In 2002, how many fires occurred across the country?

Introduction How many fires occurred across the country in 2002? Assessment of the main electrical fires in China Beijing on March 20, 2004, around 4 p.m., in Hejiafen, south, Chaoyang district

In 2002, how many fires occurred across the country?

Review of the main fires of electrical origin in China Beijing On March 20, 2004, around 4 p.m., a 10-year-old boy was unfortunately electrocuted to death at a well drilling site on the west bank of the river. wastewater west of Beijing. Nanhejiafen Village, Chaoyang District He was still holding the thread in his hand when he died. According to the Chaoyang Branch Police, after investigation, it was found that the electrocuted little boy was a stranger and the incident was the fault of the well digger. On December 2, 2003, at 6:49 a.m., a fire broke out in the graduate student dormitory on the 6th floor of Building 18 of Beijing Jiaotong University. The fire burned an area of ​​20 square meters and caused no casualties, but the windows of the dormitory were blackened and the panes were broken. The cause of the fire was that the circuit was overloaded due to the students' use of "Heat Fast", which qui caused a short circuit and caused the fire. On January 7, 2002, at 11:30 a.m., a fire broke out due to a short circuit in the adjacent restaurant and bar of Beijing Laitai Flower Mall, killing three people and causing economic losses of up to 700,000 yuan. On June 4, 2003 in Shanghai, at 1:30 p.m., thick smoke escaped from the top floor of the Yinpu building. It is believed that the cause of the fire in the building was a short circuit in the distribution box on the 11th floor. the building, which caused the lines on the 11th to 16th floors to catch fire, causing serious damage to the apartment buildings. Chongqing: On March 5, 2003, at 1:30 p.m., a grocery store in Lichun Village, Baiqi Township, Hui'an County caught fire. The owner Guo, his wife and his eldest daughter died. The cause of the fire was that the circuit in the house had aged for a long period of time. After a lightning strike, the circuit quicklycaught fire, causing a fire. Anhui On January 11, 2004, a major fire occurred in Wanglouhouyuan Natural Village, Chenxiaozhai Administrative Village, Luzhai Town, Linquan County, Anhui Province, killing six people and injuring one. According to the investigation, the fire occurred because of a circuit. overvoltage. The television suddenly exploded and caused a fire, which prevented the seven members of the family from escaping the flames. At 9:40 p.m. on April 9, 2000, a major fire broke out at the "Suzhou Chengdong Paulownia Processing Factory" in Suzhou City, Anhui Province. After a preliminary investigation, it was found that the fire spread quickly due to the large amount of flammable materials in the factory, rudimentary power distribution equipment and level 7 strong winds. The entire fire scene covered an area of ​​4,200 square meters, burning 29 largees and small factories and all production and distribution equipment, as well as a large number of finished boards and raw boards. The economic loss amounted to more than 800,000 yuan, but fortunately there were no casualties. Fujian: At around 11:40 p.m. in the middle of the night on January 13, 2003, a fire broke out in Building No. 2, Building 7, Yanhe Road, Chunting Ward Community, Chunting Ward Community, Tongcheng Office , Fuding City, due to a wire leak. The fire killed 10 people. On July 6, 2000, around 2 a.m., a major fire broke out at a garment factory in Yinglin Town, Jinjiang City, Fujian Province, killing five people. According to the investigation: more than 40 workers lived on the first floor of the company's factory, but there was only one exit. The cables inside were connected randomly and the management was chaotic, which caused pcaused the fire. Gansu Province At 5:39 a.m. on November 17, 2003, a fire broke out in a three-story residential building at No. 337, Beimiantan Village, Yantan Township, Chengguan District, Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, leaving 4 dead and 2 injured. The fire area was about 15 square meters, there was a lot of smoke in the room and burning materials. Most of the sofa cushions and their raw materials stacked in the first floor hall were processed and produced in the residential building, causing circuit overvoltage and fire, resulting in a direct economic loss of about 40,000 yuan. Guangdong: On the evening of April 8, 2004, 12 workers were electrocuted and died during the expansion project of Zhongrun Steel Company in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province. Zhongrun Iron and Steel Co., Ltd. used 12 meter poles to erect high voltage lines. However,due to the factory's "three connections and one leveling" filling process, the height of the high-voltage lines from the ground. In addition, the factory failed