Fourth Grade Observation Journal

Introduction Fourth Grade Observation Log Fourth Grade Observation Log Chapter 1 Fourth Grade Observation Log 1 September 23 Since I planted the mung beans yesterday, I have been eagerly waiting for them to germinate and grow.

Fourth Grade Observation Journal

Fourth Grade Observation Log 1 Fourth Grade Observation Log 1

September 23

Since I planted the mung beans yesterday, I 'wait impatiently for them to germinate and grow. . big. However, the mung beans did not go as planned. I observed carefully for a day and found that apart from the fact that the mung beans had swollen due to absorption of water, there was still no other change. sleep and dream your own dreams!

I really want to give up on the idea of ​​watching him grow up. I said to myself: Little Douzi, little Douzi, when are you going to be able to stretch your legs and put down roots?

September 24

Early this morning, little sleeping Douzi is finally better. Tiny buds sprouted, like little commas. I got closer and felt it. Oh my God, it stinks like hell. I immediately poured a small basin of wateron top, because I was afraid that the mung beans underneath wouldn't get sunlight, so I turned them over several times, which gave me a foul smell.

In the afternoon, the little beans finally sprouted and the stems grew. There is only a slight white color inside the small beans, and the small bean sprouts are like the stick notes. Through this incident, I understand that everything must be carefully observed and discovered. Only through discovery can we know the answer to the question.

Fourth Grade Observation Journal 2

Today I went back to my grandmother's house to observe the puppy. The puppy is so cute!

The puppy has a short body, yellow fur, and walks like a rolling ball; his big eyes are like two precious stones, wet when he lies on the ground to sleep, his little ears droop and stare; comme a large, lazy insect; her thin, short little tail swings, which is very cute.

Puppies are man's best friend. Sometimes you just need to call him, and he will immediately rush up, circle your legs, then jump on you, lick you with his tongue and rub you with his body. Sometimes when you accidentally lose the ball while playing, the puppy will rush and search everywhere with its nose like a scent detector. After a while, the puppy returns with the ball in its mouth.

The character of the puppy is also innocent and cute. Sometimes he fights with kittens and I scold him. No matter how much I beat him or scold him, he doesn't bark, let alone bite you. He remains calm like a child who has done something wrong.

It's great to raise a puppy, and it can also save food. Every time we throw away the leftovers we think it's a shame et that it pollutes the environment. But with a puppy it's different, he can eat the leftovers, which is environmentally friendly and satisfies his hunger. Not only can it help me take care of the house, but it can also share happiness with me like a friend.

Fourth Grade Observation Journal 3

Sunny Friday, September 19

I came home from school this afternoon, and suddenly my eyes lit up. my mother bought a small aquarium with a There are six little goldfish. Looking at these cute little things, I can't wait to rush over. Among the six little fishes, five are black and one is red. I like the little goldfish, the scales on its. his body is so shiny, very red, as if it has been dyed, his eyes are rolling, and from time to time he spits out a few small bubbles and squeezes the small bubbles with his nose. He is so happy to be like this. , so I named it "Little Naughty".

Saturday September 20, sunny

This morning, as soon as I got up, I thought of the little naughty girls and I asked if they were hungry? I hurriedly went to feed them, took out the fish food and sprinkled it on the water. After a while they ate all the fish food on it. suddenly I found a black, soft and sticky substance of different lengths in the aquarium. I didn't know what it was, so I asked my mother what it was. excrement of small fish, and then I understood

Fourth year observation journal 4

Wednesday, October 18, sunny

I heard. say that the "sea baby" would transform from a crystal ball into another creature, I was very curious and I wanted to buy some to observe carefully.

Today. Today at noon, I bought a pack of "Ocean Babies" in a small store L.The colors of "Ocean Babies" are colorful, including warm vermilion, warm and romantic pink, calm and elegant sky blue... I happily held this package of "Ocean Babies" when I returned home. house, and I poured them one by one into the glass. one, loaded with water, and went to school. On the way, I thought: what will happen to the baby sailors?

When I got home from school, I quickly threw down my schoolbag, picked up the cup and took a look: "Wow, my little baby is gone." I was shocked and reluctantly put my hand in the glass! groping cup. "Hey, what is this? One by one, can you say..." I took one out and saw that its whole body was crystal clear, like a pearl. No, it's simply a rare transparent diamond in the world! Turns out my “ocean baby” grew up after half a day. Now it has grown, its color has become lighter, almost colorless, and it combines perfectly withc the water in the cup. be such an “invisible master”!

