The ten most popular old songs on the Internet

Introduction The ten most popular ancient songs on the Internet are: "Silk Opera", "Red Ling", "The New Drunken Concubine", "Along the River during the Qingming Festival". ", "Pipa Play", "Here

The ten most popular old songs on the Internet

The ten most popular ancient songs on the Internet are: "Silk Opera", "Red Ling", "The New Drunken Concubine", "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", " Pipa Play", "Ci·Nine", "Memories of the Door", "The Guardian", "Love in the Mountains", "Journey to the Capital", "Come Back and Come Back".

1. "Silk Opera"

"Silk Opera" is an old song written by Vagary and sung by Yin Lin and Aki Ajie. It was released in 2015. At the climax of the song, the orchid's finger twists the red dust like water, and everything enters the song on the three-foot red platform. This scene is magnificent and very touching.

2. "Chiling"

"Chiling" is an old style song released by old style singer HITA in 2018. This song not only incorporates drama, but also describes drama in the lyrics. At the climax, when people from the audience pass by and no longer seethe old colors, the people on stage sing a heartbreaking farewell song, which is very classic.

3. "The New Drunken Concubine"

"The New Drunken Concubine" is a song written and composed by Hu Li and sung by Li Yugang. It was released in 2010. This song combines classical, drama and pop and is very charming.

4. "Along the River during the Qingming Festival"

"Along the River during the Qingming Festival" is one of Li Yugang's masterpieces. This song cleverly combines Peking opera and pop music. . Coupled with Li Yugang's unique interpretation, it seems that a realistic picture of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is actually presented in front of you.

5. "Pipa Xing"

The lyrics of the song "Pipa Xing" are "Pipa Xing" by Bai Juyi, sung by Qi Ran and Shen Miren. is sung in a particularly charming dramatic style.

6. “Ci·Jiumen Memories”

"Ci·Jiumen Memories" is based on "February Red" from the short story collection "Old Jiumen" by Uncle San of the South. School. This is an old song based on the theme of "Part", and the dramatic part of the song is very amazing.

7. "Warden Division"

"Warden Division" is an old style song written by Jianghuai Coast, composed by He Huihui and sung by Audio Monster. It is also the final song of the television series "Old Nine Gates". This song opens with a Peking Opera aria, which has a strong Republic of China flavor.

8. "Love in the Mountains"

"Love in the Mountains" is a song written, composed and sung by Helen, and released in 2020. In the climactic part, I want to face the wind and stay a few steps from no more, but how can I let the cold wind blow on my sore spot? This is a classic part of drama.

9. “Journey to Beijing”

“Journey to Beijing” is also an ancient song chanted by Helen and is one of the ten best old songs in the Little Red Book. I walked along the long street, listening to the opera singers singing about the capital, the crowds playing clowns, and the climax of the yellow leaves retreating into the long autumn.

10. "Go Back Come Come"

"Go Go Come Come Come" is a song written, composed and sung by Hua Zhou. The climax of the song will take years, and the change of beauty from wilderness to beauty is the most classic part, and many people can sing it.

The most popular websiteInternet Songs

The ten most popular old songs include: "Silk Opera", "Red Horse", "The Drunken Concubine", "Along the River During the Qingming Festival", "Pipa Play", "Memories of Jiumen", "Director's Secretary", "Jiu Zhang Ji", "Hongzhao Yuan", "Back to Come ".

1. “Silk String Opera”

"Silk Opera" was written by Vagary and sung by Yin Lin and Aki Ajie in an ancient style. song, released in 2015. At the climax of the song, the orchid's finger twists the red dust like water, and everything enters the song on the three-foot red platform. This scene is magnificent and very touching.

2. "Red Horse"

"Red Horse" is a common masterpiece in the old song playlist. is The innovative music style “Chinese Style + New National Trend” uses vivid Chinese-style melodies to soothe emotions and trigger a new craze for the national style. After the song went live, it not only ranked on top music search lists, but also. popular index lists, but also began to grow from music. The platform has become popular all over the Internet and is onee of the most popular old songs at the start of 2021.

