50 Classic Games Young Children Often Play

Introduction 50 Classic Games That Young Children Often Play 50 Classic Games That Young Children Often Play 1. Ants Move Beans Have the children form groups of three and dress up as ants. (The first child holds on with both hands

50 Classic Games Young Children Often Play

50 Classic Games Kids Play Often

1 Ants Moving Beans

Ask the children to form groups of three. an ant. (The first child stands, forming tentacles with both hands; the second and third children bend down respectively, holding the waist of the child in front with both hands)

Invite groups of “ ants” to line up and walk, pay attention to cooperation with each other, do not fall or step on others.

Set a certain distance and place some elements like “beans” at the end point. Invite the “ants” to move the beans from the start point to the end point and back again to see who can move the beans faster.

2. Put the nose on the nose

How to play: cover the parents' eyes, turn around three times and ask the children to use words to ask the parentsnts to put the nose on the exact position of the animal. Success will be achieved.

Rules: Parents must cover their eyes and not look. Young children can only use verbal commands.

3. Where is my baby?

Preparation: a few strips of fabric

How to play: Each family is accompanied by a parent and a child, please invite the child to stand there hand to form a circle, and the corresponding parents stand in the circle with their eyes covered. The children hold hands and sing while walking around the parents, they stand still, then ask the parents to find. their babies.

Requirements: Toddlers cannot make sounds and go to their parents. Parents can find their babies by touching them.

4. I put on shoes for my father (mom)

How to play: Each family consists of a parent and a child. First of all, let the child know theThe parent's shoes. , then let the parent take off the shoes and put them in the circle. The teacher will shuffle the shoes and the game will begin. Children will find their father's (mother's) shoes in the circle and help parents put them on. whoever puts them first is the winner

5. Climb on the balloons

Preparation: several balloons

How to play: Each family is accompanied by a parent. and a child. The teacher gives each family a ball and a balloon. Use a string to inflate the balloon and tie it to your ankle, carrying the child on your back. After hearing the teacher's order, the game begins. Parents carry their babies and step on other families' balls. If the balloons burst, they will be eliminated to see who is the champion.

6. Little feet walking on big feet

How to play: Each family consists of a parent and a child. The childsteps on the toes of the parent, and the parent and the child. Hold hands, after hearing the password, the parent picks up the child and runs forward. The child's feet cannot leave the parent's feet to see who reaches the finish line first.

7. Tail pulling

Preparation: multiple tails

How to play: Each family consists of a parent and a child, and the parent holds the child in their arms Here, hang a tail on the child's butt, start the game after hearing the password, and snatch other people's tails while protecting your own tail.

8. Two people and three legs

Preparation: some ropes,

How to play: A parent and a child tie the two adjacent legs with ropes. Together, after hearing the password, both run together and see who reaches the finish line first wins.

9. Pushing a cart (kindergarten and middle school)

How to play: Parents hold the child's legs, and the child puts his hands on the ground after hearing the command. , the child crawls with both hands and looks. Whoever arrives first wins.

10. Lovely baby kangaroo

How to play: Let the child hug the parent's neck tightly, hug the parent's waist with his legs, and cling tightly to the parent's chest like a little kangaroo. In front, parents bend and crawl forward with hands and feet on the ground. Whoever reaches the finish line first wins.

11. Push-ups

How to play: The child hugs the parent's neck tightly, hugs the parent's waist with both feet, and puts it on the parent's back. push-ups with both hands on the floor. It depends on which family Whoever persists the longest wins.

12. Wear big shoes

How to play: One parent and one child participate. The parent takes off their shoes and sits downe the other side of the room, and the child puts them on. on the parent's shoes and stands on the other side, after hearing the password, the child begins to walk towards the parent, walks towards the parent and helps the parent put on the shoes. runs to the other side of the field to help the child put on the shoes and see who can finish first.

13. Cotton balls

Preparation: three families (each family has one big and one small)

How to play: Parents cover their eyes and use a spoon to scatter the cotton balls Scoop onto the table into bowls. (Keep your hands away from the cotton balls.) The child uses a spoon to transfer the glass beads from one bowl to another bowl. Thirty seconds later, a family of cotton balls and glass beads were added. The family with the greatest number wins.

