How to get a fishing boat driver's license and how much it costs

Introduction How to obtain a fishing boat driving license? How much does 7,000 to 10,000 yuan cost? To take the ship driving license exam, you must go to the Crew Service department. After 3 days of study, you must take the exam and obtain the sailor's certificate or

How to get a fishing boat driver's license and how much it costs

It costs between 7,000 and 10,000 yuan. To take the maritime driving license exam, you must go to the crew department. After 3 days of study, you must take the exam and obtain a sailor's certificate or a mechanic's certificate. Only with this certificate can you work on the ship and accumulate. nautical qualifications. Then you can register with the aquatic qualification certificate and relevant documents.

Training participants must undergo a strict physical examination and submit a health certificate issued by a hospital at or above the county level to the maritime department. After registering, go to the training center to study and take the district-wide unified exam.

The learning time depends on individual circumstances and lasts 1 to 3 months.

Detailed information:

The boats offishing are used for fishing and vessels harvesting aquatic animals and plants. It also includes some auxiliary vessels for modern fishery production, such as vessels for aquatic product processing, transportation, breeding, resource survey, fisheries guidance and training and fishing tasks. fisheries administration.

Fishing boats are classified in different ways.

According to the waters of operation, they can be divided into marine fishing boats and freshwater fishing boats are further divided into inshore, offshore and offshore fishing boats.

According to the hull material, they are divided into wooden, steel, fiberglass, aluminum alloy, steel mesh and cement fishing boats and various boats mixed structure fishing.

Depending on the method of propulsion, they are divided into motorized, sail and manual fishing boats. According tothe tasks performed by fishing boats, they can be divided into two categories: fishing boats and fishing auxiliary boats.


① Most fishing vessels are small, but in order to accommodate continuous sailing and operation in wind and waves, they require a good stability, good seakeeping performance and good seaworthiness. the structure must be particularly solid.

②Load capacity changes significantly during operation.

③Marine equipment requires reliable structural performance, durability and easy maintenance.

④The power of the host is greater and the relative speed is higher.

⑤ In addition to general marine equipment, it is also necessary to be equipped with fishing equipment, conservation and processing equipment, fishing aids and navigation equipment, etc. The cabin ofFishing requires good insulation facilities.

Qualifications that ship pilots must have:

Ship pilots must have extensive knowledge. Knowledge is a guide to behavior. If a ship driver lacks knowledge, it is impossible to be competent in his job.

Knowledge is the sum of understanding, information and experiences that people acquire in learning and practice, from ignorance to knowledge, from less to more, from superficial to deep, from unilateral to complete. ship The basic process of development of driver thinking.

Ship pilots must accumulate their own experience and that of others. Experience is knowledge and skill acquired through practice. It is the perceptual understanding and experience of objective things. Experienced drivers generally perform better on the job, because experiencemakes them confident, calm and calm in the face of danger.

The magnificent morning glow is reflected on the vast sea, like the red clouds cut by a fairy, making the sea extraordinarily beautiful. Here is what I compiled from Meiwen Reading Network and DahaiBeautiful prose on this topic, hope you will like our article.

One of the beautiful essays on the sea: Understanding the sea

Recently, I went to Rizhao, Shandong with a tourist group, and for the first The time I saw the sea in my heart, I have been yearning for the sea for forty years, and I have witnessed the vastness and elegance of the sea with my own eyes. Feel the charm and heart of the sea in person.

I stood on the beach, looking at the vast and wavy sea, and felt incredibly happy and excited. My heart is like a cloudless sky, wider and calmer. I gradually feel that it is so good to be alive. When I die, tAll the sadness and sadness in my heart are gone!

I sat quietly on the beach, looking at the vast sea in front of me and feeling the sea breeze blowing towards me. I felt like a big, warm hand was gently stroking my long hair. . Watching the waves hit the embankment on the shore, splashing white and beautiful waves. Listening to the beautiful sound of the waves, my soul suddenly seemed purified. The depression, sadness and unhappiness that had been accumulating in my heart for several days disappeared without a trace. I feel the heart of the sea, the brotherhood of the sea and the tolerance of the sea!

O sea, sea, how many storms have you withstood? How many dynasties have you known? You have gone through countless vicissitudes of life, and the lost years have not left any traces on you, but have made you more beautiful and charming. You maintain your appearance and stay true to yous beliefs. You use your broad mind to adapt to all things and accept all the difficulties that nature brings you. You look at the blue sky and white clouds with your gentle and gentle eyes, and look at the joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys of the world. You have walked through countless springs, summers, autumns and winters with your strong steps. You washed away all the dust and dirt with your passionate blood and tolerated the ever-changing world with your broad mind!