3. "The New Drunk Concubine"

"The New Drunk Concubine" is a song written and composed by Hu Li and sung by Li Yugang. Released in 2010, this song combines classical, drama and pop and is very charming.

4. "Along the River during the Qingming Festival"

"Along the River during the Qingming Festival" is one of Li Yugang's masterpieces. cleverly combines Peking opera and pop music, coupled with Li Yugang's unique interpretation, it seems that a realistic picture of "Along the River During the Qingming Festival" is truly presented in front of you.

5. "Pipa Xing"

The lyrics of the song "Pipa Xing" are "Pipa Xing" by Bai Juyi, composed by Qi Ran and Shen. Miren Singing, this song uses a dramatic style to sing the description of playing the pipa, which is peculiarabsolutely charming.

6. "Memories of Cijiumen"

"Memories of Cijiumen" is based on the short story collection "Laojiumen" written by Uncle San of the South. School. It is an old song based on the theme of "Red February". The dramatic part of the song is very amazing.

7. "Prison Division"

"Prison Division" is a song written by Jianghuai Coast, composed by He Huihui and sung by Audio Monster An. ancient song, it is also the ending theme of the TV series "Old Nine Gates". This song opens with a Peking Opera aria, which has a strong Republic of China flavor.

8. "Jiu Zhang Ji"

"Nine Zhang Ji" was co-created by Ye Xuanqing and Zhang Fugui. and Zhou Qi A song which was released in 2017Released in a style full of ancient charm, telling the emotions of a couple of crazy men and resentful women.

9. "Red Zhaoyu"

"Red Zhaoyu" is one of the top ten divine songs on Douyin. -written by Li Yugang, Luotangke, Xu Yixiao and Shang Xiaojin was officially released in 2020. It tells Hong Zhao's wish, and the lyrics and music are very amazing.

10. "Return to Come"

"Return to Come" is a song written, composed and sung by Hua Zhou. Its highlight is It Takes. years to go there, and the change of beauty from wilderness to beauty is the most classic part, and many people can sing it.

Good light music? It is best to use background music commonly used in TV series.

The most popular songs on the Internet

The three most popular songs on the Internet are "The Wind Rises", "Do You Know", and "Off the Mountain"》.

1. "The Wind Rises"

In 2022, thanks to Wu Qingfeng's return to the stagee "Singer", this song swept the streets again and became one of the songs of 2022. Among the top-charting songs, it almost appeared on the charts of major music platforms and is considered a classic by countless Internet users.

2. "Know or Not"

This song comes from the TV series "Do You Know If You Should Be Red, Fat, Green and Thin" and is sung by powerful singers. Hu Xia and Yu Kewei on the Chinese music scene. It was popular from late 2018 to early 2022. It can be said that it is one of the very few divine songs that has nothing to do with a certain platform. Its popularity is quite rare.

3. "Out of the Mountain"

I don't know why this song suddenly became a popular song after half a year, which made many original listeners of this song feel a little confused. He couldn't accept it, and even Hua Zhou himself saidthat he didn't understand why it had suddenly become popular.

Short videos are more likely to make music popular

Short videos have become the most important part of the public's audiovisual life. QuestMobile data shows that as of June 2022, short videos made up a significant part of audiences' viewing lives. for users' Internet usage time 28%. Widespread communication and a huge pool of traffic attracted more people to create. In 2021, the number of short music video submissions on Douyin increased by 99% year-on-year, reaching 18.4 billion.

Music is an important element of short videos. People are watching more and more short videos and are exposed to more and more fresh music. Short videos allow you to visualize the music, and the "sense of the image" that can only be imagined by listening is ppresented to the eyes. The two sensations of seeing and hearing further amplify the emotional perception of music, making it easier to “plant the grass”. .

The most popular music songs in 2022

The most popular new songs in 2022 include: "The Lonely Warrior", "In the World", "Once Upon a Time" , "The Wind Rises", "Flowers Along the Path" and so on.

1. "Lonely Warrior"

"Lonely Warrior" is an animation derived from the game "League of Legends".The Chinese theme song of "League of Legends: Battle of Two Cities", written by Tang Tian, ​​​​​​composed by Qian Lei and sung by Eason Chan.

