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編輯:楓葉 日期:2024-01-02 06:54:01 分類:英文起名


Singing competition 。


Participate in a competition: 參與比賽

Take part in a contest: 參加競賽

Join a tournament: 參與錦標賽

Compete in a championship: 參加冠軍賽

Enroll in a sporting event: 報名參加體育賽事

Enter a race: 參加賽跑

Sign up for a game: 報名參加遊戲

Enter a talent show: 參加才藝表演秀

Enter a beauty pageant: 參加選美比賽

Join a quiz competition: 參與問答競賽


I will participate in a photography competition next month.


Our school team is taking part in a robotics contest this weekend.


She joined a national singing competition and won the first prize.


He enrolled in a marathon and trained hard to prepare for the race.


They entered a talent show and showcased their dancing skills.




歌唱比賽英語稱為singing competition。

singing competition來源方面,singing源於動詞sing,表示唱歌;competition源於名詞compete,表示競爭。例句:She won the first prize in the singing competition. 她在歌唱比賽中獲得瞭第一名。

Adela, 愛得拉 德國, 尊貴的;優雅的。

Yedda, 耶達, 英國, 天生有歌唱的才華。

Odelette, 奧蒂列特, 法國, 聲音如音樂般

Evangeline, 伊文捷琳, 希臘, 福音的信差,福音;天使

Emily, 埃米莉 條頓,拉丁, 勤勉奮發的;有一口響亮圓潤的嗓音之人

Carol, 卡蘿, 法國, 歡唱,悅耳歡快的歌

上一篇:洋氣好記的花店 利用希臘花朵神話取名?

