How to get rid of mosquitoes? Ask for a method.

Introduction How to get rid of mosquitoes? Ask for a method. There are six ways to kill mosquitoes: 1. Light mosquito coils to kill mosquitoes. 2. Add a little citrus zest. 3. Laundry detergent and water kill mosquitoes. 4. Beer trap. 5. Fat

How to get rid of mosquitoes? Ask for a method.

There are six ways to kill mosquitoes:

1. Light mosquito coils to kill mosquitoes.

2. Add a little citrus zest.

3. Use detergent and water to kill mosquitoes.

4. Beer trapping.

5. Kill with soapy water.

6. Spray chemicals.

In daily study, work and life, many people have experience writing essays, and they are all familiar with essays. According to different genres, essays can be divided into narrative essays and expository essays. , practical essays, argumentative essay. What kind of compositions have you seen? Below are the self-written fairy tale compositions that I have collected for everyone to read and collect.

Homemade fairy tale composition 1

One day a running race took place in the forest. The pThe winner's prize was a foldable toy car. No one could have imagined that competitors on both sides of the race were turning. proves to be fierce and cunning. The big bad wolf and the smart and cute little white rabbit.

The day before the competition, the big bad wolf quietly came to the competition site. He thought, "I have to win the toy car. Hey, little white rabbit, just admit defeat!" ground placed a stone on the track of the little white rabbit.

On the day of the competition, it was a cloudy day and the little white rabbit did not see the stone on the track. Hearing the sound of the trumpet monkey blowing the leaves, the game began. The big bad wolf and the little white rabbit started running quickly. They chased each other, no matter the front or the back. They just heard an "ouch" sound. The little white rabbit was knocked down by a stone and fell behind it. All of a sudden seeing the big bad wolf courinating faster and faster, the little white rabbit quickly got up from the ground to run, but in the end it was the big bad wolf who reached the finish line first, and he won. The little white rabbit said angrily: "Who is so hateful? He put a stone on the track, so that I wouldn't get first place. I was so angry, unfortunately, it was too late, and the little white rabbit!” I had to go home angry.

Homemade Fairy Tale Composition 2

There was a little girl named Lin Kena. This week, my mother was going on a business trip, so she sent Lin Kena to her grandparents. While her grandparents went to work, Kona went for a walk in the mountains. A small injured snake was found under a large tree halfway up the mountain. Without thinking much, Kona took the little snake to her grandparents, dressed the wound and sent the little snake back to the big tree.

At this time, the little snake said: "Thank you, Kona, I will pay you back."

The next day, Kona went to the big tree to find the little snake. . Snake, the little snake said to Kena: “Kona, my father heard about this and he wants to give you a gift. Remember, you have to say, I want the orb in your mouth, because this orb can do Do you understand what animals say? " " Okay, let's go ! " Kona and the little snake entered the hole in the tree and saw the snake king.

The Snake King said: “I have many treasures of gold and silver here. You can choose one as a reward." Kena said: "I don't want these gold and silver treasures. I want the pearl in your mouth. "Snake KingAfter thinking about it, he spat out the orb.

On the way back, Kona sang with the birds, chatted with the big bear, and danced with the little fish. Not to mention my happiness

Self-composed fairy tale composition 3

On my birthday, Chenchen's brother gave me a Sclerodontosaurus with a long, curved tail, sharp front claws, and up to fifty teeth. I really like. Speaking of toys, I have two other toys, namely: Transformers, which are extremely powerful and invincible; and there is a lucky dog ​​wearing a red dress, two big watery eyes and a black nose. Actually, they also have a story...

One night, while everyone was sleeping, suddenly the toys woke up like people, and the lucky dog ​​was the first to catch them, he said. , "My master throws me high every day. It's a lot of fun. How about we go high jumping!" Everyone responded in unison, “Okay!” Transformer said. One, two, three, jump! While the Transformers were talking about Lucky Dog and Scalloporonosaurus, they jumped together when they landed, Lucky Dog landed upside down; whilethat Scalloporonosaurus did a backflip, and the two fought, whether they won or lost.

Finally, the Transformers said, "I think you'd better not let the humans know we're alive and change quickly!" After saying this, at dawn, they quickly turned into immobile toys. decided to continue the game the following night.

Self-composed fairy tale composition 4

One day the sun was shining brightly and there were no clouds in the sky. In the forest, everyone was walking in the same direction for some reason. Oh ! Turns out everyone is going to attend the annual Animal Job Fair!