People will always encounter unsatisfactory things in their lives. It's the same for me. In my life, I often have dissatisfaction of one kind or another. Today, I arrived at the seaside and saw the sea. It was the strong and unyielding character of the sea that made me understand: in fact, the unsatisfactory things in life are like objects drifting on the sea. We must learn to accept and tolerate them.he.

In my future life, I must learn to be as broad-minded as Dahai. When I encounter misfortune and misfortune, I must learn to tolerate everything, despise everything, and treat everything kindly. Tolerate others, understand others, forgive others and be kind to others. Only by tolerating others can you be happy yourself!

Beautiful prose about the sea Part 2: The charm of the sea

In a person's life there are not many moments that people will always remember, but the view The sea is very clear in my memory from start to finish.

During the summer vacation, I came to Zhuhai to travel, I finally saw the dream sea.

Vast and broad, calm and gentle. It’s no longer about the limitless imagination of words, or resonating with the thoughts of others out of thin air. It seems to have fulfilled a distant and inaccessible dream in my memory.

This is the real, vast blue sea in front of you.

Yes! A field full of blue. Impeccable, transparent, pure and calm, a color that is enough to blend in. It is the only color given to the sea by nature.

However, the sea has more than just color, it has a spirit and a life. Therefore, what I encountered was Dahai's broad mind.

The sea breeze is his breath and the waves are his heartbeat. I walked into the sea, caressed the water with my hands and felt the heart of the sea beating with the waves. When a wave comes, you just need to look straight up and you will feel that a high, silent wall has been erected in front of you. Soon it occupies your view until it covers the entire sky. However, no matter who you are, you will be lifted up and pushed back by it.

However, after a while of restlessness, you will realize the rhythm, which is the heartbeat of the calm sea. Flow with the wavesis a kind of pleasure, a wonderful feeling that you have never felt before. What you need to feel is the real beat of life, a heartbeat so wide and strong even though it is quiet.

The waves hit the rocks on the shore rhythmically one after another, blooming with countless flying fireworks. I always thought it was the source of the sound of the sea. I walked closer and listened, then the mist-like sea water splashed into my mouth, a bitterness much stronger than the tears.

However, at this time, a kind of coolness came from the heart unconsciously, caused by the sea breeze drying the sea water on the body. When I opened my arms facing the sea, the sea breeze came and gently touched my whole body. It is a kind of clarity that the world cannot appreciate. This slightly humid and slightly salty air, as long as you breathe deeply,mble dissipate all dirt and heat waves from the body. As a result, even the brain becomes empty. At this time, the slight sadness on his forehead had already been washed away.

This seems to be the joy you dream of. This little piece of rare joy offered by nature breathes the calm brought by the sea.

The color, the taste, the breathing and the heartbeat, that's real life. However, no matter who you are, you can't help but be awed by its immensity when you see this sea that is home to hundreds of rivers, and this vast and deep world that can never be fully seen. It is the spirit of the sea.

People always say that they are indomitable heroes, but when they embrace the sea, they become too small compared to the sea.

Beautiful prose about the sea Chapter 3: Remembering the sea

Author: Yuexia Li Shuo

My feelings towards the sea has notnever been complete. They are all fragmentary. I suddenly have such luck and such a short-term feeling every few years. So for me, the sea has become a fragment of my memory, and I can only remember it little by little.


I always think that the sea water is blue and clear, and I can see colorful sand and rocks and strange-shaped fish at a glance. 'eye, but when you really see the sea, you understand that it can only be a product of film and television lenses. The real sea is not so beautiful, so cute and sometimes a little scary.

It was the first night at Putuo Mountain. After eating seafood, we went for a walk on the beach. I didn't like the man-made sea wall, so I walked down to the beach on an oddly shaped reef beach. It was a process that required climbing and touching, and it required a lot of care and caution, but this process is not the case. suitable for people who rarely see the sea, but with great joy and curiosity. Finally we came to the mountainous rock closest to the sea and sat down, then went to look at the sea we dreamed of.

