On Zhihu, there are 70 sad sentences about a person who felt wronged in love and cried.

Introduction Seventy sad sentences on Zhihu about a person who has been wronged to the point of crying in love. Seventy sad sentences on Zhihu about a person who has been wronged in love to the point of tears (Part 1) 1. "Every word of my words is you and your senten

On Zhihu, there are 70 sad sentences about a person who felt wronged in love and cried.

Zhihu's sad last sentence about a person who was so wronged in love that he cried (Part 1)

1. "Every word of me is you but every word of you are not me"

2. Always taste all the pain alone. There are things you have nowhere to talk about and can no longer talk about.

3. My girlfriend was wronged at work, and I don't know how to help her, and I don't know how to enlighten her.

4. Why if you are wronged at work, it is always your fault.

5. I can’t wait to say goodnight. I'm sleepy and fell asleep on my own.

6. On the other end of the phone, you said that maybe we should each take a step back, but I, on the other side of the phone, shed tears slowly but I didn't want to cry.

7. Missing is actually when you looked at me affectionately, I didn't raise my head, but when I put my tender gaze on you, you weres already returned.

8. My mother opened my bedroom door and I saw her red eyes. She said let's break up, you never cried like that, even when you argued with me.

9. I am someone you can abandon without looking up.

10. The older people grow, the more they understand that in the world after growing up, whether they like it or not is secondary, and not getting tired of getting along is the most important.

11. Don't worry, I will let you go, I will not give you my caution, disgust and arrogance in the future.

12. The end of emotions is not swearing, nor expression, but silence.

13. Those who work very hard, the world does not will not ignore their sweat.

14. There are many situations where I feel so frustrated that I want to explode, and my mouth is full of anger, but I have no choice but to smile.

15. I am ready to hide myselfs grievances in my heart so as not to worry that you will leave because of my sadness.

16. He was the future in your ordinary life, but in the end, he suddenly became a big dream.

17. In fact, I am a very ordinary person, not as mysterious as people think, and I am not an expert in psychology. However, I can feel your mood with my own heart.

18. Throughout your life, you must believe this: you do not need to work hard to keep things, and you do not need to work hard to keep things that you you can't. Come and go as you wish, don't force anything.

Zhihu's sad sentence about a person who was so wronged that he cried for love (Part 2)

19. I hope the person you meet is worthy of you abandoned me

20 . Your love, less than a ten millionth of me. If I treat you like you treat me, then you have to undo metest.

21. I started choosing to disappear and eventually I don't remember you anymore.

22. “I have nothing to say and I cannot tell anyone about my sorrow.”

23. Those who honor their fathers will find joy in their children .

24. The depression in my heart is like a pot of vinegar.

25. A person who truly cares about you will comfort you and stay with you when you are in a bad mood. She won't find you boring. If you are sick, she will come to you immediately and. take care of yourself.

26. No one understands the principle of understanding before making a mistake. It's wonderful if you understand before you make a mistake.

27. It starts with what you like and ends with me being superfluous.

28. Life is like this, troubled, moved, free, constrained, noisy and silent. Some words are not spoken when you arehurt because you don't know who to tell them to; some words aren't said when you're quiet because you don't know how to say them.

29. I actually don't understand what's right, I just don't want to disappoint anyone or be disappointed. I won't back down when it's time to hug, and I will never cry when it's time to laugh.

30. I have no direction or goal. My life is terrible. I can barely hold on to the forced smile every day, I really want to die without taking anything with me. will be released.

31. If you love someone and you lose them, it will leave a wound that will always hurt. Some losses are inevitable.

32. There are rotten dreams at night, and there are people who repeat themselves in dreams.

33. I hope you won't tell me something story to your next wife. You. don't owe me anything. Don't reconcile with anyone, no oneis worthy of this debt.

34. I hope there is such a person who will always accompany me when I walk, and then help me correct my mistakes so that I can smile and grow.

35. In urban life, pressure is everywhere: when you are busy earning a living, you have to go to work; while at work, grievances and stress are inevitable. After leaving work, don't forget to learn how to reduce stress, exercise healthily, and maintain a good attitude.

