Is fishing allowed in Bobai Chengdong Reservoir?

Introduction Is fishing allowed in Bobai Chengdong Reservoir? Bobai Chengdong Reservoir, originally named Dongping Huojia Reservoir, is located in Bobai County, Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Huojia Reservoir in Bobai County is a medium-sized reservoir.

Is fishing allowed in Bobai Chengdong Reservoir?

Yes. The original name of Bobai Chengdong Reservoir is Dongping Huojia Reservoir. It is located in Bobai County, Yulin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. Huojia Reservoir is a medium-sized reservoir. It has two small reservoirs under the jurisdiction of the Hejiang River. Diao River City. It is responsible for the irrigation of Dongping and Taijiang rivers, Shahe and other towns have the important task of 104,000 acres of land. Fishing is allowed in Dongping Huojia Reservoir and there will be a fee. The amount of the fees is unknown.

The main tributaries of Luchuan County, Guangxi:

Shangqiao Linshui originates from Danshui Pond in the watershed of Mima River and Jiuzhou River , in Qiaolu Village, Michang County. The southern flow passes through the Shangqiao Forest and collects water from the eastern foot of the Sifang Ridge, at an altitude of 338.8 meters. It crosses the Yangdi slope and flowse in Dapitou water. It flows into the Jiuzhou River at Mugen Bridge. The main stream is 4.5 kilometers long.

The Dahong River was originally called Liulengshui. Feili originates from the northern foot of Shuoding, passes through Baini Village to Dachongkou, then merges into Dapingshui in Daping, and then merges into Jiuzhou River in Siliang Village. The main river is 9 kilometers long.

The water of the pond originates from the west foot of Sifangling in Tangcun, flows south behind Shiqiao, passes through the north of Weitou of Tangcun, and joins the Jiuzhou River, with a total length of 4, 8 kilometers.

The Sari River was formerly known as the Laiqing River and its main course originates in Daluotang at the southern foot of Liusu Mountain. There are two secondary tributaries, Zhongxing Water and Datian Water. After arriving at Sali village, they join the Shichan River and flow into the Jiuzh Riveror via Shiqiao Street. The main stream is 5.5 kilometers long.

The Wentang River originates at the west foot of Jinkeng Mountain and the east foot of Dongshan Mountain. It has two springs: one is Daocun Water and the other is Miaodong Water. They both flow west to the mouth of the Yajiang River and empty into the Wentang River, then into the Jiuzhou River at the hot springs bathing beach. The total length is 6.8 kilometers.

The Zhongtun River originates at the southern foot of the Ma'anling Mountains, flows southeast through Xishan Shizhong and Zhongtun Village, and joins the Jiuzhou River at Mount Chizhu. 5.6 kilometers long.

The Masi River was formerly known as the Dongxin River. It comes from the wooden pit at the south foot of Jinkengzhang in Anning Village and the west foot of Tianzi Yin. It joins the four upper tributaries at Miaoziping, reaches Maxitang, crosses the Majiang Dam in the center of the cave and is called the Masi River. It meets the Xiulan River at Genpu on Shizitangtou Mountain and flows into Jiuzhou. River in Hantangwo 9 kilometers long.

The Longtang River originates at the southern foot of the Changgang Ridge in Zhongtun Village. It flows south to Changhe Village and turns southeast to Longtan (present-day Longshan) at the foot of Longtang Mountain, where it joins the Jiuzhou River. 4 kilometers long. It is said that because the pond is deep and clear, there is a moon on a clear night and the pond is as bright as a mirror: this is why it is called "Longtan Night Moon" and it is one of the eight old landscapes of Luchuan. . Later, due to siltation and lack of sources, we no longer see it.

The Yasong River was formerly known as the Shaliu River. The main stream originates from Poxindu ineastern foot of Langshan Ridge, flows south to Damugen, then turns east and joins silkworm water from southeast foot of Lizhang at Lutangkou, flows into Lutou Reservoir and flows south after leaving the reservoir. When it reaches the Yasong River, it joins the Dachongshe water coming from the eastern foot of Nantian Forest Farm and the Guatou water coming from Tianbaitang, and is called Yasong River. It flows east and empties into the Jiuzhou River at Shijiaopo. The main course is 14.5 kilometers long.

The Hantang River was formerly known as the Yagongdun River. It originates from Fengchun Village in Wenquan Township, flows southwest to Qiaozitou, turns west through Sanshan Village, and joins the Jiuzhou River at Yagong Dun. The total length is 6.4 kilometers.

