Phrases to describe the sea

Introduction Phrases to describe the sea 1. The white sails on the sea are dotted with white clouds in the sky, and a few flying seagulls are flying in the wind, showing their graceful dance. people are having fun

Phrases to describe the sea

1. The white sails on the sea are dotted with white clouds in the sky, and a few flying seagulls are flying in the wind, showing their graceful dance. People play, stand, sit, lie down or run, chat and laugh with each other, look at "the blue sky, the clear water and the golden beach", it's very pleasant.

2. In the vast blue ocean, the waves kept coming, hitting the rocks, making a roar of the earth breaking and splashing snow-white foam.

3. I took a buoy and swam happily in the sea. I swam east and west. My grandfather on the shore even took a photo of me. When we first entered there were stones in the sea, then sand. The sea water was deep and shallow and small fish could be seen swimming around. I had a water fight with my big brothers and I was very happy.

4. The night is too calm and the moonlightis like mist woven from misty silver threads, shimmering on the leaves, pillars, rattan chair armrests, and people's faces. A majestic and holy light. The sea also seemed asleep and I could hear the gentle waves crashing on the beach.

5. Looking further, there is the boundless sea. Looking at the end of the sea, the water and the sky are the same color, like a layer of white mist. The waves in the distance are moving slowly. Approaching the seashore. When they are almost there, When we reached the shore, a wave of waves quickly formed and rushed onto the shore.

6. As you pass by the sea, look at the place where the sea water meets the sky. Look, the sky is so low and the water is so blue The blue sea water ripples in my heart, and my heart beats slowly, leisurely, there is an indescribable comfort, my heart is like a cloudless sky, it is relaxed and calm, eLittle by little I feel how good it is to live.

7. In the boundless sea water, the joyful waves dance with grace and grace. It is the joyful smile displayed in the happy moments of the sea.

8. The sea is calm, like a bright mirror, reflecting the blue sky, white jade, green trees and red flowers , like a piece of jasper. If you look closely, you can see that the sea water is extremely clear, and even the fine sand and stones in it are clearly visible.

9. In autumn, the mountains are light yellow or purple, the rivers are azure blue, the leaves of the oaks are red like fire, the frangipani are white like snow, the tiles of wild trees l mugwort is ash and sedge is as green as the lotus color of wildflowers forms a colorful picture.

10. White sails on the sea are dotted with white clouds in the sky, and a few seagulls flyingantes fly in the wind, showing their graceful dance. People play, stand, sit, lie down or run, chat and laugh with each other, admiring the "blue sky, clear water, golden beach", it's very pleasant.

11. Perhaps this is my destiny with the sea. Right after my birth on the fertile shores of the South Yellow Sea, I arrived in the beautiful Bohai Sea. Blowing the gentle sea breeze and listening to the sound of the sea, I gradually fell in love with the clear and translucent blue, the blue that can purify people's souls.

12. Looking at the sea, our mind seems to have expanded. In this state, people feel refreshed and relaxed. The tide rises and the sea waves rush towards the shore one after another. Some rose like hills; others hit the rocks at the seaside, throwing waves several meters high and producing a wonderful “” sound!

13. It was the first time I saw the sea. The blue water was blown by the wind and set off white waves. Looking into the distance, you can see the line between the sea and the sky. It is difficult to say which is the sea and which is the blue sky. Countless tourists swim in the sea, rising and falling with the waves. like fish in water, and they are like the Arctic Ocean. The seals inside reveal countless heads in the water.

14. “Wow! Wow!” The waves hit the reef, throwing crystal clear white water several meters high. The waves crashed onto the shore, gently caressing the soft beach, and the ground receded. , stroking again and again forever, drawing strips of silver edges under the beach, as if a sparkling silver frame was placed on the mighty sea, making the sea more charming and beautiful.

15. The wind affectionately caressed the satiny chest ofe sea, the sun warmed it with its own warm rays, and the sea, under the gentle power of these caresses, panted like a sleep, making it The boiling air is filled with the smell of evaporated salt. The light green waves ran up to the yellow sand, throwing up snow-white foam, which gently dissipated on the hot gravel, moistening the sand.

16. On the vast and boundless sea, the strong footsteps of the sea breeze pass. The waves are turbulent and roll thousands of piles of snow. This is the deep and powerful male music played by the. Wed.

17. As the saying goes: the fog locks the mountain top and the mountain locks the fog, and the sky is connected with the water and the tail water is connected to the sky. The sea water in the distance, lit by the beautiful sun, looks like fish scales spread on the water, and naughty children jumping towards the shore. I said: "The sea is the mother body of thelife ; sea ​​water is the baptismal fluid of life; and facing the sea, bathing in the sea breeze and feeling the thousands of customs of the hilly world is one of the great pleasures of life."

