Electric hair styling for men

Introduction Electric Hairstyles for Men choose the hairstyle that suits you according to your face shape: For those with long faces, use stylish and cute hairstyles to ease the seriousness caused by your long face. On the outline of the hairstyle,

Electric hair styling for men

Choose a hairstyle that suits you according to your face shape: For those with a long face, use stylish and cute hairstyles to ease the seriousness caused by your long face. In the outline of the hairstyle, the fullness of the top hair should be removed, the top should be flat and the front hair should fall to round out the face. At the same time, the volume of hair on both sides should be increased. to compensate for the lack of fullness in the cheeks. For women with long, narrow faces, styling their hair in a curly and wavy style can add elegance. They should choose a loose and elegant hairstyle, neat and a little messy. For round faces, the height of the crown of the hair should be increased to slightly elongate the face, giving a coordinated and natural beauty. When grooming, avoid bulging hairs on both sides of the cheeks, otherwise the cheekbones will appear wider.It is advisable to sew the hair to the side and comb the hairstyle vertically downward. The vertical lines of straight hair can visually weaken the width of a round face. Square face shape: The key point of dressing this face shape is to break the square shape with roundness and overcome the hardness with softness, so as to compensate for the flaws in the face shape. The hair can be braided and tied behind the head, so that people's vision is less focused on the square lines of the face due to the rounded lines. It is not advisable to have a clean bang on the forehead, nor should the entire forehead be exposed. You can use asymmetrical bangs to break up the wide, straight edge of the forehead, while increasing the feeling of length. Don't change the hair around the ears too much and avoid keeping hair short and straight that reaches down to the cheeks. Face indiamond The upper half of the entire face is shaped like an equilateral triangle and the lower half is shaped like an inverted triangle. When correcting this face shape with a hairstyle, the upper half can be processed according to the right triangle face shape method, and the lower half can be processed according to the inverted triangle face shape method. Generally, the hair on the upper forehead is widened and the hair on the lower forehead is gradually tightened. A large tuft of curved, curly or wavy hair can be designed near the cheekbones to cover any prominent flaws. For triangular face shapes, according to the proportion between the hairstyle and the face shape, when combing, the hair above the ears should be fluffed up. This effect can be achieved by using hairspray or styling agent. This can increase the width of the forehead and make it. the corresponding cheek width isweakened. For inverted triangle face shapes, you should pay attention to your strengths and avoid weaknesses when combing, so as to achieve a neat, beautiful and generous effect. It is appropriate to choose an asymmetrical hairstyle with a side parting to expose the entire forehead, and the ends of the hair can be slightly rough and messy. It can directly express the innocence, gentleness, kindness and other characteristics of young women. Tall and Slim Women Generally, tall and slim figures are mostly ideal figures. However, people with tall and thin bodies sometimes tend to give the impression of blurred features or a lack of fullness on the face. Therefore, when dressing, you should pay attention to increasing the volume of hair which will be sparse and thin. boring people. Appropriately enhance the decorativeness of the hairstyle, or the boucler and perm on both sides, will have a certain coordination effect on a slim figure and make it look lively and energetic. Short and fat women should use exquisite and fancy updos when combing their hair. The overall hairstyle should be stretched upward to expose the neck to increase some visual height. It is not advisable to have long wavy hair or long straight hair. You should choose short layered hair and hairstyles facing the forehead. The Relationship Between Hairstyle, Body Shape, and Face Shape Over the Seasons 1. For long faces, growing your hair to your chin, leaving bangs, or cutting the hair on your cheeks shorter can reduce the length of your face.And improve the feeling of width. You can also comb your hair into a loose, soft shape to make your face look rounder. In short, hairstylesgenerally natural and fluffy can add beauty to people with long faces. 