50 indoor parent-child games for small classes

Introduction 50 indoor parent-child games for early grade children 1: Feed the tiger - Indoor game focus: Fixed-point throwing games that require precision Preparation: 1 drilled hole with a diameter of 70 cm, a big one

50 indoor parent-child games for small classes

Game 1: Feed the Tiger - Indoor game Focus of the game: A fixed-point throwing game that requires precision Preparation: 1 drilled hole with a diameter of 70 cm, 1 large thickened bag, 1 table, several ping-pong balls, fixed. points There are two activities for drawing a tiger head on a line and on cardboard: Each person has 5 table tennis balls. The child stands on the fixed-point line, aims at the tiger's mouth, throws it towards the tiger's mouth, and the ball enters the tiger's mouth. the tiger's mouth. Children who throw exactly or more than three ping-pong balls into the tiger's mouth will be rewarded. (Small, medium and large classes will throw according to the distance between the two tiger heads) Game 2: Bowling - outdoor game Preparation for the game: 15 mineral water bottles filled with water, 3 small basketballs and three notes.

How to play: The game is divided into three groups, organized in zones of low class, middle class area and high class area. In the small class area, five water bottles are placed side by side with no distance between them, and the difficulty level increases for medium and large classes. The distance between the starting point and the water bottle is two meters.

Rules: Children who must roll the ball (throwing counts as a foul) cannot participate in the game. Each group of families cannot participate in the ball game more than 5 times. The family that receives all the balls in five rounds will receive a seal.

Game 3: Fishing - Indoor game Game preparation: 1. A fish rod, a magnet and some small fish. 2. Use a rope to surround a circle like a fish pond.

How to play the game: Invite 6 children to enter the room at a time and pick up fishing rods to fish. Use magnets to catch small fishin the fish pond. Compete to see who catches the most. Whoever catches a fish receives a stamp on the game card.

Game 4: Circle - Outdoor game Preparation for the game: 1. Several small circles. Seal 2. Some toys.

How to play the game: Invite three children to participate in the game each time. Each child holds three circles and stands on the starting line. Throw the circles towards the toys. Those who catch the toys can. play the game. Put a stamp on the card. Every child has three chances.

Game 4: Chain jumping - Outdoor game Preparation for the game: Each group has 5 hoops. How to play: Divide the children into four groups. Each group has 5 hoops in a row and children. skip one circle, parents take the next circle and put it on the child. The child holds the circle and jumps to the next circle until all 5 circles are placed on the body and reach the pfinal anointed. , the child hands the circle to the next group of parents. Completing the game will earn you a stamp.

Game 5: Earn money - Indoor game Game preparation: Dagu A method of playing: The game can be participated by 16 people (parents can also participate), each person costs one dollar , the professor said that is the case. a money grab, a money grab, while beating the drum to add to the fun, the drum stopped and the teacher said "5 yuan". Five people kissed to win 5 yuan. For 7 yuan, seven people kissed together. those who squeezed the wrong number or number were eliminated. Those who participate in the game will receive a stamp.

Game 6: Little monkey carrying a watermelon Preparation: 16 monkey headdresses and 8 massage balls How to play: Children and parents are divided into 4 groups. Children wear monkey headdresses and holdthe balls between their legs. . , carry the ball from the start point to the end point. The first person to reach it will lift the ball and receive different gifts depending on the speed.

Game 7: Turtle Climb game Preparations: 4 turtle shells, 4 mats and some small fish.

How to play the game: The child puts the turtle shell on his back, crawls on the mat and receives a gift on the chair after the music ends.

Game 8: I feed my mother with fruit. Preparing the game: 4 large sieves and a few balls of paper.

How to play the game: Parents and children stand separately in designated positions, children throw the ball, and mother (father) catches the ball with a sieve. The group that hits the most shots wins.

Game 9: Mother Duck brings the duckling Game preparation: Duckling headdress Gameplay: Parent and child stand at the starting point, the game begins with echild walking on the parent's instep, the parent and child walk together until the end. , and earn differences based on the speed gift.