14. Nezha scavenger hunt

Preparation: Decorated newspaper balls, baskettoy baskets, blue crumpled paper

How to play: Participating mothers collect toy baskets and stand. At one end of the room, a child dressed as little Nezha, with her father holding her waist from behind, stood at the other end of the room, with a "wave" in the middle after the host gave the 'order. Father and little Nezha ran to the "wave" side and stood on the "wave" side looking for "babies" (group of logs) in the sea, every time they find one they throw it away in mother's toy basket. When the host says stop, which family has the most “babies” in the toy basket wins!

15. Kangaroo Relay

Number of people: eight families (each family has one large and one small) form a group, and each group is divided into two rows facing each other. other (the distance is ten meters). Two groups.

How to play: child faces parent, holds neckof the parent with both hands and grabs the parent's waist with their legs. Parents should not touch their children with their hands. They must quickly run to the opposite side and pass the baton to the next parent. Whichever team makes the transfer first wins.

16. I dress my parents

How to play: One parent is at the finish line and the child is at the starting point. When the whistle sounds, the child picks it up. clothes and runs to the finish line and gives them to the parent. After putting on the clothes and closing the zipper, parents carry their children and quickly run to the starting point. The first to arrive wins.

17. Crab Ball

How to play: A parent holds the child's hand, puts a ball on it and moves quickly to the side. The first person to carry the ball. the end is victory.

18. Happy stickers

PrecisePreparation: a rope,s stickers and a timer.

How to play: Children and parents form a group and both groups can start the game. Two parents are tied back to back by a rope and the two children stand behind a line in front of the parents. The game begins. Each group of parents becomes closer to their child. When a parent approaches their child's line, the child puts on stickers. on parents' faces The parent with the most stickers on their face within the time limit will be the winner.

Rules: 1. When the parent's foot touches the line, the baby can hold on to it. 2. Stickers can only be placed on the face. 3. Children cannot cross the line.

19. Small plane

How to play: The child turns his back to the parent, wraps his legs around the parent's waist, the parent pulls the child's chest with both hands, the child lifts arms to the side and the parent runs quickly toAt the finish line, whoever arrives first wins.

20. Fishing

Preparation: Objects: thin cardboard, paper clips, newspapers and a string about 45 cm long.

How to play:

1) Draw three fish of different sizes on thin cardboard. The largest fish is worth 1 point, the medium sized fish is worth 3 points, and the medium sized fish is worth 3 points. the smallest fish is worth 5 points. Then cut them out.

2) Paint different fish with different colors. After drying, paint the scales, mouth and eyes a different color.

3) Secure the paperclip at the tip of the nose to the back of the fish with tape, so that most of the paperclip is exposed on large fish, a little less on medium-sized fish . fish, and almost all the paperclip on the little fish. Little is revealed. The smallest fish like this are also the hardest to atttrap.

4) Roll up several pieces of newspaper to make a hard fishing rod, then glue it together and paint it with color.

5) Attach one end of the string to a paper clip. Then gently unfold the paperclip to create a fishhook. Glue the other end of the string to the fishing rod.

Note: Fishing can be done from cardboard boxes, or simply from the ground. Time yourself and see how many points you can score in five minutes.

21. Sheepball Game

How to play: Parents and children stand facing each other at the starting line, some distance apart. Once the game begins, the parent gets on the crescent ball and runs towards the child, then hands them the ball. The children then climb on the horn ball and run towards their parents' starting line. Whoever arrives first wins.

22. I am little Yao Ming

How to play : Parents and children stand face to face in the prescribed position. Once the game begins, the children throw the five sandbags into the basket in the parents' hands. Parents cooperate to collect the sandbags. In the end, whoever throws the most sandbags into the basket is the winner.

23. Fun Cockfights

How to play: Each family consists of a child and a parent, numbered and hung with counting cards. Then, within the prescribed range, grab one of your feet with both hands and jump on one foot to collide with the others. The first person to touch the ground with their foot will be eliminated, and the remaining people will continue. until the end wins.

24.Relay race

How to play: A game for two parents and children. 2. After listening to the command, the children begin to run with the witness in hand. When they reach parents who are already on the linene median, they give the baton to the parents, who then hold the baton and run towards the finish. double. The fastest team is the winner.

