Shandong Rongcheng Sights

Introduction Tourist Attractions in Rongcheng, Shandong 1. Interesting Tourist Attractions in Weihai 1. Chengshantou is located in the Chengshantou Scenic Area of ​​Xixiakou Village, Rongcheng Town, Weihai. Especially in summer, this

Shandong Rongcheng Sights

1. Fun Tourist Attractions in Weihai

1 Chengshantou

Located in the Chengshantou Scenic Area of ​​Xixiakou Village, Rongcheng Town, Weihai. ideal tourist destination in Weihai. Especially in summer, there are many tourists here and the location is good, which is very suitable for watching the sunrise over the sea. It is also a good place for traveling in summer, where you can escape the heat.

2. Chishan Scenic Area

Located on Fahua Road, Shidao District, Rongcheng Town, Weihai, it is a very beautiful place and a famous tourist attraction in Weihai. There is the world's largest bronze statue here, which has attracted countless tourists over the years. Here you can enjoy the scenery along the coast.

3. Haitang Island

It is located near the pier of Longyan Port in Xixiakou Village, Rongcheng Town, Weihai City. It has natural characteristicss very spectacular and is one of the famous tourist attractions. in Weihai. Visitors can watch the sunrise here and admire the birds on the sea. The scenery here is like a beautiful picture.

4. Weihai International Bathing Beach

Located on Huanhai North Road, Weihai High-Tech Development Zone, it is a very fun place where you can not only enjoy the wonderful view of the sea, but also swimming on the water Swimming and practicing other recreational activities. It’s nice, there are always a lot of people here and it’s lively.

5. Dingyuan Ship

Located on Haibin North Road, Huancui District, Weihai City, it is surrounded by a prosperous scene and has great historical significance. He has witnessed the glorious past of the Chinese navy. It is a warship that everyone admires very much. It contains many documents and information and is worth visiting.

2. Interesting tourist attractions in Rongcheng

1. Holy Water Scenery

Shengshui Pass Scenic Area, located in Yaxi Town, Rongcheng City, is the site of the birthplace of the "Quanzhen Sect". More than 800 years later, it owes its name to the sacred spring of the temple. The scenic area features magnificent scenery, including temples, platforms, pavilions, altars and more than 30 natural landscapes. The main attractions of Shengshuiguan Scenic Area include Yongjin Spring, Shengshui Palace, Wolong Cave, ginkgo tree, etc. There will now be built a Wanshou Tower, a rare bird farm, a birdsong forest, a hunting ground, a 1,000-meter cable car and a gallery of handwritten stelae of General Rongcheng measuring 268 meters long and 8 meters wide. In the scenic area, there are also historical relics such as the Zen Hall leftby the head of Quanzhen Yuyang, the fingerprints of the fairies on the wall and the foundations of the ancient monastery.

2. Chengshantou

Chengshantou, also known as Chengshanjiao, also known as "the end of the sky", is located in Longxudao Town, Rongcheng City, Shandong Province. It gets its name because it is located at the eastern end of Chengshan Mountain. Chengshantou is surrounded by sea on three sides and borders land on one side. It faces South Korea across the sea, just 94 nautical miles apart. The first place to watch the sunrise over the sea has been known since ancient times as “the place where the sun rises”. In spring and autumn, it was called "Chaowu" and also known as "China's Cape of Good Hope".

3. Swan Lake

Rongcheng Swan Lake Resort is located in Chengshanwei City,at the eastern tip of the Jiaodong Peninsula. Both southeastern sides are bordered by the Bohai Sea, with four distinct seasons and a temperate mid-latitude monsoon oceanic climate. It is a National Scenic Landmark and a National Wildlife Refuge. The area is home to the world's largest swan habitat - Chengshanwei Swan Lake. The lake is separated from the sea by a 100 meter wide sandbank, forming a natural sea bathing beach and a 10,000 meter swimming beach.