Game 10: Penguin egg transport game Preparation: Fruit toys Multiple playing methods: Parents and children are at the starting point, children carry the fruits in the basket to the designated location. Once the time is up, the parents announce the name of the fruit. The family that produces the most fruit in total wins.

Game 11: Preparing for the game Little kangaroo: Kangaroo headdress Gameplay: Let the child hold his father's neck firmly with his hands, tighten his legs around his waist and hang him firmly on the his father's chest like a little kangaroo. Dad bent down and crawled on his hands and feet.

Game 12: Preparation for the jumping corner game: 4 corner ball obstacles 4 rules of the game: The children stand in 4 columns, sit on thecorner ball and jump forward, reach the obstacle and return around the obstacle.

Game 13: Play mud. Preparation: 5 tables, 20 chairs; 20 aprons; cloths for wiping hands; reconciled mud, water; various toothpicks, straws, and other aid materials; terracotta model; number of people: 20 people per group.

How to play: Children wear aprons, choose materials freely, and participate in clay sculpture exercises with their parents. The teacher gives each child who participates in the exercise a small sticker.

Game 14: Preparing the fishing area game: several plastic fish with magnets; 20 fishing rods with magnets (20 cm fishing line);

Number of people: 5 children per group.

How to play the game: Please prepare each child participating in this game with a fishing rod and a small bucket containing "poisson". When the children hear the teacher say: "Start!", they can start catching "fish" in the pool and put the "fish" they caught in the small bucket. When they hear the teacher say: “It’s over! Stop!", the children must stop fishing. The one who catches the most “fish” in the allotted time (12 minutes) will win. The winning child will receive a small sticker from the teacher.

Game 15: Preparing for the fish game: Place live loaches and small live carp in a large basin filled with matching water pool

Number of people. : Each group of 5 people

How to play the game: Children catch the fish and put them in another empty pool filled with water until they are all caught

Games 16: Preparation for the target shooting game: 5 photos of enemies; 5 small chairs;

How to play the game: Each child has 5 sandbags. After getting in line, the teacher said: Start! The children violently throw sandbags at the “enemy”. Once the sandbags are used up, record the accuracy of each throw and hand out small stickers to the children.

Game 17: Draw the facial features. Preparing the game: a blackboard with two dolls' heads drawn in chalk;

How to play the game: Children put on a blindfold in an appropriate place on the blackboard, and are led by teachers or parents to the blackboard, and fill in the facial features of the doll on the doll's head at the blackboard. . Reward the child with a small sticker or stamp on their arm for a good drawing.

Game 18: Magical game Objective: Through the game, children can develop their skills of observation, comparison and expression of language, as well as express numbers with movements while listening, and enjoy the joy of victory in the game.

Preparation for the game: a bottle of milk, a flashlight, a wand, purified water, two colorless transparent glasses and two animal toys.

How to play:

1. Pour clean water into the glass with your children. What to eat to increase cholesterol - Texas Hold'em Parents use flashlights to illuminate the game. glass. Light up a white wall and look with your children at what’s on the wall? (The picture on the wall is white) 2. Place an animal toy between the wall and the cup. Ask the children to talk about their inventions. Let them take the toy and do various actions between the wall and the cup. on the wall. (The toy image is black.) 3. Add a little milk to a cup of water and stir evenly with chopsticks. Then shine a flashlight through the cup and continueBe sure to observe any changes. (The light is red.

4. Ask children to continue playing with toys, then describe what they see.

5. Parents and children play with them various shadows of hands between the wall and the light, encourage children to imagine what the picture looks like

6. Parents and children take turns raising their fingers, and the other? person makes mathematical animal sounds according to the number of fingers, or listens to the sound and raises fingers Game 19: Happy sandbag throwing game Purpose: Cultivate children's running ability and ability. throw. Preparation for the game: 5 baskets and 50 sandbags

Rules of the game: This game is completed by the father (mother) and the child together. The child stands at the point of. start and the mother stands at the starting point. At the end, hold the basket with both hands. When the whistle sounds, the child runs towards his father (mother) holding.a bag of sand, stands two meters from the father and throws it into the mother's basket. The child and the father must cooperate ten times. See which group throws the most sandbags to win.