At this time, it was already dusk, and the sea and sky were almost black, gray and foggy. It was impossible to distinguish the sky from the water, but there was a dark straight line at sky level. the end that was almost invisible is the horizon. The clouds in the sky were in clusters and the pressure was very low, as if clinging to the sea, and the sea water was still choppy. One wave after another was pushing towards us, and there was a strong vibration, then. there was another wave. There was a loud noise, and the sea water jumped all over the world, hitting our clothes and pants, and falling into the corners of our mouths, theleaving a bitter taste and a fishy taste.

It's the sea, and my first impression was not very good. Looking from afar, this world is made entirely of water, a turbulent, dark and never peaceful world. I can't imagine what the fish living at the bottom of the sea must feel like. The joy and happiness of surviving! It's so limitless, the sea and the sky are vast. Standing on the rocks by the sea, a person is like an ant standing on a leaf and thrown into the lake. She's so small she got lost. I heard the waves shaking violently again and the sky was getting darker and darker. My heart felt like it was being broken into pieces and I was very scared.

The sea in the distance is almost invisible. You can only hear the waves beating against the rocks on the shore, and the waves are flying higher and higher. Friends standing on the hillside, on the shore, shouted desperately to us and noThey were signaling, but we knew nothing about it.

Sometimes we look back, and for a moment we notice his actions, then we panic thinking that our situation is already very critical.

The sea water rises, and soon the mountainous reef we are on shrinks. Looking back, the beach of the reef where we arrived is already half filled with sea water. We see the tide rising. step by step we ran desperately, rolling and crawling, our clothes and pants were soaked, jumping and running among the rocks in the rising sea water. When we set foot on the coast, there was already a vast ocean behind us and the rocks had disappeared, leaving only the mountainous part. The reef showed its big head and was submerged by the waves from time to time.

At this moment, people's hearts are particularly panicked and they dare not think about it. When they think about it, their heartbeats faster. Looking at the dark sea and listening to the sound of the waves, people feel particularly gloomy, with a sense of fear and panic. Faced with this marine world, what can humans do and what can human wisdom do? The sea is beautiful only because it has a beautiful mood at that time. Once she becomes angry and angry, her terror and ferocity will cause all life to die without a burial place. Looking at the sea this time, I was able to appreciate a little its temperament, which shocked me so much that I couldn't sleep all night.


Going to Qingdao was the best time I saw the sea. The sea is in Laoshan Mountain, Yangkou Bay Beach. Around four in the morning we went to the sea. There was no sun, but the sky was blue and the sea was blue. The fine, yellow sand was soft on my feet. the sand fell slowly. , the waves were extremely gentle, floatslowly moving towards my feet, covering my ankles, then moving back, still quietly and slowly, making people feel comfortable.

There are many shells on the beach, fan-shaped, spiral-shaped, as well as small, thin brown rocks. I also saw some long seaweed crawling on the beach, and it was so green that I liked it. At this time, the sky began to have a red-purple color, floating on the eastern horizon, slowly becoming more and more red, and soon a bright light was reflected, the light became stronger and stronger, and began to be dazzling, a light The group jumped out of the sea, and the world immediately became beautiful. The mist on the sea gradually dispersed, and golden things danced on the sea. There were clouds floating in the sky, and the clouds were embroidered with golden edges, like. a beautiful photo. This makes people run excitedly onto the beach.

This sunrise over the sea is like a fairy tale world. All living things have started a new day, whether it is the fish in the sea, the birds in the sky, the trees and grass in the mountains or the beaches. The shells and wise people of the world are extremely happy with the beautiful sun, sea and blue sky. Looking at this beautiful landscape, I felt that the joy that the sea brought to me was so bright and sunny that I will never forget it.


I went to the sea in Beidaihe. It was a bathing beach, and almost in the evening a group of us went to the sea. There were clouds that day, and the clouds floated on the sea one by one The wind pushed the waves towards the shore again and again. We were like floating clouds, rising and falling. The feeling of falling was particularly comfortable, knowing. that there was fine sand under our feet. On the bottom husbandn, people feel comfortable, laugh boldly, play boldly, and then go into the sea, and the feeling slowly changes. From time to time, waves. will lift you up and down, then raise you up and down, as you move away from the coast, your heart becomes more and more empty.