25. Running with the ball

How to play: Children hold the ball and run from the starting point to the end point, and hand the ball to their parents. The parent holds the ball between their legs and runs back to the finish line. The fastest wins. If the ball falls, you must pick it up, squeeze it and continue walking.

26. Work together to eat fruit

Objective: Children should use clear language to instruct parents and judge direction correctly.

Preparation: a few cherry tomatoes, four small plates and four headbands.

Number of people: There are 12 families in total. Each family is made up of three people. Four families are divided into 3 groups for the preliminary rounds. participate in the final.

How to play: Mom holds a cherry tomato and stands in a designated spot. Dad covers his eyes, carries the child on his back and turns around three times. With the child's verbal reminder, he searches. the fruit in mom's hand and use. Eat the fruit with your mouth, and whoever eats it first wins.

Rules: Mom and Dad are not allowed to make any noise and no one is allowed to touch the fruit with their hands. Violators will be disqualified from the game.

27. Running with a ball

How to play: children and parents stand face to face; the children give the ball to the parent opposite, and the parent then uses a table tennis racket. to hold the ball to the finish line. If the ball doesn't fall within the time limit, you win.

28. Luck Ball

Purpose: Cultivate the cooperation ability of children and adults and develop their sense of balance.

Preparedon: Several uninflated balloons, four large boxes and four tracks.

How to play: Mom, dad and the children stand at the starting point. The game begins. Dad inflates the balloon with his mouth and ties it (cannot be smaller than the size of the balloon). and the children back to back, hold the ball and carry it to the playing point. The game repeats at the designated place. The player with the most balloons in the allotted time wins.

Rules: Do not touch the ball with your hands, and it will be invalid if it falls or explodes on the way.

29. Setting up the circle

How to play: Each person holds a circle in their hand and stands in the designated position. Put the ferrule in your hand into the bottle in front. Whoever has the most bets wins.

30. Two-on-three-legged running

Objective: Teach two people to run on three legs cooperatively to improve parent emotional communication-child

< p>Rule: Dad must have both hands behind his back, mother must tighten the straps.

How to play: Draw a start line and a finish line at both ends of the court. Invite several pairs of fathers and sons to stand at the starting line. The mother uses a long strap to tie the adjacent one. legs of father and child together. The Father With both hands behind their backs, after hearing the order, the father and child start running towards Guan together and turn around after reaching the finish line. the starting line wins. Mom unbuckles dad and the baby.

31. Ride on Balloons

How to play: Children tie four balloons to their feet and parents step on other children's balloons (one minute), whoever has the most balloons at the end wins and gets prizes stars.

32. Blow the ball into the basket

Purpose: train children's endurance, improvelung capacity and add to the happy atmosphere of the family.

Rules: Place a plastic basket under the edge of the table and a few table tennis balls on the table. Dad, mom and baby take turns blowing the ball into the basket. See who scores the most goals.

Suggestion: Parents can guide their children to master the direction and intensity when blowing the balloon.

33. Cross the River

How to play: Parents and children use three pieces of cardboard to cross the river as quickly as possible. The feet of parents and children cannot touch the ground. . Three families form a group. Whoever crosses the river first wins and takes home the star.

34. Pig Driving

Preparation: 4 homemade golf clubs, 2 small rubber balls and two arches.

How to play: Parents and children each hold a stick and foalternately advance the ball. The baby can lead the piglet to the parent, and the parent leads the piglet to the baby; or parents and baby can lead the piglet side by side, and the group that crosses the arc fastest wins.

35. Happy Hula Hoop

Preparation: several small animal puppets, hula hoop

How to play: Place several small animal puppets on the floor, with space. between each puppet The distance between them is 20 centimeters. Players can throw circles at the puppets only when they are at the specified location and receive different gifts depending on the number of throws.

36. Playing with newspapers

Preparation: newspapers

How to play: Parents and children stand at the starting point. unfold the two newspapers on the ground in sequence, allowing children to go to the opposite side of the newspaper and get different gifts bydepending on your speed.

37. Transporting the watermelons

Preparation: a few balls of watermelon, 4 sticks, a cardboard box and 6 large bottles of Coke.

How to play: The mother (father) and child are in the designated position. They both hold the watermelon balls with sticks and prepare them. They both hold the watermelon balls and go around. soda bottles and return by road. Who can come back the fastest?

