If the tricycle wire is not in good contact, it will be difficult to start a fire. According to relevant public information surveys, poor contact between the iron wires of tricycles will affect the vehicle's circuit system, resulting in poor ignition or ignition failure of the vehicle. The circuit system of a tricycle is made up of batteries, generators, coils, ignition coils, spark plugs and other components. Failure of any of these components will affect the ignition effect of the vehicle.
What is the reason why there is a small high voltage spark when the spark plug hole of a tricycle is blocked?
The reason is the insurance document.
1. Generators are mechanical devices that convert other forms of energy into electrical energy. They are driven by water turbines, steam turbines, diesel engines orother electric machines for burning water, air. , and fuel. Or the energy generated by nuclear fission is converted into mechanical energy and transmitted to the generator, which is then converted into electrical energy.
2. Generators are widely used in industrial and agricultural production, national defense, science and technology and daily life.
1. The reason why the tricycle spark plug does not light is that the tricycle generator flywheel magnet loses its magnetism and the voltage of the tricycle spark plug is unstable. The trike's ignition wire is in poor contact with the generator. The candle itself has quality issues. Ignition failure. High voltage packaging failure. Failure of the magnetic motor coil. Ignition interlock failure. The ignition wire and the generator are in poor contact. The generator flywheel magnetur loses its magnetism, etc.