to contact the power supply department in time and report to the relevant authorities that the department's application procedures failed to eliminate major safety hazards in time. , which resulted in an electric shock tragedy. Early in the morning of February 22, 2003, a fire broke out in a large telecommunications shopping center in Jiangmen City, burning more than 400 square meters of the shopping center and causing economic losses of nearly one million yuan. department, the cause of the fire was due to a short circuit in the wires. On June 24, 2000, at 11:51 p.m., a 380-volt power line failure occurred in the Kaiyuan handbag factory in Wanjiang Shengli Management District, Dongguan City, in the warehouseon the first floor of the factory. Electric sparks splashed across the nylon fabric. stacked underneath, igniting the nylon fabric and causing a fire. The building burned over 3,000 m2, causing direct material losses of 860,000 yuan. Guangxi On the afternoon of November 28, 2003, a major fire broke out in Liangpeitun, Liangpei Village, Yangxi County, Liuzhou City, Guangxi Province: an old woman around 70 years old died in the fire. flames and 168 houses were burned. 421 people in 96 households were homeless and the damage caused by the fire was approximately 730,000 yuan. According to the investigation: due to the aging of the fire protection equipment, the wires were short-circuited, causing the fire. On October 29, 2002, at 3 a.m., a major electrical fire occurred in the Ertang coal mine of the Nanning Municipal Mining Bureau, causing 30 deaths and economic ues of 1.988 million yuan. After investigation by the accident investigation team, it was determined that it was an at-fault accident. At Baiyun Wholesale Market in Liuzhou City, Guangxi, at 2:40 p.m. on September 19, 1997, due to poor contact and heat generated by the wires, local insulation failure occurred , resulting in a discharge to the ground which ignited combustible materials. The fire affected an area of ​​13,900 square meters, burning a total of 271 individual storefronts and their annexes on the first, second and third floors of the market, causing a direct material loss of 19 million yuan. Guizhou: On November 26, 1995, at 8:40 a.m., a fire broke out in the communications building of the Post and Telecommunications Bureau of Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province. The conference room and office equipment were set on fire, covering an area of ​​690 square metersés, causing a direct economic loss of 9.012103 yuan, and long-distance communications were interrupted for 50 hours. After investigation, it was determined that the fire was caused by a short circuit in the electrical line which ignited the decorative materials. Hainan: On April 21, 2002, at 5:15 a.m., a fire broke out in Sunshine Shopping Town in Sanya City, Hainan Province, due to a short circuit in a cable. Seven people died and 20 were injured. Among them, 5 people were seriously injured. At 1:40 a.m. on December 30, 2003, a major fire broke out due to a circuit leak in Jiangnan Farmers Market, Lincheng Town, Lingao County. Two 20-year-old single women from Lingao were burned alive in a shoe. , the fire spread to nearby hair salons, candle shops and snack bars, and four shops were reduced to ruins.Hebei April 2004 At 4:30 p.m. on October 1, seven women in Jize County, Handan City, Hebei Province were suddenly electrocuted while bathing in a public bath. The seven women were immediately knocked down, resulting in one death and five injuries. On March 14, 2003, at around 7:35 a.m., a major traffic accident occurred on the Yongnian section of National Highway 107 in Hebei Province. Two cars collided and caused a fire. The flames caused cables to fall to the side of the road, killing 16 people and injuring more. 27 people, including 5 seriously injured. On February 18, 2002, at 2:20 p.m., a major fire broke out at an illegal gambling hall in Tangshan City, Hebei Province, killing 17 people. The homeowner altered the wall wiring himself, causing an electrical leak and causing the fire. Henan: On December 25, 2000, at 9:35 p.m., a huge fire broke out in the buildingDongdu shopping mall in the old town of Luoyang city, Henan province. Migrant workers were under construction on the second and third floors and more than 200 people. people in the fourth floor song and dance hall were trapped by the fire. The competent services confirmed that the fire caused 309 deaths. This is a fire caused by a short circuit due to aging lines. On March 29, 2000, around 3 a.m., a huge fire broke out at Tiantang Video Hall in downtown Jiaozuo, killing 74 spectators. After repeated investigations, evidence collection and more than 30 hours of scientific simulation experiments, the expert team of the Ministry of Public Security confirmed that the fire was caused by a quartz electric heater burning combustibles nearby. Heilongjiang