36. It turns out that the world of love is very big, big enough to hold a hundred types of grievances.

Zhihu's sad last sentence about a person who was so wronged in love that she cried (Part 3)

37. While the sun shines, while the breeze is calm and that the flowers are not yet fully in bloom; to flower; while you are still young, you can still browsego a very long way and express your deepest thoughts.

38. Those who are reluctant to bear grievances end up swallowing them all.

39. Listen, my former lover was so happy to hug and kiss others. I didn't shed any tears, just the rain falling into my eyes. The sun is so bright today.

40. I don't know when I learned not to explain.

41. Do not be wronged when you feel wronged by someone, and do not let yourself regret it. .

42. Cloud, he knew I was wronged and helped my tears turn into rain, drop by drop, drop by drop, will it fall on your heart If it is the case, then I should miss you because ? it will poke holes in your heart and you will feel sorrow.

43. I give you my smile, but I keep my sadness to myself.

44. I suddenly discovered that sometimes only I know about thingshoses, so who cares about me? Who can you confide your pain in?

45. Don't think the world isn't worth it just because your eyes are red. Breakup is the norm in the world, and you and I are no exception.

46. Why embarrass yourself so much? After all, it's not that you feel wronged...

47. Senior colleagues in other departments have unpredictable moods, so I borrowed the topic. Is it a shame to loudly humiliate yourself in public and question your ability to work?

48. You clearly feel wronged and don't dare tell anyone; you know your body has started to feel bad, but you continue to abuse yourself; no one will care about your grievances and pain; be strong. It's you!

49. You still have to go, what's left is just a body, stay, you still have to stay, my heart is rooted here.

50. It turns out that the human heart is so big that it can hold a hundred types of grievances.

51. Birds of a feather flock together, people flock together, live for yourself for the rest of your life and live the way you want.

52. I was wronged at work today, and then I cried. Initially, I felt very happy with this job and was very happy to come to work every day.

53. Sometimes I feel exhausted mentally and physically, and I don't want to do anything, I just want to be alone quietly, sometimes I feel wronged and the feelings I felt are felt. hasn't been reciprocated, and I just don't want to be around anyone. The place burst into tears.

54. If you don't understand why I'm inexplicably angry, it can only mean that you don't understand me well.

Zhihu's sad last sentence about a person who was so wrongedthat she cried with love (Part 4)

55. Since you cannot learn to be content, I do not need to give in every step of the way.

56. Some people are helpless but do not dare to care about those who are clearly dear to them. Some people clearly miss them but don't dare miss them.

57. Despise life's gains and losses, let go of the past, cherish the present, and hope for the future. If you can't get it, don't ask for it. Why should you be wrong? Put down your bags, forget all your worries and spend each day happily.

58. All the unspeakable grievances in my heart can be dispersed little by little with wine.

59. You are so beautiful in my memories and you are so bright in my thoughts.

60. Every time I need someone to accompany me, I realize that some people are nowhere to be found, that some people should not bebe found and some people cannot be found.

61. When it comes to brain-intensive work, I prefer to be a loader or something and be alone. Even if there is no money, there will be no pressure and I will not say it. parents that I will let everyone enjoy it later. You are blessed, think about it ideally. It is not easy to choke yourself for the sake of others, nor can it be considered selfish. In fact, I think the best relationship in the world is that of a couple. They must shoulder the responsibilities of a small family together. Mom and Dad are also a small family. The key to two families is to have true love. .

62. A person should take good care of themselves and be mature enough before engaging in feelings.

63. Those who leave without even saying goodbye will probably never see each other again. After all, those who haveaccumulated enough disappointments will never look back.

64. If you help others and harm yourself, over time people will consider you a fool. Integrity is the most important thing, kindness is the most important thing, sincerity is the most important thing in dealing with others, and humility is the most important thing in life. Choose to be a good person, but don't be a good person. . You may think I'm nice, but don't think I'm stupid. Because no one is stupid, everyone is smart.