2. For people with square faces, the hair should be combed upwards and the outline should be fluffy, rather than too flat. The hair in front of the ears should be thicker, but not too long. Some long hair can be left on the forehead, but it should not be too long. 3. Round Face Shape: This face shape often looks childish, so the hairstyle should be designed to be more mature. The hair should be divided into two sides and have some waves, so that the face does not appear round. You can also part your hair to the side, with the short side lightly covering an inward cheek, and the longer side can be made into waves outward from the top of the forehead, which can "lengthen" the face. Bangs do not suit this face shape. 4. Face shape ovale It is the most perfect face shape among women. You can use long or short hairstyles, but you should be careful to show off your face as much as possible to highlight the coordinated beauty of this face shape. It is advisable to cover your face too much with hair. Body shape and hairstyle: height, overweight, etc. of a person are also linked to hairstyle. For example, if the body is relatively thin, having hair on both sides of the shoulders will easily make the person feel empty, making them appear empty. thinner. If you are short, long hair will make your body appear smaller. If the body is larger, the hair should have straight lines. If they are combed into regular flat waves, the body will appear bigger. Profession and hairdressing Professions such as construction workers, textile workers, pie makers, doctors, cooksiniers, food sellers, etc., for the sake of production and labor safety, should wear work caps, which requires shorter hairstyles. If you often work outdoors, your hairstyle should be simple and short, so that it can be easily styled. Seasons and hairstyles Due to seasonal changes, the thickness of clothing, collar height and collar exposure are different, and hair length also needs to adapt; summer calls for coolness and comfort, and most people have short hair. If you have long hair, you can also wear braids or buns. A bun is appropriate, but it should not be too long, nor too thick, nor too fluffy, otherwise it will be very messy. In winter, wear thick clothes with high collars, your neck is basically wrapped in clothes and scarves, and your long hair hangs at the back of your neck.your head. It's good for staying warm, so your hair shouldn't be too short or too thin. . In spring and autumn you can freely choose your hairstyle. Basic classification of hair styles: 1) Straight hairstyle Straight hairstyle refers to various hair styles that are formed after cutting and combing without perming, maintaining the original natural straight hair. Straight Hair 2) Curly Hair Style Curly hair style refers to straight hair that has been permed to form curly hair and various forms of hair styles formed by coiling and combing 3) Bundle Hair Style Hair Style in bundle, according to different operation methods and the styles are divided into hairstyles such as braiding, updos and knots. The Basic Types of Men's Hairstyles Because the hair is shorter, men's hairstyles do not undergo as much change.ents than those of women, but by cutting, blow-drying, perming and combing. , they can also create varied, beautiful and masculine hairstyles. Men's hairstyles are generally based on the length from the top of the hair to the hairline and are divided into short hairstyles, mid-length hairstyles, long hairstyles and extra-long hairstyles. Short hairstyle - leave your hair short and draw the hair at the temples; medium and long hairstyle;--Moderate hair length, hairline is above the helix of the ear; Long Hairstyle – Long hair, hairline is above hairline; Extra Long Hair Style - Very long hair, the hairline extends beyond the hairline. Men's hairstyles can be categorized based on the curvature and shape of their hair. They can be divided into straight hairstyles, curly hairstyles and combinations ofe straight and curly hairstyles. It can also be divided according to the operation method, such as haircut type, perm type, and partial perm type. Men's hairstyles are generally categorized by the length of their hair. 1. Short Hairstyle Short hairstyle is basically straight hair that is shaped by wrapping and cutting. There are three specific hair styles: flat head, round head and flat round. Crew cut for men: Also known as crew cut or crew cut. The characteristic is that the hair on the sides and back is shorter and cut upwards from the hairline. Short hair is wavy and layered with an even tone. The slightly longer short hair on