18. This green color The surface of the sea ​​is as smooth as silk, with slight ripples Seen from a high place, the misty waves are vast and endless but sometimes, the sea water is right at your feet, murmuring gently... p>

19. The rolling waves you see are hitting the waves; the seagulls are singing in the sky and the golden scales in the water The sea and the sky are the same color, and the beauty is boundless; the smoke is long in the sky and the moon shines for thousands of miles The number of times the peach fire is lit tells the story of the changes in the world the Dragon King rings the bell to tell the story of; vicissitudes of life Looking at the Great Wall, you can see d.dragons and tigers leap; looking at the sky from afar, you can see the waves coming from the edge of the moon.

20. I long for the sea. When there was a strong wind, she drove the windmill wildly on the raging waves, and her long sleeves destroyed many sailing ships; when it rained, she was the one who was sad and shed tears, and everyone on the sea bowed their heads and stayed. silent. At dusk, the glow is bright, it is its laughter that resonates, the clouds float, the wind is gentle and wild...

21. The vast sea is truly charming and tolerance is the spirit of this sea, i.e. The spirit of the sea is the soul of the sea. It accepted many ups and downs in the world and it cleanedIt removed all the dust and dirt who wanted to corrode it and always used a flat mirror to face the ever-changing sky every day.

22. With a “wow” sound, the waves are stoppedivated, and the waves wet my clothes, I unconsciously felt that I had reached the end. It's another scene: the colliding ships bang against the embankment, causing splashing and rustling.

23. The sea has more than just a color, it has a spirit and a life. Therefore, what I encountered was Dahai's broad mind.

24. Dim public lighting and smoky sea. The waves rolled, calling softly. There is a bit of sadness and desolation in this call. I saw his eyes sparkle with depression, tell something, murmur something... He was in deep silence... The helplessness of life...

25. Water is blue, the sky is also blue, the place where the water and the sky meet forms a line, the sea water seems to be continuously pushed forward by a pair of endless big hands, forming a wave after another, and when it comes to us, but it has become more petitle. once again, as if to respect us, the guests who came from far away; the waves rolled up, like an agile fairy, raising white foam.

26. Little by little, there were more and more people on the beach and the beach became noisy. The sound of the waves hitting the rocks seemed happier and louder. "**Pop" one after the other, non-stop. It's like playing a piece of music that can never be finished. Maybe people have been listening to it for hundreds of years, but it's still so intimate.

27. During this year's vacation, I finally have the opportunity to visit the land of dreams in person, to appreciate the changing beauty of the sea, sometimes calm and sometimes roaring, and to feel its magnitude and immensity. Standing on the beach, the sea water was like a mother's hand, gently caressing me, making me feel the deep maternal love, and my love for the sea appeared spontaneously.

28. The water ofsea ​​is gentle. Standing on the beach, the sea water is like a mother's hand caressing you and making you feel the deep maternal love. The sea water is like a docile puppy, quietly leaning against you. But sometimes there is the almighty saying that “face Jieshi to the east to see the sea”.

29. Observe the sea, which can be sparkling or turbulent. Listen to the sea, which can be soft and delicate or shocking. Stop looking, close your eyes and listen to the sound of the sea with your heart...

30. The sea in summer is really attractive. Walking barefoot on the warm, fine and soft beach will give you a feeling. particularly comfortable. Sometimes, if you accidentally "encroach" on his territory, he will beat you mercilessly with waves until you leave.

31. The sea is always calm, as if it were sleeping. There is no wind or waves. The sea water solidified, like a thick piece of glass, placed lto flat and immobile.

32. It’s so beautiful! I was amazed by the view in front of me, the golden beach, the blue water and the tall green olive trees on the shore. look! Children made sandcastles and adults lay on the beach and had fun.Enjoying this wonderful moment...

33. When I stood on the soft beach and lifted eyes, there were a few satin white clouds hanging in the blue sky and the endless sea waves. Rolling, in the distance, the sky and the sea completely merged into one, and occasionally a few speedboats passed by. Isn't this a wonderful colorful picture?

34. The sea is endless, as if one could never swim to the end; the sea is as blue as an angry professor, whose face turns blue.

35. The sea is so clear, as clear as a mirror; the sea is so blue, as blue as a large round sapphire; the sea is so fierce, like ribbons ffloating on the water…

36. Listen, doesn’t the sea just sing? Sometimes majestic, sometimes calming, the waves also hit the shore from time to time. I closed my eyes and listened to the sound of the sea breeze passing through my ears, I felt like I was in a land without Penglai, as peaceful as heaven.

37. The torrential white waves are coming from the sky, and the silver-white waves are chasing each other, gradually getting closer, getting closer and higher, and the higher and stronger they are, like thousands of soldiers carrying thunder . A general roar was heard.

38. I love the sea, its breadth and immensity, its breadth and altruism, as well as its calm and tolerance. The sea, you are my eternal dream.

39. The sea, the sea, even the angels don't know why I'm so obsessed with you. In the future, I will also offer you my blessing at the sea.

