The old lady in “An Jia” takes over the old bungalow, showing the greed of human nature. Can poor pa

Introduction The old lady in “An Jia” takes over the old bungalow, showing the greed of human nature. Can poor parents still get closer to each other? The old lady in "An Jia" is a distant relative of the Gong family, her great cousin, and her grandmother is Gong's

The old lady in “An Jia” takes over the old bungalow, showing the greed of human nature. Can poor pa

The old lady in "An Jia" is a distant relative of the Gong family, her great cousin, and her grandmother is Mrs. Gong's great-grandfather. She took them in and built them a bungalow at the hospital because it was not easy for the poor great-aunt to raise two children alone.

Decades later, everyone lost contact,but when my cousin learned that Master Gong wanted to sell the house, she moved her family of seven back to the bungalow originAnd asked the Master. Gong for moving costs. These moving costs actually represent a third of the total price of real estate.

My great aunt will unreasonably demand property from the Gong family because she is both greedy and ungrateful.

This has nothing to do with her poverty. Tai Cousin's grandmother's character is that even if she has millions of dollars, she will covet the money earned by the Gong family from selling theirhouse, and she won't be so poor that she starts a fire. The descendants of this rich family are not poor, so the family refuses to admit that their relatives are in it for the money.

Whether a relationship is good or not depends on fate. Every relationship depends on destiny. If two families get along well, they help each other like friends. Even the father-son relationship can be broken if they don't get along. Just like Ada Choi and Angela Chang and their family, just like the house in “Settle Down,” they are always separated from their families in order to escape the pain of being sucked in.

The greed of the old lady in "An Jia" is a kind of human nature

What is human nature? It is human nature, whether rich or poor, to be greedy, so it has nothing to do with whether you are poor or not! It doesn't matter! It doesn't matter! Say the important things three times!

Don't worryDon't prize your poor parents Thirty years in Hedong, thirty years in Hexi. Maybe one day they will become prosperous. I don't even wear a silencer if they've been slapped in the face. A single blow makes several noises!

You can think carefully about the people around you, your loved ones, your friends and your classmates, about their situation a few decades ago or a few decades later, and you will know that there are no poor parents in this region. world, nor What kind of rich parents are there, only relatives who are close to each other and parents who have no contact with each other until old age and death?

In my opinion, relatives do not distinguish between poor and rich

Poor parents also have good parents, whether they are rich or not, it mainly depends on the condition of the relatives . Some poor parents are not very financially wealthy mays are very responsible. There is a vacant house in my hometown where my cousin (my aunt's daughter) and her family live. They send a lot of seasonal vegetables to my family every year. And they also give our family rent every year, which is the same price as the houses rented by village people outside.

My father refused to accept it at first. After all, he was one of her own. Later, my aunt and my father said that we were a family and that we should settle accounts clearly. Later, the rent was paid to my family every year. Even though I sometimes missed payments, I never missed paying the rent. Some things cannot be measured by money. There is a kind of family affection called parents, which does not depend on your status.And changed.