The sea you see is this is not not a vast and calm sea, it is a wave that is triggered one by one. The water valleys and peaks are constantly changing, beating, and the water is pouring into your face. There is no way to avoid it. Seeing the setting sun gradually falling into the sea, the water became dark, and the empty heart began to get nervous again. I didn't know how deep it was beneath my feet. What worried me the most was the terrifying shark. The human being was torn into pieces and then eaten piece by piece. The impression on the body was so deep that just thinking about it gave me a feelingscary all over my body. I started swimming desperately. With the help of the waves, we finally climbed ashore and lay on the beach, breathing heavily as we looked up at the gray night sky and listened to the sound of the waves, my heart slowed down. .

I started looking for another sound, which was the sound of waves hitting the sky. It was not as intense and impulsive as the waves hitting the rocks, but very gentle, moving slowly near and far. As it goes, the sound is very light, whistling, whistling, whistling, very rhythmic and very pleasant to the ear, like a serenade on the sea, drifting quietly into the distance, gently towards the sky and the depths of the sea . Float. At that time, people were extremely calm, completely integrated into the night world and the warm beach, where only a few traces of people remained. It was almost midnight when we quietly left the sea.


During the typhoon season, I crossed the sea, sailing from Putuo to Shanghai. It was a one-night encounter that scared me for decades. .

Because of the typhoon, all the fast boats stopped, leaving only one large ship docked at the dock. We pedaled hurriedly and found our cabin. My feet always wobble and I can't walk in a straight line. It's difficult to hang on to the bridge railings. When I see the sea, it's as if I'm standing in a huge cradle. swayed vigorously by the wind and waves. With a sound of an air whistle and another roar of an anchor, the ship finally set sail, heading into the turbulent and confusing night.

Before traveling two nautical miles, the ship stopped again because there was no signal from Shanghai port. This time, the commotion was much greater than at the dock. People were unable to walkand had to grab objects to move around. Everyone came onto the deck, looking out at the pitch black sea, watching the waves pound the ship harder and harder each time. The waves almost splashed the deck. Within half an hour, people started getting restless, and people started getting restless. get seasick. , people climb the mysterious ladder to vomit into the sea, or into the toilet, more and more, all the toilets are lined up, people's faces are ugly, smile, clutch their stomachs and shout, who doesn't? worry about anyone. Eventually, there was an announcement on the ship that the infirmary was providing free seasickness medicine, and people rushed there as if they had a savior.

The ship set sail again and began to rock in the dark sea. Everyone was sleeping on fixed four-poster beds and their hearts were pounding. Some peopleThey suddenly started crying and were hugged by their boyfriends, but the crying did not stop and they even said in tears: We will not be the second Titanic. .! The boyfriend covered her mouth and said: How is this possible? We didn't hit the rocks. Although the sound was very low and faint, it was like thunder exploding in the cabin. Everyone closed their eyes and thought about the terrible thing.

The ship sailed in the night waves, still tilted to one side, and the steel plates of the hull screamed and made strange noises, as if they were about to be torn apart by the waves, and everyone was crowded. The other half of the bed started tilting to the other side again, as if it was about to turn over. The waves on the sea were very big. Through the round window of the cabin, the waves formed like a wall, coming fromstraight towards the ship, and most of it floated on top of the waves. to see the waves. Soon, there was a strong sense of loss, as if falling from the sky, and then there was the sound of splashing waves hitting the steel plate, flying into the cabin, and splashing people's faces.

The high degree of fear and tension made people confused. In the dream, there was a shipwreck, but the person was floating on the sea, screaming desperately for help. and everything happened. Everything was calm, no vibrations, no shaking. Out the garden window there was a patch of blue sky, as if everything that had just happened was a nightmare, and I was in a quiet house.

I ran towards the bridge in surprise, where there were already people standing. The sea is endless as far as the eye can see, as calm as a lake. There is a golden light shining on the horizon, and the entire surface of the sea is golden. There are fishing boats floatingon the sea and a golden waterline stretches. behind the boats, silvery-white seagulls follow the boats. Children scream, and sometimes a colorful cloud floats, and the scenery in front of you is as beautiful as a painting, an oil painting written by a French master. a golden and shining world, and the ocean is the master of this world. He gets dressed. He is so beautiful and makes the whole world so beautiful. It affects all lives and the most intelligent human beings on this planet.

I will remember this scene forever, I will never forget the beauty of the sea and I will never forget the terror of that night. The sea has many faces, it is complex, it makes people happy and afraid, it makes people fall in love and it scares, there are beautiful ones that make the heart beat, and there are ugly ones that make the heart palpitate. people. It's the real sea, it's the sea that gives me The fragments of memory left behind.

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