The first person to get a job was Uncle Elephant. He said: "I have a long trunk and I have superb strength." It's very big, I can move heavy objects and I'm very responsible. I want to find a job as a porter."

Woodpecker was not to be outdone, she said: "I have a big mouth. The tip is very sharp, and I can catch insects from the trunk and eat them. I want to be a great doctor."

The monkey quickly said: "My balance ability is very good, I can stay in the tree. I can still pick big and sweet fruits while walking around. I want to find a job as a picker . "

Hua Leopard said: "I run very fast and I am very responsible! I want to become a running coach!"

The little animals rushed to. present their strengths and talk about the jobs they wanted to apply for. Suddenly, the whole forest was in turmoil. This animal job fair was so interesting!

Self-written fairy tale composition 5

The frog's birthday is coming soon and his friend Toad wants to give him a gift.

Toad thought about it and said: "What should Igive ? Why not give me some clothes! " Toad decided to donate clothes. The toad ran to the store and bought a piece of thin fabric. The toad immediately began to make clothes. The toad cut it back and forth and accidentally damaged the fabric. “Oh, what should I do? "What? I cut the fabric accidentally, the toad said to himself. We can only make a vest out of it. “The toad made it into a vest, but accidentally cut and broke it. The toad said: "What should I do? He accidentally cut it and broke it, so it can only be made into a hat. The toad made it into a hat again, but the cut was still broken. The toad said sadly. : "There isn't much fabric left, so we can only make a handkerchief." The toad finally only made a handkerchief.

When the frog's birthday came. , the toad approached the frog, gave himhanded out the handkerchief and said embarrassedly: "I'm sorry, frog, I I wanted to make you a dress, but in the end I only made a handkerchief. Unexpectedly, the frog said gratefully: “Thank you , this gift is really special." The toad said in surprise: "It's just a small handkerchief, how can it be so special." The frog said to the toad: "The true love of friends is the one? most valuable. ”

The true love of friends is what is most valuable.

Self-composed fairy tale composition 6

Once upon a time there was a little ant who loved lift weights. a branch thicker than it to lift weights at both ends Put a fruit bigger than you on it, make it a dumbbell and exercise every day

One. day, the mouse passed by the little ant's house and I saw the little ant exercising in front of the house. The mouse said to him: "Little ant, in a few.days there is a weightlifting competition in the forest, and I challenge you. "The little ant said, “Okay.”

After the mouse left, the little ant worked harder every day to exercise. But the mouse ate and slept at home, slept and ate, and never exercised again.

On the day of the competition, many small animals came to participate in the competition. The puppy lifted. two bones, the kitten lifted two small fish, the mouse lifted two small sweet potatoes and the ant lifted two grains of rice, said the referee elephant: “Time is up, please. put down your things. "

The exciting moment arrived, and the elephant announced: "The winner of this competition is the ant"

Not everyone was! convinced at all and shouted: "Why? He just lifted two grains of rice!"

The elephant said: "It's because the thing he lifted is moremany times heavier than it, and the thing you are lifting is much lighter than you. » ”

In the end, of course, the champion belongs to the little ant.

Self-written fairy tale composition 7

I am a beautiful desk lamp, I I have one as white as snow. spherical shell, like a full moon, There are tubes of bright light inside, which are my beautiful "eyes". I have a slim figure and a clock next to my legs! Speaking of my origin, I have to start with a day. /p>

, I was dazed on the counter. At that time, a little girl came, hugged me, touched it and said to her mother: "Mommy, this lamp is so beautiful, I want it!" "In this way, she took me home.

Perhaps because I am new, the little master cherishes me very much. Every time he treats me gently, he looks at me gently. , I am also very willing to serve the little master Every time'she has to do her homework after school in the evening, she turns on my switch and uses my eyes. Give her light, but if there is no homework one evening, I will be forgotten by the little master . The little master was watching TV and playing games on the bed. Even though he could see me at a glance, he didn't seem to see me and ignored me.

Once the little master discovered that my life preserver was held by the violin, so he pulled hard. However, I wasn't ready yet. I lost my balance and fell to the ground. There was a “bang” sound. My blindfold was broken and I couldn't see, let alone enlighten the little master. At that time, the little master's father came and cut out my eyes, and I became completely blind. A few days later, the little master fitted me with a light bulb. But this new "eye" is not as bright as my original "eye". I'm not used to it. When the little masterwritten, he is light and dark, and the words he writes are. twisted and very ugly. At that time, the little master will often complain that I am useless. But what about me? It's like an imbecile eating coptis: he can't distinguish the pain!