Game 20: Find Mom Game objective: Promote parent-child emotions and cultivate children's observation ability. Game Preparation: Screen Game Rules: Five families will join in each round, the mother hides behind the big screen and only extends her hands. out of the small holes in the screen. After the whistle, the children run from the start point to the end point, then use their hands to find out who can be the smallest. Find your mother precisely in time

<.p> Game 21: Game of musical chairs. Objective: Cultivate the sensitivity of children and parents. Preparation for the game: 30 chairs, a drum. Rules: Put six children and parents in a group and arrange the chairs in less than one group. number of children, start runningaround the circle in the same direction to the sound of drums. When the drumming stops, parents hold their children and start grabbing chairs. The families who have not grabbed a chair leave the room, then reduce the number of chairs and continue the game. The family who remains in place at the end wins.

Game 22: Fuwa Puzzle Objective of the game: Cultivate the cooperation ability of children and parents Preparation for the game: 5 Fuwa puzzles. (Divided into 9 pieces) Rules of the game: There is a blackboard at the end point and two parents are at the end point. Two children start carrying the puzzle pieces from the start point to the end point. Parents immediately start the puzzle. The team that is the fastest and completes the puzzle wins.

Game 23: Baby kangaroo game Objective: Exercise the cooperative activities and coordination ability of parents and children. Rules of the game: The child's little feet are placedat the mother's feet. The parents take the child to start. the starting point and reach the end first. Game 24: Tail catch game Objective: Observe the children's reaction ability Preparation for the game: 5 rules of the tail game: Parents carry their children and the children tie their tails around their waist. children from other families as parents move. The team whose tail is not caught wins.

Game 25: Catch the pig How to play: Children and parents stand at opposite ends of the field. Children hold badminton rackets and lead the “little pig” (ball) from the starting point to the parents. on the opposite side. The parents hold the "The pig" (ball) is placed on the badminton racket and brought back to the starting point.

Rules of the game: When carrying a piglet, the one who falls in the middle loses. The game is played in groups of five against one. Those whoi follow the rules and complete the task will be rewarded.

Game 26: Little foot steps on big foot How to play: The game is played in groups at the same time. Participating children and their parents stand at the starting point. The children stack their two feet. the parents' insteps and walk at the same time, going around the opposite side. The obstacle (chair) returns to the starting point.

Rules of the game: When walking, the child's feet cannot leave the big feet. If it accidentally slips, it must be prepared on site before starting again. Families who follow the rules will receive five. -pointed stars.

Game 27: Slam Dunk Activity Rules: Parents are asked to tie a basket around their waist and catch the ball thrown by their children at the designated position (no hands is permitted). Children stand in front of their parents with 8 ocean balls in their hands and throwthe balls in their parents' baskets. Whoever scores 4 or more wins.

Game 28: Silk Scarf Game Rules of the game: Parents and children must keep a certain distance and face each other. Parents should first wrap the silk scarf tightly on their chest, raise their hands to the sides and. walk quickly towards the children (halfway. The person who drops the scarf will be eliminated.) Give the scarf to the child, and the child will return the same way. The person who persists in covering the entire distance without losing the scarf wins. .

Game 29: How to play the dribbling game: Adults and children hold the ball back to back (for middle and large grades) from the start point to the end point (for small and small grades , hold the ball chest to chest). Whoever achieves it successfully wins.

GamesRules: If you drop the ball halfway, you lose; you can'tDon't touch the ball with your hands and parents don't pick up their children to take them.

Game 30: Game: Piggy Lifting How to play: Parents and children form a group, and five groups participate in the game together. After hearing the password, parents and children hold two small sticks (using the calendar). Roll paper into a ball) and carry the "little pig" (ball) from the starting point to the end. The first three groups to reach the end first win and get a five-pointed star.