Thursday, October 19 Sunny

This morning, as soon as I got up, I went to see my “sea baby”. I discovered that they had gone from a small inconspicuous ball to a big guy the size of a grape.

I gently shook the cup and the “ocean baby” jumped high and high into the water. It was so much fun! It looks like a child is playing on a trampoline!

However, the most amazing thing is yet to come. This afternoon, when I got home, I discovered that the "sea babies" had transformed into various ones. Among the toys are little white rabbits, little turtles, puppies... and the "sea baby". Wed » “gives birth” to a baby! I saw one of the "sea babies" gradually inflate, slowly expand, and finally separate from the mother's body to form a new "sea baby". It's so incredible! At that time I was also uhreuse than a grandmother.

Although "Ocean Babies" are just toys, I feel that they are full of vitality like life. No wonder our classmates love raising them so much. They are like our children, filling our hearts with love and care, and we can't help but want to take care of them.

Fourth Grade Observation Journal, Part 2

July 20 - July 26

This week we excitedly caught a group of tadpoles and put them in the aquarium at goldfish. Unfortunately, the goldfish we raised did not do this. I don't get along with tadpoles. One by one, the little goldfish died, and in the end only one remained. I discovered that tadpoles also eat goldfish food. I was very happy to discover this secret, so I often gave goldfish food to the tadpoles.

July 27 - August 2t

This week we made a big discovery When we used magnification to look at the tadpoles up close, the tadpoles' brains had already started to grow. , and we knew the secret, and we were really happy. Because we decided to raise the tadpoles into frogs and then release them, I was very happy for a few hours when we first made this decision.

August 3 to August 9

If we talk about this week, we are even happier. There are new changes in tadpoles every day. I suddenly discovered that our tadpoles started to grow. rear legs. When we observed this with a large magnifying glass, I was so excited that I almost broke my mother's favorite vase and my father's favorite aquarium.

August 10 - August 16

Woohoo! This week, even the last little goldfish died pitifully, woohoo! I was very sad, but it gave me more strength. I was determined to raise the tadpoles into frogs, then release them so they could return to the wild and grow healthier and more freely!

Fourth Grade Observation Journal, Part 3

Today I observed the little turtle at my mother-in-law's house.

The little turtle is very cute. There are thirteen green block patterns on its back, which look like a green honeycomb. The background color of its belly is earthy, with some oracle-like patterns. The little turtle's head looks like a snake's head, but it's much cuter!

As soon as you touch the little turtle, its head immediately retracts into its extremely hard shell. Hence the name “shrinking turtle”. The little turtle is so shy!

Turtles can swim very well!

Breaststroke, freestyle, diving... everything is self-taught!

This becomes “Theturtle is almost a turtle. Turtles are carnivorous, and the intestines and livers of small animals are all turtle delicacies. The turtle's claws have four "fingers", which are short, fat and very cute! of a pig. Nostrils, don’t you find that funny?

Don't believe it, I saw it with my own eyes

I heard that turtles live a little! long life. Animals can live for at least hundreds of years!

It is therefore a symbol of longevity!

The little turtle is so cute! be an amphibian!

I like little turtles

Six observation journals

The weather is sunny this Tuesday, March 14

p >

My family has seven lively koi. Some are bright red, like little swimming suns; some are orange, like big oranges; some are colorful, shaped like little chameleons. Body length is between 6 and 12 centimeters. I give them food to poisson and Hanamaki powder at the same time, and they seem to prefer Hanamaki powder. When they breathe and eat, their mouths open and close like little trumpets, using suction.

The weather is cloudy Wednesday March 15

My little koi are very lively and cute today When I feed them, I find them all swinging and growing! abdomen use their streamlined body and flexible tail to catch food at a speed of 50 to 60 cm/second. They are also very shy and will be full of energy when there is movement or noise running around in the pool, sometimes two fish. will strike their dorsal fin with their tail, as if to transmit a message. When they swim, their tail will swing between 98 and 180 degrees. They “lie down” in the corner of the fish pond to rest, as if afraid. to affect their companions; when they are angry or afraid, they “hide” rquickly among the other fish, as if afraid that others would see them.