66. The reason reality is called reality is because reality is too realistic.

67. Tell yourself that I am the most beautiful kapok, with a strong life and a persistent life. He also has a strong inner world. Even in the limitless desert, I will work hard to achieve my dreams. When the shiny kapok fgrows on the branches, as soon as you look back, you will find that your past grievances and sorrows have turned into compost for growth.

68. If you gave selflessly and the other party accepted it calmly, you have wronged yourself and the other party has ignored your dignity. This kind of love may not be considered love. If love is humble, it is no longer love; if love is painful, it is not called love.

69. If you feel wronged, don't explain. People who understand you don’t need your explanation; people who don't understand you don't need to explain.

70. You misunderstood, it's not that I'm still far away, it's just that the sky is too close to you.

Sad Phrases About Falling In Love With Someone

1. Be the simplest person and follow the happiest path.

2. The time thatpasses makes us look older, but it enriches our lives.

3. Often we think of it as an unforgettable memory, but others have long forgotten it. Instead of worrying about it, it is better to despise and despise it.

4. When we were young, we had high ideals. After growing up, few people realize their dreams, and they all default to choosing a career they like or dislike in exchange for higher or lower pay. When people grow up, they will demand less and less and blame others, because as we slowly learn to put ourselves in their shoes, we will find that it is difficult for everyone, and that everyone has given up in compromising until today. You then become more and more generous and tolerant. You have grown up.

5. Being too easy to talk to doesn't necessarily prove that you're a good person, but it can prove that youWe have an uncertain position and vague principles.

6. No matter how crooked Cao Cao is, he always has close friends, and no matter how good Liu Bei is, he always has a mortal enemy. Don't worry too much about other people's evaluation of you, be yourself, do what you want, and go your own way.

7. It does not mean that we are fit to be together if we can argue with each other; it does not mean that we can be together if we are fit to do so; be together forever if we can be together; and that doesn't mean we'll be together if we're together for happiness.

8. The most beautiful landscapes are those that fly away; the truest feelings are the ones that hurt the most.

9. When friends around you say you are crazy, success is not far from you.

10. Maturity does not means that the heart grows old, but that we continue to smile when tears come to your eyes. When people grow up, they should learn to be worldly, diplomatic and cover up all their ugliness with a smile. Some pains need to be digested slowly on your own. Don't talk to others casually. Some people will not only be unable to help you share your concerns, but will also amplify the incident and be counterproductive!

11. Find people you love. Most are relatively independent people. Don't try to impress others when you're in the company of others, and don't worry about yourself when you're alone. Be calm and objective at all times, handle what needs to be handled and don't interfere in other people's affairs.

12. The one you have a crush on is often the most jealous, just like that item of clothing in the window you wantedfor a long time, but was finally bought by someone else. The obsession is too deep and you think you have it.

13. I once lost my temper and couldn't be cuddled for three days and three nights. If you get angry now, you'll realize it's useless in the blink of an eye. Time causes people to develop good character. Therefore, judging a person's maturity depends on how long it takes them to calm their anger.

14. Please cherish the person who comes back to you shamelessly after a big argument with you.

15. It is impossible for a person to be smooth in their life. Something will always happen. The loss of money is a trivial matter, I'm afraid. people will remain in the pit and will be unable to get out. Losing your confidence, your dreams and your good qualities is the most fatal thing.

16. When you hold an umbrella forOthers, look behind you. There's a fool caught in the rain. Take more time to love yourself and pay more attention to those who hold umbrellas for you in heavy rain.

17. If you don't want others to see your thoughts, hide them. I hid it for so long that I couldn't find it later. He's gone and you're lost.

18. If things go against your wishes, believe that God must have other plans.

19. From passion to family affection, from touch to gratitude, from romance to staying together. The more time passes, the less willing I am to leave you. That's what we call a lover.