40. The tide began to rise. Atmoment when the sun exhausted its last strength, one wave after another, carrying white foam, the sea water surged towards the shore with all its force but with grace. movement. . There seems to be a huge invisible hand in the center of the sea, trying to push all the sea water towards the shore, so whether the sea water likes it or not, it is pushing them towards here.

41. The sea, sometimes you are as gentle as a white rabbit, and sometimes as majestic and fierce as a lion. You're unpredictable, but you can't bear to leave. I love the sea. I really want to look at the sea quietly and let my thoughts wander on the vast and boundless seaside.

42. Under the night, in the blue water, the characters are crushed by the stars. This is the mysterious and deep dream that the sea weaves for people in the mysterious night by the sea.

43. In the vast sky, a small boat in the sea breeze, such is the figure that wes, humans, are always conquering and tenaciously rewriting. Columbus is the pride of humanity and Hemingway is the pride of humanity. In their conception, human beings are not insignificant existences who can be easily defeated. The human beings they write about are invincible and absolutely tenacious souls.

44. The sea is so beautiful and calm, but it can always reveal “its” different beauty. Let’s feel the beauty of nature together! In the future, the sea will be bluer, the grass greener and we will live in a beautiful world.

45. The soul of the sea is famous for its immensity. His attitude and spirit remain unchanged for thousands of years of blood and tide. Swaying, swaying like waves of snow, licking the rocks that have remained silent for thousands of years.

46. After a moment of agitation, you will feel the rhythm, which is the heartbeat of thea calm sea. Flowing with the waves is a kind of pleasure, a wonderful feeling that you have never felt before. What you need to feel is the real beat of life, a heartbeat so wide and strong even though it is quiet.

47. Standing on the beach, looking into the distance, all you can see is a vast expanse of white. The sea water and the sky merge together, and you can't tell if they do. is water or sky. As the saying goes: fog The top of the mountain is covered with fog, and the sky is connected to the water and the tail is connected to the sky. The sea water in the distance, under the beautiful sun, look. like fish scales spread out on the water and like a naughty child jumping towards the shore.

48. The sea is so beautiful and calm, but it can always make people experience its different beauty. Let’s feel the beauty of nature together! In the future, the sea will be bluer, the grass will be rainiers green and we will live in a beautiful world.

49. Sea water hula-ha-ha; the soil washed up on the shore and spilled over our feet. It was cool and itchy, as if a small insect was scratching the soles of my feet carried away by the current. sea ​​water. There were countless shells and kelp, and I collected a small bucket full of them.

50. Walking slowly on the beach barefoot, quietly listening to the sound of the waves hitting the rocks, is like a pianist playing piano music. This harmonious landscape can be described as " "Golden sand and golden sand. blue sea, the sea is vast and the sky is high." Are you not deeply intoxicated by everything here?

51. The sea! The sea, even the angels do not know why I am so obsessed with you In the future, I will also offer you my blessing for the sea.

52. As far as the eye can see, there is only one horizontal line, where the sky and the sea meets, where the clouds andthe waves gather. At this time there are no quarrels and noisy complexes. rings by the sea. Everyone looks at him affectionately while looking at the sea, even two little boys who were arguing over trivial things shed tears facing the sea.

53. In the evening you should take a walk on the beach and you will be completely immersed in the magnificent sea scene. A gust of wind blows and the sea gets angry, with waves. You will only realize it when the sea soaks your pants.

54. I love the majestic Huashan Mountain, I love the mirror-level West Lake; I also love Wanku mountain, of incomparable beauty; But I love the unpredictable sea even more.

55. The sea water is blue and Wuzhizhou Island is visible not far away. The scenery is very beautiful, but the waves are turbulent, and the waves are more than one meter high, which is enough. people love it.They are so afraid of it that even adults stand on the beach and do not dare to approach it for fear of being swept away by the sea.

56. Early in the morning the dazzling sun shines through the clouds to the sea, and seagulls flying with wings appear in the blue sky, looking for food everywhere. At this time, the sea breeze was calm, and even the sound of the waves was extremely soft, as if I was still immersed in sleep!

57. I often walk by the sea like this, enjoying the breath of the sea, the deep feelings of the sea, and the heart of the sea. And the seaThe tide always comes and goes in my heart with heroism and passion.

58. Little by little, the tide receded and the sea returned to calm. Under the sun, the sea surface was so smooth and calm. The returning ship broke the water and moved forward. pedestrians were watching too. Leave gradually...

59. The waves of the sea are sotall, sometimes like a quiet girl, peaceful and quiet, with blooming waves, sometimes like a fierce lion, with huge waves falling like mountains and strong winds The roaring waves are unstoppable; the sea is so big that you can't see the end at a glance. It is boundless and full of chaos, making people feel like they have walked in a boundless desert. and I can't find the end; the sea is so beautiful!

60. The sea seems to be a brooding giant in the writings of writers and poets. Sometimes he is calm, like a luminous mirror; sometimes it is furious, rising in waves that can capsize a sailboat. In my imagination, the sea is so mysterious and charming, but I have never experienced the style of the sea. The sea, like a magnet, attracts me deeply.