It's my life. There is happiness, sadness, grievances and distress. If the little master can cherish me like before, I will be the happiest desk lamp in the world!

3. The lazy cat and the crocodile

A cat is lazy by nature and has not learned to catch mice since it was weaned. Its owner was a hardworking farmer who thought he had a city cat, so he asked someone to bring him to town. The cat has become a stray cat in town.

One day the lazy cat was brought home by a kind person. After giving him several hearty meals, the lazy cat still refused to progress. The new owner was tired of all theurs "sleep when he's full and eat when he's hungry" and angrily threw him into a suburban pond: "If you're lucky, you won't be eaten by crocodiles." After saying that, the new owner left. .

The lazy cat was reduced to this situation, but he was not depressed. He thought: Anyway, the ground will not sink and the sky will not collapse! I can still climb trees, what should I be afraid of?

The lazy cat finally woke up from hunger and decided to go to the pond to take a look. At the edge of the pond, he saw a crocodile lying quietly on the river bed basking in the sun after a meal. The crocodile bared its teeth and the spaces between its teeth were filled with thin strands of meat. There were also several birds pecking at the strands of flesh between its teeth. The lazy cat said hello politely. Soon, the lazy cat and the crocthey became good friends. The lazy cat was able to use its sharp claws to eat the meat from the crocodile's teeth without restraint. The crocodile warned the lazy cat: “You can only come at this time every day, and never early. »

The lazy cat remembers this rule and respects it. Until one day the lazy cat suddenly had a whim: Is the crocodile afraid that I will come early and eat more meat in its mouth? I can't go late.

The lazy cat thought so and did the same. He only came once earlier, but as a result, the lazy cat by the pond disappeared.

A city cat was abandoned by its owner and became a city cat because it was lazy and didn't catch mice. He was abandoned by his new owner at the edge of a pond because of his laziness and became friends with a crocodile. He also became a crocodile because ofe his selfish thoughts and did not keep his promise. The fate of the lazy cat is sad, but he is doomed, because his laziness has ruined his life. This story tells us: people cannot be lazy, otherwise they will be the ones to suffer after all.

Homemade fairy tale composition 8

One day the little gray rabbit was walking in the park and saw a puppy with a bell. The little gray rabbit thought the bells were pretty and funny, so he ran up to him and asked, “Puppy, the bell on your body is so beautiful. Can you give it to me “I’m sorry Puppy?” said to the little gray rabbit: "I can't. I'll give it to you. It was given to me by the master. As soon as the bell rings, the master will know that I'm at home, so..." But the little gray rabbit didn't listen to his explanation at all. He just grabbed the bell and hung it on himself.

The little gray rabbit with the bell hanging on it was jumping up and down happilyis lying. Suddenly a hunter arrived. When he saw the little gray rabbit, he raised his gun to hit it. Seeing that the situation was not good, the little gray rabbit ran away and disappeared after a while. Just when the hunter became discouraged and didn't want to hunt anymore, the little gray rabbit's bell made a sweet sound. When the hunter heard it, he said, “Ah, here is the opportunity!” » Then the hunter rushed and rushed. I caught the little gray rabbit.

At that moment, a pony saw him and ran quickly, saved the little gray rabbit and told him what happened. After hearing this, the pony and the little gray rabbit returned to the puppy and asked the little gray rabbit to return the bell to the puppy and ask him to apologize.

From that moment on, the three of them became good friends forever.

Homemade fairy tale composition 9

The breeze blew through the low bushes, tothrough the dense grass and through the fragrant flowers. It was a spring evening.

Little White Rabbit, tired after a busy day, was lying on the sofa to rest and fell asleep unconsciously... Suddenly he remembered a knock on the door. who is it? The little white rabbit got up, dazed, and looked through the crack in the door. Oh! My God, his head... his hair is like a hedgehog; his eyebrows are as long as barrels of fire; he is so fat that you can't even see his indescribably thick chin; , which is terrifying!

"I don't want to open the door, I definitely don't want to open the door!" the little white rabbit said tremblingly, and quickly sat back on the sofa.

Suddenly I remembered another knock at the door. The little white rabbit looked through the crack in the door with a nervous heart. ah! Her pink face is round and big, her pink body is extremely soft, herexquisite little nose seems to smell the smell here all the time, its big ears are attentive to listening to the surroundings, its slender tail is curled into a circle; , which is extremely cute!

"I want to open the door, I have to open the door!" The little white rabbit enthusiastically invited him in. But when she just wanted to hug him, he showed his sharp fangs, "Ah -" the little white rabbit suddenly woke up, "it turned out to be a dream."