top is cut into a flat urban shape. Depending on the length of the hair on top, there are large flat heads and smallhaircuts. Round Head: Also known as a dome head or small round head. The features are similar to a crew cut, but the hair on top is rounded. Flat Round Type: Also known as Flat Round Head. The characteristic is that it combines the characteristics of flat head and round head. The surrounding hair has layered tones and the top is flat and round. Swimming style: Also known as sports style, it is developed based on the round and flat head. The upper hair is longer than the round, flat head. The upper part of the surrounding outline is spherical, with lower levels and darker tones. Short hair has the feel of long hair and is suitable for young people, middle-aged people and athletes. 2. Mid-Length and Long Hairstyles. The styles of these two types of hairstyles are basically the same except that the lengthhair is different. Some have straight, blow-dried hair, and others have permed, blow-dried hair. combed hair. Specific hairstyles mainly include youthful style, wavy style, natural style, etc. [Medusa head],... The top is fluffy and the bottom is made of long hair! Bob Bob Hairstyle ~ Natural Style: It is characterized by mid-length hair, longer hair at the top and drape forward, forming a sparse style and natural pen tip shape. The hair on the sides and back is cut upwards to form a natural slope. The whole hairstyle has soft lines and straight hair, making it simple, elegant and natural. Middle parted style: It is characterized by mid-length hair with a middle parting. The hair in front of the forehead is combed from the head towards both sides. The hair roots are fluffy and natural. the sides and back are cutés upwards with a certain level and a certain tone. This is influenced by a hairstyle popular in the 1980s due to the influence of singers from Hong Kong and Taiwan, also known as Hong Kong style, which is full of the new look of the style. youth of the time. Mushroom Style: It is characterized by more and thicker hairs on the top, forming a mushroom-shaped outline, and the hairs on the sides and back are cut upwards, with naturally uneven layers. The mushroom outline is smaller than the women's mushroom hairstyle, and the hairline is less obvious. It is also a popular male hairstyle at present. Running style: It is characterized by long hair, side parting, big side hair rushing forward in the shape of a peaked cap, hair on both sides combed back, meeting at the center back , linessoft nes, a unique shape and meaning. of male fitness. Curly Style: This is a permanent hairstyle, which can also be curled with an electric clip or curled with a round brush. Hair should be of medium length and permed in a curly or semi-curly shape. The headband can be large or small and the curl should be natural, which is suitable for active young people. Middle-aged style: medium length hair, can be parted or not, parted road is slightly higher. The hair is combed diagonally and the outline is slightly fuller. The hair on both sides and back is cut upwards to reflect a certain level and tone. They are dignified and elegant, with a clean, modern feel. Basic Classification of Hairstyles for Women > 1. Straight Hairstyle: Straight hairstyle refers to a hairstyle that is not permanent but only cut. The straight hairstyle maintainsessentially the natural growth state of the hair. Its hairstyle characteristics are naturally straight hair, strong hanging feeling and romantic atmosphere. It is especially suitable for young women, giving people pure beauty. This hairstyle is mainly shaped by cutting and combing. Straight hair styles have a greater degree of freedom in hair length and style and can be transformed into short hair styles, ultra short hair styles, mid-length hair styles, etc. > 2. Curly hairstyle: Curly hairstyle refers to the hairstyle formed by perming and combing. Curly hairstyles have more "gentle" curl changes, the range of hair curls is large or small, small flowers are vivid, large flowers are elegant and romantic. Middle-aged women can look more mature when combing their hair. Curly hairstyles peCan be suitable for short, medium or long hair. > 3. Bundled hairstyles can be simple or complex, with great adaptability and great changes. Dinner style and bridal style. Bundled hair generally maintains the natural length of the hair. There is also a popular hairstyle, which we collectively call non-traditional hairstyle. : explosive style and messy hair. Type, decadent type, fluid and neat sea. The above detailed information is for your reference. I hope you find them useful.