2. "Human World"

"Human World" is a song written by Tang Tian, ​​​​composed by Qian Lei and sung by Lei Jia. from the television series “Human World” of the same name. The theme song is included in the album “The Human World TV Series Original Soundtrack” released on February 16, 2022.

3. "Once Upon a Timeme"

"Once Upon a Time" is a song sung by Xiao Ah Qi. It was released on December 29, 2021 and is included in the film album of the same name "Once Upon a Time". < /p>

4. "The Wind Rises"

"The Wind Rises" is a song composed by Yu Takahashi, written by Miguo, and sung with coupons when buying peppers. It was released in February 2017. It was released as a single on March 22, but was later removed due to copyright issues

5. p>

"Flowers Along the Road" is a song written by Song Puzhao, composed by Zhang Bowen and sung by Wen Yixin in the album of the same name released on January 19, 2021. "Flowers Along the Road".

The 36 most popular love songs on the Internet

Journey from East to East

"The man who sings love songs"

"You Only Love Me "A Joke"


"Spell You Will Be Happy"

"If Everything "I'm fine"

"I love you so much" "

"If you stop loving me"

"How deep will love be and how long it will hurt"

"A story of fairies without tears"



"Stop loving each other"

"Even though we knew we were going to meet"

"I only understood at the last moment"

< p> "Isn't it?

"The end of the love drama"

"Extreme across the sea"

— ————— ——————————————————

“Is he treating you now?”

” I really don't like you"< /p>

"Sad City"

"Ruthless Tenderness"


p >

"Red Makeup"


"People who don't understand romance"

"How did you- I lost"


"Tears of surrender"

"After the leaves fell"

"The kiss was too real"

"A person loses amnesia"

"Unspeakable weakness"

"Break up here"

"Peaceful breakup"

"Humble love"

" Fish thatdrowns"

"Determined with tears"

"Happier than me"

"In the end I speak"


"I hate you so much"


"Give up your love"

"Show your love and commit to loving and to die"

"Dissolve in despair"


"Who understands my heart"

"Suffering of 'summer'

————————————————————— —

You can also listen to the songs of Wang Sulong, Xingdi and Xu Song

A complete list of popular songs online

The list of hottest songs in 2021 is as follows:

< p>1 “I want. really love this world":

Hua Chenyu plays an important role in the music world and is one of the most powerful singers. In fact, the background of the song "I Really Want to Hua Chenyu's Love the World is a bit too sentimental, but it highlights the determination to always love the world. At the same time, love is always the primary emotion.away from people.

2. "Please Believe in a Dream":

Zhou Shen's soundtrack is not only widely distributed on the Internet, but also has become a radio song on some campuses. Zhou Shen's voice is very beautiful. Of course, the inspirational aspect of this song is also a big factor in its great popularity. Hot Internet Celebrity Songs 2021.

3. “Your Answer”: the most popular song on Douyin in 2021.

The song “Your Answer” sung by Ah Rong must be familiar to everyone. The peppy melody moved countless people. The lyrics are bright and refreshing, simple and rhyming. The voice of the poet, we may encounter many setbacks on the path of life, but we also have to go against the flow and go through everything in darkness.

4. "White Moonlight and Cinnabar Mole":

After the release of this song, it quickly becamee popular on the Internet. In the chorus part, "The white moonlight shines, and I think of him." "Good" was liked by many people. As an Internet song, this song moves away from simple popular descriptions. Even though the lyrics aren't classics, they're still popular.

5. "Stars and Sea": Douyin's most popular song in 2021.

"Stars in the Sea" is a song co-written by Huang Xiaoyun, Qu Ziqian, Liu Tao, Wen Xun and Tan Kankan . It was officially released on January 15, 2018. You only live once. , so you have to dare to try. Otherwise, there will be too many regrets.

The meaning of songs:

Songs are an art form that combines lyrics and musical scores, as well as a form of expression. The lyrics and music match one by one.