1. A mother-in-law who has high self-esteem and must realize her life ideals in her mother. his in-lawshe crushes under her feet the right of others to live a mortal life. 2. A mother-in-law who takes her son for her life. A mother-in-law who takes her son for her life can be called the "ten terrible things". The reason is very simple, because a son is his. Whoever kidnaps his son takes his life, it is wasting it. The battlefield is the dining table, the kitchen, the cupboard and the living room. Weapons can explode at any time and even local wars will eventually drag the whole family into a nuclear catastrophe in which no one is spared. 3. A mother-in-law who treats herself like a stranger. A sign of a mother-in-law who treats herself like a stranger is that when she talks about it, she always says: This is my son's house. Never say: This is my son’s wife’s house. I don't choose the words, it's what I think. 4. Mother-in-law with mysophobia Love of cleanliness is a sign of a person's dignity and constitutese a great advantage of a person. However, when it reaches the level of mysophobia, it becomes the section where the most conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law occur. 5. A mother-in-law who matters, even if her own affairs are small. One of the greatest characteristics of such a mother-in-law is that she is self-centered and her daughter-in-law is self-centered. no shirk. And such a center will extend to infinity. 6. Opinion leader type mothers-in-law Generally, opinion leader type mothers-in-law have had a say in the family for several years. A complete set of unbreakable management models has been formed for everything. It can be as small as how to fold clothes, how to wash vegetables, which shelf to put in the refrigerator, when to go to bed and when to wake up, as important as which parent doesn't move and who is ignored, whatever. gifts to give and which guests to give. What kind of mothers-in-law do daughters-in-law craido they hinder the most in life? 2 1. Why do daughters-in-law hate mothers-in-law 1. Exaggerate and make mistakes Many women hear about strange conflicts? and wars in the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law before getting married. This makes many single women, before getting married, begin to worry about getting along with their mother-in-law and daughter. -mother-in-law, especially when your married friends complain and complain to them in the same way as someone who came before them. Naturally, you will have a bad impression of your mother-in-law in your heart, which leads you to. learn this precaution before you marry, and you will have a predetermined position and hostility in your heart. Just catalyze it silently. 2. A daughter-in-law is not a daughter. If it's difficult to reconcile after an argument, she will love you like a daughter. That's probably what every future says firste mother-in-law to her daughter-in-law. law who enters the house. Later, in many cases, it was confirmed that most people cannot do this. Before many women get married, they will argue with their mothers at home. They can slam the door, be willful and treat you like a little sweetheart. But after marriage, if there is conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, generally they will tolerate it at first, but with time, it will really become swordsmanship, and it there will even be a refusal to give in. After the quarrel, a little bud is planted in the heart, and it is easy for my family to reconcile and respond to your parents will be easily forgiven by your parents. But in the husband's family, the result is a big quarrel. 3. There is actually a competitive relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. On one side is the mother who raises the man, and on the other the woman who loves deeplythe man lies. For a man, he likes both, but sometimes when he has to make a decision and he doesn't have absolute real power, conflicts naturally arise. If the problem cannot be resolved in time, the daughter-in-law will naturally hate her mother-in-law. Therefore, if you want your family to be happy after marriage, to be happy, a man must handle the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law well. 4. Different lifestyle habits. In order to avoid unnecessary war between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, most women after marriage have to change their lifestyle habits that have followed them for more than 20 years. It's very unpleasant. The man who looks at him does not need to change his lifestyle and instantly sees that he will always be a stranger. However, he must cooperate with his in-laws, who are not part of his own family, and do his best to blend in. I have to worry about sleeping moreduring the holidays. If my mother-in-law has the habit of getting up early to make breakfast but doesn't want to get up early to eat, she will be scolded after having children. will have more conflicts with his parents. This happens every day. Over time, little things accumulate, and naturally mother-in-law and daughter-in-law cannot handle them well. 5. Conflicts to which men turn a blind eye. Men don't pay attention to conflicts, so they feel that the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is good, but sometimes there is a communication problem with each of them. other. Sometimes this is due to educational concepts and lifestyle habits. If you ask your husband to be a sounding board to talk to your mother-in-law, you will make a mistake and become a dirty teammate again. Of course, some men think there's no need to make a fuss. Even if the man has just said hisreal thoughts, if he doesn't do it right