The hook carton gluing machine cannot glue handbags. Generally, hook bottom gluers are not suitable for using glue to make handbags because there are large differences in shape and structure between handbags and cartons. Handbags generally use different production processes and materials than cartons, so special handbag bonding equipment is required for production and production. Some specialized handbag making equipment is generally called handbag making machines or handbag machines, which can realize the making and gluing of handbags.
The lower hook of the automatic folder-gluer. In the packaging and printing industry, the folder-gluer mainly folds and glues printed and cut cardboard. The hook bottom device has the disadvantage of a mpoor adaptability due to difficulty of adjustment. for folder gluer was developed when the bottom device is used, it is fixed and installed on the bottom hook of the automatic folder gluer through the base for convenience. Applying folder gluer is the final step in packaging box processing. She folds the printed and cut cardboard and glues it together. The machine gluer replaces the manual gluer method, reducing labor costs and improving efficiency.