61. In autumn, I like to go out early and wait for the sunrise on the beach. When the fiery red sun rises, thegolden sun fills the sea and the blue sea turns golden in an instant.

62. The magnificent morning glow is reflected on the vast sea, like the red clouds cut by a fairy, making the sea extraordinarily beautiful. After a night's rest, the sea seemed more energetic. The waves keep coming, like a living child playing in the water.

63. The waves are coming. Rows of blue waves, topped with white tinsel, rush to the shore with the help of the wind, becoming stronger and stronger. I quickly closed my eyes and jumped up hurriedly. As soon as I landed, a wave "crashed" over my head and the waves splashed everywhere.

64. In poetry, we often see the beautiful image of the sea. However, few people actually appreciate the beauty of the sea. Only this time, when I put on my backpack and When I went to the beach in Qingdao to collect shells, I felt the charm of the sea.r!

65. I ran towards the sea barefoot, the waves hit my feet, the sea water splashed my body and face and fell into my mouth, salty. I grabbed my buoy and threw myself into the embrace of the sea. As the waves rose and fell, I felt excited and at ease. The embrace of the sea turned out to be so wide, which reminded me: the sea is open to everyone. rivers, and its tolerance is great.

66. Faced with this limitless world and its immensity, I always deeply feel the insignificance and sublimity of the human being. Our body is so fragile that a sea breeze or a wave can do anything to us. Faced with this majestic and vast abstraction and concreteness, we humans have always walked by the sea, never abandoning it and staying with each other.

67. The nearby waves break up to the beach from time to time, chasing each other and playing, hitting the rocks, pbursting out with bursts of joy, as if to welcome the arrival of distant guests; the distances follow one another, row after row, chasing each other and running, it is really beautiful.

68. Under the sunlight, the surface of the sea sparkles and is extremely beautiful. Seagulls fly freely in the blue sky; in the sea, the ships roll slowly on the water, making the people swimming in the sea whistle, as if bathing in the joyful sea water.

69. I love the sea, its turbulent and majestic momentum; his limitless spirit; and even more its blue and salty water, deep and endless.

70. When the weather is calm, I like to walk on the beach. The waves paint the fine sand at my feet and the sea breeze gently caresses me. The waves at this time are like a bird spreading its wings; I also like the surging momentum of the sea, the sea has become a general fighting bravely on the battlefield, with irresistible momentumistible.

71. The excitement and nervousness of facing the sea for the first time continues to build in my heart. It was my first time in Dalian. I was like a child long removed from my mother, wandering in her warm arms. Let the sea water tickle my feet, let the sea breeze blow on my cheek, let the sea waves wash away everything around me. I was completely submerged by the sea.

72. After the dangerous and difficult journey, there is still hot soju in the days after returning, and there is still the beautiful and beautiful world mysterious fairy tales under the stars in the sea breeze. Shells, sand, sea spray. The gentle sea breeze still contains the immature and eternal dreams of us humans, which are the totems of us humans, which will never disappear. Faced with the vast and powerful voice of the sea, we humans are worthy of pride.

73. Looking at aAround you, the sea water changes from clear to green, from green to blue, from blue to blue. You can't see the edge at a glance. The waves on the bank roll gently. , and you continue. The beach feels soft when it hits my feet, like I'm walking on soft cotton.

74. When I face the sea for the first time, I always like to stand next to it and look at it, listen to its breathing quietly, look at its beautiful appearance in ecstasy and let the waves wash my bare feet facing the sea, I love having him around me with my arms around my shoulders, humming our songs, talking about our past events and moving forward quietly together until the end of time. us is not a beautiful fairy tale.

75. The sun made the sea red, as if the sea was covered with a layer of red gauze. A series of colorful light circles shone on the surface of the sea, just like the little bubbles I blew with water.has soap foam at home.

76. The sea can accommodate hundreds of rivers, and its spirit broad; the sea ebbs and flows, and its ideals boil; the sea has peaks and valleys, and its proud works have turbulence; waves, it tests the limits of life.

77. The sea breeze is his breath and the waves are his heartbeat. I walked into the sea, caressed the water with my hands and felt the heart of the sea beating with the waves. When a wave comes, you just need to look straight up and you will feel that a high, silent wall has been erected in front of you. Soon it occupies your view until it covers the entire sky. However no matter who you are, you will be lifted up and pushed back.

78. Waiting flows between the sea and the sky, and hope sings there, just like the gentle call of the siren at the bottom of the sea. The sparkling blue waves reflect the waiting of love, and the mixed blue wind wandersin life.

79. The sea is a mysterious world. When the sea is gentle, the sea surface is as flat as a mirror, and the gentle sea breeze blows, making people feel relaxed and happy; The sea is angry, the surface of the sea is agitated and agitated. The huge waves were so huge it was terrifying, and I had to give up three points.