Composition self-written fairy tale story 10

Mother Feng has a child named Feng Wawa.

One day, when Feng Wawa went out to play, he met Mother Rabbit who was in distress. Feng Wawa ran to him and asked, "Mother Rabbit, what are you worried about? Mother Rabbit said: "I heard that it will rain in the past few days, but I still have a lot of clothes that have not been dried. What should I do?" Feng Wawa said. When the wind blows, the clothesteeth are dry and the mother rabbit says: "Thank you! Wind doll!"

The wind doll continues to move forward and meets his friends as he walks. “Let’s go play soccer!” a friend suggested, and everyone walked to the park together. At that moment, everyone found a little boy crying. It turned out that his kite couldn't fly. The wind doll said, "Don't cry, I'm here to help you." "Really?" The little boy asked, "Of course, everyone blew together, and the kite flew flew away, and the little boy laughed again

In the evening, Mother Feng praised Feng Wawa, saying that Feng Wawa was a good child willing to help others

Story composition by. homemade fairies 11

The magpie and the crow are a pair of good friends. They both live in the same village. The magpie often opens its wings into a fan and flies around the village with its long tail, showing the beauty. ofhis feathers. Or, simply stop on the tallest tree in the village and sing a song: What is the most beautiful bird in the world? With a small sharp beak, a long tail, a white belly and shiny black feathers, this is my little magpie, the most beautiful in the world. Who sings the most beautifully in the world? Chirp, chirp, chirp, the grass sprouts, the flowers smile, the children clap and the adults blossom with joy. Everyone listens to me telling good things and praising myself like a magpie... I have nothing to do all day, I only know how to comb my feathers, sing and enjoy everyone's praise. As for the crow, he hides in his house all day and doesn't dare come out. Because he has black feathers, he is always ignored wherever he is, and is often made fun of because he is ugly. Even his cry was considered too loud and loud by everyone. When they heard it, they couldn't help bute frowned, with a look of disgust on his face. The crow felt very sad, so he hid for fear of meeting the people of the village.

When the magpie saw that the crow had not come out, she thought that the crow must be afraid that the village animals would say that he was not handsome. That night the magpie came to Crow's house and knocked gently on the door. The raven wondered who had come to see him. When he opened the door, he saw the magpie pointing at the crow and saying: Crow, crow, if only you had beautiful feathers like me! Unexpectedly, the crow was angry, even his good friend didn't like it and said: What do you mean? The magpie said calmly: What do you mean? Humph, you don't understand, I talk about you like an ugly thing! You... The crow was angry and argued with the magpie: My feathers are not beautiful, but I am strong, and my voice is not pleasant, but it is very loud. But persno one likes you, not as popular as me. In this way, they have made noise all the way to Grandpa Turtle's house, and they have to ask him to comment. Okay, okay, stop arguing. If you continue to argue, the roof of my house will fly off. Only then did the magpie and the crow stop. Grandfather Turtle said: Don't be angry. You each have your own advantages, but it's not good that one of you plays outside all day and the other stays at home all day. If you want to do it, why don't you not guard the coal bunkers on the east and west sides of the village respectively. The magpie and the crow said in unison: OK. The next day, the magpie went to the east coal bunker, and the crow stopped hiding at home and went to the west coal bunker with his luggage.

A few days later, a cunning fox arrived in the village. As soon as he entered the village, he saw themagpie looking in the mirror and carefully preening its feathers next to the pile of coal in the east coal bunker. The magpie was so absorbed that she didn't even feel that the fox behind her was walking quietly towards her. The fox caught the magpie, and the magpie was so frightened that it screamed quickly, but its voice was too weak and no one in the village heard it. The poor magpie could only become the fox's meal. The fox quickly ate the magpie, walked out of the coal bunker, and said to himself: There must be delicious food in the coal bunker to the east, and there must be delicious food in the coal bunker to the east. 'west. So the fox tiptoed to the west coal bunker, opened the door and saw no one inside, thinking: There is no one in the west coal bunker, so I'm going to steal coal. Then the fox caught the coal, and the crow flew awaysuddenly, scratching the fox's face with its thick claws, beating the fox with its broad wings and uttering a loud cry: Come on, come on, catch the thief. The villagers heard the crows singing and knew that a thief had come to the village, so they ran to the west coal bunker with rakes, shovels and hoes. As soon as they entered the door, they saw the fox and the crow entangled. The villagers raised rakes, shovels and hoes to beat the fox until its nose was bruised and its face was swollen. was put in a police car and put in jail...

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