4. Haitang Island

Haidao Island is more than 1,600 meters from the coast and covers an area of ​​1,312 square meters. According to myths and legends, Erlang Shen climbed the mountains, reclaimed the sea, and went to Chengshan. Halfway through the trip, I suddenly heard a donkey braying in the East China Sea and a rooster crowing on the west shore. With a shock, the pole broke and the basket fell into the sea and was lost.formed into two islands. From then on, people called the eastern island Haelu Island and the western island Jimei Island. Between the two islands there is an imposing stone pillar several feet high, called the “Bianpole Stone”.

5. Shidao Bay

Shidao Bay is located in Shidao Town, Rongcheng City, the easternmost part of the Shandong Peninsula. It was established in December 1994 with the approval of Shandong Province. Popular government. There is Shidao Port, the largest fishing port in northern China and a first-class national open port, with frequent visits from domestic and foreign merchants. There is also a rich culture of fishing customs, such as Chishan Fahua Garden which testifies to the friendship between the people of China, Japan and South Korea, Dayudao Village, a fishing village with rich customs fishing, the village of Nanche, a flowery village owhere families grow flowers all year round. Everyone can draw, and there are many painters, including Muyun Nunnery, Chaoyang Cave, Phoenix Lake and other landscapes.

Collection of Classic Wedding Vow Quotes

In life, work and study, everyone often comes into contact with quotes which have simple and simple language. Vivid images, clear and easy to understand features. Still struggling to find good quotes? The following is a collection of classic wedding vow quotes that I have compiled for you to read and collect.

Classic Marriage Vows Quotes 1

Wedding Vows·Modern Version

Before God, our family and our friends , I marry/Marry your wife/husband. From now on, when you are happy, let me share your joy; when you're sad, let me support you when you're downin health or sickness, grow with you in love and remain faithful to you throughout your life; forever. Forever far away.

Wedding Vows·Religious Version

I (groom's full name) marry you (bride's full name) as my wife/ husband, and this is my I promise you. I will be faithful to you and proud of you, I will respect you, I will believe in you, I will help you and I will take care of you. I will forgive as we are forgiven and I will learn with you to know yourself, the world and our God. We will stay together through good times and bad until the end of time.

Wedding Vow·Poetic Version

(Full name of the bride) (Full name of the groom) I love you and today I marry me/marry yourself as my My wife/husband is not only for you, but for the person who becomes completely different with you. I love you, not for what you had in your life, but forr what we were, are and co-owned in the future. I love you and you make me a better, happier, more complete person because (bride's full name) (groom's full name) is what you do for me. No need to say a word, no need to pose, no need to doubt, what I love is you as you are, it seems so simple. But no one in the world can do it except you until the end of time. On this day, in the presence of your family and friends, my heart is filled with joy. I promise to be your husband/wife, I promise to love you forever and cherish the time we spend together until the end of time. I am committed to you wholeheartedly and I am ready to be a loving and supportive husband/wife to you.

Marriage Vow·Official Version

We voluntarily become husband and wife. From today on, together we will assume the responsibilities and obligations that marriage brings us.confided. us: Be filial to your parents, educate your children, respect and love each other, trust and encourage each other, understand and yield to each other, help and love each other for life. From now on, no matter good times or bad, rich or poor, healthy or sick, young or old, we will be in the same boat through thick and thin, share happiness and misfortune, share joys and sorrows, and will become our whole life! partners! We must stick to today's vows, and we will definitely be able to stick to today's vows!

Wedding Vow·Western Classical Version < /p>

In the presence of God and all the witnesses who are here today, I (groom's full name) am ready to take/marry you (bride's full name) as my wife/husband. From now until eternity, whether in good or bad timesoments, rich or poor, healthy or sick, happy or sad, I will always love you, cherish you and be faithful to you, forever and ever.

Marriage Vow·Traditional Version

 (Full name of the groom) In the presence of God and all the witnesses who are here today, I you marry Wife/Husband. I give you my hand, I give you my love and I give you myself. I pray to stay with you forever and never be separated. Please come walk with me on the path of life, and walk with me on the rough and smooth roads.

