Why do I always have nightmares?

Introduction Why do I always have nightmares? Women who have trouble getting rid of nightmares often have nightmares, such as dreaming that their throat is stuck, and they are extremely frightened and unable to scream or move. When I wake up from a nightmare, I always

Why do I always have nightmares?

Get Rid of Nightmares

Cheating women often have nightmares, such as dreaming that their throat is stuck, and they are extremely frightened and unable to scream or move. When I wake up from a nightmare, I always feel uncomfortable. Some people even feel depressed, suspicious, have crazy thoughts and worries all day long, and tend to panic constantly throughout the day.

Why do people dream? As for the physiological and psychological mechanisms of dreams, they have not yet been satisfactorily resolved scientifically, but two things are very certain: first, external stimulation can cause dreams. For example, some researchers poured ice water over sleepers and used flashes and sounds to stimulate the sleepers and wake them up. They found that the proportions of the three types of stimuli incorporated in dreams were respectively42%, 23% and 9%. . %; The second is to think about something during the day and dream about it at night. Many scientists who study dream content have found that dreams often focus on experiences during the day. From these two conclusions, it is not difficult to see that nightmares, as a type of dream, are caused by at least two aspects:

1. Some undetected diseases have occurred in the body. Generally speaking, the appearance of organic diseases will always have certain symptoms. However, at the beginning of the disease, because the disease stimulation information is weak, and in the waking state, because the other strong stimulation information is very weak, at that time, the weak stimulation of the disease illness can cause the cerebral cortex to become excited, so that in dreams all kinds of morbid feelings of terror appear.

2. Suffering from strong emotional suppression during the day. An American psychologist once reported such an example: a woman often dreamed of huge waves pushing her into the sea, while other people were far away from her. She was still so scared that she couldn't even scream "help." Psychologists learned through their investigation that this woman was extremely burdened with work and household chores and often felt helpless, but was not willing to ask those around her for help. The dangerous scenes in the dream are a particular representation of the difficulties in one's life. The psychologist told her that as long as she could get rid of the tension and depression in her life, the nightmares would disappear.

Therefore, in order to get rid of the tangle of nightmares, the following three points are worth noting:

1. Stay optimistic.

2. Elimeliminate conflicts.

3. Change the idea of ​​dependence.

Why should we be “grateful” for nightmares?

Some dreams are obviously different from ordinary dreams, such as frightening nightmares, such as dreaming that one is dreaming within a dream, such as dreaming knowing that one is dreaming, such as dreams that predict the future , etc. Chapter Let's talk about these dreams.

Nightmare Many people have encountered this situation in their dreams. A terrible enemy appears in front of them, but they can't move at all, it's as if there is a heavy thing pressing on their chest, which makes them. people gasp. You're out of breath, you're scared to death, you want to scream but you can't.

It's a nightmare.

The ancients believed that nightmares were caused by spirits and ghosts. There are many scenes in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" where a person is being squeezed by a monsbe.

One of the stories is that the protagonist saw a naughty woman and a man arrive on his bed, seemingly invisible to him. The woman asked the man with her to open her stomach and remove her intestines. The extracted intestines piled up on this person and the pressure became heavier and heavier. The man became more and more frightened, but he could no longer move. Later, after a long struggle, he finally screamed and pushed away the intestines that were pressing against his abdomen. Then these two people also disappeared.

It's a typical nightmare, but "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio" treats it like a fairy tale.

This is still a plot in "Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio". A man was taking a nap, and there was thunder and lightning outside. Suddenly he felt an animal crawling on his feet. numbed immediately, and the animal followed its legs. While climbing, he cannotwouldn't move wherever he climbed (as if the animal was a special anesthetic. When the animal climbed up to his waist, he grabbed the animal, only to find that he had it). was a fox.

Of course, it's just a fox in a dream. However, when this dream spread as a true story and became more and more magical, and when it reached Pu Songling, it became a beautiful story of a magical fox.

Depending on the timing of dreams, nightmares can be divided into two categories: one occurs when we are deeply asleep and the other when we are about to wake up; the former is also known as night terror, and the latter also known as anxiety dreams. But we don't need to be so clear.

Children have more nightmares than adults. This is partly because they cannot distinguish between the rebed rest and imagination, and are therefore more likely to be afraid. He will be really worried that there is a tiger under the bed, or that there is a ghost with a green face, fangs and a red tongue. On the other hand, children have more to worry about. The main thing is the fear that their parents will no longer love them, which is extremely frightening for children.

Some children's nightmares are linked to their birth experiences. Some studies point to premature birth. Children with difficult childbirth are often accompanied by nightmares. For example, a 7-year-old child often dreamed that he was swimming in the water and a snake wrapped around his neck and desperately squeezed him. He struggled painfully and woke up crying, out of breath.

