How to get to Yongning Temple from Huadi Street in Fengxian County

Introduction How to get from Huadi Street to Yongning Temple in Feng County: The total distance is approximately 397.2 kilometers. Starting point: Huadi Street 1. Driving plan in Xuzhou 1) Start from the starting point heading north and continue 1.

How to get to Yongning Temple from Huadi Street in Fengxian County

Itinerary: The total distance is about 397.2 kilometers

Starting point: Huadi Street

1) Xuzhou City route map< /p>

1) From the starting point Start due north, drive 190 meters, turn right into Jiefang Road

2) Continue along Jiefang Road for 230 meters, continue straight into Jiefang East Road

3) Continue along Jiefang East Road for 710 meters, after passing Liangzhuang on the right for about 90 meters, continue straight into Jiefang Road

4) Continue along Jiefang Road for 5.6 kilometers, continue straight into S321

5) Continue along S321 for 3.4 km, turn slightly right onto the ramp

2. Continue along the ramp for 1.0 km and continue straight into Jixu

3 Expressway. Highway for 51.3 kilometers towards Xuzhou (north)/Jinan/Nanjing/Lianyungang, turn slightly right and enter Liuji Hub

4. Continuee along the Liuji hub for 560 meters, and after passing the Liuji hub for about 360 meters. , go straight and enter the northwest ring road

5. Travel 20.8 kilometers along the Northwest Ring Road towards Xuzhou (East)/Huaian/Lianyungang/Nanjing, turn slightly right and enter the center of Dahuang Mountain. p>

6. Continue along Dahuangshan Hub for 340 meters. After passing Dahuangshan Hub for about 340 meters, continue straight to Huaixu Highway

7. Continue along Huaixu Highway for 221.1 kilometers towards. Jianhu/Yancheng/Nantong/Suzhou Towards the bridge, turn slightly right to enter Yanhuai Expressway

8. Continue along Yanhuai Expressway for 560 meters, pass Chuzhou Hub Main Line Bridge for about 1.1. kilometers and continue straight on Yanhuai Highway


9. Browse 69.7kilometers along Yanhuai Expressway, cross Mangshe River Bridge, exit at Qinnan/S233/Longgang, turn slightly right onto ramp


9. p>

10. Continue along the ramp for 1.4 km, towards Longgang, turn right onto S233

11. Driving plan in Yancheng Town

1) Follow S233 for 5.2. kilometers, cross Xingou Bridge and continue straight on Yanxing West Road.

2) Continue along Yanxing West Road for 1.1 kilometers. After passing Jianmin Wholesale Department on the left for about 50 meters, turn right and enter Yanxing. Middle Road

3) Along Yanxing Road, continue 430 meters along Xingzhong Road and continue straight into Yanxing East Road

4) Continue along Yanxing East Road for 2.6 kilometers and continue straight on S234< /p>

5) Continue on S234 for 3.1 kilometers and turn slightly to tturn left onto Yanxing Road

6) Continue on Yanxing Road for 1.2 kilometers, turn right onto S234

>7) Continue on S234 for 210 meters, cross Xinyang Port Bridge and turn left onto Huanghai West Road.

8) Continue on Huanghai West Road for 1.7 kilometers and go straight onto Huanghai Road.

9 ) Continue along Huanghai Road for 2.0 kilometers and cross Yahe Bridge for approximately 240 meters. Enter Yongning Road.

10) Drive along Yongning Road for 300 meters and turn right.

11) Drive 20 meters and turn left

12) Drive 80 meters and reach the end point (on the left side of the road)

End point: Yongning Temple

Bus Route Schedule 205 of Fengxian

The Land and Resources Bureau of Fengxian County is people-oriented, provides local hotlines and builds a system ofservices that enable people to do things. The office has a survey team affiliated with the Center for Surveying and Mapping, a registration center. The market center is located at No. 8 Dongshou Zhongyang Avenue, Feng County. I'm not sure what type of land information you need? You can also go to the store at the east end of Huadi Street for a consultation. There is a property assessment center that can help you! Or log in to the official website of Feng County Land and Resources Bureau to find their department's telephone contact information! Hope this can help you

Feng County Buses:

Routes 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 city and rural buses (including including lines), respectively No; .201, No. 202, No. 203, No. 205, No. 206, No. 207, No. 208, No. 209, No. 210, No. 210 attached lines.

After preliminary approval by the Price Office: the price of air conditioningfare of city buses is 2 yuan (1 yuan without air conditioning), and the fare during the trial operation of city and rural buses is about 70% of the price. the initial price.

