The reasons why a car makes a clicking sound when ignition but cannot ignite are: 1. The bearings of the water pump, air conditioning compressor, clutch, generator, the steering pump and belt tensioner are damaged; Ignition coil malfunction; 3. The engine is idling; 4. Soft ring gear slides; 5. Battery is low; 6. The problem of gasoline quality. The solution for a car that makes a clicking sound when turning on but cannot turn on is: 1. Check the condition of the battery 2. Check the condition of the gear 3. Check the condition of the 4. Add quality assured spark plug and ignition coil; essence ; 5. Check the operating condition of the engine and gearbox.
1. Check the battery status; 2. Check the speed status; 3. Check the condition of the spark plug and ignition coil; 4. Add gasolinethis quality assured; and transmission The operating state of the box.
The reasons why the vehicle catches fire without igniting: 1. The bearings of the water pump, air conditioning compressor, clutch, generator, steering pump and belt tensioner are damaged; Or the ignition coil is defective; 3. The engine is idling; 4. The soft flying crown skates; 5. Battery is insufficient; 6. There is a problem with the quality of the gasoline.