20. Only when your mind is calm can you hear your heart. Perhaps what you passionately pursue is not what you really want, but simply to accommodate others or society; perhaps what distresses you and breaks your heart is notmaybe not what you really want to like or should like, but just a temporary reluctance. Sit back, watch the flowers bloom and watch the water flow. When your mind is calm, you will naturally see clearly. Laughing at flowers blooming is a kind of peaceful joy; quietly admiring the falling flowers is a feeling of freedom.

Sad phrases are only interested in


Sad phrases about a person:

If one day you fall in love with someone else, don't tell me.

Looking at the mountain, the sky is bright and remembering your nonsense in my heart

What's more disgusting than the word "I love you"

< p> I am so I don't do it to make you happy, I do it to let myself go.

Letting go is the only choice when faced with the absence of love.

The memory keeps rewinding and all the moments about you replay in my mindt one by one.

Maybe we really don't have a future, after you said that.

This time I'm going to drop everything.

How can I let you love me so much?

In a quiet life, in addition to passion, sometimes you have to listen to special and meaningful songs. There are thousands of them. ways to respond to me. Thousands of desires have exhausted themselves without being obedient... La la la la, have you calmed down in your heart?

The beautiful erotic lines in your palm are intertwined. whose city is laughter and laughter.

If you can't accept loss, you simply can't grow.

In this world, not every relationship can stand the test of time.

Only a man who understands it is worthy of knowing how good a woman is.

Overall, take care of yourself.

I told you, don't come back after you leave.

They say that we cannot appgive back to cherish only after having lost. In fact, losing after cherishing is the most painful.

Only spells can break spells, and only secrets can exchange secrets.

Sometimes I find myself like a dandelion, without a home, always swayed by the wind, and When the wind blows, I don't know if I'm going to fall. He Fang, every stay is just a beautiful memory. I always give my all and want to put down roots here, but I don't know if the place I stayed has already blossomed and blossomed. no room for me. Maybe my lifelong goal is just to find a destination, but whenever I'm bruised by expectations, maybe I'm just used to sadness.

As long as I am happy, I will be content and I will have no regrets.

Forgive me for being calm and staying away.

Return five hundred times to the past life, in exchange for an encounter in this life.

Darling, no one can take away a truly good friend from us.

The heartbreaking attempt to stay was only a sign of reluctance.

I don't love you, why would you risk your life for me?

From now on, I will wake up early and go to bed early just because I don't don't like it. want you to look haggard when you see me

< p> When the kite gets tired of the sky, will it fall into the sea without looking back?

When you are happy, you always waste it.Always silent when you are happy

Once a sorrow reaches its limit, no matter how long it takes, it will never completely heal.

Oblivion is our immutable destiny. Everything is like a misaligned drawing. Everything in the past cannot be returned to the past, so it slowly expands and wavers little by little. Maybe we really should forget about the things that were missed. The following is a carefully compiled collection of beautiful sad phrasess and personalized signatures. I hope it can be useful to everyone!

The mouth is only a cover for the fragility of the heart.

Give me the last love, it's letting go of your hands.

I know the future may be full of twists and turns, but what can I do?

What Match said is better, she said that men are all lower body animals. These men keep telling you that they will give you happiness in the second half of your life, but they actually mean that they will give you happiness in the second half of your life.

Is there anyone who will tell me, stop pretending, I know you're not happy.

Men, have you ever forgotten what you said in the blink of an eye?

The you I see is blue and the me you see is transparent


-At this end of the video, I look at you quietly, almost crying, you don't know any of this

If I could, I would love you forever.

The best feeling in the world is knowing someone is thinking about you.

To be selfish, I don't like the person I love to be loved by too many people.

If it's impossible to be with the person you love, just be with the person who loves you.

The world is so cold that I have to pretend to be a hedgehog.

Now that you're gone, there's nothing that can't be lost.

Memories are just memories, and waiting just becomes waiting.


Sadness is a feeling of being. For a performing clown, the sympathy of others is applause.

If the sky was no longer blue, would the clouds be different?

SpongeBob's smile is always the best.

Delete things from your memory that don't belong to you.

This trace of sadness diluted the memories.

The worlde of a person often cannot forget the sadness you gave me.