Game Notes: If the "Little Pig" falls halfway during transport, you can pick it up and continue transporting it.

Game 31: Obstacle crossing game rules: Mom and dad sit on unicorn stools in opposite directions, and the baby sits on the skateboard starting from the mother's side, holding objects in hand, crossing the 5. -One meter obstacle When the objectreaches dad's direction, first to come wins.

Game 32: Twisted Rope Game Rules: Each person is given a rope and, under the guidance of the teacher, uses their imagination to twist different shapes. Two children work together to create a beautiful silhouette. . , each child can take 2-3 ropes.

Game 33: Candy Picking Game Rules: Children can bounce and reach out to pick candy. They can jump several times. The timer is one minute to see who can collect the most candy. after picking them.

Game 34: Fish and Shrimp Game Rules: Teach children to use a small mesh bag or a large spoon, then learn to catch fish and shrimp one by one. Once the children have mastered the game, three families will compete to see who can catch the most fish and shrimp. Give a prize to the winner and givefish and shrimp in the pond.

Game 35: Little Bear Little Bear has no chair Rules of the game: First teach children to learn to recite nursery rhymes with their father and mother. Play the game in groups of five, with five chairs arranged back to back in a circle. The player stands next to a chair. At the start of the game, the player recited a children's song and walked around the chair. When "he" was mentioned, he quickly found a chair to sit down. The one who didn't grab the chair was the bear.

Notes: 1. Parents must play this game first to find the big bear. 2. Let the group of children find the little bear. 3. Finally, parents and children will play this game together.

Game 36: Rules of Sheep Shearing Game: Each group consists of one parent and one baby. Put a number of clips on the parent. The parent takes the baby and runs back and forth along the big circle, not letting himser. the baby collects the clips. The family with the most clips about their parents wins.

Game 37: Go to happiness Rules of the game: The baby turns into a kangaroo (that is, he puts on a kangaroo bag) and the mother stands on a rock swing with a book on your head. When the baby hears the command to go, he jumps forward. The mother continues to shake the swing with her feet and holds a book on her head (the book cannot fall to the ground during the game). the mother must remove the book that has been prepared. Stick the little sticker on the baby, and the baby returns to the starting point. Game 38: Wallaby picking fruit Rules of the game: The game is divided into 3 groups, each family is one. band. The mother plays the role of the kangaroo and the father plays the role of counting the fruits. The baby uses chopsticks to pick up the fruit on the fruit tree, put it in the kangaroo bag, game.Set it for 5 minutes, and at the end, the family groupwhoever has the most fruit will be the winning group.

Game 39: Pick up the sea baby How to play: Parents use a spoon to scoop the sea baby out of the pool at the starting point, then pour the sea baby into the child's spoon at designated halfway point. As quickly as possible, the children pour the sailor babies into the bottle at the end and see which group delivers the five sailor babies first, whichever group wins.

Rules of the game: 1. You can only collect one coin at a time. If it falls, pick it up and continue the game. 2. The small class can hold the bottle with the left hand, but the middle and large classes cannot hold the bottle with the left hand.

Game 40: Send Peach How to play: 1. Hang the fruit on the big tree at the bottom. Parents and children stand face to face at the other end of the field (starting point), while the children stand face to face. the eChildren walk on the On the parent's feet, the parent holds the child's arms in preparation. 2. Once the game begins, the child and parent move forward together. When they reach the fruit tree, the parent picks up the child and plucks a peach. The two return hand in hand. The one who returns to the starting point. first victories.

Rules of the game: The child's feet must step on those of the parents while moving forward.

Game 41: Puzzle Fun How to play: Take the family as a unit, according to each age group (a puzzle for the upper class is 48 pieces; a puzzle for the middle class is 30 pieces ; a Puzzle for the small class is 18 pieces ) requirements, complete a puzzle within the specified time.

Game 42: Five Ring Game Objective: Cultivate children's hand-eye coordination.