The Baitu River was formerly known as the Shuiche River. The flowThe dominant eastern Yuedong River originates from the Twelve Peaks Ridge and joins three tributaries upstream at Huanglanliang, passing through the villages of Luxuan, Andong and Yuedong. After joining the Diyangkeng water in Xilan, it crosses Lingshan Dam and heads west, passing Shuihua Village and winding around Nangzhang. It is called Baitu River in Laowei Village. The tributary is Shuangdong River, which originates at the west foot of Goutou Chong, Fengchun Village, Wenquan County, and flows south to Shikeng. It’s called the Shi River; the second originates at the western foot of Ma'anzhang, passes through Tianxin and Zhongyu Village and is called the Shuangdong River after joining Zhongyu Cave. It flows south to the Huiyuedong River in Daqiao Pingshan Village, then flows. southwest to Fozipo in Pingshan village. Injects into the Jiuzhou River. The cMain water bear is 23 kilometers long. The Baitu River is the longest tributary of the Jiuzhou River in the county. There are two (two) small-type reservoirs, Diaoshuiyan and Baishuitan, and three small hydropower plants, Luxuan, Andong and Yuedong, with a total installed capacity of 325 kilowatts. On the upper reaches of the secondary tributary of Shuangdong River, there are small (second) reservoirs of Diyangkeng, Dakeng and Shuangdong type, with a designed irrigation area of ​​3,023 acres.

Longhe is also known as Gudanhe, formerly known as Panlongjiang or Tancunhe. The mainstream originates from Nantian Bajiaochang, Shitang Village, Hengshan County. After traveling west, turn south and enter Longtan Reservoir. Passing through the pai pond of Shitang village, it joins the Anluo water which comes from Tanjiankeng and Zalingtang to the east. It flowstowards the south to join the water of Gaochong village which comes from the north of Gaoketong. It flows southeast through Tongxin Village and joins. in Tangliao, the waters of Houchong and Niutuchong in Sihe village at the western foot of Nantian flow southwest to Chetian in Tancun, where they merge with the Ziliang River coming from the west and flow into the Jiuzhou River at the northwest end of the islands of the Dawo and Gaoheping rivers. The main river is 16 kilometers long. The Jiangzikou River, also known as the Shajiang River, has two sources in its upper reaches: one originates from the end of the mountain pond in Wangling Village. As soon as it leaves the Luzhudun of Tangyu Village, it flows into Shajing Village respectively and joins the back ridge of the Wayao in Banlupo. Then it flows southwest to Jiangzikou, where it is called the Jiangzikou River, and then enters the riverJiuzhou. The total length of the main river is 9.6 kilometers. The Longhua River is also known as the Heshuikou River. There are two sources: the Teran River, which originates at the western foot of Qiaotou Zhang in Pozi Village, and the Lusang Pits flow southwest to the back of the river to merge, then flow westward to Teran, called Teran River. It flows west to Caowu and meets the Pojiao River, then turns southwest to Longhua Village and is called Longhua River. Enter the Jiuzhou River. The main river is 16 kilometers long. Xielu River was formerly known as Shiyang River or Luocun River. The main stream originates at Tianjiakeng, at the northern foot of Xieluzhang, and flows east through the villages of Xielu, Wentang and Nadouluo. Enter the Jiuzhou River in Liangtian Town. Total lengthfrom the main watercourse is 7 kilometers. The Jinji River was formerly known as Jinxi. There are two sources: one comes from Yapozhang. Coming out of Zhanghukeng in Huangdi Mountain. After the second stream at Dashidong merges, the incoming water from the front stream of Jingshe flows to Potou Village near Jinji, called Jinji River. It flows into the Jiuzhou River in Tianxinyuan, and the main stream is 6 kilometers long. Pengdang Stream has two sources, both originating from the northern and southern foothills of Huangcunzhang. They merge at Pengdang and are called Pengdang Stream. They enter the Jiuzhou River on the other side of Tanmianwei. The main river is 4.8 kilometers long. Ganmei water originates from the eastern foot of Mashan (formerly known as Hewuzhang), flows eastward through Hengling, Cuntou, Potang, and enters the Jiuzhou River near Xinminling. Total lengthis 4.2 kilometers. The Tanmian River was formerly known as Shuilu Chonghe. It originates at the southeast foot of Xiaoyaozhang, passes through Shuilu Chong and Lanwu, and enters the Jiuzhou River at the foot of Yanshan Mountain. The total length is 5.6 kilometers. The chicken coop water has two sources, both originating from Jilongzhang, it flows east to join the Wayao River in Tancun, then goes to Liding Mountain and turns southeast to join the Jiuzhou River. The main river is 5.7 kilometers long. The Liantang River was formerly known as the Shipi River. The main stream originates from the Sandaigong area of ​​Sheziqi, flows south to Malan Trail and joins the Xiashan River originating from Lanzi Pond, and flows into the Malan Trail Reservoir. It then passes through Mutou Mountain and Liantang Village, then enters the lake. Jiuzhou River at Baiji Pond. The lessonThe main waterway is 9 kilometers long. Waidong water originates from Ziweichong, Liangtian Town, passes through Yamutian and Waidong, and flows into the Jiuzhou River at Datangping near Liangtianwei. 4.5 kilometers long. The Xiadong River originates in the southeastern foothills of Huangdi Mountain, flows through Xincun and Xiadong, and empties into the Jiuzhou River at Tiantou Ridge. The main river is 5.6 kilometers long. The water of the Shanjingchong originates from Shanjingchong in Liangtian Town, passes through Shanjingchong, Hetianling, and enters the Jiuzhou River in the village. 6 kilometers long. The Shidong River originates from Rongmu Cave on the Ludong Trail. It flows south to Shidong Village, where it merges with the water of all branches and is called the Shidong River. It turns southwest to Baifentian, passes Shiluobei Reservoir and enters the Jiuzhou River at Tianxin Dam.The upper reaches of the Beidou River have two branches, east and west. After converging towards the village of Bajiao, it turns towards the southwest. It passes through Luyin Village and merges with the Beidou River coming from Beidou Village on the Niutoushan Trail. the Beidou River. The water flows into the Jiuzhou River. 9 kilometers long.