he feels like a mama's boy and only listens to his mother. Of course, he hates his mother-in-law even more. 2. How to deal with the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law 1. Praise your husband more in front of the mother-in-law. The mother-in-law has only one son. Many girls, she generally has very high expectations for her son and hopes that her son can honor her in the future. There are many such mothers-in-law. She thinks that her son must protect her from old age. The concept is deeply rooted in their thinking. His son is their treasure. Naturally, she wants you to also treat her son as a treasure, so friction will occur at that time. A daughter-in-law teaches her man a lesson in front of her mother-in-law and asks her man to do something, which will make her mother-in-law feel uncomfortable. His precious son is ordained by his daughter. mother-in-law to do this and that, so a besmart daughter-in-law will do her best to be in front of her mother-in-law. Praising your husband in front of others will make your mother-in-law happy and. it will be easier for you to get along with her. 2. Daughter-in-law should be more filial to her mother-in-law. Although your mother-in-law didn't raise you, she raised your husband. So since you love your husband, you must understand your son's feelings. towards his mother and respect his mother with him. You also have parents. If Would you be happy if your husband responded and ignored your parents, then give your mother-in-law more smiles and spend more time chatting with her. If you are good to his mother, he will naturally be good to your mother. 3. What kind of mother-in-law is most afraid of a daughter-in-law? 1. A mother-in-law who takes her son for her life. A mother-in-law who takes her son for her life. can be called the "ten most frightening principles". The reason is very simple, because ifson is his life, he who takes the son from him is. If you want to commit suicide, you must fight for it even if you risk your life. . The battlefield is the dining table, the kitchen, the cupboard and the living room. Weapons can go off anytime and anywhere, and even local wars can eventually lead to the entire family being involved in a nuclear catastrophe in which no one is spared. This problem cannot be solved by persuasion and ideological work. I saw someone leave a message saying that if you speak kindly to your mother-in-law, give her gifts, and be patient, you will be safe. I can only think of her as a stupid child who lacks practical experience and is simply lacking in experience. here plays chess blindly based on imagination. Have you listened to Chairman Mao's teachings: Revolution is not a dinner party. It's notso simple. Because love is irrational. Because in this situation, the existence of a daughter-in-law is wrong. It doesn't matter who you are. If you marry such a son, you must prepare for N years of resistance. To put it more clearly, be mentally prepared until one party completely defeats the other after a bloodbath, and a new equilibrium is then formed. When we return home each evening, when we look at the thousands of lights scattered throughout the building, how many families are engaged in such a war of remodeling. 2. Opinion leader type mother-in-law Generally, opinion leader type mother. In-laws have the right to speak at home. It's been years. A complete set of unbreakable management models has been formed for everything. It's as small as how to fold clothes, how to wash vegetables, which shelf to put in the refrigerator, when to go to bed and when to wake up, as big asThe parent doesn't move and who cares. that, what gifts to give and what guests to treat... The daughter-in-law came and took all the things from her natal family. Even if the daughter-in-law is spoiled and spoiled at home, no one can do it. nothing about it, and only his mother is as capable as Hu Lijuan in double-sided tape. You can imagine how fierce the fight to redistribute the right to speak will be. An important sign of a mother-in-law who does not consider herself an outsider is that when she talks about it, she always says: This is my son's house. Never say: This is my son’s wife’s house. I don't choose the words, it's what I think. Look at the in-laws on the double sided tape, they clearly and consistently believe that the tiny duplex house belongs to my son. Many of Lijuan's unpleasant words, in my opinion, are mainly based on this! The biggest hidden danger of treating yourselflike an outsider is to make the decision as soon as you walk in the door, then catch up with the temperament of a thought leader... I will omit several thousand words below. 3. The mysophobic mother-in-law: Love of cleanliness is a sign of a person's dignity and is a great advantage of a person. However, when it reaches the level of mysophobia, it becomes the section where the most conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law occur. It all boils down to the fact that women's liberation has been too strong, and a series of compulsory courses for housewives such as working women, female celebrities and housewives have been revolutionized. Furthermore, the pace of socialization of domestic work has been too rapid. Moreover, today's daughters-in-law have to earn money to support their families. The real responsibilities and pressures are all there. It is therefore not uncommon for familiesTwo or three people are afraid to open the cupboard because they are afraid. that things will escape. As for the mysophobic mother-in-law, will she immediately become jealous when looking at the dark bottom of the pot and the shower drain cover covered in broken hair?