Classic Wedding Vows Quotes 2

1. When the weather clears, maybe I will love you again.

2. Only by knowing ourselves can we not doubt one another; only by not doubting can we know ourselves.

3. Watching you smile, I suddenly realize that I really am the happiest personof the world.

4. In a world full of darkness, a love full of lies comes true.

5. The care you give me is the reason I am happy.

6. I miss you listening to the rain, the sound of raindrops, the patter of rain.

7. Choose a town to grow old in and meet a person whose head is turning white.

8. Close your left eye and what I see is your pretty shyness.

9. Loving or being loved is actually a kind of joy.

10. I don't believe in eternal love, because I will only love you more and more day by day.

11. That year we met in youth but separated in indifference.

12. I like to count on you, just like the stars count on the night sky and never leave you.

13. Your own wife is cajoled and cajoled without being embarrassed. This is called love.

14. There are endless tears of heartache and red beans thrown away, and endless spring willows and spring flowers fill the building with paint.

15. No matter how tired or sleepy I am, I will always want to chat with you.

16. If you love something too much, if you love it too deeply, if you can't stop the car for a moment, it will turn into hatred.

17. Collecting the fragrance of thousands of lives is not as good as the heaven of this life.

18. If you call me wife now, if you dare to betray me in the future, I will let you call me sister-in-law.

19. I intentionally fell for your pranks because I wanted to see your smile.

20. You are my Yulemei in winter and you are my ice cream in summer.

21. As long as you call his wife, you must cherish her with your life.

22. Can we never abandon ourselves likeXiong Da and Xiong Er?

23. Whatever your identity, you have an identity card.

24. Unless there is loess and white bones, I will keep you safe for years.

25. I am just a sunflower, waiting for my only sun.

26. Since you appeared, I have realized how beautiful it is to be loved.

27. Our love is like a half-sung, intermittent song.

28. Sometimes the smallest things will take up the biggest space in your heart.

29. I think I will still love you as much as I do now in fifty years.

30. Only those who know me well can stay in my heart for a long time, and only those who know you well can hurt you invisibly.

Classic Wedding Vow Quotes 3

1. From now on we dream together at moonlit night, and from now on we fly together like butterfliess colorful. We have the same hearts as our best friends throughout the ages. . It's all in words. The red candle glows with a smile. I sincerely wish you the best of two hundred years of playing harp and growing old together.

2. But you must have a broad mind and be able to tolerate me, because I am sometimes willful, immature and sometimes unreasonable like a child.

3. All yesterdays are indispensable arrangements, just for the pleasure of this moment, allowing me to hug you with tenderness and compassion.

4. Some people's eyes are as expressionless as oranges, but your eyes are like a well into which I can fall.

5. Because I fall in love with you, I miss you and I want to keep you and be with you forever. Carrying love to the end is not just empty words. I love you and I keep it in my heart. I just hope we never get separated in ours lives.

6. The peony symbolizes wealth and magnificence, the rose symbolizes happiness and sweetness, and the lily contains a hundred. A happy and harmonious year, and the rose represents good fortune in the four seasons . I offer them all to you on your wedding day. With four flowers accompanying you, your wedding will be so pleasant!

7. True love must bring suffering, and only in suffering can one discover great joy. You are my only one.

8. Keep pain and sadness to yourself and don't express your pain by hurting the people you love.

9. Don't give up on pursuing someone because your appearance isn't as good as the other person's. Appearance is only a temporary impression. The real decision whether to combine or not depends mainly on. the personalities of both parties. I've seen too many handsome guys paired with girlsare ugly, and ugly girls associated with handsome guys.

10. If love is not at an impasse, then remember: comfort is very important, be more understanding, receive more greetings and be more caring.

11. You don't need to have a huge income and I won't put financial pressure on you. I will save this part of my life for our future happiness, I am ready to do so. be with you to fight.

12. Love is a feeling, even if it is painful, you will feel happy; love is an experience, even if your heart is broken, you will feel sweet; are broken, you will feel beautiful.