On the afternoon of February 2, 2003, a huge fire broke out in theTiantan hotel in Daowai district, Harbin. The cause of the fire was improper use of electricity by hotel employees, leading to the death of 33 people. At around 12:30 p.m. on February 10, 2003, a resident on the first floor of Unit 2 of Courtyard No. 9 in Sihaozhuang suffered a fire due to aging wires, resulting in the burning of all six electricity meters and all Appliances. out. At 10:15 a.m. on December 14, 2003, in Hubei Province, a fire broke out in the two-story warehouse of Yichang Port Authority with an area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters. Due to a severe shortage of water, fire hydrants and flammable items, aging lines and other reasons, the fire lasted almost seven days. The wood warehouse of a wood merchant in Hengchang market on the first floor, some solid wood floors in "Changda" on the second floor, as well as household appliances andt department store items such as color TVs and refrigerators in the Yihuan Building were all set on fire. , there were no casualties. On December 11, 2003, a major fire broke out in the residential building at No. 8 Baoshou Alley, Hanzheng Street, Wuhan City. Four female workers from Hanchuan who were sleeping in the attic were burned to death on the spot. The burned area is approximately 110 square meters. According to the fire brigade's investigation: following a circuit overload, the circuit caught fire and all the wires were burned. At 11:16 a.m. on December 30, 2003 in Sichuan, a major fire occurred in a string residential house at No. 38 Xizheng Street, Pingshan County, Yibin City. Improper use of electrical appliances caused the circuit to overload, resulting in a major fire. The fire area was 1,395 square meters and 37 households and 87 households were affected. The fire killed 6 peoplersons and injured more than 20 people to varying degrees. On March 1, 2003, at around 3 a.m., a fire broke out at the non-staple food wholesale market of Daheng Food Company, No. 125 Shifu Street, Nanchong City. It killed 19 people, injured 23 people and set fire to a house covering an area of ​​3,000 square meters. All non-essential food and small products in the building were burned. An investigation later confirmed that the fire was caused by the cargo being stacked too high and rubbing against the aging lines. Zhejiang In April 2004, Shen, the owner of a granite processing factory in Xiangshan, hired an unlicensed electrician, causing an electrical leakage accident at the factory, and an employee was electrocuted. At 12:50 p.m. on March 23, 2003, a fire broke out in the electrical circuit of Huisheng Leather Shoe Factory, Guox Town.i, Ouhai District, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, due to improper production operations, killing six female workers and injuring four others. . On May 12, 2001, a fire broke out in Yiwu Dingding Vacuum Plastic Coating Factory, located at No. 1-1 Zhonghang Road, Choucheng Town Industrial Zone, Yiwu City, due to of a cable short circuit, burning 60 square meters of the building. and causing a direct loss of 330,000 yuan. Inner Mongolia: On April 23, 2003, at 6:05 p.m., a fire broke out in the gasification section of the ammonia synthesis unit area of ​​Jinqiao Development Zone, Tianye Chemical (Group) Co ., Ltd.

If it is formally established, it is always good. The salary of the electrical system is quite high.

The Electric Power Research Institute of State Grid Hebei Electric Power Co., Ltd. was created on June 2, 1990. The legal representativeHe is Xia Yanwei. The company's business scope includes: technical supervision of power systems, technology development, technical training, technical information, energy technical services, adjustment testing of electrical construction; etc.


Today is the Internet era, and we still have an ever-increasing demand for electricity because we have invented more products that use electricity electricity, such as computers and household appliances. It is undeniable that the continued emergence of new technologies has made electricity a necessity for populations.

The main ways of generating electricity include: thermal power generation (combustible materials such as coal), solar power generation, large-scale wind power generation technology capacity, nuclear power production, hydrog productionene, hydroelectric power generation, etc. .

Energy science in the 21st century will create greater glories for human civilization. For example, fuel cells are a type of chemical energy source that directly converts the chemical energy of hydrogen, natural gas, coal gas, methanol, hydrazine and other fuels into energy. electric; Material energy is energy with biomass as a carrier, and the technology for efficient and clean utilization of biomass energy has also been significantly developed.

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