

He was immediately transported to the competent services for autopsy.

When the anatomy opened its stomach,

The scene before them shocked everyone.

There were hundreds of plastic bags in his stomach,

There was even a large barrel of oil .

After constantly swallowing so much plastic,

His stomach finally couldn't handle the heavy load, he suffered from severe gastritis and died.

The vet estimated that

The garbage had tortured him in the stomach for at least two years,

The feeling of slowly being unable to eat,

I can only wait for death in pain,

< /p> p>

It’s heartbreaking to think about.

Such cruel things are no longer rare,

In Thai waters a few days ago,

A pilot whale was found in critical condition.

The rescue team immediately rescued him from the ground.

They also carefully provided him with a parasol to prevent him from getting sunburned. .

I wanted to send him ashore to save him,

But it was too late...

< p>

During transport,

He kept throwing up five or six plastic bags,

< p> He died upon reaching the shore.

Later, the vetsnaries found a shocking amount of plastic bags in his stomach

There is an entire laboratory,

This is only a small part.

Every year, in different maritime areas,

Countless whales die because of plastic waste,

And this number increases every year.

The amount of plastic waste removed from each whale's stomach can fill several large buckets


Plastic never decomposes,

This means that as long as you eat it,

< /p>


This will lead to a painful death.

And in today's ocean,


How much plastic waste is floating?

We don't dare imagine it.

This is where marine animals survive.

They cannot escape or hide from these pdeadly elastics.

According to scientists' forecasts,

By 2050, the amount of plastic waste in the ocean will be < /p >

It will be more numerous than all the species of fish.

The real reason behind the sudden mass killing of whales is that Japan is facing a “fish shortage” for the first time this year.

Throughout the ocean,

There are fewer and fewer fish that can be caught and eaten.

And these fish that are caught,

The plastic particles contained in their bodies,

If consumed by humans for a long time,

can cause various types of cancer.

The most ironic,

All the plastic waste,

< p > They are all made by humans,

and ultimately returned to humans.

Dans the documentary "Blue Planet",

There was a scene that made many people cry.

A mother whale gently held it in her mouth,

The calf, which had only one half month, kept spinning.

The baby whale has been dead for several days,

But the mother whale still does not want to believe it is reality.

She thought that as long as she didn't give up,

The little whale would wake up and swim with her into the sea.

She still had a belly full of milk before she could give her a drink

Why is the baby is he dead?

The heartbreaking fact is that,

Due to the long-term consumption of large quantities of plastic waste, mother whales,

Their milk has long been toxic.

The baby whale was poisoned to death a few days after its birth

But the mother whale couldn't understand,

"What have I done with evil

p >

She never let go

Scientists predict that


this mother whale will also die in the near future,

< /p>

But we can only watch, but we can't do anything. p>

Not just whales,

All marine life,

< p> Nobody is spared and lives in a desperate situation

All of these are given to humans

The animal most. advanced and most intelligent in the world,

is the human

The cruelest and most animal. without a heart,

is still the human

It is said that the memory of fish is only seven. seconds,

But every day I see the same kind die,

They suffer deeply but can only waitsilently relive death

Will they really forget these painful memories?

What many people don't know is that

A plastic bag that we throw away casually,

p >

It's enough to easily kill a pretty sea creature.

If no action is taken,

Start resisting plastic waste now to protect the ocean.

Believe in pain,

One day,

It will come back to ourselves.

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