80. At four in the morning, the sky was not yet bright, just a light blue. In the blink of an eye, a red cloud appeared where the sky and water met. red cloud slowly expanded and became brighter and brighter, brighter and brighter. Finally, he finally showed his shy face, and then the sea began to shine with light and appeared in people's eyes. At that time, the sea water was red and rippled, which was particularly beautiful.

81. When the weather is calm, the small fish, shrimps and small shells of the sea lead aquiet life and enjoy the beautiful sea scenery. The seagulls hover over the sea for a while and then. go down the ship's mast. The wind rose, and the rough waves of the sea hit the shore, breaking many shells, and the sea made a sound of landslides and cracks.

82. The sea is the mother body of life; sea ​​water is the baptismal liquid of life; and facing the sea, bathing in the sea breeze, and feeling the thousands of customs of the rolling world is one of them. of the great pleasures of life.

83. The sound of waves hitting rocks and beaches is endless. The waves, almost like a white line, rushed from afar, slammed into the shore, made a rhythmic splashing sound, then burst into foam and disappeared among the sand and stones. A row of waves followed closely behind.

84. In the sea, everything is calm and peaceful; sometimes it's like a lion rwailing, furious and furious. When the wind is calm, all you can hear is the sound of the waves kissing the stones. the beach.

85. Gradually approaching the sea, it really feels like being embraced by the sea. The sea water rose and fell, and I followed the sea water from up and down, from time to time, sea water splashed into my mouth, ah, so salty! Sometimes a wave would come and push me towards the shore. Sometimes the waves recede and take me back to the sea. I swam and fought desperately in the sea. It was really exciting.

86. I sat on the golden beach and admired the blue sea. Under the sunlight, the sea surface sparkles and looks extremely beautiful. Seagulls fly freely in the blue sky; in the sea, the ships roll slowly on the water, making the people swimming in the sea whistle, as if bathing in the joyful sea water.

87. So I often sit on the rock andlook at the blue sea. At that time, I will think about it thousands of times, what kind of deep feeling is the sea? What kind of thing brings all the rivers together and is the same color as the sky? Look at the stubborn and hard rock, which also becomes silent, interior, rounded and deep in front of it. The head that has not been held high for thousands of years, in a Zen posture, listens to the sound of the ocean and the sky.

In our ordinary daily life, everyone tried to write a composition. Composition is the transition from internal speech to external speech, that is to say, compressed, concise and understandable language. a developed linguistic form that has a standardized grammatical structure and can be understood by others. What kind of compositions have you seen? Here are essays on sea-related topics that I have compiled for you. Feel free to read and collect them.

Essay on the theme of the sea 1

I often see the magnificence of the sea in books and the cry of the sea on television. From that moment on, there was a desire in my heart: How I wish I could see the sea with my own eyes! Even just one glance, seeing the crystal clear waves and the gentle beach, this desire rolls in my heart, and I am full of infinite longing for the sea.

Finally, this wish comes to pass. is carried out during the summer holidays. My parents and I went to the seaside in Xiamen.

When I arrived at the beach, I couldn't wait to rush to the golden beach, jump and scream on the beach, I was so happy! When I take a handful of fine sand with my hands, the fine sand slides smoothly through my fingers. Do you know what's hidden under the beach? Crayfish, of course. He wore armor and ran on the beach, as if he was the "overlord" on the beach.

I ran on the beach barefoot, leaving my footprints deep andshallow on the beach. There are endless shells to collect on the beach, big and small, different colors and strange shapes.

The sun shines on the sea and the waves sparkle, making the water even more charming. Dark blue, light blue, pieces and strips intertwine with each other. At that time, all the blue colors of the sea seemed to come together.

In the evening, against the backdrop of the setting sun, Dahai once again put on a sparkling dress.

I was intoxicated by the unpredictable sea. I love the beautiful sea.

Essay on the theme of the sea 2

I saw the turbulent Yangtze River and admired the West Lake as flat as a mirror, but they are not as beautiful as the sea in my hometown.

The sea is sometimes as flat as a mirror, and sometimes the wind creates waves. When there is no wind, the sea gently sings a sweet song, like a quiet girl; but when the wind is strong, the mer instantly transforms into a roaring lion, which is truly magnificent. The sea in my hometown is so beautiful and spectacular.

In the morning, the sun slowly rises from the distant seaside, spreading its soft light over the sea, giving it a golden appearance. The sea breeze blows and the waves sparkle and dazzle. After sunrise, the earth instantly becomes luminous. look! Here are little willows, with little buds growing on their willow branches. People can't help but recite He Zhizhang's poem: "Jasper is a tall tree, and thousands of green silk ribbons hang down. On this side, the "underground fairies" - the grasses all stuck their heads out to look at the surrounding world. ah! Everything looks like spring!

At noon, the scorching sun shone and the sea water became deep. The blue is as free as a blue segment, as lively as the sky, and as clear as sapphire. Andthe seagulls flying freely in the sky add infinite vitality to the sea at noon.