The weather was beautiful Thursday March 16<. /p>

Today I just finished feeding the fish and saw a spotted koi carp with a body width of 2cm and a length of 7-8cm spitting out a fish of 2 to 3 inches from his body. After spitting, it took a few breaths and swam. Several other fish also spit out such secretions one after another. I thought maybe the white and dark green discharge was coming from them. there is also stomach acid or bad bacteria in the water... It seems that one cannot explore nature without a wealth of knowledge

The weather became cloudy on Friday the 17th March

<. p>Today I put the fish food on a hook and stayed in the water for 5 minutes. Suddenly I lifted the little hook and the little fish swung its tail at an angle of 180 degrees, both abdominal fins moved back and. vigorously. In the blink of an eye, they jumped 2 to 4 centimeters from the water surface, and then fell into the water, causing water vortex circles. I looked for the information: carp (koi) can indeed jump., the highest jump is 1 meter. Carp in rivers and lakes often jump out of the water to play when the sun goes down. There is also a popular legend that "the carp jumps over the dragon gate."

Saturday March 18 The weather is sunny

Today I am going to change the water for the fish. Before changing the water, the fish were all silent, as if afraid of being discovered, and were “hiding” under a water depth of 8 to 9 centimeters. Even if there is something delicious, sit back and wait for it to flow by itself. But right after the water was changed, the fish all swung theirfins, chasing each other and playing. When it's time to feed, everyone rushes to eat. Why is there such a big change? Personally, I think that even though carp grew up in rivers and lakes, they are used to living a long time without changing their water. But just like people like a clean house, fish also like clean water. Clean water is not only “fresh air”, but it also doesn’t fill the pond with excrement, which of course the fish appreciate!

Sunday March 19 The weather is sunny and cloudy

Fish love to play! Sometimes they leap upwards to feed, sometimes they attack downwards, and sometimes they chase each other through the water. However, these are all fish that swim forward, don't they "walk backwards"? By observation, my answer is yes. If you don't believe it, look at my koi. When the little guy swims forward, his fins havebdominals move backward and its body and tail move from left to right, creating a vortex to push the fish forward. So sometimes they can slip with the flow. When swimming backwards, the abdominal fins paddle forward, generating driving force, just like we row a boat. Additionally, the tail only swings to the right or left, and the fish naturally “inverts.”

Two observation logs

Wednesday September 27, 2006 Weather: Sunny

I had nothing to do today and I saw a few snails. I started observing them.

The snail has straight antennae on its head. Its round eyes seem to rest on straight antennae. It carries a large round 'house' on its back, and the curled-in-circle pattern is printed on the snail's large 'house'. It does not have legs that allow it to jump, so it can only move slowly.

I plan to involveall the snails in a crawling race, just two squares apart. The snail's sense of direction was good at first. But after a while, the snails started moving in different directions. One of them crawled to the left and accidentally fell down the steps. I ran quickly, worried: will he die? Arriving at the edge of the steps, I saw him mischievously clinging to the edge of the steps. I slowly collected them, bottled them and put them in the small pool. It was getting late, so we went to bed together.

Saturday January 7, 2006 Weather: Sunny

Today I came to observe the snail again, and the snail gradually grew. The last time I saw him he was as small as my middle fingernail, now he's as big as my thumbnail.

I organized them to do a crawling race. I want to see if they will pleases quickly as you grow up? I observed them for a long time and I felt their speed. It's always so slow. I think the snail may be too hungry and unable to run fast. So I brought a lot of food - vegetable leaves and breadcrumbs. The snail crawled slowly and ate very slowly. It took a long time for the food to diminish. After finally waiting until they were full, they slowly got up.

So I came to the conclusion: the snail grew bigger, but its speed did not become faster.

It's so interesting and fun to observe the things around you! If you don't believe it, you can discover the pleasure of observation for yourself.

Two observation logs

Wednesday September 27, 2006 Weather: Sunny

I had nothing to do today and I saw a few snails. I started observing them.

The snail has straight antennae sur the head. Its round eyes seem to rest on straight antennae. It carries a large round 'house' on its back, and the curled-in-circle pattern is printed on the snail's large 'house'. It does not have legs that allow it to jump, so it can only move slowly.

I plan to have all the snails participate in a crawling race, just two squares apart. The snail's sense of direction was good at first. But after a while, the snails started moving in different directions. One of them crawled to the left and accidentally fell down the steps. I ran quickly, worried: will he die? Arriving at the edge of the steps, I saw him mischievously clinging to the edge of the steps. I slowly collected them, bottled them and put them in the small pool. It was getting late, so we went to bed together.

Saturday January 7, 2006 Weather: Sunny

Today I came to observe the snail again, and the snail gradually grew bigger. The last time I saw him he was as small as my middle fingernail, now he's as big as my thumbnail.

