Just buy it from the seller. However, purchasing lithium batteries is not just an occasional purchase. You need to be clear about the specifications of the lithium batteries you want to purchase. Only when the specifications are clear can you purchase lithium batteries that are suitable and easy to use.
The current market in the field of lithium batteries is very confusing, mainly regarding virtual capacity standards. If you're buying a lot, you might as well buy a few first and measure their capacity. As long as there is no capacity issue, this is usually not a big problem. This type of battery is commonly used as a power battery and has the longest lifespan of all batteries.
Purchasing instructions:
First: When purchasing lithium batteries, you should choose a regular manufacturer. The three necessary documents are the license asrcial, quality inspection report and product liability insurance. All three certificates are essential, including insurance, which provides solid financial protection in the event of an accident caused by a battery.
Second: Lithium battery cell selection is crucial. The quality and number of cycles of the cells are directly related to the lifespan of the lithium battery.
Online shopping. It is sold on many online platforms. Including factory direct sales. Or the battery meter at your local electrical mall. 3If the quantity is large, you can order from the manufacturer. 18650 is the creator of lithium-ion batteries - a standard lithium-ion battery model defined by the Japanese company SONY in order to reduce costs. 18 means the diameter is 18mm, 65 means the length is 65mm and 0 means. Cylindrical batterye.
Type Differences
Lithium batteries are labeled 3.7V or 4.2V. It's just that the manufacturer's labeling is different. 3.7V refers to the platform voltage (i.e. typical voltage) of battery discharge during use, while 4.2V refers to the voltage when it is fully charged.
Common rechargeable 18650 lithium batteries have a standard voltage of 3.6 or 3.7 V. When fully charged, it is 4.2 V. This does not matter much. something to do with the power (capacity) of 18650 batteries. from 1800mAh to 2600mAh (the capacity of 18650 battery is mainly 2200~2600mAh), the main capacity even has a capacity of 3500 or 4000mAh or more.