At night, the sea is made more beautiful by the surrounding lights and the stars in the sky. The sea water gently licks the children's little feet, like a kind mother. The children's twisted little footprints were left on the beach, along with their blurred fantasies.

The sea in my hometown is so beautiful, how could I not love it?

Essay on the theme of the sea 3

Tuesday morning, the weather was very nice. The sun rose early and the golden sun shone on the earth.

My father and I went to play by the sea.

We went to the south gate of Huanglong Sports Center to wait for the bus, but the bus was not never happened. Later, my father called the guide and said, “We are waiting for the King Long bus at. the east gate." We went to the east gate to wait for the bus, and it didn't take long tothe bus arrives.

My father and I took the King Long bus to the Luchao Port terminal in Shanghai. Along the way, I saw green seedlings, colorful flowers, cute ducks and obedient lambs. The car drove very fast all the way and arrived at the Luchao Port Pier in no time. We took the boat “Zhouqiao No. 2” to visit the Shengsi Islands. There were life jackets, life boats and life buoys on the boat. I saw little seagulls along the way.

This ship is very large. It has three floors. It can park more than 30 cars underneath and more than a thousand people on board.

You cannot see the edge or the end of the sea. Looking from a distance, the sea and the sky are connected to each other. The sea is so big!

We took a lot of photos on the terrace. My father took them for me, I took them for my father and others took them togetherfor me and my father.

The ship rides the wind and waves, the waves on the sea sing happily, and the seagulls fly bravely around the ship.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, we arrived at our destination - the Shengsi Islands.

Sea Theme Essay 4

This fall, my parents took my brother and me to Qingdao for a trip.

Qingdao is a beautiful seaside city with beautiful scenery and pleasant climate. The first stop when we arrived here was to see the magnificent sea.

Before even approaching the sea, I first heard the sound of the sea. It was the sound of waves lapping on the coast. After a few more steps you will see the sea. The sea is so big that you cannot see the edge at a glance. The surface of the sea is like smooth marble, so blue, wonderful and intoxicating. My brother and I couldn't help but want to get in the water. NoWe took off our shoes and walked barefoot on the beach. Under the golden beach, many colorful shells are scattered, some long, some round, some flat and strangely shaped, like precious stones embedded on soft brocade. The sand is soft and there will be a deep footprint every time you step on it. Mom thought the sea water was cold, but I told her it was warm, maybe because of the sun! The waves kept coming, and my brother and I ran quickly towards the beach, but the waves were too fast and we couldn't dodge. My feet were submerged in sea water and my pants were wet. When the sea water receded, I returned to the beach to collect shells. My brother and I had a great time.

The sea is so beautiful. I love it even more than the sea, I will come back next time.

Essay on the theme ofWed 5

A sunny white cloud. The sky is as blue as the sea. A morning in New York. My parents and I went to the Shenzhen Dapeng sea area.

Hello. The sun had just risen. The earth has changed, it turns out to be a blue sea and the sun has just risen. It's golden. Originally a yellow beach, the sun had just risen. It will turn golden. Golden waves fall on the golden beach. It's as if the sea and the beach are connected. After sunrise. The sea is back. The beach is back. The sea is like a fierce tiger. Sand is prey to the ocean. Most of the sand disappeared upon arrival. The fierce waves are like a mad lion, and the waves get bigger every time! This scared me back. Come here for a moment, calm down. The cool water fell on me, I wasn't angry, I just felt refreshed.

At noon, the golden sun shines on the blue sea. Sea water initiatesAlthough cool becomes hot and hot at noon, as long as you swim, it will turn red in less than three seconds. !

It was high tide in the evening, and I heard a roar in the distance! The white waves rolled in the distance, forming a wall of water more than two feet high! I was suddenly hit by a violent wave more than two meters away! A lot of people got sucked in! I like turbulent waves, like rows of brave soldiers, approaching bravely, like a performer playing the piano angrily, making this beautiful music, after a while, I can't give up.

Hai I love you, you are beautiful.

Essay on the theme of the sea 6

The sea is a strange word for me. I've only seen him a few times on TV at most. Should I go see the sea? Ha, you're not even a toad yet and you want to eat a white swan? dream!

However, dreams are dreams, I really went to Qingdao, and of course II came to the sea.

The sea is indeed endless as far as the eye can see, but it is like the rivers and lakes I have seen elsewhere. When I walk to the seaside, the sea immediately becomes wide and big, not much bigger than these lakes.

The waves rolled on the beach, leaving aquatic plants on the beach, hitting the rocks and raising white waves.

Only on the sea can heaven and earth be as complete as two pieces of cloth joined together, without gaps; only the sea can be so silent and vast, without edges visible at a glance, and still like a painting without a frame. To be honest, this state can only be truly felt at sea.

On the sea, it is truly "the sky is blue and the water is blue, and the sky is blue and the "The water is blue, and the sky is blue, and the boat sails through the waves." , and the heart is wild and unrestrained. It is an acro poemstiche!