The total length of city bus route No. 1 is 15 kilometers, starting from Sunlou asparagus market. Supplementary Line No. 1 starts from Liuwanglou, Songlou Town, passes through Xiangyang Road and Jiefang Avenue, and ends at Jiangmei TECHNOLOGY LIMITED Development Zone. The main stops along the way are: Fengxian Middle School, Zhongyang Shopping Mall, Experimental Primary School, Happy Shopping Mall, Longxiang Garden, Fengxian Bus Station, Nichi Winery, Eastern Spring Town, l Xiuyuan School, Electric Vehicle Exhibition and Sales Center, Xincheng District Bus Station. , Zhang Wulou Primary School, etc.

Urban bus line No. 2 is 14.8 kilometers long. It departs from the West Passenger Stationunder construction and passes through Nanhuan Road, Xicheng Road, Zhongyang Avenue, Shuyuan Street, Renmin Road, Hebin Road and Zhongyang Avenue, Dongcheng Road, Beihuan Road and ends at Yanzhuang New Village, Fengcheng Street Office. Major stops along the way include: Affordable Housing Phase 4, Shangpin Renjia, Urban Management Bureau, Shuyuan Street, People's Hospital, Model Kindergarten, Trade Union, China Merchants Mall , Land and Resources Bureau, Happy City, Huimin Hospital, Jilin. Forestry industry, railway station, etc.

The total length of the No. 3 city bus route is 15 kilometers, starting from the north of Malou Street, Changdian City, passing through Beihuan Road, Xiangyang Road, Beiyuan Road , Xicheng Road, Renmin Road, Zhinong. Road, Nan Yuan Road, Hebin Road, Zhongyang Avenue, Kangqiao Road, ending at Nanhuan Road South Sports Center Project. The mainx stops along the way are: Electric Vehicle Industrial Park, Huazu Temple, Fenghuang Cua Community, Courthouse, County Government, Telecommunications Bureau, Zhao Shopping Mall, Xinghaitian, Yujingyuan South Gate, Zaishuiyifang, Happy City, the Family Planning Bureau, the People's Hospital Branch. , Sun Cambridge.

The No. 5 city bus line is 20 kilometers long, starting from Shi Xiaoqiao Street and passing through Beichang Line, Fufa Avenue, Guodu Road, Beiyuan Road, Daqing Road , Xiangyang Road, Renmin Road, Xicheng Road. , The southern ring road ends at the Sunlou Sunlou asparagus market. Major stops along the way are: Yiduo Group, Pentium Rubber, Basili Electric Vehicle, Hebin Jiayuan, Jinfeng Shangcheng, Feng.Ming Square, County Hospital, Foreign Languages, Sulu-Henan-Anhui Farmers Market, Fengxian College, Garden Zijin, etc.

The urb bus lineAin No. 6 is 12.5 kilometers long. It starts from the under-construction West Passenger Station and passes through Nanhuan Road, Zhinong Road, Jifang Road, Hebin Road, Zhongyang Avenue and Jindu Road. End at the station. Major stops along the way are: Sulu Henan Anhui Farmers Market, Fengxian College, Emerald City, Nanyuan New Town, Zhao Shopping Mall, Bus Station, Nichi Winery, Fortune City, Happy City, The Center of administrative approval, Jindu Decoration City, Xincheng. Wait for the district bus station.

Urban bus line No. 7 is 14.8 kilometers long. It starts from the North Electric Vehicle Parts Park of Beiguan Huazu Temple and passes through Beiyuan Road, Zhinong Road, Zhongyang Avenue, Fengyi Avenue, Guodu Road and In. Yanzhuang New Village. The main stops along the way are: National High School, Ruifeng Salt Industry, Bus Station, Zhao Trade Center West Gateshang, Yujingyuan, Happy City, Administrative Approval Center, Tongrenju, Fufeng Textile Factory, Junlebao Dairy, etc.

The No. 8 city bus route is 16.5 kilometers long, starting from the under-construction West Passenger Station, passing through Zhongyang Avenue, Donghuan Road, Jiefang Road and ending to Jiangmei Technology Co., Ltd. the development zone. Major stops along the way include: Nanguan Vegetable Market, Zhongyang Shopping Mall, Cuiwen Garden, Life Insurance, Xinghaitian, Mingshi Garden, Qifeng Garden, Jindu Decoration Town, Park of Feilong Lake, Anju Farmers Phase 9, etc.