It turned out that the child's umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck when he was born and he almost suffocated to death.

This painfulHis birth experience appeared several times in his childhood dreams. Children born with their heads squeezed by forceps are also prone to repeat this experience in nightmares. For example, a child who read the picture book "Journey to the West" had a nightmare in which he was also put under a spell and rolled into water. He had this nightmare so many times he was afraid to hear it. I'm afraid to read anything related to Sun Wukong or even "Journey to the West". After analysis with the child and his parents, I discovered that his nightmares were linked to the painful experience he had during his birth.

Adolescent nightmares are often a manifestation of efforts to get rid of their parents and gain independence. The scary characters in teenagers' nightmares are often personifications of their parents. Considering their parents as scary monstersants, they can move away from it. When weaning their children, some mothers put chili pepper on their nipples to make the child suffer a little, so that he will stop breastfeeding and eat instead, which is good for the child. If the child cannot get rid of milk, he will suffer from malnutrition. Likewise, adolescents should also be psychologically weaned. They should no longer depend on their parents for everything and should become emotionally independent. Thus, Meng "paints the picture of parents with pepper" so that adolescents are afraid of them and avoid them, which is also beneficial for adolescents.

It is said that some monsters will devour their own children. If parents don't want their children to be independent, they will resemble this monster in a certain sense, and thus they will also become monsters in their children's dreams.

In the relationship between parents and children, there isThere is a conflict between independence and non-independence, both on the part of the mother and the child. On the one hand, adolescents hope to be independent, but on the other hand, they are afraid of independence and taking responsibility independently, and the latter is often unconscious. Adolescents are therefore more likely to project their own fears onto their parents. Parents, on the one hand, expect their children to be independent. On the other hand, they do not want to change their children's original attachment to themselves. Of course, the latter is mainly unconscious and this is something that parents themselves do not want to admit. Thus, many adolescent nightmares express the appearance of independent, fearful and distorted parents.

Legoft gave an example of a nightmare:

A young man dreamed that he fell every night into a huge, complicated machine and was about to bere dismembered, only to wake up again. a cold sweat. The machine was a combination of a thresher and generator, two common items on his father's farm when he was a child.

It turns out that this dream means that he fell into the institution created by his father and took up the profession chosen by his father for him, but he has no interest nor ability for this profession.

It can be seen that the interpretation of nightmares and ordinary dreams is the same. However, the event of “waking up from a nightmare” does not occur in ordinary dreams. This event also has significance. The situation in the dream when waking up is the dreamer's real situation at present. For example, if a young man was convinced by his father, this is represented in the dream as having fallen into the machine and not being dismembered, indicating that things can still be undone. “Awakening” means waking up suddenly.

Nightmaresars are a warning at this time, warning you that danger is approaching.

Among adolescent nightmares, there is another category, particularly among men, linked to the fear of castration. For example, there was a 15-year-old middle school student who repeatedly dreamed of a monster or ghost taking a kitchen knife to cut his nose because his "nose was too high." This is a typical castration fear. The “high nose” in the dream is a symbol of penis erection.

Sometimes nightmares are a memory of a traumatic experience. You have been the victim of a fire, an earthquake, a car accident or theft. Rape, the horrified victim will dream of this scene again and again after the incident. There is no need to explain this kind of nightmare, it is just a repetition of the traumatic event. Since this thing is so scary, why do people dream about it over and over again in lihad to forget it as soon as possible? This is because the problem is not yet resolved. A rape victim dreams of being raped again and again to remind herself: "You need to think again about why you encountered this. What kind of thing?" How can we guarantee that we won't encounter this kind of thing in the future? How should we face danger again? How will this impact your psychology? "You need to understand all this. If you don't understand it for a day, this nightmare will not disappear. Although over time, the frequency of nightmares will gradually decrease, but I don't know when, it will reappear, like an ambush. A vicious dog in my heart.

Here's an example:

The walls and ceiling of the room were painted white. . "But it couldn't make any noise.

It's always like that here. Even the fluorescent lamps achung on the thin white ceiling and the white curtains stained with light brown spots were still as silent. It made people feel cold.

She lay down and felt the sensation of the hard table with her palms. There seemed to be a thin piece of cloth spread on the small table, and the rough feeling of the cloth was the same. like before. She thought she knew everything here, but she felt as uncomfortable as if she had come to this room for the first time. She kept changing her gaze and grabbing the edge of the table worriedly. her, and she was alone. Lying in the middle of the big house, I felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

There was a voice coming from afar, but whether it was a man or a woman, I couldn't tell. I couldn't hear what was being said. I could just feel it. Several people were talking, and the sound spread like waves. With the dazzling light of the white roomche, the sound reflected off the hard wall and enveloped his body. a metallic collision "click-click" sound mixed with the sound. It seemed that every slight sound was amplified several times under the high ceiling, impressively showing its presence, always listening nervously to the surrounding sounds. She felt neither cold nor hot, as if her body temperature had spread throughout the room.