About electric perms, hair stylists and understanding hair. styles~~~

Difference: Electric hair is also a type of perm, but the curls of electric hair are very small. As for the ceramic perm and the digital perm, they both have larger curls.

Electric hair: in general, the inhabitantsPeople in the Pearl River Delta region are used to referring to perms as electric hair, and it has almost the same meaning. But some people think that electric hair is a type of perm, because the curl of electric hair is smaller, or electric hair is specially processed with electricity, while perms can use all methods, including electricity.

Some people even think they are different categories. The reason is that the electric hair can return to its original shape after washing, but the perm cannot. Some people think that electric hair belongs to the older generation. among barbers, the perm is the current hairstyle. So far there is no clear relationship between them.

Perm: This is a hair styling method, divided into physical perm and chemical perm, whichis the most commonly used today. There are actually two purposes of perming: to make the hair fuller (with a curly effect) and to change the shape and direction of the hair (the curl doesn't have a very big effect). The basic perm process is divided into two steps. The first step involves breaking the sulfide bonds and hydrogen bonds in the hair through chemical reactions; the second step consists of restructuring and stabilizing the structure of the hair core.

Types of perms

First of all, when we design a hairstyle, it depends on personal preferences, facial contours, hair texture, hair length, hair quantity, height. , and neck length. Usual matching clothes. Living and working environment. And most of the time, you usually wash your hair at home. Or wash it at the hairdresser, etc... Let me analyzeBriefly review this hairstyle for you: 1. Materials: Requires medium and short hair 2. Operation: High level and inward slanted haircuts. Arrange the barrettes. The contour of your face forms a rounded back. It mainly depends on how the hairdresser gives you a cut and style. How you pull the hair piece and cut it depends on how you arrange the barrettes. stores in different locations have different prices. 4. Durability: A good hairstyle requires us to take care of it properly. The durability of a hairstyle cannot unilaterally determine whether the hairstyle is good or bad. 5. If it hurts your hair: Good potions. contain chemical ingredients. Why is the price low? It is the high or low price that determines the quantity of chemical ingredients it contains (I will add something to you: there will be a difference between those which areoften wash their hair in hair salons and those who often wash their hair at home. People who often wash their hair in hair salons will do it differently. It will make your hair approximately 8.90% similar to your photo. If you rarely go to a hairdresser, he will make your hair similar to the one in your photo. small curler like the one in the photo. That's for sure. Unless you don't understand). It is recommended that if you really want to have this hairstyle and go to the hairdresser, you can take the photo to the hair salon. hairdresser... The answer is complete. Thank you for adopting

The main types of perms currently on the market There are the following types:

1. Burning air. The air perm can be considered the aristocrat among perms. A beautiful hairstyle in the open air will bring a new change, which will makehas people refreshed and full of vitality.

2.Barbie has a perm. The Barbie perm uses fine curls. The effect after perming is similar to the Barbie doll's cute hairstyle. The cartoon is full of animation, hence the name "Perm Barbie". This hairstyle is suitable for rather girly girls.

3.Pear tree flower permanent. The pear flower head, elegant but cute, not only has everyone's feminine feeling, but also has the charm of gentle and capable women. It is currently one of the most popular types of perms.

4.Braiding and ironing. This perming method is simple and natural. The so-called braided perm consists of giving a curly shape to one side of the hair while keeping the hair on the other side straight. This perming method gives people a feeling of purity and purity. charm.

5.Perm. This methodof perm is packed with technology and its price is also relatively high. But it's worth every penny. The fluffy ionic permanent hairstyle is not only full of air, but also shows the fashion trend.

1. Perm is a hair styling method divided into physical perm and chemical perm. There are actually two purposes of perming: to make the hair fuller (with a curly effect) and to change the shape and direction of the hair (the curl doesn't have a very big effect).

2. The basic perm process is divided into two steps. The first step is to break the sulfide bonds and hydrogen bonds in the hair through chemical reactions. The second step consists of restructuring and stabilizing the hair core. structure.

3. In everyday life, hair is considered a decorationthings. Since time immemorial, people have been looking for ways to curl their hairthem. The development of perms and perm tools are inseparable. It can be said that the promotion of perm tools led to the development of perms.

4. During the perming process, the scales on the surface of the hair will be damaged. Leaving the internal structure of the hair in an unprotected state will result in a loss of internal moisture and nutrients, which is harmful to the hair, scalp and hair follicles. This will more or less denature the keratin in the hair, making it prone. yellowing and brittleness. Easy to fall off, no shine, no elasticity. ?

Reference materials:

Perm - Baidu Encyclopedia

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