I organized them to do a crawling race. I want to see if they get faster as they grow? I observed them for a long time and felt that their speed was still so slow. I think the snail may be too hungry and unable to run fast. So I brought a lot of food - vegetable leaves and breadcrumbs. The snail crawled slowly and ate very slowly. It took a long time for the food to diminish. After finally waiting until they were full, they slowly got up.

So I came to the conclusion: the snail grew bigger, but its speed did not become faster.

It's so interesting and fun to observe the things around yout! If you don't believe it, you can discover the pleasure of observation for yourself.

Two observation logs

Wednesday September 27, 2006 Weather: Sunny

I had nothing to do today and I saw a few snails. I started observing them.

The snail has straight antennae on its head. Its round eyes seem to rest on straight antennae. It carries a large round 'house' on its back, and the curled-in-circle pattern is printed on the snail's large 'house'. It doesn't have legs that can jump, it's just able to move forward slowly.

I plan to have all the snails participate in a crawling race, just two squares apart. The snail's sense of direction was good at first. But after a while, the snails started moving in different directions. One of them crawled to the left and accidentally fell down the steps. I ran quickly, inquiet: will he die? Arriving at the edge of the steps, I saw him mischievously clinging to the edge of the steps. I slowly collected them, bottled them and put them in the small pool. It was getting late, so we went to bed together.

Saturday January 7, 2006 Weather: Sunny

Today I came to observe the snail again, and the snail gradually grew. The last time I saw him he was as small as my middle fingernail, now he's as big as my thumbnail.

I organized them to do a crawling race. I want to see if they get faster as they grow? I observed them for a long time and felt that their speed was still so slow. I think the snail may be too hungry and unable to run fast. So I brought a lot of food - vegetable leaves and breadcrumbs. The snail crawled slowly and ate very slowly. It took a lot of timeps for the food to decrease. After finally waiting until they were full, they slowly got up.

So I came to the conclusion: the snail grew bigger, but its speed did not become faster.

It's so interesting and fun to observe the things around you! If you don't believe it, you can discover the pleasure of observation for yourself.

Two observation logs

Wednesday September 27, 2006 Weather: Sunny

I had nothing to do today and I saw a few snails. I started observing them.

The snail has straight antennae on its head. Its round eyes seem to rest on straight antennae. It carries a large round 'house' on its back, and the curled-in-circle pattern is printed on the snail's large 'house'. It does not have legs that allow it to jump, so it can only move slowly.

I plan to involve all the snails in acrawling race, just two squares apart. The snail's sense of direction was good at first. But after a while, the snails started moving in different directions. One of them crawled to the left and accidentally fell down the steps. I ran quickly, worried: will he die? Arriving at the edge of the steps, I saw him mischievously clinging to the edge of the steps. I slowly collected them, bottled them and put them in the small pool. It was getting late, so we went to bed together.

Saturday January 7, 2006 Weather: Sunny

Today I came to observe the snail again, and the snail gradually grew. The last time I saw him he was as small as my middle fingernail, now he's as big as my thumbnail.

I organized them to do a crawling race. I want to see if they get faster as they grow? II observed for a long time and felt that their speed was still so slow. I thought maybe the snail was too hungry and unable to run fast. So I brought a lot of food - vegetable leaves and breadcrumbs. The snail crawled slowly and ate very slowly. It took a long time for the food to diminish. After finally waiting until they were full, they slowly got up.

So I came to the conclusion: the snail grew bigger, but its speed did not become faster.

It's so interesting and fun to observe the things around you! If you don't believe it, you can discover the pleasure of observation for yourself.

Observation Log

I planted a mung bean at home, watered it every day, and carefully observed its growth. I'll watch it for a while after watering it every weekend.

It has started to sprout. THEThe tender stems of the mung beans slowly extended from the ground and their heads were exposed. The young stems of newly grown mung beans are green and leafless. After a few days, the stems of the mung beans gradually turned dark green, and one or two leaves grew on the stems. These leaves measured up to a decimeter.

More and more leaves grow on the mung bean stems, up to eight or nine. The leaves that grew last week became longer and longer, and the petioles gradually could no longer support the weight of the leaves and fell off. The shell of the mung beans also disappeared and the top became flat.

Mung beans grew to more than three meters tall, like a small tree. It has more and more branches, and its leaves are much greener, gradually turning dark green. Five or six filaments grow on the petioles of harmung icots, which are very beautiful. Just gently pull the mung bean filament with your hand to straighten it. As soon as you let go, the mung bean will immediately bounce back and curl, like a spring, which is very fun.

It will bear fruit in a while, I hope the time will pass quickly.

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