The sky, even the boundless blue water, in this magnificent landscape of water and sky, the sky is blue and the water is blue, extremely beautiful The boat passes through the waves one after another the others, and my. the heart is so wild and relaxed.

Ah! The sea in Qingdao is so gentle and beautiful, so peaceful, with such a touching face, so beautiful and charming.

I love the sea in Qingdao!

Essay on the theme of the sea 7

On the morning of October 3, the sky was clear and the sun shone brightly. Dad took us to quickly drive the car to the beautiful sea. Today we went to. the beach to play in the sand!< /p>

After a long journey, we finally reached the endless sea. I couldn't wait to get out of the car and breathe some fresh air. The sea was not far away. I immediately took my sand toys and rushed towards the sea alone. After a while, my family came and my little brother came totoo. He quickly caught up with him. But in the blink of an eye, he disappeared again. Suddenly he jumped behind my mother and startled me. He saw me playing in the sand and couldn't wait to play. At that time, I had already dug a big hole, but he didn't notice it when he came and fell into it. I couldn't help but laugh. When his mother saw it, she asked anxiously: "Does it hurt?" Baby. » He endured the pain and said, “It's okay, mom. » After that, he crawled out of the pit and went to take a bath with his mother. . After my brother left, I continued digging, but the pit was too deep and I accidentally fell in and was buried in the sand. When my mother came back, she found that I was missing. She was very anxious and shouted my name very loudly. I heard him, pulled my head out of the sand and answered my mother in a loud voice. Mom found me and picked me up. After my release, II told my mother: "Mom, I fell when I was digging a hole. Fortunately, you came to me."

Going to the beach this time not only makes sense. allowed me to appreciate the beauty of the sea. The magnificent landscapes made me relive the pleasure of playing in the sand.

Sea Theme Essay 8

It's summer vacation, and my mother said that she will take me to Rizhao to travel to see the beautiful and charming sea, I almost jumped for joy!

In my opinion, when I was five years old, my mother took me to travel to Nanjing at that time, I was too young, and the scene at that time did not leave me much of memories. Only the beautiful Xuanwu Lake did me. I will never forget it and I will keep it fresh in my memory, because it is the sea in my heart.

Dad said that Rizhao is a beautiful coastal town, surrounded by mountains and sea, with a winding coastline and beautiful golden beaches. Before the people left, their hearts werealready flew to the sea.

I finally saw the long-awaited sea! The next morning, despite the fatigue of the trip, we arrived early at the beach. The light sea breeze blew and we smelled the strong smell of the ocean. At this time, the fiery red sun rose, hanging high in the sky, shining on the blue sea. Looking around, the sea surface is hilly, vast and ethereal. Several seabirds fly happily on the vast and majestic sea.And shuttle in the waves, sometimes soaring into the sky. Mom pressed the shutter button every now and then to freeze the beautiful scenery in the camera.

Walking barefoot on the soft beach, the waves hit me. The waves splashed and wet my clothes, I also tasted the salty taste of sea water. At that moment, I felt like I had turned into a fish, swimming happily in the sea!

Essay on the theme of the sea 9

During thevacation, my mother would take me to bask in the sun and we would go and enjoy the beautiful sea. Looking at the sea this time gave me a new understanding of the sea.

As soon as I arrived at the beach, I jumped out of the car excitedly, wow! ! The air by the sea is so good. The blue sea and blue sky are clear at a glance. If it weren't for the horizon, they would be one! ! Mom, how vast it is! ! I said happily. ""Yes! Let's go to the shallows! The mother seemed to have returned to her childhood, holding the shoe in one hand and opening the other as if she was about to fly. It's been a long time since I've been this happy! ! On the beach, my mother and I were both liars. As soon as the waves rose, our footprints disappeared and the sand became very flat again. I said to myself: They say that water is astringent, that it contains a lot of minerals. But I didn't believe it, so I pointed at the water with itmy finger and put it in my mouth. What does the sea taste like? When I first started, I felt it very astringent and bitter. After a while the taste changed. ! My mother looked very funny when she saw me, she had a smile on her face, held her stomach and couldn't help laughing. "I just want to try it, but who knows what it tastes like? The little fish may still be alive. I screamed. This little thing scares me, but the best is. I forgive you!

< p > The sea is beautiful. It is rich in fish and has beautiful bathtubs. Although the sea is not delicious and can't even be drunk, it can make people very nostalgic. sea ​​theme 10

Today my mother is taking me to Qingdao to see the sea, because it is the first time I have gone to the beach, so I am very happy

As soon as I got out of the car, I ran to the beach. When I got to the beach, I said, "The sea is so beautiful, ah."! "I couldn't help but say that under the light of the sun, the boat was rowing across the sea. The sea suddenly sparkled and I was dazzled. Look! There is a golden beach of the east side of the sea, and it is so lively on the beach, some are playing beach balls, some are lying on the sand and sleeping, some are digging in the sand, and some are collecting shells... There is a forest west of the sea, and there are two coconut trees at the gate of the forest, like a place Soldiers with grenades planted in their bodies guarded the wood day and night, fearing that bad guys would come in and slaughter. the trees south of the sea. There were shops selling souvenirs, and each shop had a variety of products. It was truly a dazzling array of products. The place where we took the boat was crowded with people. I thought it must be fun, so I asked my mother to take me to play. My mother hesitation. It took us a lot of effort to sneak in. , I saw it was a fast boat, I had never done it before, so my mother bought two. Taking a fast boat was really exciting, but it was exciting, but it gave me a thrill. My clothes were soaked, but I still thought it was fun.