Urban bus line No. 9 is 23 kilometers long. It starts from the north of Malou Street, Changdian City, and passes through Xihuan Road, Beiyuan Road, Xicheng Road, Zhongyang Avenue, Hebin Road, Nanhuan. Road, Dongcheng Road, Nanyuan Road, Fengyi Avenue, Nanhuan Road, Donghuan Road, ending at the Huashan Steel Market. The main stops along the way are: Electric Vehicle Industrial Park, Fenghuang Cua Community, Creative Foreign Languages, Urban Management Bureau, Zhongyang Shopping Mall, Qunyi College, Life Insurance Company, Huiyuan community, Mingshi Garden, Zuoan Renjia, Anda Driving School, culture. Expo Park and No.1 Park, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Branch, Vocational Education Center, History Store, etc.

Route 201 is 29 kilometers long, starting from Daliuji, Zhaozhuang City, and ending at the East Passenger Transportation Center. Major stops along the way include: Zhaozhuang City Government Residence, Emperor Han Ancestral Mausoleum, Ma Lou, Electric Vehicle Industrial Park, Timber Market, Seoul, Happy Shopping Mall, bus station, the city of printEastern Emps, Tongrenju, Fengcheng City Subdistrict Office, etc.

Route 202 is 25 kilometers long, starting from Liliu, Wanggou Town, and ending at the East Passenger Transportation Center. Major stops along the way include: Wanggou, Shanlou, Renmin Road Primary School, County Hospital, Union Hospital, Dongguan Primary School, Zhao Mall, Dongguan Bridge, City Eastern Spring, Tongrenju, Fengcheng City Subdistrict Office, etc.

Route 203 is 27 kilometers long, starting from Lizhai, Dashahe Town, and ending at the East Passenger Transportation Center. The main stops along the way are: Yuezhuang, Song Tower, Qukeng, Chen Tower, Sun Tower, Zijin Garden, Champs Elysees, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Huadi Commercial Street, Bus Station, Dongguan Bridge, Oriental Spring City, Jinyu Huating , Feng. City and street offices, etc.

Route 205 is 34 kilometers long, starting from Jinling, Fanlou Town, and ending at West Passenger Station. The main stops along the way are: Liulou, Menglou, Huanglou, Forest Farm, Taolou, Shidian, Xieji, Zuo'an Renjia, Yujingyuan, Huiyuan Community, Life Insurance Company, Qunyi College, Fengxian College, etc.

Route 206 is 40 kilometers long, starting from Liangzhai City and ending at West Passenger Station. The main stations along the way are: Yangxinzhuang, Qianlijing, Manzhuang, Huashan, Shidian, Vocational Education Center, Sunshine Kangqiao, Happy City, Oriental Building, Zhaoshang Shopping Mall, Xinghaitian, Life Insurance Company, Zhongyang Shopping Mall , Urban Management Bureau, Nanguan Vegetables. Walk.

Route 207 is 47.8 kilometers long, starting from Fanlou Town and ending at the West Passenger Station. The mainstations along the way are: Ouzhuang, Yangwa, Manzhuang, Huashan, Shidian, Vocational Education Center, Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital Branch, County Hospital Branch, Qifengyuan, Experimental College, Happy City, Bridge of Dongguan, Bus Station, Huayuan Buy, Experimental Primary School, Zhongyang Shopping Mall, Nanguan Vegetable Market, etc.

Route 208 is 35 kilometers long, starting from Shazhuang, Huankou City, and ending at West Passenger Station. The main stops along the way are: Huankou, Songzhai Bridge, Shizhai, Shi Xiaoqiao, Railway Station, Xifeng Industrial Park, Andeli, Hebin Jiayuan, Ruifeng Salt Industry, Fengcheng Garden, Chaoshi Street, the traditional Chinese medicine hospital, the finance office, the Champs Élysées. , Jiangshan Garden, Fengxian Middle School, Sulu, Henan and Anhui wholesale markets, etc.

Route 209 is 32 kilometers long, partant from Shunhe Beiquge and ending at Nanhuan Road South Education Center. The main stations along the way are: Zhukeng, Shunhe, Kangzhuang, Changdian, Changdikou, Dali Village, Youfangzhuang, Ruifeng Salt Industry, Bus Station, Zhao Shopping Mall, Xinghaitian, Nanyuan New Town and the second government hospital, left bank. people, etc

Route 210 has a total length of 30 kilometers, starting from Shouxian Street, and auxiliary line 210 starts from Shouxian Bianji Town and ends at Nanhuan Road South Education Center . The main stops along the way are: Heji, Chuzhuang, Dutang, Changdian, Changdikou, Dali Village, Huazu Temple, Beiguan Bridge, National College, Liu Bang Square, Fengming Square, Qunyi College, Fengxian College, Jiangshan Garden, Rose. Garden, Left Bank House, etc.

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