13. You don't have to be so big and powerful, and your arms don't have to be so strong. You can hold me in your arms when I wake up from my dream in the middle. of the night, and you can hug me silently when I'm sad. Stay with me and let me cry in your bflush.

14. I know that love must be free to be happy, but I prefer to stay by your side, accompany you and walk with you.

15. Give love an ageless face, so that those who have fallen in love will never change for life; make love a vow not to regret, so that even those who have fallen in love will miss each other. ; give love a vast blue sky, so that true love fills the world.

16. Love should enrich people's sense of strength, and love actually enriches people.

17. Thanks to the stars, the night will not be dark; because of the sky, the sea will be blue; because of dreams, life will be full of expectations thanks to you, my world will be; bright!

18. The feeling of being held by you is very happy, so I want to stay happy and never leave your body.

19. When the virus of love arrives quietly, when you put the first downloaded kiss of my heart inn the trash, I decided to downgrade love and format memories.

20. The drizzle is misty and the river is misty. Deep blessings are in my heart. Text messages express greetings. I can rest assured that the weather is changeable. is the key. A good mood should be the key. First of all, a happy life is sweeter than honey!

Classic Wedding Vows Quotes 4

1. Let me hold your hand and walk with you.

2. Keeping a place on the left side of your heart for your loved one is the happiest thing in your life.

3. The blush is you, the heartbeat is you, I only have you in my eyes.

4. No matter how good others are, it has nothing to do with me. No matter how bad you are, it has nothing to do with me. I love them all.

5. My dear, you are the most important and beautiful harvest of my life.

6. Watch yourself act coquettishly and watch yourself sleep until you grow old.

7. One person, one dream, this heart is the same; two people, one game, one and only in this life.

8. Your heart is the place I want to come back to even if I go to the ends of the world.

9. Loving you is so joyful, and kissing you in the light of the stars is so grand.

10. People always feel happy when they are close to happiness, but worry about gains and losses when happiness is in progress.

11. A journey through mountains and rivers brings happiness in three lives.

12. I want to give you sweetness, and I also want you to take care of yourself.

13. I love you and I fly with your ambitions, no matter how long I go, I will always smile in your arms.

14. You're the one who makes me happy and doesn't worry about food and clothes.

15. It doesn’t mattere what happens in the end, love tenderness day after day.

16. From the first time I met you, to the first time I fell in love with you, to the time I stood by you in silence.

17. Looking at your sweet smile, I couldn't help but smile.

18. Flowers are beautiful, not as beautiful as you in my heart.

19. I only hope that in this life, I can hold my son's hand and grow old with him. If you dare to live forever, I will live forever.

20. I don't have any special skills, I just like you for a long time.

5 Classic Wedding Vow Quotes

1. I'm too narrow-minded and petty to see you being nice to others.

2. You are my temperate ocean climate, and it's hot every day!

3. You are still young and I can't bear to fall in love with you.

4. I still miss you, even thoughWe can't share every minute.

5. If you don't have me in the first half of your life, let me accompany you through the second half of your life.

6. My love for you will not change until the end of the world.

7. There is only one reason to love yourself, and you are the reason.

8. Don't cry, even you are mine, let alone tears.

9. I love that you love begonia flowers that bloom when spring passes and autumn comes.

10. I want to become the wind and gently surround you.

11. When you appear, everyone becomes a person of fortune.

12. You are like a love song that I sing in a hoarse voice but which I prefer.

13. Besides you, who else is qualified to wander into my heart.

14. If you hug someone too tightly, you will hurt the other person; if you love someone too deeply, you feelGet out of despair.