Even though I love to laugh so much, I always feel sorry inside.

Even though it's easy for others to care about me, it's not It's none of my business to worry about it. others.

Slightly, slightly. It faded and was gradually forgotten.

Our feelings were eventually lost to time.

I don't cry, I don't laugh, but how can I overcome the difficulties in my heart?

When I wake up in the morning, the first thing that comes to me that comes to mind is your smile.

The night is so deep that I think of you unconsciously.

Time flies so fast, why don't I have anyone to love yet

If the sky is no longer blue, will the clouds be different?

I always think I can fall into I love a person deeply, but I don't know if it's just my own esextravagant pear.

I want to use a paintbrush to draw all my smiles. This way it won't disappear.

Right now I envy the eagle flying in the clouds; if I were the eagle flying high in the sky, I could see your face clearly and fly alongside you…

Sad phrases that interest a person are two:

1. You give me a tear and I see the whole ocean in your heart.

2. If you laugh once, I can be happy for several days but if you cry once, I will be sad for several years;

3. You will never see me when I am loneliest, because I am only loneliest when you are not by my side.

4. Hold my hand and walk with your eyes closed and you will not get lost.

5. If we are all children, we can stay where time has passed, sit together and listen to these stories that will never get old while laughing slowly.

6. The wound is like me, a stubborn child who refuses to heal, because the heart is a warm, moist place for everything to grow.

7. What is happiness? It's hiding your sadness and smiling at everyone.

A person is very good, a person can be very free, a person can have no scruples, even if he is injured, he can heal himself, but who will heal the scar. But what if I feel? alone ? What to do? But... what should I do if I get lost?

8. Time hasn't taught me anything, but it has taught me not to believe myths easily.

9. Time did not wait for me. It's you who forgot to take me. The firefly in my left hand is unforgettable, and in my right hand is a ten-year long meditation.

10. I have been brave for too long and decided to live alone for you.

11. Not all efforts will be rewarded, but efforts must be madets for each harvest. This is an unfair and irreversible proposition.

12. The moment they emerge from the cocoon, the pain of ripping off a layer of skin is heartbreaking. Many butterflies die of pain the moment they emerge from the cocoon.

13. When you really love something, you will discover how fragile and powerless language is. There is always a gap between words and feelings.

14. Hiding in a certain period of time, missing the palm prints of a period of time; hiding in a certain place, missing a person who is standing on the way in and out, who interests me.

15. The commotion at the airport stopped after a while. The people here all have their own direction, taking off in a hurry, landing in a hurry, taking away other people's stories.Things, leave your own memories.

16. Memory is like water poured into the palm of your hand. Little imWhether you spread it or hold it tightly, it will eventually flow cleanly from your fingers, drop by drop.

17. A lonely person will always carefully remember all the people who appeared in his life, so I always think of you who counts my loneliness again and again every night when the stars fall.

18. If one day we are no longer together, we should act as if we were together.

19. At that moment, I seemed to hear the sound of the whole world collapsing.

20. Leave, let things become simpler, people become nice, like children, let's start again.

21. Everyone is a king, dominator in his own world. You don't want to listen to me, but you don't want me to listen to you either.

22. Will the love engraved on the back of the chair be like the flowers on the concrete floor, blooming forever in the windless forest?

23. Those whoi said they would never be separated are already scattered around the world.

24. Who is the passer-by in the life of so-and-so, who is the wheel of life, the dust of the past life, the wind of this life and the endless sad soul.

25. I look at you smiling, silent, proud and disappointed like now, so I am happy with you and sad with you, but I always stand in the present while you always stay in the past.

In relationships there will always be ups and downs; in life, there will always be comings and goings. Very often, wind and rain are not celestial phenomena, but the vicissitudes of life are not helplessness but tolerance. Let go with a free and easy attitude, be optimistic with a smile, as with lightness, love gently, think deeply and let go with lightness.

Most idiomatic expressions have 4 characters, but there are alsos idiomatic expressions with 3 characters and more than 4 characters. Then we have put together a complete collection of idiom riddles for your reference.

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