The ancient city river was once known as Shicheng Water, also known as Dapi River. There are two sources: one comes from Guanchong, Qinghu County, at the northern foot of Gaoling; the other is from Dingcun, Gucheng Village, Gucheng County, at the west foot of Gao'ao, Fozi. The two streams meet on both sides of Gucheng Village and flow towards Lindong into Hedi Reservoir. The main river is 12 kilometers long.

The Panlong River originates at Tangmian Weichong in Gucheng Township, flows through Panlong Village to the southwest andenters Hedi Reservoir in Panlongwei. 3.5 kilometers long.

The Huojia River originates from the Lianjiang River in Guangdong. She enters the border area with Luchuan in Maluling and injects tea root water. It flows south through Qing'er Village to Dongcun, then turns west and injects Qing. 'er to Tianshu Pond. The river flows west to Shanghuojiatun and Xiahuojiatun, and is called Huojia River, and flows into Hedi Reservoir. The river is 10.4 kilometers long in Luchuan.

The main tributaries flow into Bobai County, Guangxi

The Ningtan River is one of the main tributaries of the Jiuzhou River. It originates from Ningtan Town, Bobai County, Guangxi, flows into Huangluo Village, Wendi Town, and enters the Jiuzhou River. It has a total length of 28 kilometers, a rainwater harvesting area of ​​193.6 square kilometers, aaverage flow of. 6.18 cubic meters per second over the years, and 105 water conservancy projects have been constructed, including 7 water lifting projects; the theoretical reserve of hydraulic energy is 1,939 kilowatts, the developable capacity is 837 kilowatts and 500 kilowatts have been developed and used.

Lianjiang City, Guangdong Province, merges into the main tributaries:

The tributaries of the Wuling and Jiuzhou rivers. The river is 31 kilometers long. It has its source in Lianjiang County and Liaoma Guling. It has its mouth in the Jishui Hejiang River in Lianjiang County and passes through the towns of Tangpeng and Shiling in Lianjiang County. The water collection area is 203 square kilometers, the slope is 1.13‰, and the total cultivated land area in the basin is 24,200 acres.

Lianjiang River, a tributary of the Jiuzhou River. The river is 31 kilometers long and takes itssource in Liushayong, Shicheng Town, Lianjiang City. Its mouth is in Pingtang, Xinmin Town, Lianjiang County and passes through Liancheng Town, Lianjiang County. kilometers, a slope of 0.85‰ and a total area of ​​cultivated land of 6.28% in the

Shachan River, a tributary of the Jiuzhou River. The river is 55 kilometers long and originates in Gaotan, Bobai County, Guangxi. Its mouth joins the river in Hengshan Town, Lianjiang City. It passes through Changshan Town, Shijing Town and Yatang Town in Lianjiang County. area of ​​884 square kilometers and a slope of 0.85‰, and the area of ​​cultivated land in the basin is 65,600 acres.

Tuocun River, a tributary of the Jiuzhou River. The river is 33 kilometers long and originates in Anhe, Tangpeng Town, Lianjiang City. It has its mouth at Sandaitang, town ofe Hengshan, Lianjiang County, and passes through Shijing City and Yatang Town, Lianjiang County. ​113 square kilometers and a slope of 1.16‰, the total area of ​​cultivated land in the basin is 32,700 acres.

The Tangpeng River is a tributary of the Jiuzhou River, also known as the Yaji River. The river is 58 kilometers long and originates in Yangoupo, Bobai County, Guangxi. It has its mouth at Wushi, Qingping Town, Lianjiang City, and passes through Tangpeng Town and Shijing Town, Lianjiang City. 294 square kilometers and a slope of 1.03‰, the total cultivated land area in the basin is 59,500 acres.

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