15. I feel like your name is angular, just the size of my heart.

16. My wish is to become rich overnight, otherwise I might as well hug you.

17. I wish I could All the regrets we have this year are preparation for all the surprises next year!

18. People don't talk in secret. I like you.

19. It was my youth before meeting you, and the rest of my life after meeting you.

20. You are the best. If someone is better than you, I will pretend not to see them.

21. I am no longer young, I only have the passion to live by your side.

22. If I could trade for you to stay in my eyes for the rest of my life, I wouldn't hold anything back.

23. Spending my entire youth loving you is the most luxurious thing I have ever done.

24. There are so many words of love, I just want to say them secretlyment in your ear.

25. You are the only thing between the world and me. As long as I have you, it can be a little later.

26. It’s so strange, you look so beautiful when you’re angry!

27. I think we're looking at the same sky. Good night, my dear.

28. My courage and your courage are enough to face this world.

29. Have you ever seen a smile that made you want to protect it with all your heart?

30. People who really understand never ask why!

31. When the sun rises and sets, time with you always flies by.

32. Every night with you, I will no longer be too alone and deserted.

33. I'm so afraid of getting cavities, because you're so nice.

34. Is it funny? It's so strange not having you by my side. Can you stay with me for the rest of your life?

35. When I miss you, you are in heaven, when I miss you, you are aheadt me, and when I miss you, you are in my heart.

36. I don't want to move away, I just want to be a gangster with peace of mind by your side.

37. Since I met you, my life has been short, because the sweet part is very long.

38. I want you to be the mother of my child, and my child wants you by name.

39. The journey may be long, but luckily, you have always been with me.

40. When you are here, spring, autumn, summer, cicadas and snow in winter; when you are not there, spring, summer, autumn and winter.

41. Thanks to you, I know how to grow, but you are still my wound.

42. When you coax me, I feel that you love me very much.

43. Just because you're so beautiful, I can't admit that I love you.

44. I thought I could be a strong person without you, but I finally realized I couldn't.

45. In my previous life, I would havemight have been a soft drink, but I was so happy when I saw you.

46. Your bright eyes are like these bright, talking stars.

47. The short poem about my love for you is sublimated into a long prose about life.

48. It seems that suddenly there is armor and there is also weakness.

49. Some people are most afraid of not being born at the right time, but what scares me the most is not meeting you at the right time.

50. It looks like your name is angular, just the size of your heart.

51. It's strange, you're fierce and stupid and I still find you cute.

52. You will be my hero and I will be the child who covers you.

53. There are many people who love you, but I am the only one who loves you as much as life.

54. There's nothing to say about loving yourself, admit it!

55. It would be great if time slowed down like that. I don't want to be separatedaway from you if only for half a second.

56. Can you please stop playing love songs? This sound seems so lonely.

57. As long as I am here, I will give you clear seas and blue skies.

58. Are you far from me? Not at all, it’s hidden in my heart.

59. It turns out that waiting can be so beautiful, because I love you.

60. I will look for you again in the next life, because besides me, you are the stupidest person.

61. For you, it doesn't matter whether it's good or bad, it won't change.

62. The world is so big. I met you and you met me.

63. I will sleep, because I can be with you in my dreams.

64. There are only a few strokes of your name, but it is deeply etched in my heart.

65. For this life, hold your son's hand and grow old with him.

66. You must know that I am not interested in worldly things, but Iam passionate and loyal to you.

67. Life is actually not long. How lucky I am to meet you.

68 Because you live in my heart, you are everywhere.

69. I'm ready to spend this life waiting for you to find out that, in fact, I never got far.

70. As long as you are alive, you will only express warmth but no regret. Meet your heart and be with you in peace and warmth.

71. I like you, I just like you, it’s none of your business.

72. The world may not be worth it, but you have to be worth it.

73. I still love you, but I'm less persistent in staying together.

74. Your lips are so beautiful. They are suitable not only for saying you love me, but also for kissing me.

75. I will only give you one ride in your life. This journey is the rest of life.

76. I have been looking for spring for half my life, and everything youall you have to do is smile.

77. The whole world is pushing me to grow, but you can still hold me in the palm of your hand.

78. When I love you, I'm sorry, I look at everyone like a rival in love.

79. My world will be perfect with you. So I can't lose you.

80. Love makes people forget time, and time also makes people forget love.

81. Since my choice is you, I decide to stay with you for the rest of my life.

82. I will only hold your hand in this life, because having you in this life is enough.


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