There are generally three ways to create songs:

First, there are the words first, then the music is composed according to them; second, the music is first, then the words; , and words are written based on sound; the third consists of using existing words Music or words, by recomposing the words and the music, it is an adaptation or a cover.

Singing methods are divided into single person singing solo, multiple people singing together, multiple people singing duet, duet, joint singing, lead singing, unison singing or in chorus.

The musical connotation of a song must first establish the relationship between melody and rhythm. The songs bring people a full range of listening pleasure. Beautiful melodies allow people to have noble thoughts, enrich human emotions, and promote their emotions. Understand the deep connotation of human emotions, achieve spiritual harmony and harmony with nature.

Songs are one of the musical art formscal the smallest, shortest, oldest and most influential. Songs have accompanied the origin of human civilization from the beginning, and they have spent long and difficult years together. The songs are deeply rooted. This popular form of performance art is a way for people to cultivate their feelings.

Listen to 100 classic old songs for free

The collection of classic old songs born in the 1970s will help you find 100 must-have Chinese songs. Friends who like old songs, hurry up. and check it.

1. 100 Classic Old Chinese Songs to Listen to

1 Do you want to come tonight

2 I will be with you all the way< p>3. The will of God

4. Don't let my tears accompany me

5. Romance on a rainy night.

7. Nanping Evening Bell

8. He must love you very much

9 We'll see each other again as childrent

10. . Jiangnan

11. One-man show

12 I like you

13. Lovesick in the storm

14. I can't say goodbye

15. Stupid child

16 A little tempted

17. Stormy blue sky

18. in the dream

19. If the clouds knew

20. Hometown

21. I really love you


23. I want to go spend some time with you



26. /p>

27. Night and night

28. What do you want in life

29 I'm ready

30 years of friendship<. /p>

2. A collection of old classic songs written by people born in the 1970s

1. Looking back

2 Only by working hard will you win<. /p>

3. I only care about you

4. A Chinese ghost story

5. Nine hundred and ninety-nine roses

6. Woman's flower

7. Walking around the cafe

8 If dry wine is sold without it


10. Red beans

11. Childhood

12. One-man show

13. >

14. Thousands of songs That

15 Thousands of rivers and mountains are still in love

16 Meeting so late

17. . In the wind There is a cloud of rain

18 When you wake up from a dream

19 A woman who gets hurt easily

20. . Should I go quietly


21 Go to the West Tower alone

22 My future is not a dream

23. PinkColorful Memories

24. History of a small town

25. I love you thousands of times in my life

26. I really love you

. 27. I can't say goodbye

28. See the smoke again

29. The Great Wall will never fall

30. beauty

< p>31. Three Ways of Plum Blossom

32 Sweet Honey

33 About Winter

34. >

35. The mountains will not turn, the water will turn again

36 A young man's ambition will never be sad

37. p>38. Start all over

39. A thousand cranes made of paper

40 Valentine's Day without lovers

The most classic light music is presented to you. , and the Music E family will respond professionally. I hope the poster will be satisfied, thank you for adopting!

1. Coming home 2. Blue Danube 3. Jasmine 4. To Alice

5. The endless love between man and ghost 6. Blue Bridge 7. Whispers of Autumn 8. Wine and Coffee

9. Romeo and Juliet11. Mozart's lullaby14. A Midsummer Night's Dream15. Snow (Quiet Snow) < /p>

17. Annie's Wonderland 18. Ten thousand kinds of tenderness 19. Crystal music 20. Starry sky by the sea

21. Swan22. Blue24. Viennese Woodwind Waltz

25. Adelina by the water26. Ode to joy28. Spring Waltz 30. Castle in the Sky 31. Leave love. to you 32. The first snowflakes

33. Swan Lake 34. Wonderland 35. Past feelings 36. The love of my life

37. Melody terrestre 38. Nocturnal secret garden 39. Christmas Eve 40. Blue Love

41. First Violin Concerto 42. Sleeping Beauty Waltz 43. The Last Waltz 44. Spring Breeze

45. Greensleeves 47. The Road Home 48. Melancholy Love

49. Wandering in the secret garden 50. Eternal memory

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