38. Fun Hercules

How to play: 4 children join the game at the same time, put the rope around their waist, face outside the circle and each think of ways to pull hard in their own direction and pick up the rope. The gift in front wins.

39. Target practice

Preparation: 5 photos of enemies; 5 small chairs; several bags of sand.

How to play: Each child has 5 sandbags and places themselves behind the line. The teacher says: Start! The children violently throw sandbags at the “enemy”. Once the sandbags are used up, the accuracy of each throw is recorded and small stickers are given to the children.

40. Bowling

Preparation: 3 groups of colored mineral water bottles (10 in each group, label the bottles with place names from various places in the homeland); depending on the situation).

How to play: Children stand in the designated position, spin the ball hard and knock over the bottle of mineral water. (You can reward the little one with a sticker or put a small seal on his arm.)

41. Draw the facial features

Preparation.: A blackboard with two dolls' heads drawn in chalk;

How to play: Children put eye masks in a suitable place on the blackboard, and are led by teachers or parents to the blackboard, and fill innt the doll's facial features on the doll's head on the blackboard. Reward the child with a small sticker or stamp on their arm for a good drawing.

42. I am a little leader

Purpose: Cultivate the cooperation ability of children and adults.

Preparation: 10 Sprite bottles or fresh orange bottles, fill the bottles with water and arrange them at two intervals with two red ribbons.

How to play: The father or mother and child stand at the starting point. The game begins. The father or mother covers their eyes with a ribbon and the child holds the father or mother's hand. and goes around the bottle in course S. The winner is the bottle that does not fall after reaching the end.

43. Kangaroo Jump

Rules: Do not knock over the bottle with your feet. If you knock it over on the way, it will not be valid.

How to play: Children play the role of little kangourous and put them in the bag prepared by the teacher. The father kangaroo or mother kangaroo stands behind the "little kangaroo" and pinches both corners of the bag to do so. jump from the start point to the end point with the child. The five teams compete in Group A and the top three receive five-pointed stars.

44. Baby Competition

Rules: The baby must be in the circle, and those who leave the circle commit a foul.

How to play: Each group selects 4-5 parents and places themselves in the rope circle. The child stays at a certain distance from the parents. After listening to the order, the parents go off to fight for their babies, and the parent who receives it first wins.

45. The whole family has fun

Rules: If no families are eliminated after an activity, fold the newspaper in half and continue the game until one family is eliminated.

How to play: Once the familiesparticipants have entered the game, they find a newspaper and stand next to it. Once the game starts, they listen to the music and walk when the music stops, they immediately get up. on the log and wait for the teacher to check if their feet are outside the log, the families have been eliminated.

46. Moving Fun

How to play: Parents and children hold a flat newspaper with a number of ocean balls on it. Use the newspaper to carry the ocean balls to the basket. Whoever moves the most in 1 minute wins.

Note: 1. If the newspaper is damaged during transportation, it will be thrown away. 2. The log should be flat.

47. Jumping with the ball

How to play: The child will jump forward with the spiked ball between their knees, jump towards the parent, hand them the ball and the parent will squeeze the ball between their knees. The family that steps back and completes the task without letting tshading the ball wins.

48. Earth Fuwa Puzzle

Purpose: Develop observation, attention and hand-eye coordination of objects in children.

Materials: 5 KT versions of 100cm x 120cm with printed Fuwa dolls, freely divided into 10-12 puzzle pieces.

Rules: Participants must assemble the scrambled Fuwa dolls within the allotted time. The winner is the one with the greatest accuracy and the fastest speed.

49. Ride a horse and pull the tail

Purpose: Develop children's ability to chase, catch, run and react quickly


Materials: 10 shaped bamboo poles horses (the top of the bamboo poles is decorated with horse heads) and 10 strips of fabric as tails.

Note: You must ride a “horse” to pull others’ tails.

Rules: Each game is played in groups of 10 people. Before the game begins, each person attaches a"tail" behind his back, rides on a "horse", hears the command "start" and moves within the specified range and time to catch the "tails" of others while protecting his own tail. . , the child with the most “tails” at the end of the game wins.

50. I win medals for the Olympic Games

Purpose: Cultivate children's balance ability and sense of direction.

Materials: A blackboard with the five Olympic rings, with a gold medal (silver or bronze) in the middle of each ring; several headbands (or masks).

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