After a while, the sound of slippers came from outside, passing under his feet from left to right. Suddenly I felt his heart beating behind his back, and felt that the slightly hot air around him was so unbearable.

I want to stay here. How long should I stay in this kind of situation? place. She knew she was sweating on her forehead from her anxiety.

“How boring! "By the time she spoke these words clearly, she had already decided to leave here. The waves of human voices had disparu at one point, and the baby's impatient cries filled the space at the moment. It's like a cue, she slid off the table, her brain still in a state of confusion, and she didn't quite feel like she'd stepped on the floor. On the other hand, she now felt that the interrogation was actually better than when she was lying down. much smaller

“I have to go back. " She muttered to herself, looking for an exit. She walked towards the wall on one side with hesitant steps, as if she knew all along that it was natural to go that way. I don't know not when, something appeared on it. wall. A sliding door appeared, but she didn't notice it at all when she was lying on the table. This sliding door was extremely inconsistent with the white room. looked very old and dilapidated. It had a purple and blue painted teapot on the bottom half.this teapot had been seen somewhere. Arriving at the sliding door, she looked around hesitantly, but it seemed there was no way out anywhere else. Maybe she already knew that.

When she finally reached out to open the sliding door, she suddenly remembered something, that is, every time she opened this door, something terrible was happening. This door could not be opened, only this sliding door. cannot be moved.

Terror suddenly struck her. Why do you have to stand in front of that sliding door every time? Why are there such crappy sliding doors here? This is really unreasonable! I really hate this sliding door. She stared at the yellowed paper of the sliding door in front of her, her body motionless. Despite this, he still pushed his hand towards the sliding door, saying he hated it.

"No, I hate youeste." Fear and anxiety disrupted the rhythm of her breathing, and the yellowed sliding door seemed to lean. An inexplicable terror made her whole body stiff. "What is that..." She tried her best to shout in her mute voice

Immediately afterwards, the sliding door that she didn't intend to open opened at one point. felt the bumps on the threshold under her feet, she had to stay there

In front of us is the flaming red sea

The waves were calm and the sea bright red with a. sticky and dull light was right in front of her. The sea that made people feel body temperature was at her feet.

She stood on the red sea and shed tears unconsciously. 'escaping from nowhere and the horror of the rippling red ocean made it impossible for him to react other than to cry

It's like that every time, there's nowhere to go. go, cIt's over now, it's over now, and the sound of crying can be heard in the distance. After a while, when she realized that it was her own voice, her body suddenly shook. Her stiff body completely collapsed and she woke up. Tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, soaked his ears and even entered them. Dried tears made his skin tight and his eyes felt hot. She even knew her eyes were swollen from crying. My forehead and back were covered in sweat. She adjusted her breathing and stared blankly at the ceiling.

It's a dream described in the Japanese novel "Happy Breakfast". Dreamer Shihoko Numata impulsively killed her pregnant classmate Tomoko and watched her bleed out little by little. After that, she seemed to have forgotten the whole incident. She no longer remembered Tomoko's death or what happened that day. This incident left him with nightmares that repeated againand again until it is destroyed.

In addition to psychological reasons, physiological reasons can also cause nightmares. For example, if your hand presses on your chest and your breathing is affected, or if your breathing is affected by rhinitis, asthma, chronic bronchitis and other diseases, it can cause nightmares.

Stevenson's famous book "Dr. Jeckel and Mr. Hyde" isIt comes from a nightmare of the author. This story, or rather dream, describes a kind and noble Dr. Jackel who periodically transforms into a cruel and violent Mr. Hyde every night due to the use of an experimental drug. Dream interpretation lets us know that both Dr. Jackel and Mr. Hyde are authors themselves. When a person demands to be noble too strictly, he suppresses the parts of his soul that he considers not noble, and these parts become especiallycruel and cruel because of suppression. During the day, the Brutal Man cannot appear, but at night he appears and becomes Mr. Hyde.

People don't like nightmares, so how can you avoid nightmares? Parents should not use threats to discipline their children. "If you don't obey me anymore, I'll tell you to take me away!"

"Let the old man with the white beard take away your The factory is too threatening for the child." .

This naturally makes the "old cat" and the "white-bearded old man" important characters in children's dreams.

For adults, it is to avoid nightmares in life. Do not deceive yourself, do not distort yourself, make yourself happy and there will be no nightmares, remember his warnings and use them to enlighten yourself and solve the problems in your life. and the nightmares will disappear.

We should also be grateful to thees nightmares, because they can help us escape the nightmares of real life


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