Game material: 25 five-ring games. How to play: Before the game begins, five children get togetherin a row and line up. The five rings are placed at the feet of the five children. The game begins, 5 children. The children pick up the five rings next to their feet one by one and put them on one by one. The fastest to complete all five rings at the same time wins.

Children should only take one ring at a time. Parents can use words to encourage them, but they can't help pick up the ring from the floor or put it on.

Game 43: Fuwa welcomes the goal of the Olympic game: learning to roll the ball forward, developing flexibility and coordination of movements; germinating love and desire for the 2008 Beijing Olympics;

Game materials: several Fuwa headdresses, 5 colored balls, 10 obstacles Game: children are divided into 5 teams, namely the Beibei team, the Jingjing team, the Huanhuan team, the Yingying team and Ni team. At the start of the game, the first child of eachteam rolls the ball from the starting point, reaches the ending point, goes around the final obstacle and brings the ball back to the starting point. The child with the least time wins.

Notes: 1. You can only start after hearing the whistle. You have to reach the end, go around the obstacles, then roll the ball back to the starting point. 2. When children roll the ball, they roll it forward with their hands.

Game 44: Fuwa rides a horse to Beijing Objective of the game: to develop children's jumping ability and movement coordination ability.

Play equipment: bamboo poles, Fuwa headdress, red flag. Game: Children wear a Fuwa headdress and start from the starting point. Take the bamboo pole and jump on it. Get off the horse and ride like a "horse" to the finish line in Beijing, pick up a red flag and run back. It can be played by oneOne person, or three or four children can compete together. Whoever reaches the starting point first wins.

Game 45: Dragon Boat Race Game Objective: Cultivate children's spirit of cooperation by working together.

Game material: dragon head, dragon body How to play: 4 to 6 children form a dragon boat and place themselves on the starting line. The first child in line puts on the dragon head, and each child behind them puts it on. on the dragon's head. Part of the dragon's body and the hands placed on the shoulders of the person in front form a dragon boat. After the teacher gives the order, each team advances and the team that reaches the finish line is the winning team.

Rules of the game: If the dragon boat collapses along the way, it must be reassembled immediately before continuing.

Game 46: Building the Olympic “bird’s nest” Game objective: Practice building ahomemade using cans.

Game material: 40 empty cans, 4 pulleys. How to Play: Divide into four groups for a competitive game. Each child uses a pulley to load 10 empty cans at the starting point, carry them to the end and build an Olympic-sized “bird's nest” (house) with high bases. Whoever builds the house the fastest wins.

Game 47: Objective of the Olympic Express game: Cultivate children's movement coordination ability.

Play material: 5 solar tunnels, Fuwa toys. How to play: Children crawl into the solar tunnel, hold the Fuwa toys and the game ends.

Game 48: Fuwa Bell Ringing Game objective: Practice walking while balancing on a path 20 cm wide.

Game equipment: five Fuwa masks, five torches, five gongs each and five 20 cm wide balance boards.

How to play the game: Children participateants are divided into five groups. Children wear Fuwa masks, hold torches in their hands, cross the balance board, insert the torch at the designated spot at the destination, and then ring the gong.

Game 49: The sound of gongs and drums welcomes the Olympic Games. Objectives of the game: 1. Develop children's jumping ability and improve their coordination and sensitivity of movements. 2. Develop children's awareness of colors.

Game material: Several red and green square grids are assembled. Gameplay: Starting from the starting point, look for grids of the same color and jump to the end point by beating the gongs and drums.

Game 50: Happy family Rules of the game: Mom and dad fold their hands and the child sits on them. Drop the child off at the transfer point and the child throws the ball together. the bucket to catch the ball. After hitting a ball, the father The motherholds the wooden stick in his hand and the child returns with his hands clinging to the wooden stick. The first to return to the starting line wins.

Play equipment: bamboo poles, Fuwa headdress, red flag. Game: Children wear a Fuwa headdress and start from the starting point. Take the bamboo pole, dismount and ride like a "horse" to the finish line in Beijing, pick up a red flag and run back. It can be played by one person, or three or four children can compete together. Whoever reaches the starting point first wins.

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