This trip is the most unforgettable for me. When I returned, I was still a little reluctant to leave.

Essay on the theme of the sea 11

Today, I finally arrived at the coast of the Yellow Sea - Rizhao.

Standing on the beach, I looked into the distance and saw that the sea and the sky were the same color, with rough waves and layers of waves flying like snowflakes .

The waves crashed against the shore, producing a roar. The cool sea breeze blows, making people relaxed and happy. Threads of spray floated into my mouth, salty and astringent, and floatedent on my face, tickling and refreshing. Walking on the beach, on the shore, the sand is fine and soft, penetrating right into the gaps between your toes.

The sea is blue, the sky is blue and a few white seagulls are flying freely in the sky. On the line between the sea and the sky, several fishing boats were floating in the sea, and several speedboats were speeding past. The waves recede, leaving a few colorful shells on the golden beach.

We walked on the beach, watching the waves swell up to the shore and letting the crashing waves wet our feet. We swam in the sea, the waves pushing us like a cradle. On the beach we collected shells, caught crabs, caught starfish and built castles. What a happy moment!

Looking at this vast sea, I hope I can have a mind as big as the sea.

Essay on the theme of the sea 12

I like the West Lake, which is as horizontal as a mirror, and I like the picturesque Lijiang River, but I like the sea even more, which is sometimes calm, sometimes crazy, sometimes elegant and sometimes joyful.

In the early morning, the sea is calm. The small waves on the surface of the stone do not make the slightest sound, as if they are teaching the stone: the day's schedule is in the morning and you cannot fill it with sleep.

At noon, the sea is crazy. The big waves lifted people up and put them down, and the waves rushed to push people forward. It was very good, but it made some shy girls scream and "create" a very musical rhythm on the stone slabs. A magnificent sound that won. It doesn't bother anyone.

In the afternoon, the sea is elegant. There is no trace of waves, like a silent noble lady, who does not make a sound, but the water slowly recedes, and the wet beachwill dry out moisture after the water leaves for a while, and it will look like dry sand. Even.

In the evening, the sea is joyful. She will continue to fight herself and the stones next to her, and she will continue to spit out dams and shells and starfish, making little noises.

I love the sea! Look ! The calm, crazy, elegant and joyful sea rises!

Sea Theme Essay 13

I love the beautiful mountains of Zhangjiajie, and I love the gentle Lijiang River in the waters of Guilin, but I prefer the vast sea of ​​Dameisha, in Shenzhen.

The sea in Dameisha is blue. The water is deep and shallow. Different types of corals grow on rocks in the sea. Some corals are like fireworks, and some corals are like blooming flowers! Interestingly, big lobsters wearWear armor and swim in the water!

The sea is endless as far as the eye can see. When sheis calm, she looks like a calm and sweet little girl. I walked over quietly, held the water in my hands and took a sip. It was salty. I gently put my little feet in it, it was freezing and very comfortable! Wave after wave blew from the sea, rushing over my little feet. Lots of soft sand caressed my little feet. My little feet felt so good. The waves were like a shy little girl hiding at home. fine, soft sand, with many shells hidden in it!

I play with my parents on the beach. Sometimes I bury my father's feet in the sand so he can't move; sometimes the sand is piled into a castle; We are having fun! !

Beautiful sea, I will never forget you, this calm and naughty little girl.

Essay on the theme of the sea 14

My hometown is in Yangjiang. It has beautiful scenery and rich products.

“Zhapo” beach, en particular, is a famous five-star tourist attraction both at home and abroad. The sand on the beach is very fine and soft. Taking off your shoes and standing in the sand is like standing on a sponge. There are lush betel nut trees on both sides of the beach, which bring plenty of fresh air to Zhapo. There are also many artificially carved seashells, each of which has realistic and realistic carvings, making it a good place for tourists to take photos. .

The waves in summer are crystal clear, like jade belts, just like the Milky Way. It flows relentlessly, flows, flows far away... The sea breeze blows and the waves roll, like one big crown after another. So beautiful! The sun shines on the blue sea, as if shining with golden light. The waves were passing over the mountains and it was difficult to tell whether they were mountains or sea. The sea is not clearly visible... Tourists enjoy the salty sea breeze and swim in the sea. The charming wave scenery makes people forget to leave.

The sea is a poem and the waves are a painting. I sincerely praise and love you, the sea of ​​​​my hometown. friends! Welcome to my hometown!

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