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編輯:楓葉 日期:2024-01-02 10:42:01 分類:英文起名

水煮肉片飯Sichuan boiled prok with Rice

水煮牛肉飯 Sichuan Boiled Beef with Rice

水煮千頁豆腐飯Boiled Thousand Layer Tofu with Rice

水煮魚片飯Sichuan Boiled?Fish with Rice



菠蘿油:Buttered pineapple bun

老婆餅: A sweet heart cake (Cantonese: lo po pang; Mandarin: lao po bing; Chinese:老婆餅, "Wife Cake")

格仔餅: Waffle

辣魚蛋: Spicy Fish Balls

砵仔糕: Red bean brown sugar ricecake/ Red bean sugar ricecake

雞蛋仔: Chinese egg pancake

碗仔翅: Shark's fin soup

蛋撻: Chinese custard tart,砵仔糕應該系 brown sugar rice pudding

雞蛋仔系 egg puffs

蛋撻系 egg tart,老婆餅 (CHESE PASTRY) 是一款廣東傳統餅食,在中國香港亦可找到。


碗仔翅 (Counterfiet Shark‘s Fin) 是中國香港常見的街頭小吃之一,以前通常由小販在街邊販賣,因以小碗盛載而得名。在從前,不少小販向酒傢拿些零散的魚翅(俗稱「翅頭翅尾」),加入冬菇、木耳、豬肉絲、高湯加入味精、馬蹄粉(或豆粉)等煮成。

窩夫(waffle),又叫華夫、格子餅、格仔餅、壓花蛋餅,是一種烤餅,源於比利時,用waffle iron烤成。烤盤上下兩面呈格子狀,一凹一凸,把倒進去的面糊壓出格子來。

牛雜 assorted cow^s internal / assorted cow^s offal

中國香港的奶茶又稱為「 *** 奶茶」(Hong Kong style Milk Tea),於中國大陸多稱為「港式奶茶」,以紅茶混和濃鮮奶加糖制成,下奶及糖或多,杯的體積較大,熱飲或凍飲均可,但凍飲一般加兩元。與英式奶茶不一樣,港式奶茶是普羅大眾和低下階層的流行飲料,一般於早餐或下午茶時飲用,如出外用膳的話即使於午餐或晚餐也會喝到,在茶餐廳、快餐店或大排檔都有供應,配搭中餐或西餐均可。


波羅包? - Rocky Bun

波羅油? - Rocky Bun with butter

煎釀三寶? - Fried Stuffed Snack

魚蛋? - Fishball

臭豆腐 - Fermented Bean Curd

雞蛋仔? - egg-shaped fluffy pancake

燒賣-siu mai

蝦餃-steamed prawn dumplings

幹炒牛河-stir fried beef with flat rice noodles

燒鵝瀨粉-Roast goose with glass noodle soup

乳鴿-Roast pigeon

及第粥-not sure

瑤柱蛋白炒飯-fried rice with dried scallop and egg white

鳳爪-Stewed Chicken Feet

稷-Rice parcels

綠豆沙-Sweet green bean soup

年糕-Rice Cake

楊枝甘露-Sweet Coconut soup with Pomelo, mango and sago

馬拉糕-Chinese steamed sponge cake

豆腐花-Sweet bean curd desert

蛇羮-snake soup

,參考: ...,


The fermented bean curd smells like smelly and eat joss-stick, some people to it respect but far of, some people will then eat it to be a kind of habit.


The sugar oil Ba Ba, The special features fries in oil a food


Spicy crayfish, the color and luster is red and bright and the joss-stick is hot and fresh and thick.


